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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SKoenig

  1. Hey folks it's been awhile! I had a band revision surgery on the 5th so I am in liquid hell again. had a slip not resolved by unfilling. Feeling good not as sore since the port didn't have to be fixed. Looking forward to getting back on the "band" wagon. Have lost 8 of the 13 I put back on since I was de flated. Still down 92 lbs so I can't complain!!

  2. Hi all haven't been around here much lately. Busy with the kids and such. Anyway doing really well tryingto get to that magic 100lb mark ( Only 8 more to go!) Started trying to walk or run everyday...yes I said run not sure what's gottten into me but I got the urge to RUN!! Imagine that never ran a day in my life that something wasn't chasing me lol! Anyway loving my new life and hoping to get to that goal!!

  3. Hey all glad to hear everyone is doing so well!! Kathy I wish I'd have known about the meeting woith Dr. Choban that would have been a good one. do you know when the next one is and what the topic is? I am feeling great and don't want to lose my momentum. I think it helps to get a "support boost" every now and again and I think I'm up for one. Keep up the good work everyone!!

  4. Hi again guys!

    I seem to have tightened up all of a sudden again like I did this summer. I haven't had a fill for about 3months and only got.25cc then. Last three days can't eat much solid. I have been doing ok with liquids and musshies as long as I go real slow. Does this happen to anyone else? I really don't want to get unfilled but I am in pain when I eat solid food. what gives? I have lost rapidly but not sure if I'm willing to keep this up for the sake of a better number on the scale. I am down to 224 though woo hoo.


  5. Hello all haven't been here for awhile. I'm doing great but not as fast losing as most of you. Just getting back on track after my 4 month stagnation. Feeling gret and hoping to hit 80 lbs by my bandiversary on Feb. 20. I do love my band as tempremenatl as she can be!! Love to see all of these success stories congrats Greg on 90lbs! I believe you had yours after me. I'm going to try to stay more involved and get my "groove" back.

  6. Hi everyone haven't been on in a long time because I feel like I have lost the last 3 months on the weight loss wagon. After being deflated it has been a very slow game of catch up. I have literally been the same weight for 3 months!! I just now have started to lose again. The only saving grace is that I didn't gain and i feel great! I haven't had this much energy since I don't know when. Dr. Miller gave me .25cc just to see if it helps since we don't want to get "to tight" ever again. Had i known i would lose 3 months imight have suffered through it a little more to see if it loosened up on it's own. but the smart girl in me knew it was way too tight.

    So here I am back on the band wagon after a brief hiatus. Motivated again!

  7. Hey all long time since I've been here. Don't know why but I've been at this same weight since August!!!!! I'm back up to 5.5 cc(ml if you work at MCHS) Anyway it seems totake awhile for a fill to kick in for me. I've had this one for a month and just now starting to "feel" it. Trying this week to be extremely vigilant. Seems like maybe just picking the wrong foods. Dr. Miller did my last fill and he is doing the next one on Nov. 3. Maybe that one will do the trick!!

  8. Howdy folks. Got into see Dr. Miller on the 22nd (my birthday) and he gave me another 1cc and yeah It's beginning to work!! I really never imagined what fine tuning this band requires, at least for me. It truly has been a learning experience about what I'm supposed to feel and when things aren't quite right. I was glad to be able to get into seee him as dr. choban has been booked solid. Congrats on everyone's success!!

  9. Ok folks I am frustrated that i still don't have any restriction since my last 1cc. I can eat ANYTHING. I was doing sooo well before I had to get Fluid taken out. It take so long to rebuild after an unfill. i am up about three pounds again and haven't lost a thing since the first of August. I have a call into the office because i knew this 1cc wasn't going to be enough. I feel like i have no band at all. Sorry for the bellyaching but I want to lose!!!

    Thanks for letting me vent....again

  10. I feel like I'm tired all the time. Partially from working nights I'm sure but since school started again gettting up early with the kids.... Anyway I got a fill today but she only put a little more than 1cc in. I tried to get more but she wants to go slow since I got too full. Not noticing any difference yet but it's only been 2 hrs ha ha. I'll be hopeful this will help.

  11. Welcome Oktoberfest you are in the best place for support!! I don't know much about United Health Care but be prepared to "jump through hoops" like kathy said. I was declined the first time but my physician just kept sending records. Just remember your insurance company wants you to give up and get frustrated but DON'T!!!

    Kathy- I did the Heart Walk on Sat I had to park at Spaghetti Warehouse. My daughter and I only did the 1 mile cause I had my son's football game to go to but I was surprised at the amount of people!!! it was a Zoo.

    Angie I'm sure you are getting excited try not to be nervous it was pretty easy.

    Only 3 more days til i get my band back!!! All have a good day!:rolleyes:

  12. Hope everyone is doing well! It's been kinda quiet in here lately. I am just waiting impatiently on my refill on the 28th. I am up about 3lbs since getting deflated but feeling good.I went to my primary doctor who I hadn't seen since March adn on his records I was down 33lbs since then. he was very pleased but Miss "gotta have it right now" wishes it were more by now. Oh well. Everyone have a good weekend:shades_smile:

    PS. good luck Patty and Angie you will both do great!!!!!

  13. I sure hope dr. choban does my fill on the 28th because my port isn't super accessible. since losing my 3cc last week I am totally able to eat ANYTHING!!!! My old habits are returning and i want to eat all the time:frown: I am just going to have to get super strict with myself until i can get in there for a fill. I think from not eating for several days my body is on a hyperdrive need for food. My head is giving in. Oh well just a little speed bump just hope I don't gainn too much in the next couple of weeks.

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