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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by skinnygirlwithin

  1. skinnygirlwithin

    4 months post op, how much can you eat?

    Of course we have... we all will at one point or another. Try not to stress - 2 weeks is nothing... i know it totally sucks & feels like forever, but it wont last forever... during a stall, you have to look for the NSV - like lost inches, or fitting into something smaller, underware falling down... its those little things that will help you during the stalls... cause they are going to happen... Try to up your workout, or look at your food intake, lower your carbs, increase your Water, maybe do a few days of just Protein shakes... something to "shake" things up a bit... Good luck to you! (remember this wont last forever)
  2. skinnygirlwithin

    7 Month Update

    AWESOME! you must feel as good as you look!
  3. skinnygirlwithin

    5 Months out!

    WOW! you are rockin it!!!! NICE!!! I am 5 months yesterday the 11th. I am so impressed with your running. I haven't been allowed to work out till i get my blood clot issue taken care of... but i just said to my husband on Saturday that once i am cleared, i would like to do a 5k... now mind you, i have never ran, do not really like running.. nor have i ever done a 5k LOL... but i want to do it... can i ask you how you got started? a friend of mine told me about a phone app Couch to 5k... i have been thinking about doing that... right now i am allowed to walk 1 mile (not at the same time) - but i go to the blood dr tomorrow & hopefully I can put this DVT behind me & get back to working out...
  4. skinnygirlwithin


    Every one is going to tell you something different, you should check with your doc or nut before you do. My Doc said when I got to 4 1/2 months I could have ONE oz of wine (no beer or anything with bubbles) and to try to keep it no more then every few days. This is not a problem since i am not a big drinker. When I go out, I order a sample of whatever wine I want to taste... Normally they don't charge you & and you get about 2oz... I don't do this to be cheap, but I don't really want to waste a full glass when I cant drink it all. I felt so hammered after having that little bit of wine... Just be careful, drinking will effect you differently now with your new tummy!
  5. skinnygirlwithin

    NSV: I don't float in the pool anymore!

    @NMJG Oh congrats on your NSV!!! Love moments like this - I cant "weight" either par1959 LOL!!! Guess i better start thinking bathing suit shopping!
  6. skinnygirlwithin

    4 months post op, how much can you eat?

    @Unhappysleever You will just know... - i actually feel like i am going to get sick right away when i put any pork type products into my mouth.. or pasta/bread etc... but always go back after some time has passed & try them again, you body & taste buds are always changing... (some people dont have any reaction to food)
  7. skinnygirlwithin

    4 months and 1 day

    how do u check your messages? you mean PM message on here? where the little message button at the top right...
  8. @slvrsax agreed.. I too had buyers remorse for the first 4 days on day five, I knew it was going to be ok... Day 4 I think was the hardest day of them all...
  9. I think i would love to be 8-10, i am currently in a 12-14 (14's are too big & 12s are just a bit too tight) but if i got into a 6, its not like i wont be doing the happy dance... cause i totally will be... i just think 8-10 is a good range for me and my build...
  10. skinnygirlwithin

    OMG! NSV!

    I wanted to share a NSV! I have been going to my chiropractor for about 6 years, however, I haven't been there since a week before my sleeve surgery (Surgery was Dec 11th 2013)... Anyway... When the Dr came out of her office to greet me (I was the only one there) she looked at me, then looked around, then looked at me & said to me "I'm sorry I was looking for someone else.." I gave her a big Smile & said "how are you?" she looked back at me & said "OMGoodness - I was looking for you, but you weren't the "YOU" a was looking for... WOW you look amazing, I didn't even recognize you - You look so happy!!" Such a great feeling!!!!
  11. skinnygirlwithin

    4 months post op, how much can you eat?

    i will be 5 months on the 11th of May, I am not eating enough per my NUT... i am only getting in 550-600 cals a day... so my goal is to get up to 800-850. Every day I have one egg white scrambled, am snack would be 1/2 apple (only 3-4 times a week) with a slice of low fat cheese, the other days i have 5oz of my Protein shake. lunch & dinner normally are the same and would be left overs. this would be about 2oz of Shrimp, Fish, chicken or steak (i can not do anything from a PIG - my body doesn't like it anymore) and it will have either a table spoon of veggies or brown rice (cant do both) pm stack would be 5oz of Protein Shake or some greek yogurt. I can get in about 3 oz of foods per meal, i can do about 5-6 oz of Protein shakes...
  12. try to relax... you got this, we are all here to support you make sure you pack chap stick... granted I had my surgery in Dec, but I found that was one thing I was most happy I had, my lips were so chapped... Honestly, what kept me calm... the thought that after surgery I am going to start living my life rather then just existing in it... It was the best thing i have ever done for myself. Wishing you peace of mind as you prepare!!
  13. skinnygirlwithin

    Tomorrow is the big day!

    Good Luck!!!
  14. skinnygirlwithin

    How has your view of others changed since surgery?

    As I read all of the above posts.... the above quote is actually how i feel... I feel for people that are overweight & know how awful the struggles can be.... (been there... done that...) - but my view of dieting has totally changed... watching how all these woman i work with, struggle with this diet or that diet... i watch their ups & downs... they are good for a few days then blow it 1/2 way through the week... and i completely agree if they don’t change their habits, they won’t lose weight... Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting different results…that is the same thing about how we USE to approach dieting… and that’s what I see for all of my friends & how they struggle… i can see clearly now that i am where i am...
  15. skinnygirlwithin

    Some good news

    I am 4 months out (May 11th i will be 5 mos) I am currently down 74lbs - before i was just existing in my life - NOW I live my life in my life... I am happier then i have been in 8 years!!! it was the best thing i have ever done...
  16. skinnygirlwithin

    Work is killing me!

    Oh boy!!! that is so hard - YOU should be SOOOOO PROUD that you have not given in!!! When the craving starts... go for a walk, drink your Protein shake on your walk - or go to the bathroom - something... they say a craving only last for 20 mins. Look at your before pictures... think about how far you have come... however, if you do give in, dont beat yourself up - address it & move on. I work with about 40 people and there is always something around for someones birthday or anniversary... it is so temping... I find going for a walk really helps - getting some fresh air and get something healthy in my little tummy... now i am NOT always perfect, but i am better 9 out of 10 times if i do the above. Stay strong!
  17. HOLY SMOKES!!!! THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!! totally impressed!!! how much more do you have to go b4 you hit your goal? How long have you stalled? You should be so proud of yourself!
  18. skinnygirlwithin

    Kids meal and wine

    I am not a fan of the Kids menu either... its all crap food... but if they have good appetizers i will get that... or shrimp cocktail or order a meal that I really like and will have it for days after. My Husband took me out for Breakfast Sunday – we split a breakfast – I ate the egg white, he had the rest… it was great, he said we should split meals more often... 2mos ago We went to a Brazilian steak house – I had called a head of time & explained why I could only eat about 2 oz of food… they agreed to charge me their Kids price. Tonight I go to a post-op meeting & picking my card from my docs office. (I never knew to ask for one until the other day – I had posted a question about medical bracelets / medical cards – apparently it’s a good idea to have both)
  19. skinnygirlwithin

    Are you happy with your decision?

    I didnt have the band... but went right for the sleeve & had it done on Dec 11, 2013 - IT WAS AND HAS BEEN THE BEST THING I COULD HAVE EVER DONE FOR MYSELF!!!!! I havent felt this good in 10 years!! I just wish i had done it sooner...
  20. skinnygirlwithin

    Leg pain anyone?

    I was about 3 months out, I had intense pain behind my knee... for 3 weeks I "fluffed it off" saying I just over extended it... well it was a blood clot. I am not trying to "sound the alarms" but please call your doctor & tell them everything... just to rule out a blood clot. it can happen to anyone - I am so lucky to be a live today...
  21. skinnygirlwithin

    so sad :(

    WOW!!! you are droppin OVER 8lbs a week!!! DAMN GIRL!!!! When have you EVER dropped that kind of weight in that short of time??? (i mean i dont know you, but i know i have been on a diet for the last 8 years & i havent dropped weight like that!) Cheer up & stop jumping on that scale... its not about the # of pounds - its about being healthy & feeling good... (ok its a little bit about the numbers...lol) just dont do that scale every day... SUPER PROUD OF YOU!!!
  22. skinnygirlwithin

    Cant get out of the 80's !

    Breath... you got this... you know we are all going to have stalls (everyones stall is different) for the last 3 weeks i too was stuck in the 180's (until today!) Do you keep track of what you are eating & drinking? i wasnt, i felt that i was doing everything that i should, but i have totally been sucking on keeping a log and i know my Water intake has been less then par... but this past weekend, i did only potein (shakes twice a day, and just fish, shrimp, or egg whites for my other meal) i walked a little longer & a little faster & tried to get in more water then i normally do even if it wasnt what i should have, just trying to get more in... today the scale said 179... This worked for me, it might not work for you... but i have found when i stall for more then 2weeks ... i shake it up with more Protein shakes in my day & that seems to help... Good luck!!!
  23. skinnygirlwithin


    LOVE THIS!!! you ROCK!
  24. skinnygirlwithin

    3 Months Post-op!

  25. skinnygirlwithin

    stall and frustrated

    I feel your pain!!! This was me for 3 weeks!!! but I am happy to report TODAY the STALL IS OVER!!! I am almost 5 months out... (may 11 will be 5 months) and weighted in at 179 this morning... I feel like for the last 2-3 weeks my brain was getting the best of me, trying chocolates... trying cakes... (we had 8 birthdays at work, all with their own wonderful cakes & desserts) it was a tough 3 weeks... but this weekend, I did all protein I had protein shakes for 2 meals & just protein (shrimp, chicken, steak) for my other meals... I kicked up my walking - walked longer & a little faster... Hang tough!! get it out of your system, then get back on track - don't beat yourself up over it... just acknowledge it, and get back on track... you can do it... LOOK AT HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME!!!! Happy Monday!!!

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