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★D's Life★

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by ★D's Life★

  1. Surgery Appointment was canceled to risky...

  2. BIG day tomorrow!! I sure hope me taking those aleve for two days don't mess up my surgery day!

  3. OH NO!!! Been Having these bad migraines and took 2 aleve Friday and 1 yesterday,, I had totally forgot that aleve should be stopped 1 week before surgery and I have surgery tomorrow... Will my surgery be canceled??? Called advise nurse and she told me to go and they will let me know.... uuuugh

  4. Starting liquid diet for two days to have surgery this Monday.

  5. Another sleepless night, 4 days til surgery and I feel nauseated and tension throughout my body.. any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ChristmasJanet


      I know how you feel. Just yesterday I was posting about being scared. So many wonderful people on this site! Good luck! You've got this!

    3. MN_Thin0211


      I went and got a spa pedicure the day before. It made me feel pretty, relaxed me, and took my mind off of things.

    4. ★D's Life★

      ★D's Life★

      Thanks for your wonderful comments.. truly appreciated



  6. 8 days till surgery and I feel like I just want to eat everything, what to do, what to do.....uuuugh

    1. Teachamy


      Buy a box of sugar free popsicles and eat as many as you want. It's my only savior!


    2. ★D's Life★

      ★D's Life★

      Thanks Teachamy ^_^


  7. 9 day till surgery and my chest been hurting like my heart want to stop... I know its just nerves but I wish surgery was tomorrow..

    1. terrydumont46


      call your doctor a little Xanax won't hurt. it sounds as if you are having panic attacks or anxiety attacks. but call your doctor just in case it is something else.

    2. ★D's Life★

      ★D's Life★

      Thanks Terrydumont46.. I certainly will!

  8. 13 days till surgery.. and now not sure if I should go through it.... So confussed and i feel not ready

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. gohelpyourself


      You are welcome! If your heartburn is that bad I can understand by they are suggesting bypass but I guess you need to decide what would be the lesser of two evils. If you get bypass you will have to take vitamins and supplements forever d/t the malabsorption. If you have the sleeve you may need to be on antacids or something for GERD. Tough decisions since they are irreversible. Maybe pose this question on the forum instead of here... you may find a lot of ppl who had to make this dec...

    3. gohelpyourself


      You are welcome! If your heartburn is that bad I can understand by they are suggesting bypass but I guess you need to decide what would be the lesser of two evils. If you get bypass you will have to take vitamins and supplements forever d/t the malabsorption. If you have the sleeve you may need to be on antacids or something for GERD. Tough decisions since they are irreversible. Maybe pose this question on the forum instead of here... you may find a lot of ppl who had to make this dec...

    4. ★D's Life★

      ★D's Life★

      Thanks again.. Truly appreciated & I will post on forum..^_^

  9. Today was my pre--op appointment with my surgeon and now from going in getting the sleeve that we have talked about for 6 month now she is telling me I should go with the gastric bypass since I have been having alot of heartburn lately and also a Hiatal Hernia. what to do, what to do?? Surgery date Feb 24th and she need to know by this coming up Tuesday......uuuugh

  10. Ok Finally got a call back. Surgery date is Feb 24. Excited & talk about I really can't sleep also I feel like I was signing my death certificate when filling out communicate with your health wishes.. I''m starting to feel like should I really go through this...uuuuugh

  11. Ok Finally got a call back. Surgery date is Feb 24. Excited & talk about I really can't sleep also I feel like I was signing my death certificate when filling out communicate with your health wishes.. I''m starting to feel like should I really go through this...uuuuugh

    1. Carlotta1


      I felt the same way pre op. My surgery and recovery went without a hitch.

  12. Ok!!! Called to schedule my surgery date, and was told they will call back. Still waitng

  13. Today I meet with the nurse before surgery!! Yay! almost there.

  14. Did GREAT!! Considering all the Holidays just gained two pounds.. now back to losing them to reach goal weight so they can schedule me my surgery date.

  15. Ok!! Just got cleared from the psychologist... good to go... WOOO HOOO ... but still so nervous.. thought of yes or no , should I or shouldn't I... decisions decisions

  16. ♥ I'm Grateful for the simple joys of life ♥

  17. Found out that I have a Hiatal Hernia... Does that mean I can not have my operation??? )=

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