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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by andielmt

  1. andielmt

    I want to cry

    i didnt realize that you lost your band i am sorry i read the first two pages then replied. somtimes i dont realize that there is more pages. andrea
  2. andielmt

    I want to cry

    i am one month out tomorrow and the doctor okd me to eat regular food now. i have slipped like everyday this week for some reason. talk about feeling like a failure. i am doing well for the most part but am not getting enough fluids in and i have eaten something each day that i shouldnt have. yes it may be a bite or two or small amounts (better than before surgery) but i wish i could stick to it 100%. some of it is definetely mental. we know not to do it but sometimes we just give in because thats what were used to. i realize that i need to drink much more inbetween meals and get more protein. its hard when you are eating less to get everything in such as fruits, veg, calcium, protein. we have to try to make the best choices we can because our intake especially after a restriction is going to be less and we wont get enough nutrients in, i think this is a problem for me because my hair is really thinning on the top and i am mortified. it has been thinning for the past few years but in the past few days ive really noticed it. i wish you well and maybe we can email each other back for support. andrea
  3. wow how scary i hope you get well soon, ive never heard of this happening to anyone. so you had been banded for awhile before this happened? was the fill to much? is that what caused it? are you going to be alright? keep us posted andrea
  4. andielmt

    2 weeks post and I PB'd

    my post op diet was a lot different, i was on soft protein one day after surgery for two weeks now i am on proteins, some fruits, and some veg. and on monday 1 month post op i am on reg food small amounts. i am going to keep some things out of my diet for awhile longer like bread but i can have some pasta, we'll see how it stays down. i definetely will keep the servings low and not eat it often. andrea
  5. andielmt

    3 Weeks after Surgery,

    i had my surgery on nov 19th and am three weeks out also. somedays i am really hungry and somedays im not to bad. sometimes i find myself eating something just because it there. old habits die hard. i am trying to be aware of what i put into my mouth and if i am really hungry. i have gotten food stuck at least 6 times now you would think that i would learn and slow down. if i am up moving around thats when i tend to eat one bite right after another and not really focusing on how fast i am eating it. if i sit down i tend to eat slower. i need to work on this. i cant wait to get a fill i hope it works, i hear that it may take 3-4 fills. i lost 16 pounds within 15 days and now my weight loss is slowing down. it doesnt help that i am cheating on a bite here and there. i had two x-mas parties over the weekend and my son and husbands birthdays were one day apart so i had something each day that i wasnt suppose to have. i am aware of how it is easy to slip backwards so i am really trying to be aware of eating bad foods. i did have surgery for a reason but its hard to pass up things that youve eaten most of your life. at least i get full quicker now then before surgery and am still eating less than pre surgery. i am trying to keep the calories around 900-1000. how are all of you 3 week banders doing? have you had pbing, are you sticking faithfully to the diet? andrea
  6. its nice to have so much support on this site. i am only 3 weeks out so i wont be ready for a fill until at least 3 more weeks. it sounds like the first fill usually doesnt work, its helpful to know not to get my hopes up. i guess we need to make the best choices if we can without restriction, i can see why people gain weight during this waiting period i hope that i can keep my 16 pounds lost off. andrea
  7. andielmt

    When to stop!!!

    i can relate i was going to write a similiar site today. i lost 16 lbs in two and a half weeks but havent lost anything in 4 days. ive been getting food stuck almost every day also. i need to slow down but i am going back to the way i used to eat. at first i followed everything to a tee now that i am getting hungrier i am slipping backwards. i had two christmas parties over the weekend and my sons and husbands birthday on mon and tues so i cheated on one thing each day for four days straight. i feel like a failure because i couldnt resist,i know that having one cookie or a small piece of birthday cake doesnt sound to bad but thats all it takes to be like this everyday. i am three weeks out and shouldnt be cheating at all. i bought alot of good things today at the grocery store so i am going back to the basics starting tomorrow. i find myself eating more than recommended and that bothers me. its weird because we dont have restriction but food still get stuck if we eat to fast. my friend told me that if i get food stuck once i wont do it again but its happened 6 times for me now. you would think that i would learn my lession. i know that its hard to break a habit that ive had most of my life but i need to slow down any suggestions on that? is it normal to slip a little a few weeks out or should i be really concerned? i am feeling really guilty so i know that i will try harder. i just need to remember why i did the surgery to begin with. any support would be great right now. am i alone? andrea
  8. i had an sf instant carnation breakfast for breakfast. mid morning i had an boiled egg, for lunch i had about 2oz of chicken, mid afternoon i had 4 oz of light yogurt and for supper i had about 2oz of chicken with fat free gravy and one sf free pudding. i then realized that i had some sf ice cream in the freezer and had about 1 cup of that, i am really full. im disappointed that i ate all of that today. i was really hungry today. i feel like today for the first time in 2 weeks that i went back to some of my bad habits. why did i have ice cream in the house, when i bought it i thought that it would be ok because it was sugar free but eating a whole cup is alot especially after surgery. i hope that i didnt stretch my stomach out to far. i also should have drinken more today. i hope this doesnt happen again. any suggestions would be great. can i do better from this point or am i in trouble? andrea
  9. thanks alexandra, i thought that my diet was ok except for the ice cream even though it was sugar free. i am now 2 weeks out and can add veg and fruit to my diet so i will, i am finding that i am eating a little more than i should though i am trying to stick to the diet as much as i can but sometimes it doesnt fill me up. i have also cheated a couple of times a bite of something here and there and that bothers me because i dont want to slip totally. the first week i was so disciplined and now i am sneaking a bite here and there. for example a bite of my sons mac and cheese, im not suppose to have pasta right now. im only hurting myself and i know that but now that i am getting hungrier its so tempting. i do know that i need to drink more fluids i havent been drinking enough. im just not used to drinking that much fluids. its sucks because the first week and a half i felt awesome mentally and physically and now mentally i feel like crap because ive cheated a little and feel like im losing sight of the whole thing. andrea
  10. thanks for the feedback, it just feel good for once to lose weight so i dont want to gain it back fast. i guess i should be greatful that i have lost 13lbs in 2weeks. i have been eating a little more than i should so i need to be more aware and drink more fluids instead of snacking on sf pudding or jello andrea
  11. right now i am on a soft protein diet and on tuesday it will be 2 weeks post op and i will advance to potato and veg and some fruits. i am worried that i will start gaining some of the weight that i just lost. my surgeon said that i shouldnt gain any weight back because my calorie intake is under 2000. andrea
  12. lindatt i tried to email you 2 times today but it got sent back to me andrea
  13. it shouldnt stretch your stomach if you are eating small amounts. i am on soft protein right now also. sometimes i do eat more than what is recommended so i hope that doesnt affect my size of my stomach. i feel guilty when i eat a little more than im suppose to. i am eating around 800 calories a day. in the past few days if been snacking a little more but on sf pudding and jello. the only thing is the pudding is 100 calories per serving whereas the jello is 10 calories per serving. i already has 2 puddings today so i need to really think about what i eat for the rest of the day. things seemed so much easier for the first week because i was still swollen and had restriction and no appetite now i am getting hungrier. i also think that some of it may be because im getting better and being home all day makes me think about food. hopefully when i go back to work ill be less focused on food. its so hard when you get your appetite back. andrea
  14. i have to say that overall i am following the post op diet fairly well, my doctor put me on a soft protein diet one day after surgery and everything seems to go down fine, except eating a boiled egg that has gotten stuck 2 times now so i probably wont eat that. anyway sometimes i eat a little more than im suppose to for example instead of one egg i sometimes eat 2 fried eggs. it definetely fills me up for a while. on the days that im really hungry i snack on jello or sf popsicles, i have cheated once on something that wasnt on the diet but other than that ive done well ive even lost 13 pounds in 2 weeks. i have read on some of these sites that people are hungry soon after surgery i can definetely see that i am hungrier at times more than others. ive noticed that im starting to eat faster again like im used to eating. its easy to go back to old ways especially when there isnt much restriction. i hope that i can stick to the diet and not overeat i just need some encouragement thanks andrea
  15. andielmt

    Redness in port area

    i had redness then it spread about 3-4 inches down which turned into an infection. they had to cut it back open at the doctors office and now its still a little red around the incision and i now have an open wound in which i have to change the bandage everyday. a little overwhelming having a whole in your stomach andrea
  16. my infection seems to be getting better today. after i had the incision cut back open yesterday and since it started draining it feels better. i have to go to the doctor every day this week to have it checked and my doctor is suppose to see it on thursday if she can fit me in (its her first day back since last wednesday) it is her OR day at the hospital. hopefully i dont need to remove my port that would suck. but seeming how the infection is getting better im sure the port will be ok left alone. andrea
  17. Weight Loss Tickers <p>on saturday i had to go to the emergency room and have an antibiotic injection because i have redness around my infection which started spreading throughout the day. i am on antibiotics right now but had to go into the doctors today and they had to take out my stiches (ouch) then numb me with a needle in the wound (ouch) and stuff me with gause. this is so i can drain the infection out. she told me that i have to come back everyday this week and if it doesnt get better i will have to have the port taken out then put in at a different time. that scares me because if i have to keep on getting cut open am i going to keep on getting these infections? i hope this doesnt turn into a staff infection because ive had one before and was hospitalized for 2 weeks. my husband is concerned because i already had one staff infection. i will keep you all posted. has this happened to anyone else? it sucks because my surgery went awesome and i started feeling better in 4 days after surgery and now i have this setback. well at least i lost 8lbs this week!</p> <p>andrea</p>
  18. i had my doubts last week but i cant believe that i actually went through with it. the first day i felt great i didnt have to take any pain medications. i didnt get any sleep in the hospital though because my roomate had alot of care needed and i couldnt sleep. the next day the doctor came in and said that my surgery went perfect but i have a fatty liver and if i dont lose weight in ten years i will have a liver like an alcoholic . i went home tuesday night after eating some chicken salad. i went home with oxycodin but it gave me shortness of breathe so i couldnt take it so i am now not taking anything for pain but i am doing ok considering. i have no problems with gas but during the day every time i move i have some discomfort. as far as eating i am on a soft protein diet for two weeks. i had a boiled egg yesterday and i ate it like i usually do and i had pains in my chest that passed shortly after. that wasnt fun. emotionally i am in shock that i had surgery and i cant believe what i got myself into. i know that this is normal at first. well its thanksgiving today and i cant eat with everyone but that ok. my family wanted me to come out to there house but i didnt tell them that i had surgery so i decided to go to my friends house next door seeming how she knows about my surgery. i didnt write on here until now because i have been really tired. talk to you soon andrea
  19. in the past two days ive been really doubting that i want surgery on monday first of all i just moved on sunday and i am trying to adjust and my surgery is the monday before thanksgiving. i just feel overwhelmed with everything. my husband just started a new job on monday and money is tight right now and he wont be able to get time off to take me to the hospital so i will have to do this by myself. i cant tell if this is normal to feel this way right before surgery. i have so much other stuff going on that i am so overwhelmed. i have been eating really bad in the past month also. i didnt have to do a preop diet and i dont have to do a post op diet i am on soft proteins one day after surgery. i hope that i can do this. andrea
  20. some days i think that i am looking for a way out. i have doubts that i even want the surgery. somtimes i think that i dont want to give up the food or overeating at times. sometimes i even feel ok about my weight. lately ive been all over the place mostly the sooner i get to surgery. but i know that ive been in the program for one year now and have been wanting this for awhile now. i think that most of my doubts are normal because of the surgery coming up. ive always been one for going back and forth on things but like my friend told me that ive been in the program for one year and ive been working for this moment and not to give up right before surgery. its weird though because for so long i wanted this and right now i feel doubtful. andrea
  21. i am having surgery on the 19thl and my doctor said 2-3 weeks i do massage therapy so its a little physical so i am taking extra time off. i am scheduled to take 3 weeks off but i am hoping to come back in 2 andrea
  22. my doctor allows soft protein like turkey ham chicken etc one day after surgery. and no preop diet either andrea
  23. my date is nov,19 . i am excited and scared at the same time. im in the process of moving this week so ive been a little overwhelmed but at least it takes some of my thoughts off of the band. when i went to the surgeon last week she said that she would do the band but didnt want to. she said that the bypass is better and she is going to stop doing the band in a few months. she said that the fills are painful and i may not lose much weight with the band. its hard because i feel more comfortable with the band but im worried that i wont lose the weight. i am trying to be positive but listening to her made me a little unsure that this will work. i do have to say though that whenever i think of the bypass i get anxious and scared. my husband and my friends dont think that i am going to go through with it. i know that the closer i get the more nervous ill be. any feedback? andrea
  24. i met with the surgeon today. she was very straight forward. first she said that seeming how i have a kid and work that i may not have the time to eat slowly or exercise and either surgery may not work, she also said that she doesnt like the band and may stop doing them in a few months. she said that there isnt enough long term data and they may cause irrotion, she said that there is definite success with the bypass and not with the band so why not choose the right thing the first time around. i told her that ive been in the program for 1 year now and have been adimit on the band, she said that she will do what i want but doesnt think that this is the best choice for me. i did like her though even though she prefers the bypass. i just hope that the band works for me. that is my biggest fear that i wont lose weight. i know that i need to watch what i eat more and exercise again or nothing will work andrea
  25. i am getting banded on the 19th and have been up and down emotionally somedays i am ok with it and other days i feel overwhelmed about it and have my doubts. its hard to figure out what emotion to count on to guide you in what you really want or what is just fear. andrea

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