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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CrissyRing77

  1. I had to call my nut bc I was out and about last night and used those little mini Jell-O shot type container to measure bc they are 2 oz, so that's what I filled my beans into...well just now I made ham salad(lunch meat, 1tbsp lite mayo, pickle juice, mustard, and 2 wedges of laughing cow light) measure 2 TBSP of that and 2 TBSP of hummus which is supposed to be 2 oz, but now I am stuffed! It looks like 2x what I had! What are your guidelines right now? Mine is 2oz or 4 TBSP 3x/day!
  2. I'm so bummed I felt no restriction what so ever with my two oz of the beans :/. I've had a super easy time, so I'm worried my tummy isn't small enough!
  3. Congrats to you!!! I am two weeks out today as well!!! Only down 8 to your 15 tho but trying remain patient!! Are you on mushy foods yet? I tried some refried beans last night because I was afraid to start today when I was home alone lol! The
  4. CrissyRing77

    Can't Feel...

    I'm only two weeks out but I had a nasty rerun of gas pains and all of a sudden harder time drinking, my surgeon suggested I double up on my reflux meds(I felt 0 reflux for the first time in years bc I had a hernia repair) but with in days I was back to (new) normal! Are you on anything? Might be worth inquiring about? Would be sad if all the tummy issues could be helped so easily! I hope that helps some!
  5. CrissyRing77

    Stage 3 And 4 Food List, Whats Yours?

    Awesome thanks so much!!! Heading to your blog too!!!
  6. CrissyRing77

    Stage 3 And 4 Food List, Whats Yours?

    Can you tell me how to find you Gus on Pinterest!? I'm starting mushy phase tmw!
  7. CrissyRing77

    When Is The Start Of My Post Op Diet...?

    How is the food going down for you? I'm nervous to advance!
  8. CrissyRing77

    When Is The Start Of My Post Op Diet...?

    My doc required me to buy the Bariatric Advantage Vitamins at his office for the first 90 days! I have 2 Chewable multivitamins, 1 sub lingual B-12, and 4 Calcium Citrate Chews(like a Starburst) everyday since I got home from hospital.
  9. Hey guys I am 10 days post op and have felt amazing!!! My gas disappeared quickly probably about a week ago! I've had zero gas since, well today I woke with a sharp pain in my left chest, it feels like gas. My tummy is also not feeling well. I drink and it feels as tho it's hitting gas but if I burp no gas comes just the liquid. I'm only slightly worried, but I just don't understand where the gas came from I'm eating the same stuff(or drinking rather) I'm afraid it's a leak and I know that's ridiculous! i feel like the pain does seem to move. I've tried resting this am when I wasn't sure what it was, then took a trip to the mall for two hours to walk it off...I'm not feeling better and my fluids just aren't sitting well which hasn't happened also since a week ago :/ I should probably say I'm also worried because despite having my surgeon say it's ok my belly button incision was leaking blood for 5 days and wouldn't you know it stopped tho now a millimeter above it my old belly ring scar looks enflamed! I'm fearful all was infected at one point and now it's infected my incision and the muscle it was attached to and now I'll die of sepsis which is the cause of my gas (ok I'm only half seriously but for how amazing I've felt all week in feeling pretty crappy today and out of the blue!)
  10. I was released on full liquids and while I'm getting all my protein & fluids(300 calories in protein) I'm only getting between 400&500 at the very most calories and I've only lost 6 lbs in my first 10 Days :/ I mean I lost 8 of the fluids the pumped into, but as far as my weight upon check in preop I am down 6 and trying so hard not to fret and get disappointed! I'm sure we both are just going to have to wait it out and see a big loss soon enough...our bodies are going into survival mode and keeping the weight on! Hang in there and good luck!
  11. CrissyRing77


    I don't think so either :/ I can't even have veggies with seeds like zucchini even cooked, until 8 weeks post op bc they could get caught :/ I feel your pain we went to the movies twice this week and boy did it smell good! I sipped my Premier Protein and minded my business, but man oh man it's never smelled so good
  12. CrissyRing77

    I'm A Loser Now!

    I had surgery the same day and feel fantastic! I too occasionally move just right and say "oh yeah I had surgery I shouldn't do that!" Lol my only hiccup on all this is my one incision in my belly button won't stop bleeding, doctor checked and said it's fine I just had a hematoma below the skin and eventually it will empty and all will be good! Otherwise getting in my liquids & protein! How about you?
  13. CrissyRing77

    5 Mo's Post Op Vsg Pics

    Amazing girl! Look at your face what a difference! Beautiful!
  14. Hey guys I had my VSG last Wednesday 11/20 I am feeling really well! Aside from my big scar leaking some blood today(doc says it's ok). I am barely taking my meds! Now I feel like this is too good to be true! Over the last three days I've steadily been able to increase the size of my sip and it's just second nature I didn't even realize how big of a gulp I was taking until I literally just took down 3 big gulps one after the other! I know this sounds ridiculous but could my sleeve be too big? I know you don't truly know your restriction until mushy phase, but it's has me thinking and worrying! I hate all the worrying I am doing I just feel like I've gotten my protein & liquids in two days and on my way to getting them in today and it just seems abnormal! Talk me off the ledge please!?
  15. CrissyRing77

    5 Days Out & I Can Gulp Water!

    That's cool! I saw my very one in the hospital, it was hard bc I was still so nauseas! I'm impressed it even stayed down! I do(well not since becoming a Mom) X-ray & MRI so I if course wanted to see everything and talk to the Rad!
  16. CrissyRing77

    When Is The Start Of My Post Op Diet...?

    Hmmm I think all doctors are different...my office kinda lumps mushy&purees together. I do not have a purée stage but foods like Beans or veggies need to be almost over cooked then mashed or puréed. I can have mushy broccoli as is which surprised me too.. Shredded chicken made more mushy with a liquid was another example or salads like, egg salad, chicken salad and tuna salad. I'm guessing for you everything is to be puréed. I'm on mushy stage for 6 long weeks, so I'm thinking mushy will get old! As for the Unjury, I love it!!! Had it tonight actually! They are in VA and so am I, but I placed an order Monday and it arrived Tuesday....so turn around I'd fast even tho I'm close. Keep in mind you may need protein even in your liquid and mushy phase as the amt your tummy can hold is very small. I have soup etc, but drink a Premier Protein shake and an Isopure or the Chicken Unjury everyday bc soup and even the small amt of yogurt I can eat doesn't give me all my protein! I also add the unflavored to my cream Soups and even my sugar free pudding!
  17. CrissyRing77

    When Is The Start Of My Post Op Diet...?

    Haha! What did you have? My Nut says they define mushy as anything that even turns to mush in your mouth not necessarily on your plate, so one example she used was meatloaf!!! Ahhhhh! I could cry that sounds so good lol! I was salivating when hubby had avocado the other day and I'm dreaming of retried beans lol! Any other favorites to share?
  18. CrissyRing77

    When Is The Start Of My Post Op Diet...?

    You I agree 10 days post op! I was on full liquids once I got home (same surgery date) so I've been having my strained cream soup here and there, that was my Thanksgiving dinner lol! I start mushies 2 weeks post op(so this wed) I am both excited and nervous! How are the liquids going so far for you!? I'm doing great! Worried to rock the boat lololol!
  19. I wondered too but we have small kids and no family within 1000 miles so we had a friend pick then up after school then since my surgery was so late in the day and they couldn't get me a room until 930 PM he came up with me and got me situated then headed home. Got up, got kids off and came back in the am. I was super sick but had phenergan which knocked me OUT so when I did need help I paged my nurse. It was a-ok. I was glad to have a bit of alone time hehe! The next day when he came I had phenergan again and passed out during our conversation lol! So my answer is, while I worried up front, it was ok that I was alone both nights! I even brought ear plugs and just slept and walked laps the whole time!
  20. CrissyRing77

    Yup Hit The Infamous Stall

    I fear the 3 week stall as I am 9 days post op and only down 6 :/ 14 if I count all the fluid I gained in hospital and lost this first week too. I'm already a slow loser out of the gate :/ hellllppppp!!! 30 is wonderful! Hang in there we will all push through!
  21. Hi there I don't have those same guidelines my surgeon and dietitian said liquids flow thru fast so they don't stretch your sleeve, I asked bc I am one week out and drinking well over my 64oz and both protein drinks! I was worried bc in have no discomfort and can drink as I normally did! They said this is the first goal and I've just reached it faster than most. They also said next week when I advance to mushy food it will be a whole new ball game I'm limited to 1/4c at a time and they said I should definitely feel the restriction then!
  22. CrissyRing77

    Post-Op Blahs

    Boy ignore the typos! You can buy them in the COOLER...also as for the best tasting, I meant as far as chocolate shakes in my short experience
  23. CrissyRing77

    Post-Op Blahs

    You can buy them at Vitamin Shoppe if you have one? They are pricey but I do one of those a day with a Premier Protein Chocolate Shake(best tasting to me and it settles my tummy) it's cheapest at Costco, SAMs or BJs...anywho the Isopure at VS you can buy single bottles in the oiler to try, then they sell cases too! Just stocked up myself! They are 40g Protein in 20 oz!
  24. CrissyRing77

    One Week Ago Today!

    Oh my goodness almost dying? Scary !!! I too was one week out today! I feel amazing! Lst 6bs plus the 8 I gained in fluids, I thought I popped a stitch but saw my surgeon today and he says its just a hematoma draining which is normal(belly button). How are fluids going !? I'm able to get all in & protein so a week from today I advance to mushy phase wahoo! Hang in there and way to go, this is the start of one hing incredible for us !

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