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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chickie

  1. Chickie

    All you people do is complain...

    It's got nothing to do with age Lauren. She is just a spiteful person. I have found people of all ages who are just the same. I am willing to bet she has self esteem issues. And I am not a betting person.
  2. Chickie

    Tattooed Bandsters??

    My tramp stamp looks pretty well exactly the same as it did when I got it. I will try to dig up a few photos of it before and now if I can.
  3. Chickie

    All you people do is complain...

    I think you are a dick too, and I'm fairly young, and and quite thin :cursing:
  4. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    A PM for the Aussie who just woke up with the flu would be nice. KTHXBYE
  5. Chickie

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Followed shortly by the dignity.
  6. Chickie

    Anybody Blog?

    I blog on blogspot. Link is in my signature.
  7. Chickie

    Perth,wa liposuction surgeons

    Ask your GP if they know of any good surgeons.
  8. Chickie

    self fill......

    Anyone who does their own fills, or lets someone who is not qualified to do fills to work on them if a fool.
  9. Although I am over three years out, I am not sure I am going to be of any help because I don't measure my portions. I never have actually. I just eat healthy food, and only eat till full and not beyond.
  10. Chickie

    Port Sites....are they ugly ?

    Can't see it, can feel it if I try, doesn't protrude at all, doesn't get in the way.
  11. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    :smile: Oh dear.
  12. Chickie

    Banded Celebrities

    Like I said, they were both bad, but they give you a good idea as to why she had it removed. It wasn't because she was at goal.
  13. Chickie

    Banded Celebrities

    Sharon had it removed for various reasons, one being she wanted to work on her eating disorder (one that continued after she was banded) It had little to do with being at goal, and more to to do with emotional issues. (a quick google search later, neither are very good stories, but give a good indication as to why Sharon had her band removed.) Sharon Osbourne struggles with weight - Lap band coming out! | Plus Size Model Loses Weight Tabloid Whore: SHARON OSBOURNE TO FREE HERSELF FROM GASTRIC BAND.
  14. I am forever getting comments from people. Some good, some bad, some dammed nasty. Here are a few of my favourites thus far. From today (and I suspect someone from here at LBT) (Click the link to my Blog to see my reply to that one, titled "Dear Teena") And from a few weeks ago, again, here at LBT from someone called Roboop; So, as you can see, I am loved and adored by all! Sweet huh?
  15. Chickie

    Countdown to last adjustment-UNFILL

    My unfill was quite a long time ago... So perhaps my memory of it isn't as clear, but I don't recall having to do anything special afterwards.
  16. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    If you make sure you eat 22 tootsie rolls (only 3 bites of each), and 94 cans of MtDew, I am sure you too will fart fruity rainbow's.
  17. Chickie

    Banded Celebrities

    Personally I prefer to see real people succeed with the band. But then, I don't really get celebrity worship. So that might be part of it. Socalgal, you are right, they both had them removed. Ann quite some time ago, and Sharon last year.
  18. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Only if they smell like "Spring Day". Something I *do* hate is when people post things, then don't have the guts to stand by it. When they edit their OP to say they wish they could delete (blaming someone else for it naturally!) Good think I have the "Hall of Lame" and I quote all the crappy things people say before they have the chance to delete or edit it.
  19. I was about 6 months post op when I gave up meat. No, I don't eat any fish, but I do eat eggs, cheese and drink milk (I would be a real sad panda if I had to give up cheese and milk! let me tell you!) You might be onto something there. I think the lifestyle is different out here. I like to think we are more focused on health, but I don't know how true that is anymore. We seem to be developing a real McCulture down here. While the obesity epidemic is becoming just that, and epidemic and not just a scare tactic, our nation as a whole isn't quite as overweight as some other western countries (we come in as the 21st fattest country in the world according to Forbes). Personally, when I use the word diet, I use it to describe the way I eat. "My diet consists of" type thing Vs "I am going on a diet to shift 5lbs" It doesn't mean the same thing to me as it does to the majority of people. I can eat 3 fairly large meals a day, and be totally satisfied with what I am eating. I elect to eat 2 or 3 Snacks during the day. Today, I was super busy with my MIL and what I ate today probably isn't the best example of how I eat normally, but here it is; Breakky was a yogurt, a lady finger banana and a granola bar (Crunchola, Blueberry for the Aussies, they really are very yummy) Snack was a short black, handful of nuts and a half an apple (When I packed DS lunch, I packed this for myself, knowing I would be out for morning tea). Lunch was a (brought) roasted pumpkin, baby spinach and chickpea salad, again a short black and a small bit of MIL's banana bread (she tries to feed me, although I eat more than she does LOL) Snack was a skinny latte, about 6 good sized carrot sticks dipped in some cream cheese and hummus. dinner was spinach and fetta cannelloni with home made Pasta sauce, and veggies. Like I said, less than stellar today, and likely a lot more than the average bandster eats.
  20. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I love you guys! (((Hugs, kisses, and pink ponies for everyone!!)) Well. Maybe not everyone...
  21. Chickie

    Advice you can take or leave, but please listen..

    I couldn't agree me Boo.
  22. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Eh, some people suck. Most people are good people given half a chance.
  23. Chickie

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Give you a clue. She posted on the ugly thread, she is jammed up someone's ass, and she thinks I am ugly too...
  24. Chickie

    Why Aren't You Losing Weight?

    I should add that I am totally happy with my band at this very moment. I wouldn't have it removed and replaced for no reason because it would be another surgery for me (I have had 3 in three years - the band, TT then an ovary removed) and I don't want to have surgery for no reason. But if something went wrong and I had to have surgery anyway... I would go the sleeve.

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