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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CrissyRing77

  1. CrissyRing77

    Omg Yopa is the best! 18 gr protein too

    Do you know the serving size? I can have only 6grams of sugar per 1/4 cup serving, which is close to this if it's a half cup cup of yogurt...I am clear for all foods just have certain healthy guidelines I need to follow. Sounds delish!
  2. I had my 8 week appt yesterday(even tho tmw is 8 weeks)...I got released to eat "real food" yahoooo! I had a mini salad and loved every bite! My doctor was very happy with my results thus far, down 37lbs from preop diet...over 1/3 of my excess body weight(100 lbs) we discussed my goal and his goal for me, which were surprisingly different, I am 5' even and he said he thinks I should be aiming for 130. I had set my goal in my mind to 110(started at 211) this puts me smack dab in the middle of normal BMI & what I weighed when I was super physically active and in shape. He thinks I will have quite a bit of excess skin due to a difficult pregnancy I had that stretched my body into the oddest shape, phooey! So he says 130 and a tummy tuck and I should end up at 115...I'm ok with that and see his point! At this point I'm just so pleased people are noticing my weight loss! My pants are big but due to being so disproportionate the waists are still fitting(tho surely loose). I'm excited to go down in size!! Heck at this point I'm in my old maternity clothes, which brings me to another part of my update I haven't talked much about on here... The week before Christmas I had a bit of a scare, I was 4 weeks out and woke up to terrible pain and wringing feeling in my stomach, like twisting and wrenching...saw my surgeon, he thought gastritis and possible start if an ulcer, got meds and slowly things calmed down...the day before Xmas I started having some pain on my left side next to my stomach, it got severe on Xmas day...I barely made it through presents then went to bed and slept allllll day...the next day I got a fever so the on call sent me to the ER with two thoughts, possible leak and dehydration...CT showed no leak thankfully but my spleen was gigantic...they were so rude and gave no explanation nor care to further check why and sent me home...the next day my surgeon called very alarmed, they were thinking I may have mono which caused my spleen to expand, so off I went for that test and another Upper GI just to be extra sure no leak....thankfully negative on the leak but sadly mono was negative, that would've been a nice clean easy to deal with diagnosis. So I was put on exercise precautions and asked to be very careful around my children or anyone bumping my side bc it was that big! Both my PCP & my Surgeon decided to take a wait & see approach where my pain was slowly subsiding. So followed up with my PCP last week and he thinks I did catch some sort of virus and it just attacked my spleen...we will do another ultrasound at the end of January and hope to see it shrinking...my surgeon was happy with that yesterday and I see him in one month! So long sorry short I have a gigantic spleen, it was crushing my little sleeve, making it very painful(the wringing and reflux symptoms before Xmas)It is still enlarged but a couple weeks ago I was able to start eating agin and now I feel normal! Phewwwwww! If you caught all that congrats! Lol! I have some preop pics on my laptop but I have one from my sister in laws wedding which was my last straw, I was 211 here, same as I was at my preop diet appt & the other is this weekend at my sons 3rd birthday party, where I got two wonderful compliments!
  3. CrissyRing77

    8 Week Update & Pics

    Ummm 45 is nothing to scoff at!!!! I feel ya tho mine is technically 10 weeks bc I lost 8 on my preop-they expected 15-20, yeah I also felt like a failure. I look at others who had surgery on my same day and they are down 50+ and I feel kinda bummed, but my hubby reminds me it's not a sprint it's a marathon! Some have a lot more to lose too so try think about %excess weight lost, in most cases we are similar! Would love to keep in touch and support each other! I too have had some acid issues but found Prevacid is working (after getting off my Protonix I had been on for 10 years) so thankfully we got that handled bc I was bad prior surgery and was so scared it was going to get worse! I was just released to eat regular food, what has your menu been looking like?
  4. CrissyRing77

    Well here goes nothin!

    Ugh I had that problem sadly now I'm the opposite and almost immediately after starting mushy foods have to take something everyday! Eeks! Get some rest your body has been through so much! Great job getting fluids & protein that's a huge accomplishment for sure! Despite the fatigue you "sound" like your heading in the right direction! Soon you'll be going to your one month follow up saying how did that happen!
  5. CrissyRing77

    8 Week Update & Pics

    Thank you both! Where are you guys at on your journey?
  6. CrissyRing77

    8 week update & Pics

    Thanks so much! It's hard to see the difference in yourself! Photos help for sure!
  7. I had my 8 week appt yesterday(even tho tmw is 8 weeks)...I got released to eat "real food" yahoooo! I had a mini salad and loved every bite! My doctor was very happy with my results thus far, down 37lbs from preop diet...over 1/3 of my excess body weight(100 lbs) we discussed my goal and his goal for me, which were surprisingly different, I am 5' even and he said he thinks I should be aiming for 130. I had set my goal in my mind to 110(started at 211) this puts me smack dab in the middle of normal BMI & what I weighed when I was super physically active and in shape. He thinks I will have quite a bit of excess skin due to a difficult pregnancy I had that stretched my body into the oddest shape, phooey! So he says 130 and a tummy tuck and I should end up at 115...I'm ok with that and see his point! At this point I'm just so pleased people are noticing my weight loss! My pants are big but due to being so disproportionate the waists are still fitting(tho surely loose). I'm excited to go down in size!! Heck at this point I'm in my old maternity clothes, which brings me to another part of my update I haven't talked much about on here... The week before Christmas I had a bit of a scare, I was 4 weeks out and woke up to terrible pain and wringing feeling in my stomach, like twisting and wrenching...saw my surgeon, he thought gastritis and possible start if an ulcer, got meds and slowly things calmed down...the day before Xmas I started having some pain on my left side next to my stomach, it got severe on Xmas day...I barely made it through presents then went to bed and slept allllll day...the next day I got a fever so the on call sent me to the ER with two thoughts, possible leak and dehydration...CT showed no leak thankfully but my spleen was gigantic...they were so rude and gave no explanation nor care to further check why and sent me home...the next day my surgeon called very alarmed, they were thinking I may have mono which caused my spleen to expand, so off I went for that test and another Upper GI just to be extra sure no leak....thankfully negative on the leak but sadly mono was negative, that would've been a nice clean easy to deal with diagnosis. So I was put on exercise precautions and asked to be very careful around my children or anyone bumping my side bc it was that big! Both my PCP & my Surgeon decided to take a wait & see approach where my pain was slowly subsiding. So followed up with my PCP last week and he thinks I did catch some sort of virus and it just attacked my spleen...we will do another ultrasound at the end of January and hope to see it shrinking...my surgeon was happy with that yesterday and I see him in one month! So long sorry short I have a gigantic spleen, it was crushing my little sleeve, making it very painful(the wringing and reflux symptoms before Xmas)It is still enlarged but a couple weeks ago I was able to start eating agin and now I feel normal! Phewwwwww! If you caught all that congrats! Lol! I have some preop pics on my laptop but I have one from my sister in laws wedding which was my last straw, I was 211 here, same as I was at my preop diet appt & the other is this weekend at my sons 3rd birthday party, where I got two wonderful compliments!
  8. CrissyRing77

    8 week update & Pics

    How do I delete I thought I posted in a general area didn't realize it was general questions...I found a different place to post.
  9. I'm only 8 weeks out so I don't have a ton of experience yet, mine are definitely not as noticeable as they were...but I had kidney surgery at 16 and about a 5" scar on my side and I have to look for it bc it's hardly noticeable....maybe my agent the time I don't know, but I'm super hopeful!
  10. I was advanced and encouraged to go fourth and enjoy a tiny salad and oh boy did I! Had smoked brisket for my protein and oh my word it was the most glorious salad!!! All five bites I had about two pieces of romaine and cut that small, then had a cucumber slice and half a grape tomato too! Ahhhhhhh I'm so happy!!! I've missed my veggies! Today I am having a strawberry with my egg
  11. I am getting excited at the thought of eating some fresh veggies (oh the ironicity) next week when I am advanced to regular food. So I am curious if you have completed your stages and are back to eating regular food, what did you eat first? I want a tiny salad, of course protein first but I salivate thinking of crunching some lettuce lol!!!
  12. CrissyRing77

    Not sure on which Protein shakes are the best?

    Another Premier Fan, I've tried Syntrax and Unjury mixes but I prefer the RTD Premier, no weird taste or texture and feels good on my sleeve if that makes sense...like it coats it lol!!! Isopure & I have a love & hate relationship....if I could just get passed that sour maple syrup aftertaste, I'd love it, I mean 40 grams of protein and we cons count towards our water on my program....but alas I still va or the Premier!
  13. CrissyRing77

    7 month pics

    You look wonderful!!! Congrats!!!
  14. CrissyRing77

    Before and after pic

    Amazing results! You look beautiful and so fit!!! Hope I have similar success!
  15. CrissyRing77

    protein shakes make me gag. HELP!

    My surgeons office only allows Whey Protein Isolate do you know if this is?
  16. CrissyRing77

    Well here goes nothin!

    The burping can also just be some of the gas that's trapped, are you up and walking a lot?
  17. CrissyRing77

    Well here goes nothin!

    A few things I had in the hospital and I'm not sure what they are giving you but I had little nausea(one we figured paint meds out) and little issues with burping etc...I was on Simethicone(generic gas meds they wouldn't allow me to use the GasX strips everyone told me to bring) I was also on IV meds for my GERD(Protonix) and they had me on a Nausea Patch behind my ear, when I was on the heavy pain meds the first day and super sick I was given IV meds to stop that but I forget the name, but it knocked me out cold lol! Maybe there is something they can give you to try to ease your symptoms...could it possibly be your pain meds?
  18. Maybe keep a lunch bag beside your desk with a couple ice packs and put your shake in a cup with a lid so you can sip & close then out it back in the bag.
  19. CrissyRing77

    protein shakes make me gag. HELP!

    I've tried a bunch at first I did one Premier Protein RTD Chocolate and one Isopure, I'm struggling with Isopure these days and just actually asked if I could dilute it! Maybe try a few more kinds. I still find those Premier ready to drink feel best on my sleeve and don't have a nasty taste!
  20. CrissyRing77

    Question about shakes!

    I was worried too and I'm only supposed to have 2 oz and I'm 8 weeks out...but I asked my surgeon bc I seem to be able to gulp without even thinking and was worried I was messing everything up, he said nope this is normal bc your tummy is a sleeve and especially depending on how vertical the portion is that remains it may nearly go straight through you! No worries! My bet is if you are in mushies or when you can start adding some dense proteins you will be full must faster! I still am barely able to finish two oz, so for example I am supposed to have 4TBSP of food(yes 2oz) so last night I had 2TBSP Taco Ground Beef(heated) then topped it with 2 TBSP Cottage Cheese, so all protein and I had to stop with one to two small bites left. If it was Greek yogurt it woulda gone down super easy. Hope that helps some!
  21. Awesome! Unjury HQ is very close to where I live and they actually came to my surgeons support group in November! They encouraged mixing too and they even had some recipes and one was the strawberry with lemonade! I can't seem to get into the shakes that I have to make...I even had a hard time with Syntrax. Glad I like the Premier tho sometimes I should mix it up!
  22. Oh and does any ones else think it's has this fake maple syrupy aftertaste! Glad I can't have sugar bc even the thought of maple syrup makes me nauseas drinking this!
  23. Awesome thanks guys! I usually drink 2 Premier Proteins for 60 grams then get about 10-15 through my food which is right on target but I'd like to use up some of this Isopure! It's funny how for the first month I enjoyed it but ugh it's sour and makes me acidy but at $3/bottle I better finish it! Lol!
  24. CrissyRing77


    Haha! I actually feel I got less air! I think I'll ask my surgeon Monday at my appt!
  25. CrissyRing77

    Well here goes nothin!

    Double post so I tried to delete. In having the hardest time posting today!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
