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Posts posted by andielmt

  1. i just posted a similiar post about losing 4lbs then gaining it back. i am 4 months out now and havent lost anything in one month. it is my fault though because ive been making bad choices and i noticed that i can eat about 2 cups of food sometimes. when i was counting my calories and keeping my Protein in check i lost, maybe not every week but at least every other week. i know that my calories are more than my usual 1200 calories a day. thats what worked for me. how do you get back on track when you dont have restricion yet? i want to be strong and stick to it but it seems like when i cheat i then go on to eat bad the rest of the day. i am ready to lose another 36 lbs. any thoughts?


    thanks for being there i need some encouragement

  2. i havent lost any weight in almost a month then i finally lost 4 lbs in 2 days then i stepped on the scale today and gained it back. its been like this all month. up and down. ive been told that i need a fill but my next appt isnt until april 29. i will call today to see if i can get in but she usually is hard to get in to and it seems like she doesnt like to do fill any earlier than 6 weeks apart. last time i went in she said that i was doing great and that its not all about being restricted but how i eat. well i have been making bad choices but i also can eat about 2 cups of food whereas before i was eating 1 cup. i need to get back to eating better.


  3. i havent lost any weight in a month now. i had my second fill on feb 26 and for some reason i am pushing the my limits. ive been making bad choices and eating to much. the fill didnt do anything for me like my first fill. after my first fill i couldnt eat much for 3 weeks then i could eat more after that. why am i so off track? each day i wake up trying to make that day a better choice day but i cant make it through a whole day without cheating. i am so disappointed in myself at this point, i know that i need another fill but until that happens i need to rely on eating better. i am trying to focus on my Protein intake again because somedays i dont get enough in, also when i was counting calories i lost weight. i just dont know why i was so focused at first and did well and now ive slipped into my old habits. in the beginning i had more restriction than now due to the swelling. i want things to be that way again.


  4. i had my second fill on feb 26 and my doctor scheduled me for a follow up 2 months later. i want another fill because my last one did nothing but its hard to get into my doctor because she does other things besides band surgery. it seems like she likes to wait 6 weeks inbetween fills. i hope i dont have to wait until april 29 for my next follow up. i want my next fill as soon as possible.


  5. yes i only have 1cc in a 4cc band. i think i am more disappointed in myself for going back to my old habits of snacking and chosing bad things. i was so focused in the beginning especially when i was losing weight. now that i can eat more its like im testing my band a little. i cant eat as much as i did before surgery but i can eat more than im suppose to. thanks for telling me to call my doctor sooner. i will try to get in next week. its hard to get in though she is so busy and i dont think that she likes to do fills any earlier than 6 weeks at a time. last time she said that i am doing awesome and is pleased with my weight loss even though i only lost like 4 pounds in one month. as far as my bad choices do you have any advise on how to get back on track? if i can make it through the first few days than im usually fine for awhile. i just feel out of control lately.


  6. i had my second fill on feb 26,2008 and i havent noticed much difference, actually after my first fill i couldnt eat much for 3 weeks then i could eat a little more. now this is the most that i can eat since ive had surgery. have i stretched my stomach out? how long should i wait until my next fill? my next appt isnt until april 29. it looks like ill have to rely on will power until then. am i failing at this? i was so disciplined at first on what i ate now i am cheating a little to much. i think i am so disappointed that i havent lost anything in three weeks that i am stress eating. any suggestions? i could use some encouragement on how to get back on track until i get some restriction.



  7. i to am wondering if the band is working for me. i can eat like i did before surgery for the most part. there are some days that i get full quick though. nothing gets stuck and i dont have pbing anymore like i did for the first two months. i am frustrated. i,ve had two fills though and can definitely get more. i just want good restriction like i did in the beginning. i feel that i am going to have to count on will power until my next fill because i have been making bad choices lately and i need to smarten up. if the band isnt working 100% then i need to do my part and eat better. i know the band is a tool and not a cure but thats why i had surgery because diet and exercise didnt work.


  8. i had my second fill on feb 26 and somedays i have good restriction and feel full quicker than other days i can eat all day. my problem is that i havent been keeping track of my calories and im not eating enough Protein, ive been cheating on bad things here and there. i am trying to get back on track but i cant seem to get through the day lately without cheating. i did so well for the first 3 months, now ive lost it. i havent lost in 3 weeks and only lost a few pounds before that. how can i start losing weight again? i noticed that when i counted my calories it helped me stay in check and i ate around 1000-1250 and lost along with exercise. what about protein. if i dont get enough is this preventing me from losing weight?


  9. aubrie

    wow we are exactly alike. i am barely losing right now. did you have you second fill today? i wish i could say that my helped when i got it last week but today i ate a whole big candy bar. what the hell am i doing? i ate well all day but lately im having chocolate cravings. it is that time but i just had my second fill and i shouldnt push it. i did so well for the first 2 1/2 months but then after valentines day i started eating sweets and then all hell broke loose between that and the stress of maybe losing my job. how do we get back on track? i cant give up now. when you get a fill whether or not it really helps we should try to do better. let me know how you are doing. its nice to know that im not alone and i hope you know that you can talk to me anytime.


  10. if i eat to much my stomach feels full and it feels a little achy. i know people say that you cant feel the band but what am i feeling? my esophugus is fine when i eat. maybe your right maybe im not really tight because if i had better restriction i wouldnt be able to eat fast or so much. i do get full quicker though so i must have some restriction. in the beginning everything got stuck and i couldnt eat much is this where i should be?


  11. i had my fill one week ago and didnt feel to much restiction but today it was good. i still ate a little to much though. i went to exercise tonight and i was so tight i thought i was going to explode. i will try tomorrow to even eat less and maybe i wont be so uncomfortable. nothing is getting stuck at this point. i kind of wish things would get stuck because in the beginning it was like that and i was more cautious of how fast i ate and how much. now ive slipped on both things.


  12. i just had another .5cc put into my 4cc band which now equals 1 cc all together. sometimes i feel good restriction and other times like tonight not so good. i had some steak,veg and potato and im surprised that im not overally stuffed. i probably shouldnt let myself get to that point but lately i eat until i feel to full. should i just be eating one cup and then stop no matter what? after my first fill i disciplined myself to only eat so much and it worked for six weeks and i lost over 12 pounds. but i went 2 weeks with eating whatever i wanted and didnt pay much attention to how much Protein and calories i was eating. i think if i measure my food and count my calories like i did for the first two months this will keep me in check. its easy to slip when there is stress in your life. can i do this? can i go back to what worked so well for me in the beginning or are my bad habits going to rule my life?


  13. the first month i got everything stuck because i had restriction due to being newly banded. then after my first fill on jan 4 i had restriction for about one month but in the past two weeks i can whatever i want and nothing bothers me. im even able to eat more and not feel anything. did i stretch my pouch? i am really bothered by this. i was doing so well and now im starting to snack inbetween meals. ive been really stressed about my job situation so ive slipped alot. i am going in for another follow up on tues feb26 so i hope things will get back to the way things were. please give me some feedback because i am really worried that ive screwed things up.


  14. ive noticed that my hair is thinning out on the top of my head. you can look right through my hair and see my sculp. my hair is pretty thin anyway and it runs in my family but wow what a difference in the past month. i have gotten off track with how much Protein im eating and ive made some bad choices this month so maybe once i get back on track it will help. i want to take some hair, skin Vitamins but im not sure if i should where they are pretty big. any suggestions on how i can stop this?


  15. im am excited to get my next fill. i need another boost. i have been eating whatever lately but i know when i get my next fill i will be more cautious like i was when i got my first fill. for some reason i lost track ( its my stress about finding another job right now). i am thinking about my Protein again and trying to keep track of my calories. im just eating the wrong calories right now. my nutrionist thinks that i am right where i should be as far as weight loss with the band. its just frustrating to only lose 2 ilbs since feb 4th when my weight loss has been more than that each month. good luck to all of you. thanks for the support


  16. i am 3 months post op today. the first month i lost 20lbs then had my first fill on jan 4 then i lost 12 pounds during that month, now since feb 4th i've only lost 2 lbs so far this month. i have been making some bad choices and i havent been focusing on my Protein. im having problems at work and may need to leave so im not very focused right now. today i ate almost a whole personal pan pizza from pizza hut which surprises me because after my first fill i couldnt eat that much, i could only eat 1/2 and i was stuffed. now i can eat more at times. is this normal? did i stretch my stomach? i am going in for a follow up on feb 26. i am so disappointment in myself for getting off track this whole week.


  17. ill be 3 months out on the 19th of feb. and i havent lost anything in 11 days. i have to say that ive been going over my calories a little and have cheated 3 times this week. that isnt helping. i want to tell you that when i was eating 800-1000 calories a day i wouldnt lose but when i started eating 1000-1200 calories a day i lost 6 lbs in one week. it was healthy calories with a few bad things but overall it was good. this week ive been stressed and have been eating bad calories all week including fast food once and some sweets. so look at what your eating. are you eating enough Protein? ive heard that its normal to stand still at times. i have a friend who had the bypass and she didnt lose for one month.


  18. i havent lost any weight for 10 days and i understand how you feel but 25 pounds is good. i have been losing track of my Protein intake and have gone over my calorie intake for the past few days now so i need to get back on track. ive been really stressed out so its hard to focus on what i need to do. i have been eating like i used to before the band like eating fast food once in awhile and having a sweet for the past 3 days in a row. i just dont want to go back to that way of eating. im so discouraged and hope that i can get back on track.


  19. its normal to go through times where you dont lose. i went 2 1/2 weeks after i lost 20pounds in one month without any loss,i think the body needs to catch up. we go through so many stages at first. i am now almost 3 months out and i can pretty much eat anything i want without any problems so i need to be careful. i know that when you get the right fill things will be different. as far as eating 250 calories you probably need more. when i was eating 800-1000 calories i didnt lose for 10 days but when i went up to 1200 calories i started to lose again. it helps to change things up once in awhile. if you eat the same thing everyday your body gets used to it.


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