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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by skinnygirlwithin

  1. skinnygirlwithin

    I'm always cold?

    You are not alone... 4 months out & holy coldness hasn't gotten any better... there are quite a few post about be cold on here..
  2. skinnygirlwithin

    3rd week stall

    Give it time... Just keep doing what you are supposed to be doing... and the scale will have no choice but to move... my 3week stall lasted about 10 days... then another stall about 6 /7 weeks out... but your body will catch up... just don't watch the scale. take pride in the non scale victories - you maybe losing inches and not even realize it (i found if i do 3 days of Protein shakes, it helps kick start the weight loss train... but at 3 weeks out, you are prob tired of them)
  3. skinnygirlwithin

    7 weeks after plastics!

    I think someone said "HOLY HOTNESS!" and they are so right!!! you look amazing!!! How inspiring!!!
  4. skinnygirlwithin

    What exactly does "tolerate" mean?

    Bacon, pork chops & Ham use to be like my FAV food GROUP! NOW I can't tolerate anything from a PIG - it physically makes me vomit. also I can't tolerate sweets either... it makes me ill... not that i dont love them - my taste buds & new tummy do not like them... my taste buds have really been wacked out since surgery... my dr said its unexplained and happens to a handfull of people... Oh and i cant toerate the YOKE of an egg... CRAZY!!!!
  5. You are doing Great... 30lbs is something to be proud of!!! Are you keeping track of what you actually put in your mouth? you might be surprised by your carb & fat intake if you are not keeping track. Make sure you are eating Protein first & you are getting all your Water in... & make sure you are walking or doing some kind of excersice every day. Try to do 3 days of just Protein shakes... it could jump start you back into losing weight... But dont beat your self up, everyone goes through these types of stalls. I did at 6 weeks - ugh it was awful... and gained 5lbs i wasnt even eating that much food. but it too passed... I dont get my period any more - but even though i dont, my body still goes through the cycle as in weight gain etc... and i never knew this till after surgery... so i know come the 20th to the 30th... I STAY OFF THE SCALE - Good luck to you!! Keep your chin up, you didnt gain the weight over night, its not going to come off that way either
  6. I pick “OTHER” My first time eating out – I was really nervous – but nothing happen to me, I didn’t get sick – no one looked at me like I was crazy… so I got over it. Lol I am 4 ½ months out, and for the most part I have avoided going out to eat – I have only been out a handful of times … I have found that I do not enjoy going out to “eat” as I did before surgery – I go more for the conversation & not the food… If I go out to eat – I try to get something that is high Protein low fat… like shrimp cocktail or an appetizer but I also don’t beat myself up if I get something crazy because I am only going to eat about 2 oz of it anyway, and more than likely my husband will eat the rest… if he doesnt eat it, i will have it for leftovers for days on end... HAHA...
  7. skinnygirlwithin

    Free Isopure

    HI @@SandeeD - I sent you a message.
  8. skinnygirlwithin

    I'm freezing and so tired..

    No - lots of us go through this... i have been told after a year it shouldn't be as bad... but i am only 4 1/2 months out so once i get to a year i will let you know... I had my surgery in the WINTER... was the coldest winter EVER... i walked around with 2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of sweat pants & 3 shirts... with a blanket wrapped around me (IN MY HOUSE) LOL just know you are not alone!! thankfully summer is around the corner for you
  9. Great Question! I am 5'7" and 41 years old. My weight was 253 and on the Day of surgery I was 240 (Surgery was 12/11/13) so i am just about 4 1/2 months out. I am down a total of 72lbs. I want to lose another 30lbs - I had one child so my belly is soft & slight sag, but you cant tell in clothes & was this way before... I wouldnt say i have saggy skin, but that i need to tone my arms & leggs... i had a DVT so i havent been able to do any type of work outs or walking for the last 6 weeks, i was just cleared to start low impact upper body stuff... so that is what i am going to work on - there are some great u-tube for "bat arms" Good luck with your loss!
  10. skinnygirlwithin


    @PdxMan you know you are so right! we all have been over weight & we all have a number in our heads that we want to be... but our real goal is to be healthly & feel good - Right? I think that is going to be my new goal... and stop beating myself up over the scale... it surely took me more then 6 months to pack on the weight... so for it to all come off in that time is kind of crazy to think that... thanks!!
  11. skinnygirlwithin

    Easter Dinner.. I watched

    I am little over 4 months out... I use to LOVE Ham.. Bacon.. PORK... now since i have been sleeved - anything from a PIG makes me sick almost as soon as i put it in my mouth. So i cooked for 16 people this beautiful ham.. without thinking, i tasted it... It was so gross & awful... thank goodness i make a turkey too... of course i had 2 bites & was stuffed LOL - but i sat back & watched at everyone "pigging" out... it was kind of like an outer body experience haha
  12. skinnygirlwithin

    anyone experincing this

    I was told by my doc that the yoke is very hard to digest - Even at 4 1/2 months out, i still can't do the yoke, just egg whites. and My stomach made so much noise - now not so much.
  13. skinnygirlwithin

    Getting so close to ONEDERLAND I could....

    Oh so exciting!!! When I hit the Onederland I was dancing around in my bathroom screaming like i just won the lotto (haha just thinking back on this makes me giggle) anyway - I did reward myself with food (i know i know) BUT i have been so strict with what i allow myself to eat... that I promised myself & my husband, that once i hit 199 i wanted to go to our fav pub.. (i have not celebrated any other milestones or have gone out at all for that matter) so this was a big deal for me... I ordered 2 appetizers - chicken cutlets and creamy parmesan boneless wings... i had a bite of the chicken, spit it right out... then had ONE... boneless wing and well afterwards i felt stuffed, sick & just ticked - it wasn't the same anymore... I should have gone for jewelry LOL... I would do something special for yourself... or buy yourself something that when you wear it, it will remind you of your journey & how far you have come!!! good luck to you!!!
  14. skinnygirlwithin

    Finally Becoming Happy

    You look awesome!! Congrats on your weight loss & continued path of healthiness!!
  15. skinnygirlwithin


    that's awesome!! congrats to you - you look great!!!
  16. skinnygirlwithin

    3 months post op

    wow!! that's awesome!!! Congrats to you!!!!
  17. skinnygirlwithin

    You know you lost weight when

    How about when a reg size bath towel fits around your body???
  18. I hit 70lbs lost today!!! pinch me i feel like i am dreaming!!!

    1. skinnygirlwithin


      only 30 more to go!!

    2. Carlotta1


      Yahoo.. Go skinny girl within.



    3. Teachamy


      Pinch, pinch! You're awake! Way to go!


  19. skinnygirlwithin

    You know you lost weight when

    @@LynRN the bottom... unless i was bending over,,, then out the top they came...lol i went from busting out of a 42DDD to 38D & really i think i could be in a 36 already... My mom came over one day & said "I think you need to go see Vicky about a Secret, cause whatever you are wearing under there isn't working anymore"
  20. skinnygirlwithin

    Help is this normal?!

    I agree with Chelenka - talk to your doctor. I would try replacing your lunch meat with Protein shakes, or do soft foods like fish... egg whites, or unsweetened apple sauce w/added protein. good luck!
  21. skinnygirlwithin

    You know you lost weight when

    LOL when your boobs fall out of your bra.... and by fall i mean slip out HAHA... come on girls you know what i am talking about... right??
  22. skinnygirlwithin

    eating at work.

    @@jimhead4866 - I would say wawa - you can get chicken salad, or salad bowl with chicken in it, they have yogurt, apple slices with Peanut Butter cups in it.. fruit & veggies... there are more choices at wawa then 7-11 etc... Even some of the hot foods you can get without a roll, like meatballs, hot roast beef, hot turkey... I am only 4 1/2 months out, and still not able to eat a lot, but when i forgot my lunch at home, i stopped at wawa and was able to get my days worth there... good luck!!
  23. I am really disappointed in myself... I started the day off with Protein shake and one bottle of Water... then it went down hill from there.... with all the running around preparing for a house full tomorrow... I just realized (at 9pm at night) I haven't had anything to eat since this morning and that was my shake... and 1 16oz bottle of water... I am hanging my head in shame... I don't know why, but during the week, I am so regimented I have every meal and snack packed & ready for the work week... but when the weekend comes, it all falls apart... every weekend I say Ok I am going to stay on track, and continue... but I don't... Has this happen to any one else?
  24. skinnygirlwithin

    Am i done losing weight?

    I'm thinking stall too! its only been 2 weeks.. and you are near the end, so its going to be that much harder now... Someone i know was in a stall for almost 2 months as she approached her goal, she went back to basics... she did the pre-op diet for a few days, then started the post op diet, fluids, soft foods... this helped jumpstart her back to lossing the last 10 pounds... just a thought if you really wanted to shake things up... Congrats to you on your "loss"!!!
  25. skinnygirlwithin

    PA - Philadelphia area

    Hi Martha - not sure who you were asking, so i thought i would just reply. In my 4 months I have learned to take ONE day at a time but always pre plan your day. Make sure you always have "go to foods"... and CHEW CHEW CHEW... and then chew some more, and right before you swallow, give it one more chew haha But if you are chewing something and you think you’re going to be sick, spit it OUT... OH and ALWAYS eat the best piece FRIST cause you might be full before you get to it... if you mess up, acknowledge it and move on don’t sit there & beat yourself up. There are going to be days were you don’t get in all your fluids or Protein, just try to do better the next day – Keep a log you might be doing better then you think. Try not to get upset when you stall... it’s going to happen... that’s the truth! Just because you are not losing pounds doesn’t mean you aren’t losing inches… Take pictures & measurements every step of the way, so you can look back & see how far you have come… I wish I kept a better log and took more pictures during my process… I did take pictures of the scale when I hit milestones & its nice to look back & see the date of the weight & see how far I have come… This is not a race.... it’s a journey to becoming healthy and learning to break old habits. Good luck to you all !!!!

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