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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BookWorm

  1. BookWorm

    Baltimore/Maryland area

    Wow, wish I had known earlier I just donated a bunch of stuff!
  2. BookWorm

    unkind drs

    I was pregnant with my second child and went to the DR for my monthly check in. We were in the military at the time so you didn't always get the same DR. Anyway, I lifted up my shirt to get the measurements of my stomach and he said, "Wow, looks like a bear attacked you". I had really bad stretch marks from my first pregnancy. Not sure I've yet recovered from that one and its been many years.
  3. How do you like crossfit? Going on Saturday to my first class. I've heard great things. Just looking to change my workout routine and someone recommended crossfit.
  4. I can relate to this. I'm also a tight 8 and loose 10. Frustrating.
  5. Fluff this statement is spot on with me " I feel mostly the same way about my body now as I did 65 pounds ago". I can't bring myself to even view my before pictures. I still buy clothes that are to big because I haven't found that comfort with my body. With reference to the running, I started out slow just walking and now run 5-6 miles a day. You can do it. Just start out slow and stick with it. You will feel so much better. I"ve had knee surgery and once the weight is off, its amazing what you can do.
  6. Jane; Thanks regarding the success. I think one of the things that has helped me to be successful is setting and reaching goals. I have this mental checklist in my head and the thought of putting a goal down on the list and not achieving it is maddening. Maybe its the perfectionist in me. This question was really about is it time to reevaluate some of those goals. I'm not unhappy with where I'm at and don't want to imply that I am. I've been striving for something so long that its almost scary to think that I'm there. Now what do I do?
  7. BookWorm

    Withings Pulse

    My questions would be how much do you use it and what are you using it for? I have a TomTom and I LOVE IT. I run a lot and I'm training for a marathon so I like it because it tells me how many calories I burn, elevation level, heart rate, speed, distance, steps, etc. I can share with friends, helps sets goals (ie time, distance, speed, incline, elevation, etc), compete with others, etc. If your just using a fitbit to track your steps, walking. I would say, stick with the fitbit and you will be ok.
  8. BookWorm

    Feeling unsure

    Normal. Take a breath, everything is going to be ok. You have done all of this work to get to this point, why would you think that you wouldn't be able to do the rest once the surgery is done? Will your committment level change? No! So stop doubting yourself. What you are feeling is normal, heck, look at all the posts on here about cold feet. Everyone gets them, just relax, your dedicated, committed and will get through this and be soooo much happier and healthy! good luck.
  9. For me it depends. I work out 6 days a week, running 4-6 miles a day. When I have a 6 mile day the next day I'm pretty tired. Drink lots of Water, get lots of sleep, take your Vitamins, and eat your protien. When was the last time you had your blood taken? Are you deficient in something and when you work out it compunds the issue? (Just a thought). Good luck.
  10. Yes, I can eat anything. However, since gallbladder surgery sausage is off the list. Just doesn't go well without the filter. (if you know what I mean). Yes, weight came off very fast in the beginning. I'm slightly obsessed with working out now so that helped me. I also was up and walking the day I got home. I went back to work after 3 days. Weight seems to be coming off slower now. I think I averaged about 15lbs a month and since May I've been about 5lbs-6lbs.
  11. I had a 10-12lb a month average until about May. I'm now about 5lb a month average. Hopefully, I can get to goal w/in a year.
  12. BookWorm

    Gallbladder attack - OUCH !

    I know exactly how you feel. I just had mine removed. My advice, get it taken out and never have to deal with the pain again.
  13. The scale is my accountability partner; therefore, I weigh myself everyday. Like others I try not to get discouraged one way or the other. I give myself a 3-5lb range to play with. Also, like a previous post, even if I don't lose I still like seeing a number that I haven't been even close to in a long time.
  14. I had surgery with Dr Gandsas in October and gallbladder removal this past month. While I believe his bedside manner left something to be desired, the results and surgery were great and the results have been great!
  15. Having the same problem. I burn 1200 calories running a day (7 miles) and I'm wondering if I'm not eating enough calories? Also noticed no weight loss.
  16. I have to be honest here and say that I hate when people type obvious questions with obvious responses and expect a different outcome when you get them. So, I may hate myself later for posting this question. But truly, is it just me or is it normal, screw normal, is it our responsibility post weight loss surgery to think about weight (gaining and losing) and what we put in our mouths every second of everyday, because I do; or do I just need therapy? I honestly think about it all day long. I worry that if I eat this I can only consume this much later or if I run this far I can have more of this, etc. I am also one of those people that weighs everyday. I know, I know, we aren't supposed to do that; however, it keeps me honest. It is my accountability tool. Therapy vs responsibility.....which one?
  17. BookWorm

    Therapy -VS- Responsibility?

    gomekast, I appreciate your perspective and reading between the lines, its a balance and having an awareness. Again, thanks. I began my post op recovery just like you. Did the same things you said...then at my 6 month check up I was ordered to stop counting and measuring everything I ate and drank. I was becoming obsessed with it..I thought for a good reason. But when my therapist started warning me and telling me it was bordering on some sort of eating disorder...that opened my eyes. My dietician also gave me the same warning..without knowing that my therapist already had this on her radar. I too had a bout with exercise bulimia, as mentioned above...I recognized that and stopped. That's still something I struggle with now, so I have to limit myself to walking and swimming(once I'm able too resume swimming anyways). Its a fine line for me. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is...just be careful. I did both..therapy and responsibility. The therapy made me realize my responsibility had gone too far and was slowly getting out of control. I no longer count anything, measure anything or track anything that goes into my body. I added in a mid morning and mid afternoon scoop of Protein powder to be sure I met protein goals without needing to count them. It was scary but once I got used to it it felt great. I was told to use the app recovery road I think it is to just write the food in a place that I could also track my anxiety I felt over not logging and tracking the numbers. I do still weigh every morning, but.., for me that doesn't define me/who i am and my day. I use it more to gage how my body is reacting to food, beverage, activities, stress...anything like that. I think its a fine line between responsibility and eating disorder like behavior. But again....that's just based on my own experience.
  18. BookWorm

    Therapy -VS- Responsibility?

    I'm a Gemini and you may be right it may be part of my personality.
  19. BookWorm

    Therapy -VS- Responsibility?

    Appreciate the fact that I'm not the only one. I thought maybe I was losing my mind. I do find myself struggling with the exercise bulimia as you put it. Since I never thought of it that way or as a problem, I appreciate the perspective. I do find myself doing this. In fact, I ran 7 miles this morning because I had gained 3lbs.
  20. BookWorm

    Have you ever noticed?

    I'm exactly the same as MichiganChic my body won't drop below 160lbs. Everyone says its my ideal weight. All I know is that it's frustrating.
  21. BookWorm


    Had sleeve surgery in October and had my gallbladder out 4 June as a result. Biggest problem is constipation and when I finally go, watch out. However, I'd take constipation problems any day over the gallbladder attacks.
  22. BookWorm

    The Ultimate Cardio challenge

    So I just completed a 5K obstacle course race this weekend (goal reached). I ran 6 miles this morning (normally 3-4 daily(goal reached). While running next to the Navy Yard, downtown DC at 0400 this morning I see a crossfit morning workout group running the stairs at Nationals Stadium. Have you gotten into the crossfit fad? I'm thinking about joining them in the morning but don't want to be the girl that can't keep up.
  23. BookWorm

    Gall bladder removal...soon!

    Just had mine removed due to WLS and things are so much better. The attacks were horrible. You will be fine. Reintroduce food slowly and avoid fatty foods and you will be ok! Good-luck!
  24. BookWorm

    Pure Motivation: What keeps YOU going?

    Simply put...Results.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
