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Posts posted by andielmt

  1. i just changed up my diet. instead of eating the same thing everyday i ate a little more fat and somedays i ate more calories and somedays i eat the average. to be honest i cheated last week and had 1/2 cup of ice cream 2 days in a row and a few chips and dip for the superbowl. i have been getting a little caried away on the cheating but i still keep my calories around 1200 calories, i dont recommend cheating everyday but i think once in awhile it gives the body something different.

    i am going to do better starting tomorrow because i didnt go through all of this to eat bad. the band has helped me so much, i eat less and i really pay attention to calories and i try to eat good. i havent really been paying attention to my Protein though. my hair is getting really thinner now so i need to focus on more protein. its hard to focus on protein and calories at the same time. i guess it just takes some adjusting.


    i wish you luck just remember that what works for me may not work for you and i think that i must be lucky so far to even lose at all

  2. i had my first fill on january 4th(.5cc in a 4cc band). today is feb 6 and ive lost 12lbs since my first fill. i noticed that i can eat like i used to. i dont mean quantity but i eat fast and dont chew well and i dont have any problems. i meet with my surgeon on feb 26 and i was thinking of getting my second fill. as far as loosing i think 12 pounds in one month is pretty good. i did go one week with no weight loss but once i increased my calories from 800-1000 to 1200 i lost 6lbs in one week. i have gotton a little of track though by eating a sweet a day for the past 4 days(im having problems at work and may have to find another job). i need to get back on track. so anyways should i get another fill so i feel more restrictive when i eat?


  3. its been a rough week this week. my boss has come to me and thinks that i am lying about my hours, i have to go in on sunday to find out whats going on. ive been trying to eat right and exercise but i am having a hard time staying on track. usually when i am stressed i like to eat but i am trying not to over due it. i did eat extra times today but i think my calories are around 1100. i have been there for 3 years and even hang out with my boss out side of work and now this happens. ive never have gotten in trouble before let alone fired. i am shocked.


  4. ive been eating about a cup of food each meal. last night i ate one small porkchop 1/3 a cup of veg and 1/4 a cup of potato. is this ok? it did fill me up for about 3 hours. i know im suppose to eat 1/2 a cup but im not there yet. i think that a cup isnt bad though until i get another fill.


    ps i noticed that when i eat less like 800-1000 calories i dont lose but when i eat around 1100-1200 calories i start to lose. its hard to say what is working for sure.

  5. thanks for the feedback, i will throw my sf pudding and Jello away. i have to say that ive only had one sweet in 3 weeks so the cravings are less so before i would have cravings all of the time so i would buy the sf pudding. but now i dont even want sweets that much which is huge for me because before surgery i would eat them once or twice a day. i guess if i am going to cheat once in awhile ill just buy one thing instead of a box of things which will be to tempting to keep in the house. i havent had soda since surgery and i dont miss it. i feel better listening to your feedback and realize that sf stuff isnt always the best way to go. i do buy reduced sugar stuff sometimes like jelly its low in everything. ive noticed though that when you buy reduced fat or sugar products they are high in other things so we have to pay attention to labels.


  6. kacee thanks for your post, i posted a thread the other day because ive been eating 1000 calories a day and exercising and i have stayed the same for one week now and am getting nervous. wow you went 6 weeks without anything thats along time. how did you get through it, did you think about getting another fill? i have had one fill and i can tell that i am getting full quicker and it stays for awhile. my next appt in on feb 26 so i may ask for another fill but i dont think that ill need many. there are a few times that i eat a little to much. i am currently eating about a cup of food. i know they want me to eat 1/2 a cup but one cup fills me up for now. hopefully soon i will get full on 1/2 a cup. how much do you eat? how long did it take you to get there? so overall i shouldnt worry about not losing this week?


  7. i sometimes eat around 800-1000 but other days i eat around 1200 if i cheat on something with a little more calories. i thought ive been doing well this week but the scales arent moving. i will really try to do better on food choices for the next week to see if that makes a difference. i am exercising about 3-4 times a week. i did have some broiled haddock at a restaurant last wednesday and some lasagna at my sister in laws on sunday but you would think that wouldnt be to bad


  8. it feels like i am losing slowly now. the first month i lost 20lbs then i went 2 1/2 weeks without anything. i then had my first fill and lost 5 pounds that week and another 3 the next week. this week i have stayed the same and havent lost. i have cheated a few times but that shouldnt ruin me losing seeming how i am keeping my calories around 1000. it may be due to the fact that i am eating a cup instead of 1/2 a cup. it really seemed like my first fill was working and i think it still is but not as good as in the beginning. if i eat around 6oz of fish so to speak i am way to full but somtimes 3oz doesnt fill me up. if we are eating better and less than before surgery then why doesnt the weight fall off?


  9. i went to my family doctor today and she really didnt have an answer she said it could be acid reflex which suprises me because im not burping and my stomach doesnt hurt, i used to take protonix years ago when i was taking meds and it bothered my stomach. the only thing i can think of is on friday i had dry heavs and shortly after that i felt a lump in my throat. i just want it to go away its so annoying.


  10. your right i need to eat slower and only eat a little and then wait to see how i feel sometimes i just eat the whole weight watchers meal because im used to eating fast. if i slow down ill eat less. i do sometimes only eat half of a meal on purpose because i dont think that i should eat the whole thing. i have been eating less than i ever did before but 1/2 a cup is 1/2 a cup and i shouldnt push it. i know that im eating a cup right now. thanks for the feedback


  11. life change

    i just talked to my nutritionist the other day and she wants me to eat a fruit or some Peanut Butter crackers in between my meals. so i think its ok. some nutritionist want us to eat only three meals a day. at first my nutritionist said only three times a day but because i crash sometimes ( usually if i eat to many carbs) she wants to regulate me so she increased my diet to five times a day but very little food each time. she said i should be eating 1/2 cup for my meals and then in between meals eat a small fruit or something with a little peanut butter. i hope this helps. also i wanted to comment on the fill, ive only had one and it seems to be working. sometimes i can eat a cup or more but other times i get full on little amounts. i think i will see how the next few weeks go. i had my first fill on jan 4,2008 and i am scheduled for my next appt on feb 26,2008. i am concerned that i eat a little more than recommended but defintely less than one month after surgery(nov 19,2007 surgery date). once i had two pieces of pizza now i dont even try to eat that.


  12. i had my first fill on Jan 4 and definetely can feel some restriction. i am losing weight and when i eat i am full for 3-4 hours. the reason why i ask this is because sometimes i eat more than 1/2 a cup of food. sometimes i can eat a whole weight watchers meal ( feeling very full after) and sometimes i can only eat half of one. the other day i had some broiled haddock and i ate about 6oz and i thought my band was going to burst i was so full. so what i am trying to say is sometimes i can eat 10oz of weight watchers usually (swedish meatballs with noodles) and sometimes i get full on one cup of food. should i be eating less? my nutrionist wants me to eat 1/2 a cup and thats for one meal. she wants me to eat some crackers with Peanut Butter or a piece of fruit in between meals because sometimes if i eat to much at one meal i crash and get very ill. so she wants to regulate my sugars( i am not a dietabetic). should i get another fill or am i ok?


  13. congratulations that is awesome. i got banded on nov19 and lost 20lbs in one month, it has slowed down since then but im 2 months out and have lost 28lbs, i wish it was more but i have to admit that i have cheated a few times on sweets and once mcdonalds. it was moslty around the holidays though and ive recently started exercising a month ago which i notice my clothes fitted losely. ive had one fill which i can notice some restriction. somedays i can eat more than others but for the most part it helps. thanks for sharing your success and good luck to you. have you had any fills yet?


  14. i have a little restriction after my first fill. i think that i will need my second one though because somedays i can eat more. but i have to say that if i stick to how much they tell me to eat i usually stay full depending on what it is. for example i had a Protein Shake for lunch and i was really full for two hours then bam i was starving. my nutrionist also told me today to eat a small snack in between meals because i sometimes crash after i eat a meal which may be hyperglycemia.


  15. i usually have 8oz of instant carnation Breakfast for breakfast and mid morning i have 8oz of Water. then i usually dont drink again until midafternoon i have 8-16oz of water then after supper 8-16oz of water. i dont feel dehydrated and its hard to drink anymore than that because im either full or dont feel like drinking. my friend who just started weight watchers is drinking at least 6 bottles of water a day and she is losing pretty fast between dieting and the water. i wish that i could drink more but i have a hard time getting more in. any feedback?


  16. i had few sweets this weekend like a piece of cake from my nieces birthday party and a handful of m+ms that i had at work on friday. i was doing well especially since one week ago when i had my first fill and now that one week has past ive slipped. im trying not to be to hard on myself because as long as i get back on track thats whats important. i just hate slipping period. does this happen to any of you? is it practical for me to stick to everything perfectly? i do well when i put my mind to it but sometimes i go back to my old habits and cheat because i always ate bad everyday before surgery. now i may have a slip up once in a while which is better i have to say than everyday. i just dont know what is ok. i know that once you slip it can be a set up for failure so i am aware of that. i guess thats why i am on here so i can get support right. i write on here during my good times and bad. i will exercise extra tonight and try harder this week.


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