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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by karenoconnortx

  1. I have wanted so bad for this to be a rewarding experience, Exciting experience etc, but ive been sadly disappointed :( I just can't get past this nausea. My surgery was June 20. I'm a slow loser , but that's ok because I'm only 4'11". Surgery day I was 191.4 and today I'm 172. I barely can keep anything down for the last week though. I'm lost and I really don't want to spiral into a depression like I did for the first month after surgery, that was AWFUL!

  2. I do the same thing. I weigh everyday even though I tell myself to only do it once a week. It never works out that way. I can not stop weighing myself & I admit that I too have an addiction to the scale. I can not help it. You are definitely not alone

    Cheer bear,

    How is your diet! Starting, surgery and current weight? Your situation interests me because I had surgery June 20 my starting weight was 191 and I am only at 185- 5 weeks out! Sooooooo frustrated. What do your doctors tell you?

  3. Karen you mentioned steak and chewed foods? What is your daily intake of fluids? What are you eating and drinking cause I'm three weeks out and still stage 2b as far as eating I'm pureed no lumps and still 60g Protein 64oz fluids 60 min of movement and the pounds are coming off 32lbs since surgery date of 6\27 I wish I was eating chewed food lol but I'm not although I have licked a potato chip lol

    I am getting in my 64 oz of Water a day, like I said the exercise is impossible right now due to my scoliosis and as I said earlier I cant do pureed food because I throw up so I chew chew chew. Glad its all working for you.

  4. You are all so sweet and supportive to take time to write to me. You are all helping. I am going to concentrate on just Protein and Water from here on out. I know never to eat too much now, the pain usually hits a teaspoon before the three ounces which tells me to STOP!! However I feel like I am ALWAYS hungry, but, always nauseous, ALWAYS. How is one supposed to live/work this way, and I have not lost weight either since surgery. Today is my four week anniversary since surgery. Should I go back to basics, shakes and Water, broth for a while? I just cant work with a full nauseous stomach which is the outcome of trying to get my Protein levels in through normal chewed food. I agree with what someone said PPabout the boiled egg, it fills my sleeve with not enough protein.

    As for exercise I do the small walk from car to a sit down job. And seeing as I have two rods and 37 screws in my spine due to scoliosis surgery, movement (carrying an extra 80lbs) causes much pain - which is why I did the surgery, to break the vicious circle.

    So I guess I will go back to 3 x 17g Protein Shakes a day, cottage cheese for Snacks and maybe tuna mixed in for lunch and steak for dinner with talapia for alternate day dinners. I dont have a sweet tooth so that helps. What do you think? Your advice is important to me. Im not good in the kitchen so the easier ideas are the better. And because I have sat all day at work my back really needs to lay and relax flat when I get home. I know the spine part will improve as the weight falls off, I just cant afford to get my spine hurt exercising while Im trying to lose the weight. Am I even making sense?

    Tired, sad and alone. I haven't told my family in case of failure and I spent all my (our, my husband and my, life savings =12k!)

    Sorry to sound all woe is me, I do however have one amazing husband on my side. He loves me and has seen all the pain that the weight put upon my spine and the trouble that it has caused. He is my biggest fan and is cheering me through this. I am most certainly blessed. Now I just need to get my mind positive, some routines that will work, and a lot of faith, and hopefully I will then be able to replace my frown with a smile. ,:/


  5. Ok, well I apprexiate your honesty, noe I dont feel so bad. As for "blended foods" which I started doing for a few days at two weeks post op, I threw up EVERYTIME. I cant blend fish ,-(or should I say drink fish) or chicken. It was disgusting. I couldnt do baby food. So I started taking tiny bites and "blending" it in my mouth myself. Then I was able to swallow and keep it down. I was very careful. Im not supposed to be at that phase "the mechanical" ,phase until the 27th. But i cant drink food especially hot, and when I do I throw up. The other way is working fine. I couldn't figure out any other solution to get my Protein in (which Im still no where near required) if all I was going to do was puke up everything!

  6. I swore up and down that after spending 12k out of my pocket that I wouldnt cheat, easier said than done. Im originally from Australia (now Texas) and a friend sent me a care package (before surgery) which had my favorite chicken chips in them and I had some left over after surgery. I am guilty of stealing some here and there. The only good thing is that they are very salty and make me drink more Water.< /p>

    Be honest....what have you eaten that you shouldn't?

  7. I take one bariatric chewable one a day Vitamin from Pro Care Health and a chewable Calcium each morning, then at lunch I take another Calcium (500mg chewable from Country Life) then at night I drink a small pouch of "spatone Pur ~ Absorb liquid iron" that I got from Walgreens. I have just made it my life. Having said that tomorrow will be four weeks since surgery and I have only lost 14lbs (12 ,of which we from the pre op diet) im so sad and depressed that this just isn't going to work for me. So hard to stay positive. I feel like Im doing everything right, just cant exercise like normal people due to a fully fused spine. Its just really depressing.

    Hope for some of you the Vitamins and calcium and liquid Iron referrals work.

  8. This was supposed to be my dream. Im from Australia, weighed 125lbs when I met my Texan love who was passing through Sydney during the 2000 Olympics. Fell in love and moved to Texas the following year. Long story short (ish) In 2008 I had an extent spine surgery, 2 rods from neck to tailbone, 37 screws, almost my entire spine is fused. Well fast forward to Jun 20 2013, I was 78 lbs heavier, mostly from 8 months of post spine op inability to move, and eating for comfort, boredom and to get through the debilitating pain. I live in the country so no pool here or gym, I used to walk a little but now my knees and ankles are on fire.

    So I got the sleeve 6/20/13 SW 203 (prior to pre op liquid diet.) Today 7/17/13 Im only 189 and have been all week and Im miserable. In fact Ive barely lost any since surgery, I lost 12 on the pre op and only a couple of lbs since surgery. Im doing tye shakes, no sweets, drinking Water (pushing fluids) I'm so scared that this isn't going to work for me. I eat lost of fish, veges. I put a banana in my morning shake and i also eat a boiled egg daily. tuna in my salad etc. ITS NOT WORKING. Im so discouraged and so sad. I eat probably about 4 to five times a day. Even with the 14lbs that Ive lost (have lost nothing this week) I look and feel no different in my clothes. Im depressed. Please help me with a typical food day plan, please help me with an easy movement/excercise plan remembering that due to my spine and the weight Im carrying I cant do much. Just please help me.

    Thanks so much.


  9. Im a 6/20 sleever and including the pre op I have only lost 14lbs :( Excercise is difficult for me because I have two rods and 37 screws in my spine from scoliosis surgery in Nov 2008, (which is why I gained so much weight). My SW was 203 (Im only 4'11) and Im only down to 189. Im discouraged and miserable and scared this wont work for me. I hope it gets better. I know I need to drink more fluids. I eat lots of fish, salmon and talapia. Do t have a sweet tooth thank god!

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