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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Timeforchange20

  1. I would recommend making an appointment with your family doctor and getting a scope done... There could be a stricture or other problem... I had serious gastritis post op and was throwing up about ten times a day.., I ended up with a serious Vitamin B1 deficiency so take it from me don't wait I ended up unable to walk and hospitalized... From what my surgeon has told me vomiting is dangerous and should be looked in to! Hope all works out (not trying to scare anyone just better to be safe then sorry)

  2. Thanks everyone so much for the support! The new update is they believe I have Beriberi which is an extreme Vitamin b1 deficiency... I feel so fed up with the health care system, my grandma actually came up with beriberi and the doctor thinks she may be right... Had they kept shrugging me off most times left untreated beriberi results in death... I have an MRI booked Sunday and am on the waiting list to see a neurologist! I am getting stronger since I have started b1 injections so I hope it is in fact what is helping me and I am on the road to recovery!

  3. Hi Kathy I have another post in this thread updating everyone... I ended up being hospitalized because I started collapsing and had very little muscle in my legs I am also numb from my neck down... They now have my gastritis under control but I still have very little of an appetite, most of the time I need to force myself to eat.... Vomiting is very dangerous for sleeve patients :( mine was never caused by over eating though it was always the gastritis.... I am in the process of getting a bunch more tests done to get to the bottom of why I am numb and barely able to walk... I am down 105 pounds... I hope everything turns around for you and I will be thinking of you! It hasn't been the easiest journey for me so far

  4. Ok so amoung all my other lovely complications I have gout!!!! I have been in pain for three weeks now nothing is helping and I feel like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown! Anyone have any input how long this will last and what I could do to help the pain... I read somewhere if you have a sleeve done you are at an increases risk for gout :(

  5. Hey fellow sleevers! I know I have been MIA for awhile last you had heard from me they thought I possibly had a stricture.... Well A LOT has happened since then! I ended up going for a scope and they told me I had gastritis, esophagitis, hiatal hernia, very small stricture and a few edemas... No medication was helping the gastritis and I got to the point I was throwing up 10 times a day and my body started to go numb, I barely had any energy and had to even sit in the shower because I felt like I was going to pass out... The numbness continued to get worse which was followed by muscle weakness and I started collapsing... Everytime I went to the doctor or ER they wouldn't listen to me and just kept saying my blood work was normal (how when I hadn't eaten for a month and a half is beyond me!!) my mom forced me to go back to the ER after I couldn't get off the couch or a toilet without help... I was admitted and was in for two and a half weeks, the weakness was so bad at one point I was unable to walk... They changed my antacid medication and I started eating again!!! I am now home and able to eat however I am still numb from the neck down and very weak... I need help even to get up or down stairs... I really hope with the new year comes better health!!

  6. My advice is to get a new family doctor you want someone who is going to support you when you get home specially if there are any complications which arise.... I started having complications a month after surgery and although my family doctor was supportive prior to surgery he ignored me after and my health got so bad I started collapsing... I am looking into a new doctor :( it all could have been prevented had I not been ignored for months! You need someone who will support you and look after you when u get home!

  7. I don't understand why they would use a catheter.... I was up walking only two hours after I got back to my room.... I mean even if u can't be up they could use the cammode or even a bed pan.., its good for u to be up walking as soon as possible! I'm in the hospital now and was unable to go to the bathroom (I had surgery four months ago) and they said a catheter is the last resort! So I bed panned it lol

  8. Update guys! I am back on a liquid diet until I get the vomiting under control... I have been in touch with my doctors in Mexico and pretty sad to say they are taking better care of me then my doctors here at home! I apparently show signs of gastritis.... A moderate size hiatal hernia and a few edema's dr. Campos says next step is to get a scope done and if I notice any sign of dehydration to head to the ER.... Thank you all for your support!

  9. I have been doing the same but haven't found much! Although the appointment answered some questions I almost feel like I have more then I did before... I hate how they rush you out of a doctors office!! I have an appointment next week to see if the meds are working if not then its scope time :( I also go for blood work tomorrow to check to make sure all my Vitamin levels are ok (which I'm sure there not!)

  10. Oh no cloud9 :( I am thinking and praying for you as well... Saw my doc today and I have an update... He thinks the valve separating my esophagus and my stomach was damaged and not working properly I also STILL have a hiatal hernia which was supposed to be fixed during surgery (I don't know if it came back or was never repaired properly) the doc put me on medication to try and get things to stay in my stomach... I honestly feel like if things don't change a hospital stay is in my near future :(... Has anyone else heard similar things after surgery from what I understand when the stomach valve isint closing its called GERD?? I am so lost... Really wondering if I did the right thing I DO NOT want gastric bypass and have a huge fear this is where my problems may be heading... Any feedback is so appreciated!

  11. I felt so good after surgery! No vomiting at all!! It started about a month after surgery. I contacted the coordinator tonight and let her know I will be faxing over my test results so he can look at them... I have been in contact with him off and on for about a month he was concerned about a stricture and requested I get a barium swallow so I insisted I get it when I saw my doc at home... I don't really think he is delaying things just with our health care system any tests take awhile to get in for. Not only have I been having the problem of vomiting but bowel issues as well which has made it very hard to work but I am managing... The worst is prob my energy level I find in the morning I can barely shower I am so drained.... I also find I can't eat or drink much before noon or it's just about a sure thing I will be sick.

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