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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CrissyRing77

  1. CrissyRing77

    Today Is The Day

    I was the same way! Now at 6 days out I am in awe that its come & gone & I feel great! Hugs & prayers for you! Take it or day at a time! Can't wait to hear your update!
  2. CrissyRing77

    Hungry Every Two Hours

    Are you getting all your proteins in?
  3. CrissyRing77

    5 Days Out & I Can Gulp Water!

    Awesome thanks y'all! This paranoia of "if I do this will that happen" is killing me lol! Relieved to know its a-ok! I was thinking where the sleeve is pretty vertical now it probably just slips on down! Glad to hear you guys are doing well too! I am amazed at the human body and it's resilience!
  4. CrissyRing77


    I too was sleeved on 11/20 I'm doing ok with my liquids I've found that if I take even half of a normal sip, it hurts, so I barely "nibble" at my water! Now that being said I was able to get an entire premier protein in in about 3 1/2 hours of just barely sipping! I have to say the protein shake hits my tummy way better than the water! I just started working on an Apple&Melon Isopure and that's going ok! Just take your time I heaved for the whole first night into the next! Once they switched my pain meds I stopped! Do you think that could be your case? Also so they have you on any reflux meds? Maybe your tummy just needs a break. But like everyone said I would call your doctor just to be sure, they don't want you to be dehydrated waiting for things to heal! Hang in there, this is not easy! Every thing I do I worry if I'm stretching my new sleeve! Feel free to PM me we can keep in touch!
  5. I can't believe my day is nearly here! I'm trying not to worry too much! I have a wonderful, extremely experienced surgeon operating at a center of excellence! But I can't help but worry about those out of his control things! I keep consciously having to push them out of my head and keep my eye on the prize! My babies will have Momma around for a lot longer, I'll be able to chase them and play with them! I can't wait!!! I miss my old me! Will be glad to see this self conscious overweight boring dresser go! Bring on the tickling on the floor before bed and cute riding boots, I'm ready for the change! Wish me luck surgery'a not until 12:30 EST I'll try checking in either prior or after! See you on the bench!!!!
  6. CrissyRing77

    My Surgery Is Tomorrow!

    Awesome!!! I was sleeved 11-20 as well and opted to stay two nights at hospital! Glad I did! I feel so much better! While in the hospital I walked over two miles and most of my gas is gone! Mine never radiated to my shoulder it was just stuck in my stomach! Wondering if other 11/20 folks feel like everytime you sip do you feel gas just bubble up and relocate?! The big stuff is gone but I can't get rid of the little in my stomach! I've gotten down about 6 oz of water since 8 so I'm feeling good about the rest of the day. Sip sip sip! Ps I'd love some buddies too!
  7. CrissyRing77

    My Surgery Is Tomorrow!

    Whoops hit send... Any who surgery went really well, tho I woke in recovery heaving non stop...so went the vicious cycle of me heaving, then getting knocked out by phenergan! They wouldn't allow my hubby back to recovery, so by the time I snapped out of he haze it was 715p,
  8. CrissyRing77

    My Surgery Is Tomorrow!

    Whoops hit send... Any who surgery went really well, tho I woke in recovery heaving non stop...so went the vicious cycle of me heaving, then getting knocked out by phenergan! They wouldn't allow my hubby back to recovery, so by the time I snapped out of he haze it was 715p,
  9. CrissyRing77

    My Surgery Is Tomorrow!

    Hey y'all I am home now! It was a crazy few days lol! To begin with my surgeon was 2 hours behind, so we a few hours to sit in angst, but still trying to remain positive that if in my surgery required more care, I would e grateful if dotage same for me!
  10. Yes mine were, well sorta it said ages 3+ and my little guy is 34 mos so I was worried, but no one asked even one question and what a nice treat it was to have them there! My advice is maybe not the first day if you have a late surgery. I was still heaving and actually didn't have a room until 930pm, so I'm glad we decided ahead to have them come the next night! My doc also said he could discharge me the next day but I opted to stay another night and I'm glad I did! Good luck, ism just about home, can't wait to be in familiar surroundings!
  11. CrissyRing77

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!

    How weird my messages keep posting over and over and not even at the same time! Glad to hear you are doing well too! Everyone here said no shower until today. I can't wait to wash my hair! Lol!
  12. CrissyRing77

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!

    Wondering how you did? How you feeling today?
  13. CrissyRing77

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!

    Wondering how you did? How you feeling today?
  14. CrissyRing77

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!

    Well I'm officially on the other side! Yesterday was a tad but chaotic! 2 hours late then spent 6 hours in recovery bc the hospital had no beds! I was pretty nauseas and kept dry heaving, that was painful! Finally I got a room at 930pm! So car as most say the worst pain is the gas! I've walked and walked and it just woke go away! Today in on a lesser strength drug. Otherwise I'm pretty pleased with everything! Sipping lots of water even had 3 2-oz cups of broth which was heavenly! I was able to bring/put in some pj pans and undies and the nurse helped me clean up, that felt awesome! I was offered to go home today but I decided to stay the extra night! I'm glad I did, it's pretty quiet now that all my visitors have headed home! I'm off to do a few more laps around the unit before I head to bed! Nighty Night!
  15. CrissyRing77

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!

    Surgery delayed 2 hours and my butt hurts from sitting on this stretcher lolol! I'm just sooooo ready but I would hope he would take extra time with me if needed! Looking at 2pm now!
  16. CrissyRing77

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!

    Thank you! In preop now!!!!
  17. CrissyRing77

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!

    Thank you! In preop now!!!!
  18. CrissyRing77

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!

    Just noticed you posted today for surgery tmw! I head in at 12:30 today! Best of luck & safe travels!
  19. CrissyRing77

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!

    Best of luck! I'll be praying for you and all my other sleeve day buddies today as we all take this awesome journey head on!
  20. CrissyRing77

    My Surgery Is Tomorrow!

    Good luck to us all!!!! I can't wait to hear all the updates! I will check in on this thread post op tmw! Hoping you will all do the same if you can! Big hugs and hooray for us!!!!
  21. CrissyRing77

    Help Liquid Diet For 2 Weeks...

    I hear ya honey I've got two more days of Optifast and it's been painful! There were times I've cried! But I just remember this is to prepare me for a safer surgery! I also have found that if I cooked a bunch of meals in one day for my hubby & kids to eat all last week, then I wasn't cooking everyday and so sad! Also I hid in my room when they ate lol! When they wanted to eat out after the gym today I dropped them off and went to Walmart...just try to keep busy and the time will fly! As hard as everyday is/seems the two weeks have flown and I am in disbelief that my time is almost here! Hugs you can do this! Mind over matter! Tears are ok, believe me I have cried these last two weeks!
  22. CrissyRing77

    November 13-Tomorrow Is The Big Day!

    How did things go today? I hope all is well! I am one week out from today and starting to tire of my liquid diet terribly :/ By this time next week I'll be about to spend my first nights sleep in the hospital! Can't believe it!
  23. CrissyRing77

    Today is the day!

    Just wondering how you are doing!!??? Hope all is well!
  24. I just finished day 6 and I'm right there with ya! I've been drinking so much and following my Optifast and the scale has barely budged! It has reminded me why I need this surgery, bc if this was a diet with the intentions of getting me to my goal, I'd fall off the wagon! It's terrible eating the same sweet crap all day every day and then no encouragement from the scale! UGH! I'm so afraid of my appt on Thurs not showing half the loss they expect(15-20 lbs in two weeks) ....but I am so trying to remember how fortunate I am to have this opportunity for surgery. We will be successful!!! Good luck, I'm on Nov 20!

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