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Posts posted by andielmt

  1. i weigh myself everyday and it seems to determine my mood for the day. if i go a few days and see that ive lost like 4 lbs sometimes of Celebrate by eating something bad. and then the days when i gain a few i eat extra good. its a mind thing. im coming to the conclusion (even though i like seeing what i weigh everyday) that i need to cut back on how much i weigh myself. i should be trying to eat good everyday. its ok to have something sinful once in awhile but my way is unhealthy. its like im sabataging myself for some reason when the scale starts to go down. overall ive been losing 5 then gaining four back. talk about feeling like a failure. i am so upset with myself at this point. its been like this for 2 months. so should i only weigh myself once a week or should i stay away all together? i am obsessed to see everyday.



  2. i had my metabolism measured by breathing into a tube and it measured my calories allowed to lose also. i did this through the surgical weight loss program. i noticed pain mostly because i still eat to fast. if i eat something and dont chew it well i instantly feel it go through and its like a sharp pain. i need to slow down but ive always been a fast eater. sometimes gorging my food in seconds. as far as exercise i was doing the treadmill changing the speed and incline during my workout and now for the past three weeks ive been walking outside which has a lot of hills. maybe if i do the treadmill sometimes and then do outside sometimes it would be better. i havent been doing 1200 calories a day now for at least two months ive been doing more like 1600. 1200 worked for me a few months ago. i only exercised three times a week 30 min. and the weight came off. i just dont know how to cut back to 1200 now. i should listen to my body also. my stomach aches all of the time. i must be overdoing it. mostly the eating to fast is a problem. how do i start over and do things right?


  3. it will be three months next week since ive lost anything. i lose 5 then gain 4 . its been like this for three months. i had my third fill on april 15 and i do feel pain when i eat to fast or to much so i know its working but im not losing. i took two weeks off from exercise and started up again. now im walking out side 2 miles per day 5 days a week. when i eat i use my sons plates and bowls to measure how much i eat. i went for a calorie intake last week and it showed that i have a fast metabolism and i can eat 1567-1987 calories a day and still lose. how can i lose 5 then gain back 4 when im not going over my calories? i also havent had any fast food, pizza, or chinese for one month now. the only thing that ive had that is kind of bad is fat free frozen yogurt. help i need some advise. should i stay away from the scales for awhile? my emotions are all over the place because one minute im losing then the next i gain some back.

    thanks andrea

  4. i can relate 100%. i am 5 months out now and have lost almost 40lbs. the first 32 pounds came off in the first 3 months and now i havent lost anything in 7 weeks. i lose 3-5 then gain it back. it seemed easy at first but now i am struggling to make good choices and keep up on the exercise. i to started feeling good about losing weight because everyone i knew would comment on how much better i was looking. its like i gave myself permission to slip at that point. i need to lose another 60 pounds and need to keep with the program. i did have my third fill on april 15 but havent really lost anything. i do acknowledge that i also havent exercised since then either. ive been so busy at work and havent been feeling well, but i will get back on track im good at that when it comes to exercise. i just wish i could do well on the eating well. they say that you can lose weight without exercise if you eat right. i believe that because when i was counting my calories i lost like 6 pounds in one week. how do we do well again. is there hope for me?


  5. my third fill was last tuesday and my doctor said my band was tight. for the first week i barely ate. i didnt lose any weight though. in the past 3 days i can eat more but i am trying to keep the intake low. i havent been as hungry lately so im assuming its working better than before. this is the point right. i can still eat a whole weight watchers meal though. should i be able to eat this much? because ive done so well for the past 9 days i had 2 breadsticks and a salad tonight. i couldnt believe that my stomach could handle 2 breadsticks. i was worried at first because the first week of being adjusted this time my stomach ached on and off for days straight but now its back to feeling pretty normal. i need to really focus on my calorie intake and keep up on the exercising. i havent exercised in 9 days. i just wish i could hit the 40lb mark im so close. when is it going to start coming off again? should i go back on the strict diet that we were on in the beginning stages?


  6. for the past month my stomach has been aching. it doesnt bother me when i eat but say an hour or two after. it feels like the band is eating its way through my stomach. its like a toothache on the outside. i know that you cant feel the band but im convinced that you can. what else would this be. alot of times i feel tight. i had my third fill on tues and i am eating very little due to the fact that my doctor said that i am tight. today i had a ww meal and ate the whole thing but thats as much as ive eaten since my fill. ive had slimfast , almonds, yogurt, Protein Bars. i am happy that im cautious again but im a little worried about the aching. i dont dare eat much in case this is a sign of overeating. what do you think?


  7. 2bhealthy, i to like dr. toder alot. i havent had any problems with her so far. it just seems like she was happier with me when i was losing and this time she didnt say much to me like she usually does. did you hear about her doing clinics now. it is once a month. i noticed that she doesnt like to do fills any sooner than 6-8 weeks. so in the mean time if the fills arent enough we have to try harder with diet and exercise. this is hard for me, this is why i had surgery because diet and exercise isnt easy for me. i want restriction so i eat less. the first 2-3 months i kept getting food stuck and had good restriction and i lost 32 pounds. it was easy for me to stick to what i was suppose to because of the restriction, now i dont have much at all and sometimes i eat to much (testing my band). i wish you luck with your next fill. i am just nervous to go back before im suppose to because she already said that my band is tight. if my band was to tight i would be pbing right now and im not. i am going to try to measure my food out and not overeat for a few weeks , trying not to over due it because i just had my fill yesterday. if you ever want to talk you can email me at andielmt@aol.com . its nice to know that someone else has the same doctor.


  8. i had my last fill on feb 26 and havent lost any weight since then. i do lose 5 pounds then gain it back. when i went in today she said well i see you havent had any progress. as she unfilled my band to see if there was any leakage she added .5cc which now i have 1.5 in a 4cc band. she said i dont know why you dont have much restriction because as im putting the saline in it wants to push it right back out because its tight. you should have some restriction your tight.

    somedays i am tight but others i can eat a whole sandwich. i dont understand how she thinks that im tight when i only have 1.5 cc in a 4cc band. what if this doesnt work what will she think? i guess she is going to start doing clinics once a month and she told me i cant come back until june 24. wow thats over 2 months away. if this fill doesnt work how am i going to get through until then. hopefully shell see me if i need to before then.


  9. hi i am a licensed massage therapist and i would have been ok. i have to say the when you have the bypass you have to wait about a month before getting a massage but the band you dont have to wait. i think the main concern is that you have to lay on your stomach for most of the massage and for some that may be uncomfortable. i work on people all of the time who just had some type of surgery and its ok. i do work at a doctors office and she sends me clients who have had surgery.


  10. shortgal, you had your surgery soon after me. i had my surgery on the 19th of nov and have lost around 35-36pounds. i go for my third fill next tuesday. i seem to lose a few then gain a few. i have to say the other day i had 2 pieces of pizza and it didnt faze me. ever since that ive given myself permission to try more food. i know that isnt good but now that i know i can handle more food sometimes i push my limit. talk about a mental thing. i hope that when i go for my next fill ill get my act back together and eat less even if it doesnt work on the third fill. i had someone say to me just because you can eat alot doesnt mean you should. i am very disappointed in myself for eating to much and making some bad choices like fast food. i know that my old habits arent going away over night but i chose surgery because i couldnt do it on my own. why am i blowing it now?


  11. my nutrionist wants me to eat around 1200-1500 calories a day. when i was eating around 1100-1200 i lost at a steady pace. i havent been counting all of my calories lately but i will try to do this again to see if this will help. im obviously doing something wrong if i havent lost in 6 weeks. i do lose 3-4 pounds but gain it right back. i dont think that im eating more than 2000 calories a day but you never know if you dont keep track right? my nutriontist was impressed last time when i told her that i was counting my calories. i need to start again asap. i think this will be the key for me. its when i eat out or snack that i lose sight of how many calories im really eating.


  12. thanks for the support, i do feel bad when i eat the wrong things. i have to say that ive been doing a little bit better with food choices in the past week than i have in the past month. i usually buy ww meals that have high Protein and when i stop at mcdonalds for my son and husband i could eat one of those. there are ways around eating bad, i did awesome with it in the first three months just not so good in this past 4 month post op. if i could believe in myself a little more maybe i can beat this. thanks again for the feedback


  13. i am so disappointed that i could eat two pieces of pizza with no problem. some days i cant eat as much and others i can eat normally. i am going for my third fill on the 15th but why am i able to eat like this? after having two fills you would think that i wouldnt be able to handle that much food. i personally think that ive stretched my stomach. i feel like a failure and i also havent lost any weight in 6 weeks. before i wouldnt even attempt eating some foods now i am testing myself and trying things that i shouldnt. any suggestions on how to rethink things and get back on the right track.


  14. i feel the same way, im 4 months out and can eat alot. i can eat fast and not even chew all of the way and im fine. i am going for my third fill on the 15th. i would like to see on an xray to see if ive stretched my stomach. my first fill worked for about 3-4 weeks then i found myself able to eat more. then i had my second fill and i didnt notice any difference with that one. maybe i should be waying out my food and just eat what im suppose to instead of pushing it. i got off track for about 3 weeks but im trying to do better now. its frustrating when things worked in the beginning and the weight fell off and now it hasnt budged for over a month and if i do lose 4-5 pounds i seem to gain it back so i am flexuating back and forth.


  15. after my first fill i couldnt eat much for 3 weeks then i could eat more. now i can eat at least 1 1/2 cups of food. i starting overdoing it but now i am trying to get back on track. tonight i had a kids size plate of food but didnt fill the whole plate. i havent lost any weight in about 4-6 weeks but i am going for another fill on april 15th. its weird because the first fill seemed to work for awhile but my second fill did nothing. i think that ive stretched out my stomach why else am i able to eat so much?


  16. hey guess what i just called my surgeons office to see if i could get in ealier for a fill and she said i dont even have you down for coming in at all. i was pissed at first because now i'd have to wait until may but she relooked at the schedule and said that i could come in on april 15th. i am so excited. i dont want to rely on getting fills to lose weight i want to try harder myself but thats what getting the band is about, getting the right fill and chosing the right amount of Protein and calories right. i would like to think that i can do this all on my own but thats why i had surgery because i needed help. im just discouraged that ive gained weight in the past month when i should be losing.

    ill keep you posted on how things go.


  17. its nice to get support thanks, i think i will make several fill appointments next time just to be scheduled and then i can always cancel them like you said. whenever i call inbetween visits for a fill they act weird about it. its like they dont think that i should come in any ealier than im supposed to. it is true about why we got the band. if i could lose weight just by watching what i eat and exercising i wouldnt have had to have surgery. i think that im putting to much stress on myself. i know what ive been doing wrong i just need to learn from this and try harder. sometimes the band works for me and i feel full quickly but other times i can eat alot. like everyone says Protein, protein, protein, somedays i barely get any in. i should start with this first. im sure ill still have days where i slip but if i can focus on the protein maybe that will help with the cravings. thanks everyone


  18. i had a bowl of my sons Cereal which i usually have a sf instant carnation Breakfast or go lean high Protein cereal. i usually use one of my sons very small cereal bowls but this morning i ate a reg size bowl. i couldnt believe that i could eat that much. why did i even do that. if i stick to what works i will be fine. lately ive been testing my band. ive heard of people doing that sometimes. shortgal i want to thank you for letting me know that you will help me get back on track. every day i tell myself this is the day and then i always give in. if i can stay focused for a couple of days then i think ill be ok.


  19. thanks for your feedback. i know what i am doing wrong its just a matter of getting through a few days of eating right. ive already messed up this morning by eating some of my sons Cereal instead of eating my high Protein go lean cereal. so for the rest of the day i am going to be really careful. if i can do well for a few days i hope this will get me back on track. the key is when we mess up not to mess up for the rest of the day but to do well and not get discouraged right?


  20. no there isnt anywhere else i can go. i did come to the conclusion today that i shouldnt rely on my next fill. i need to do more on my part and make better choices like i did when i was first banded. yes it is hard to eat less when you are able to eat more at this point but if i can at least eat better and stick to exercising at least im trying. lately ive been slipping each day. i know that i had the band because of food issues and that my habits arent going to change over night. some say that when i get the right restriction i wont be able to eat much then hopefully ill make better choices. i know that when i was first banded i only ate what they told me to. why does that change when we can eat whatever. its like once we know that we can eat the Pasta, bread, etc. we get off track. at least for me thats what happened. i do better when i have to do something. is it normal for us to get off track?


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