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Posts posted by mage54

  1. Have been debating about asking about this on here for a while, but here we go...

    Have any of you had issues where after surgery and dropping a lot of weight you still look in the mirror and don't really see the difference?

    Let me explain... I was 567+ prior to surgery on 11/13/13. I am now 376 and still losing. I see the effects, loose skin, clothes fit better, I'm more comfortable. Usually though, when I look in the mirror I still see myself as huge. I know, 376 is still very obese, but I just feel like I should be recognizing the changes in the mirror more. Anyone else dealing with this or have you dealt with it in the past?

  2. I finally am able to get back on here... To those who haven't had surgery yet, please don't think it was due to issues or pain I have just been busy. I am feeling fantastic. I did have a bit of a bump in the road on Saturday morning, I spiked a fever and had to return to the hospital. After going to the ER the surgeon decided to admit me back upstairs and run all sorts of tests. Leak test, chest x-ray, blood clot tests, urine, blood, stool.... Literally everything, I even got to go back home Sunday morning. Felt fine the whole time even with a fever of 103, it all came back decent until last night I got a call that I tested positive for C. Diff. Dr. Z is really unsure how I could've gotten it and had symptoms so quickly, but I am still doing great no incision pain, had gas pains the first night but that was it. The only issue really worth noting is that my drain makes me uncomfortable. Not painful just not pleasant. The pain I do have is handled quite nicely by pain pills, the Clear Liquids for the first week are going great. I haven't been hungry (at all) since Wednesday before surgery. Usually when I do feel something that kinda resembles hunger it turns out to be a bit of gas (sorry if TMI) I belch and it goes away.

    I am so very happy with my surgery, my team that did it, and everything else. Best decision ever. Stay focused each of you who were nervous it is scary going in, but the other side is great.

  3. Some people (not you) seem to think there is some obligation to tell. If you were having hemorrhoid surgery or a vasectomy would you feel that you had some kind of obligation to tell everyone you saw? It's your private information to do with as you want.

    I agree that it does come down to the individual, I also agree that for any other procedure you aren't likely to be as candid. That being said there is a difference between not telling and making up stories that you want to sound like they are likely scenarios for what you are having done.

    Secondly, how long will your relationships with anyone other than your significant other be impacted by hemorrhoid surgery or a vasectomy? My point is this, we as a culture tend to eat at social gatherings, there are going to be questions about why you do what you do when it comes to eating and drinking. The questions won't be meant to be offensive or rude they will just happen because they are different habits than what people are used to seeing. Many videos online talk about this (onelifetosleeve is the first one that comes to mind). He was questioned by a waitress who didn't even know him simply because he didn't want any drinks to be left on the table for him with his dinner.

    If you make the story up once to tell a single co-worker or manager what is going on for whatever the reason and 8 months later you are out with a new coworker and slip up on some details you had given out before simply because the topic comes up in conversation, you would need to lie, the same lie, again and again.

    I really hope this doesn't sound judgmental it is really not meant to be that way. I do think that each person needs to do what will work for them, but generally the truth is easier to remember and you don't have to worry about it potentially hurting your credibility in the long run.

  4. I really haven't thought of an actual number I want to reach as a "goal weight". The lowest I can remember being is 185 about 1-2 years after high school. I am 42 now. I guess 150 would be nice. That means I would have to lose 150 lbs... Omg is that even possible???

    I sure hope it is lol I need to lose more than that...

  5. I guess maybe I just don't understand why there needs to be any "story" at all... Personally I have been happy to answer questions that people have had. There was a day I was in a meeting at work right after I had been approved (before the meeting started but most people were already there) a friend of mine had asked me a question wanting more information, this led to several people listening in and eventually asking questions of their own. I told everyone everything I knew about what they would be doing and time off, everything, they were all very receptive and more curious than nosy.

    The thing is it got it out of the way and instead of questions down the road about why I am doing certain things, it is usually questions about how the tests are going or asking for updates on how I am doing. I have lived too much of my life in disappointment in my weight and embarrassment about what I look like. For me to not own up to what I am doing and why I am doing it would be incredibly hard since I view this as the best decision I have made in my life about my health. I am not implying that anyone here isn't proud of what they are doing, but I would say don't be afraid to own it.

  6. I'm having tummy troubles of liquid in & liquid out. allons-y

    I can completely relate to this... My NUT warned me that it could happen this way (or be the exact opposite) and that all we can do is OTC pills to treat the symptoms.

    Did you guys all have to sign 'contracts' that said basically if you gained weight during your liquid diet time that you understood that it would cause your surgery date to change?

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