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Posts posted by Kristin07

  1. Good Morning everyone! Hope all is going well for everyone. I love Thursdays... it means tomorrow is Friday. heehee Karri, OMG congratulations on running 5k!!!! That is so awesome. I have never ever ever been a runner but I guess I just need to try try and try again and build up. I usually stick with the eliptical... im scared of the tredmill heehee Did you start running for like 5 minutes then build up or? Congratulations though, that is SO EXCITING!!!! Phyll glad you are home. I am with Karri, I LOVE the rain. I know I know... I grew up in the bay area and now live in Sacramento for school so I was probably spoiled with nice rainy winters and hot and sunny summers. heehee I really do love the rain though! So I have also been trying to get my Water in. How much exactly are we supposed to be drinking again? I usualy just try to drink as much as I can. LoL Hi Janet! Still thinking about getting a fill?? Okay everyone... I am off to work. Then back home to clean the whole house. Hope everyone is having a wonderfull Thursday. Bye!

  2. LoL That is funny Denise! Goodmorning everyone!!! Hope everyone is ready for the weekend. I'm going to get my hair cut and highlighted tomorrow. yay! I had a , fill yesterday... my Dr. said im doing good. She gave me .15 it really is amazing how that little can make such a big difference. My sister came over last night for dinner and she said "is that all your really going to eat" LoL I was like "Woohoo" esp. since I couldnt even finish what I had. My Dr. is so so so conservative with fills... So i feel like It has taken me a really long time to get to this place of feeling restriction and not being hungry. I'm happy to finally be here! Okay off to work! Have a good friday everyone!

  3. Morning everyone!! Back to good old work today, arent Mondays a pain? I usually wake up on Mondays and think "today is a coffee day"! haha It looks like everyone had a wonderfull weekend. Karri, I cant wait to see your wedding pictures!! Janet, you look awesome!!!! This weekend was deff. a busy weekend on the thread, lots of people popping in who we havent seen for awhile. Hi everyone!!!!!

    Well... I spent the weekend (remember weekend for me is just Sunday LoL) doing some deep cleaning. I cleaned out my kitchen cupboards. It's always so refreshing to do that! Everything is nice and organized, everything old is thrown away and all the labels are facing forward. (my ocd habbit) haha

    Well I hope everyone has a good Monday!!!! I am planning on working on my closet today! We will see how well the coffee works. Bye!!!!

  4. Hey everyone!!! Its Friday, yay!!! Hope everyone has a fun and of course relaxing weekend planned. I think I'm going to bo doing some major spring cleaning and maybe do some shopping. Phyll, I'm so sorry about your aunt. I know its hard to miss the funeral, I wasnt able to attend my uncles funeral as he passed away a week before Christmas. I felt really bad not being able to bo there for my cousins, but they understood that my work just wouldnt allow me to take the time off so close to the holidays. My aunt told me if anyone understood it was my uncle because he was very dedicated to his work. So im sure that Aunt ginny understand about your travels... as she was also a on her feet type of woman! My thoughts are with you...

    Well everyone hope you have a wonderfull Friday!!! Take care!

  5. Happy Birthday Jackie!!!!!!

    Hope everyone survives Monday! Back to the same old same old. haha Grocery shopping today, so that should be fun. Oh and of course its payday so that always helps brighten a Monday. Well... off to work, then tan, then grocery shopping... then the gym or tennis? We will see. Happy Monday everyone!!!!

  6. Good morning everyone!!!!! How is everyones weekend going? I love Sundays... (its my only day off so its a day of relaxation!) :sad: Janey, I beat you I slept in till 9!!!!!!! I havent slept that late in a long long time...:scared2: Everyone seems to be doing fantastic on the weight lose!!!!! Linda, I cant believe you have lost over 100 pounds!!! Good job!!! Okay everyone... im off to watch a lifetime movie. haha My back is hurting today so I'm going to take an easy. Happy Sunday everyone!!!!!:wink:

  7. Morning everyone!!! Phyll your picture looks great! I love getting a new haircut... it always makes you feel so good. Actually.... everyones pictures look wonderfull. Stephanie.... like everyone else has said, although it is difficult right now, it is a blessing that they found this out now. My aunt is bipolar and I think it would have helped a lot of they would have known earlier. Things would have been a lot easier.

    Karri, congratulations on the DH status change that may be soon to come!!! LoL

    Everyone else.... its Thursday, that means only 1 more day till the weekend!!!!! Hope all is doing well and making healthy food choices!!! Be back later!

  8. Hi everyone!!! Janet, I did get a friend request from you and Phyll also. The site was working very slow for me this morning also. Nothing much is new with me today. My roommate and I went and played tennis for almost 2 hours. I am extremly sore! LoL I think im off to go take a hot bath. Be back later!!

  9. Morning everyone! I had LBT withdrawls last night with the sign having maintence!! LoL

    Janet... my kitty is doing well. He had a blockage in his urinary tract. Some sort of a crystal formation. 3 days in the hospital, and a week of oral antibiotics my kitty is happy and not in pain! All better! Now the task is trying to get him to drink more Water.< /span>

    I am very tired today... had a bad night sleep. I hate it when I cant sleep at night.

    Does anyone have recomendations for a kitchen scale? I want to get one and didnt know if I should just get a cheepy... or invest in something a little nicer.

    Hope everyone has a wonderfull Thursday! Tomorrow is Friday, yay!

  10. I'm here Janet, I'm here!!!!! LoL I was really exhausted today.... I have been feeling better from my bad cold... and I think I just had a tired day today.

    Twilight, to answer your question about getting tight when you are sick, I was much tighter when I had my cold. I felt like I didnt have anything but chicken Soup for like 3 days. It didnt help that when I did try to eat something of more consistency I would pb... and whenever I pb i get tight for a couple days... so pb for like 3 or 4 days.... no fun at all!! I'm all better now though. Yay!!

    Hope everyone is having a good evening!

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