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Madam Reverie

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Madam Reverie

  1. Madam Reverie

    Esophageal Spasms?

    I had my op on the 19th. I, too, have had what you're describing. Thankfully, they seem a little milder than yours. I, too, have trouble getting Water in - its like I have to wait for the vortex of Fluid that's created in my stomach to swirl its way down. Once it has, I have to inevitably burp up a bit of wind that makes me feel better. All I can say, is that I found that if I stretch my body upwards - so sit very upright and take slow deep breaths. Accompany it with gently rubbing my sternum up and down, it improves. Although in saying that, I can't do it at night, so am currently getting a bit of disgusting heartburn and indigestion which is causing me great concern -as I do NOT want to be a GERD case. I feel your pain. For what it's worth, I have found that i'm better taking in plain natural yoghurt in little tiny bits, as opposed to drinking clear fluids. I know every prescribed post-op diet is different, but give plain natural yoghurt a go... It'll boost your energy levels and may improve the spasms. I wish you the best of luck. Let us know how you get on x
  2. Madam Reverie

    Reflux & the Sleeve

    I think I'm going to take your advice re: doubling up doses, not eat/drink anything with flavour late at night, sit up straight more and wait to see the quack on Monday. Fingers crossed they'll give me something more effective..... I'm so scared this will become the norm...
  3. Madam Reverie

    9 months before and after pic

    I dunno! I'm 4 days in and already craving anything that has any taste or texture... Not good... Please tell me that you ate relatively normally as soon as you were on normal food and didn't go crazy for 0% everything?! I need a light at the end of the tunnel that will tell me I can still have a small steak and a salad with balsamic dressing and still lose 100lbs!!!
  4. Madam Reverie

    An English Sleever's Journey

    Okay, fully jealous. I want to go on holiday!!! (And have meatballs! ) x
  5. Madam Reverie

    9 months before and after pic

    Dear Lord, that's amazing. You look amazing! I am in awe of you and, for the record, thoroughly jealous! Well done you! x
  6. Madam Reverie

    An English Sleever's Journey

    Sanks, it is exactly as you just described for yourself. I think I, too, will have to sit bolt upright for an hour after dinner. They gave me some Lansoprazole 30mg, but I think it's rubbish. I got the reflux even after taking it. Consequently this morning, after waking up feeling like acid-burn-death, I swallowed my old omeprazole tablet and felt much better. I do NOT want to be on these PPI all my life, as they have dodgy long term affects on the stomach. I guess I'm going to have to leave the 'heavier' food for lunchtime and eat lightly at dinner to avoid a repeat performance! How are you doing today, btw? What's new in your world? x
  7. GamerGirl, you're so right about that one. After considerable academic research, discussions with some of the best in the business and which requires to be thrust in your rheumatologist's face immediately, is the undeniable fact that diets don't work. That everyone is pre-programmed to be a certain weight in our brains and all our yo-yo dieting has done, is to deplete our muscle mass and wreck our metabolisms. Does the weight come back after a few years post bariatric surgery? Yeah, it can do, I concede that. However, I believe we have the tool and it's up to us to use it. My Nutritionist said that I would lose 85% of my excess, gain about 20-30% and will level out. Even with those stats I was elated. I am NOT trying to look like Kate Moss here. Febi, for what it's worth and in my humble opinion? If you don't want the negative, don't give them the ammo. I know you felt obliged to share it with your boss - but in all honesty and based on UK employment regs; unless you're taking significant amounts of time away and not correctly accounting for it, the specifics of your medical care, is not really their business. As for the other people you're intending to tell? You already know what they're going to be like, so is it worth it? I know some people might truly surprise you. However, you know these folks and I would say trust your instincts. If you know they're going to give you a hard time, is it worth wishing for them to be caring and sharing, when all they'll end up doing is making you feel like crap? Just a thought. Wishing you the best of luck with everything to come. We'll all be here to listen when you need to get it off your chest. We're all pretty good at that! x
  8. Madam Reverie

    An English Sleever's Journey

    Sounds like you're doing well on the food front. Hoover up those pieces of steak and cod as much as you can. I'm only 4 days post op and I'd sell a kidney for a plate full of steak, chips and pepper sauce! OMG.. I'm drooling....
  9. Madam Reverie

    Reflux & the Sleeve

    I feel for you, Nene. Is there a pattern to your reflux? i.e, does it come on after you eat specific things? Being told I had to get a bypass would break my heart... Is there no other option for you? x
  10. Madam Reverie

    An English Sleever's Journey

    Today was.. good.. but upset with a bad dose of acid reflux when I tried to go to sleep last night. Took all of today to get rid of it. I'm okay now though and still chipper - if not a bit tired - thanks for asking. How are you doing today?
  11. Madam Reverie

    Reflux & the Sleeve

    Susan, I'm starting to get the acid burn, too and would love some advice on how people manage it post op. I used to get acid reflux, but only when I ate fatty foods and laid down pretty quickly afterwards. This coming on last night and continuing on today, 4 days after surgery knocked me for six. Particularly as the drugs they've given me are rubbish. I woke up last night and it felt like I had molten lava crawling its way up into my throat. Maybe I should have tried to vomit it up, but didn't want to jerk my sleeve around. Didn't really know what to do. To all you GERD vets out there, any advice would be greatly appreciated x
  12. Madam Reverie

    G'bye size18!

    OMG that's amazing! Congratulations! You look healthy, happy and beautiful x
  13. Madam Reverie

    Secret Sleevers?

    As long as I can manage it - only my man knows. I don't want anyone up in my business and to be honest, people just can't help commenting on things and their delivery often leaves a lot to be desired. My excuse to people who don't know my history? 'I had my gallbladder out'. If it's noticeable in the future in social situations? 'I have a wheat and gluten allergy, so I have to be really picky with what I eat now'. I'm hoping that will suffice.... Time will tell! Good luck to everyone x
  14. Madam Reverie

    An English Sleever's Journey

    This is sounding most promising. Particularly the bit about steaks and sausages... I LOVE THEM BOTH!!!! lol. Another good thing, is that I have a human dustbin beside me, so what I can't eat, I'm sure he's going to love scarfing down! Thanks for making me feel better about the future! x
  15. Madam Reverie

    Scared to death!

    All I can say is Babe, you've dealt with Cancer. The rest of this is just sweating the small ****. Be amazed at yourself for how far you've come. So what, you had a wobble?! I had a wobble! I was supposed to go in on the 2nd Sept, but had too much going on in my life and in my head, that I rolled it till the 19th Sept. Yup, I'm 3 days out. I'm alive, I'm well - yes, I'm a bit sore - but I am very optimistic. This WILL change my life. And, if there are hurdles (which I'm sure there will be), then I'll cross those bridges when I come to them. I know you say you have an addictive personality - but I think most of us food-lovers have a food addiction at some level. I hope to swap one shower of crap traits for a load of healthier and happier ones. Like, for example, wracking up extensive debt for all the designer clothing I shall be buying! Huzzah! (Only kidding - to a degree ). If you need more time, take more time. If you need to talk to someone - talk to someone. If you want to bounce ideas in this forum - we're all here and every viewpoint is valid. However, it is important to note that no matter what is said - the decision ultimately lies with you. As it stands, I think you're amazing on many levels. Surviving cancer so courageously and baring your soul so openly and honestly on here being two of them. You're a survivor. Take a deep breath, weigh up the pros and cons like you had to do before, make your decision and be comfortable with it. Whatever you choose, we'll all be here rooting for you. xx
  16. Madam Reverie

    Shutting off email notifications

    Clearly I was speaking Japanese?!
  17. Madam Reverie

    Did anyone keep a book?

    I'm like Diesel. All mine is on an Excel Worksheet with V-Look-up functionality to track my intake, losses/gains and associated measurements. As for advice from people on here, I kinda like hunting for whatever is on my mind at that moment. If I get really bored in time, I may embed photos into another summary worksheet... and on that note, I think I need to get out more! :|
  18. Madam Reverie


    You could always try what I did for my man this evening; as a substitute for bacon and as a means to ween him off his total bad-food diet. I pan fried lean delhi pork ham in a pan with a very small knob of butter. After that, I added some scrambled eggs. He said it tasted good?!
  19. Madam Reverie

    Shutting off email notifications

    Try My Settings and then look to the left for 'Notification Settings' (or something similar). Should find everything you require to hush your inbox accordingly!
  20. Madam Reverie

    An English Sleever's Journey

    I'm trying to be. Went for a bit of a too long walk to Tesco's this evening. After walking round the shop, I gave up standing at the checkout and went and sat down. The walk home required a 20 minute sitdown outside a pub. Gave the man an opportunity for a pint - but I really shouldn't have walked that far. I came home, flopped on the bed and ate 3/4 of a small pot of ambrosia custard for dinner and it did me wonders! (I'm also surprised I could eat that consistency, too) I'm trying to be upbeat. I know the hardest points for me will be when I try foods that I formerly loved and find out that I can't eat any more. I'm pre-emptively freaking out that I won't be able to eat salad with balsamic dressing and other wonderful things like that. Have there been any foods you used to love that you can now no longer tolerate?
  21. Madam Reverie

    An English Sleever's Journey

    I hate to say it, but I'm pretty good. Just whinging about the hiccup - the evil hiccup! Must say though, that bruising is fierce! May I ask what day you woke up and the pain had disappeared?! I shall note it in my diary and have a party accordingly! x
  22. Madam Reverie

    An English Sleever's Journey

    Holy Mother of GOD! You look Sooooo sore! No wonder you were necking all those drugs! What's with all the bruising!?! Why did they have to bruise you so much?! Okay, I'm going to shut up whinging about my painful occasional hiccup. I have nothing to complain about in comparison to that! x
  23. Madam Reverie

    An English Sleever's Journey

    Feeling alright, thanks, love. Pleased with the amount of protein rich fluid I've managed to get in.. I'm just getting odd hiccups. They don't result in a series of hiccups. Just one, really painful one. Don't know what's causing it and don't know how to stop it. Quite painful and has left my wound site throbbing.. or it feels like throbbing. Any suggestions? x
  24. Holy cow, it's like you've shaved 15 years off your age! Well done, you! xxx
  25. Madam Reverie

    Funny NSV ( well I think so anyways)

    That's a fabulous story. Hope I have the same x

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