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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Diane22

  1. October 2013

    Sleeved at Mi hospital with Dr. Lopez through A lighter Me ($4750)

    Day 1 - travel to Mexico (Ottawa-Washington-San Diego-Tijuana)

    My companion and I arrived at the San Diego airport around 3:15 pm. Once we were outside we called our driver Abraham from A lighter me on his cell. He knows the airport extremely well. We told him the number of the nearest pick up station from us and he came to us. I was glad that my companion was wearing an orange top. It helped us stand out from the others around us making it easier for Abraham to identify us. He already had 2 passengers with him. Once we picked up two other passengers, we headed for the hospital. Crossing the border into Mexico was almost a joke. It was nothing like back home. We simply went in a lane, slowly driving forward past the customs agent standing on the side. They did not even stop us to ask questions. And that was it, we were in Mexico! Be prepared for an interesting driving experience! The driving in Mexico is kind of crazy. People just drive where they want on the road. Abraham, whose English is very good, told us to close our eyes if we were too nervous. He is extremely personable and really cares about giving A Lighter Me's clients a pleasant experience. Abraham's wife was sleeved about 5 months ago and is doing great. He showed us pictures. We first went to the Mi hospital where we filled out forms, got weighed, take our pulse and did blood tests and an EKG. It is a small hospital, only 4 stories high. I was happy to see they have Wifi at the hospital with free access for everyone. You also get a safe in your room and a TV. There are 2 places to eat at the Mi hospital. There is a coffee shop on the 1st floor and the hospital cafeteria on the 4th floor. I know people who ate at both places. Everyone said the food was really good. Once all 3 future sleevers were done, all 6 of us left for the Marriott. The Marriott Hotel is quite nice. My room was very spacious. There are restaurants walking distance from the Marriott Hotel, as well as a store like the 7 eleven. There is a bar fridge in the hotel room and a safe. You can also request a room with a microwave. You also get free wifi and TV. Most of the TV channels however are Spanish. So bring something to occupy yourself. It was a long day. I was glad to go to bed. The bed was sooooo comfortable!

    Day 2 - day of surgery

    My companion had Breakfast at the Marriot. She was very impressed with their brunch. Lots of selection and great food. It is served until noon. Since I was only being picked up by our driver at 2 pm and I was fasting, I slept in as long as I could (until noon). Eduardo, another driver, picked us up right on time to go to the hospital. I got a room within 20 minutes once we arrived.I met with the generalist doctor who told me about the results of my previous day's tests. He listened to my heart and lungs and I was cleared for surgery. I also met with the anesthesiologist Doctor Garcia and Doctor Lopez individually prior to the surgery. I was given the opportunity to ask as many questions as I wanted. I was also told what to expect. This was very much appreciated. The nurse, who also had been sleeved two months prior, also put in my iv and helped me to put on my compression socks to help prevent blood clots. My companion was very impressed with this as they do not do this back home. I had my surgery at 5 pm. About two hours after surgery, I was back in my room. Within a couple of hours after that I was up walking around. Everyone at the hospital (nurses and doctors) told me how important walking is to prevent pain from the anesthesia. It was a bit hard getting in and out of bed after surgery, but it was manageable. I was also given ice chips to sip on. This was very appreciated as my mouth was dry from the surgery. The beds at the hospital are very comfortable. They also gave me something to help me sleep that night. So, I had a pretty good first night at the hospital.

    Day 3 - day after surgery - leak test

    The nurse gave me this blue liquid to drink. The liquid would show up in my drain if I had a leak. Nothing. Good news! My companion went to the coffee shop on the 1st floor for Breakfast. She was very pleased with her meal. I took a shower before my leak test. The nurse then came by to change my bandages. The leak test was nothing like what I was expecting. It literally took about 3 minutes. They give you liquid. You take one sip and you can see the liquid going down in your body from the machine. In all I probably took 3 separate sips for the attendant to watch if any was leaking each time I took a sip. Again all good. Great news! I had heard so many horror stories about the taste that I was expecting something really bad. It is not something that I would order as a drink in a restaurant, but it was not that bad. Just bitter. After the leak test was over, I walked around talking to other patient sleevers comparing notes. It was nice to chat with the other two who I had been picked up with on the first day. One of the girls was doing extremely well. The other was not so lucky. She had been throwing up most of the night as a result of the anesthesia. I felt really bad for her. But by the afternoon, she was doing much much better. All of the nurses were very pleasant many calling me honey, sweetie, etc. It was a nice atmosphere. They even greet each other with kisses during the shift change. They checked my pulse several times that day and took my temperature. They also emptied my drain 3 or 4 times. Most of the nurses only know some basic English. So a conversation with them is difficult. However, there are a few who are pretty fluent. I walked again several times. I still had no pain (other than when getting in and out of bed). The TV here has mostly Spanish channels. Bring something to occupy yourself when in the hospital. In the afternoon, they gave me Gatorade to start my liquid diet. It tasted so good after having fasted for so long (almost 2 days - 10 pm the night before the surgery until today 1:45 pm). Janese, my patient coordinator, came by in the evening to introduce herself. It was so nice to meet her in person. The driver Abraham also came by to say hi.

    Day 4 - first day at hotel - shopping and ice cream day

    Abraham picked up a small group of new sleevers at the hospital around 12:30 to go back to the hotel. When I got to the hotel, my companion was in the lobby talking with this woman who was a doctor from the U.S. She had been sleeved in TJ a few years ago and was back to accompany her sister in law who was having the same procedure done. When I got back to my room, I had a shower and a nap. Abraham came back to the hotel around 3:00 pm to bring a group of 9 (all sleevers and their companion) to go shopping. It was a fun experience to be with a bigger group and meet new people to compare stories and have a few laughs. I also though it was very clever of A Ligther Me to bring their customers shopping to ensure they get the walking they need! I did not do much shopping. I mostly went for the sightseeing, which I enjoyed tremendously. After shopping, Abraham took everyone for some ice cream. He also stopped at a store for a few of us to get Gatorade, Jello and other items. I was given a paper copy of the results of my blood and EKG tests and a CD showing my leak test. I was also provided with a care package to go back home with (liquid antacid (aka Malox), antibiotics, pain killers (to take if needed), gauss, chap stick and little travel pack). I thought that it was very thoughtful of A Lighter me to do so. A nice personal touch on their part. I emailed my husband to ask him to buy me some Malox since I knew I could not bring it accross security at the airport (I only had a carry on) and would need some when I got back home. Everyone raves about the broth at hotel. For me, it seemed to be different depending on the day. I thought it was just ok.

    Day 5 - second day at hotel - when drain comes out

    Dr. Sanchez came by my room and removed my drain in the morning. Coming out, it felt like a light pinch. Not painful, just weird. I was soooo glad it was out. I emailed my coordinator Janese for a doctor's note to get time off work. I received the document by email a few hours later. My that woman is efficient! That evening, Abraham called to let me know what time he would be picking us up tomorrow to go back home the next morning.

    Day 6 - flight back home

    My companion and I were lucky. We were the only ones picked up to go back to the airport at 10:30 that morning. The earlier group had left at 8:30. Our very own private chauffeur! Going accross the border to the U.S. was a different experience than when entering TJ. There were hundreds of cars lined up at the border (yikes). However, A Lighter Me had a medical pass for me. Abraham showed the pass to the border officer who then let us through the express lane. We were the only one in this lane! We by passed ALL of those cars. The next stop was the customs officer. We gave him our passports, he asked me if I had anything to declare. I said no. And that was it. We were on our way. In about 5-10 minutes we were in the U.S. Again ! I am not certain how long it took to get the the San Diego Airport (25 minutes?). We also got slowed down a bit because of an accident. It is mostly highway driving so the trip is pretty short. At the airport, the walk from the check-in counter, through security to our gate was very short since there are not many airlines to go back to Canada. I therefore did not need any assistance to board the plane at the San Diego airport. But, because it is such a long distance to travel in Toronto, I asked the airline for assistance. I had not booked ahead. We therefore had to wait a bit. If you are travelling through a large busy airport, you definitely would do well to pre-book for assistance right away when making your travel plans. I was SOOOO glad I listened to A Lighter Me and packed light! It made the trip back home so much easier. I gave both Eduardo and Abraham a tip.

    What you will need to bring

    - a little bit of cash (I brought just enough for tips and to buy other things like Gatorade, etc. Make certain you have small denominations for those smaller tips)

    - house coat (came in handy when I had to walk around with that hospital gown...)

    - a safety pin (to secure my drain)

    - medical dressing and medical tape (if you don't need it travelling, you will definitely need some for when you get back home for the incision where the drain)

    - slippers/shoes with hard sole and that are easy to put on/take off to walk around the hospital

    - hot pad (in case you have pain in your shoulders due to the anesthesia)

    - OXO bouillon (came in VERY handy for the trip back home)

    - Gas X strips

    - a small container to put a little liquid antacid if travelling by plane for more than 12 hours to take your meds while travelling

    Final thoughts

    I expected my surgery to go well and it did. What I did not expect though was meeting great people, laughing and making friends while I was there because of the extra outings that A Lighter Me organizes for its customers. I have been home one week now without complications or pain and feel good (20 lbs lost so far). I would not hesitate to do this again. It was a great experience. I should have done this a long time ago. Now the fun part starts, loosing the weight!

    Hope this post has been helpful.

  2. Had my surgery yesterday around 5. Did my leak test this morning. All is fine. I was given Gatorade this afternoon. It tasted sooo good after having fasted for so long for the surgery. Looking forward to starting the rest of my journey. Next post will be a long one detailing my experience here in Mexico for those who have not yet been through this.

  3. If you need reassurance or a change of scene, walk around the hotel looking for others who have had the surgery so they can talk to and give you the one on one support you need right now. If you meet someone who is bringing you down, move on to the next person. This surgery has helped far too many people for you to stay focussed on someone who will not be supportive for you in your time of need.

  4. Some people feel safer asking if you are trying to loose weight when they are secretly wondering if you are sick (cancer, etc...). Who knows what the person's real motivation was. And, does it really matter. Focus on the good things in life and ignore the rest. Life is easier and more pleasant tat way. Enjoy your new journey and all the good stuff that cones with it. :)

  5. October 8th was my day last year' date=' it's a great great day to be sleeved. <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> Spend the next month reading posts on the forums here and educating yourself. Getting samples of Protein shakes, and freezing left over dinners for your family or significant other. It will be time to pack your bags before you know it. Congratulations on your'e decision,[/quote']

    Thanks Sherri, those are great tips. Will definitely do to be ready for when I come back.

  6. Im not from ottawa..im from british columbia and going to TJ Mexico for surgery on sept 11th..you can message me if you have questions..i was pretty clueless at first but now im assured of it all

    Hello Heather :). Thank you for responding and offering answers to some of my questions. I would really appreciate benefiting from your experience to date. My email address is dianesleeve22@gmail.com. You can email me to give me your email address and I can send you questions or I could call you instead if that would make things easier for you. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks again.

  7. Hello' date='



    Hey Celine,

    Thanks for responding! I actually live in Luskville (10 minutes past Aylmer). :). I would love to talk to you to get details of your experience. If you are up to answering some questions, let me know via email (dianesleeve22@gmail.com)

    Glad to know your experience was a great one. It is encouraging for me.

  8. I have been on a waiting list for a consult about 8 months now with no consult date in sight :( I was also told that it will be 3 years before I can have the surgery here so I have made the decision to get my sleeve done in Mexico. Anyone who has done the same I would live to hear from you.

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