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Posts posted by Debbydo

  1. Thanks for replying....I thought I was the only crazy girl that's doubling up on the support. How long have you been with WW after the band????

    I love the trinkets and the milestones from WW. I love the challenge of keeping track and the leader for this meeting is very entertaining.

    Hubby and I are doing WW together (he is not banded) and together we have lost 50 lbs in 9 weeks. Me 20 :biggrin:

    The learning to make better choices is the ticket, I never had. shakes and high carbs slide right down that band.

    If they could have invented something to make me hate chocolate, I would be better off.

  2. Anyone else going???..... I haven't told anyone in the group I am banded yet.

    I lost 70 gain 20 with the band, then lost 15 of the 20 regained and now I'm down 19 with weight watchers.

    I never really learned how to make good food choices with the band alone.

    I'm 15 pounds to my first goal and I'm chugging along?

    I'm rethinking my aggressive goal of 155

    Anyone else in the same boat??

  3. Elisa,

    He is an excellent surgeon. Check with NYS licensure department to see if he has ever had a problem, I don't think so.

    I found after adjusting to life with the band and a life long commitment the hard part


    I went to Mercy hospital in RVC, they have a whole floor of bariatric patients.

    Good Luck

  4. Elisa,

    I was pretty happy with the group. They do the fills right in the office and I think Geiss sends you out??????

    Holover is awesome, he was just getting settled in the practice when I had mine done almost three years ago.

  5. If an adult cannot get their point across over right and wrong without physically assalting a child, then they have no right being a parent.

    Who is the adult here.

    You would think an adult would know how to speak to, reason with, make rules and guidelines without hitting.

    This is what's wrong with our children!

    Stop hitting and spoiling them and just plain love and guide them.

  6. Hey, I am pretty floored by some of these responses to be honest. If you were to strike another adult you could be facing assault charges. How is striking a child any different?

    A child has limited ability to comprehend cause and effect in relation to their actions, and even if they do have an understanding of their actions they often have poor impulse control. This is directly related to the growth of the brain and their current stage of development.

    We as adults need to allow for this and guide their behaviour in such a way as that we do set firm limits and guidelines, but we should never do anything to damage their self esteem.

    As adults we should be able to keep our anger in check and develop strategies to be able to handle a child's behaviour.

    As a child I was hit daily.It started off as being hit over trivial perceived infractions, to being brutally assaulted for months on end.

    Spanking is a fluff word people. It is physical assault, and it will be outlawed. Make no mistake about it.


    I so agree with you. Spanking is lazy parenting. This is why people should have kids THAT WANT kids!! There is a way to present everything, even to a child, my children are not spanked for discipline and they are great kids who are respectful, loving and kind. All kids are good kids unless their enviroment is creating a bad scene. I listen to parnets in the stores with their children and sometimes it's aweful!

    So put away your brut force - we all know your bigger they they are and you can out power them.

    Why is it ever OK to hit and then say I love you????????????

  7. Snaggletooth,

    Good luck! You may want to check with the surgeon and ask if they will take the 70% as payment in full along with everyone else involved with the surgery.

    The primary MD is a few days before the surgery just to make sure your don't have a cold or anything out of the ordinary during surgery.

    Good Luck to you

  8. Alright guys to give you an update of my wagon ride so far. I was tightened on 5/3, I now have 1.5cc in the band. I know it doesn't sound like alot but for me it's very tight.

    I'm going crazy, I cannot eat anything. I know, I know not good, however for me it's the you need to stay focused, loose the 20 I gained back and move on with my life. I know this is not "normal" band life but it's fast and a jump start.

    I'm down to 189 this morning and when I hit 179 I will fess up I'm too tight and get an unfill.

    Thanks for all your encouragement guys.

  9. Christina, Celeste, Debbi and Debby(me). The Fantastic Four left standing, still journeying and in some cases still struggling with the weight.

    I am glad to have caught up with you all.

    Celeste are you still in the peace corp??? With Africa turning into Italy today, I guess so.... What an adventure!!!

    Debbi, Tenn - Good luck to you girl. I am a north east kinda gal, I haven't seen the southern states, I hear Tenn is beautiful.

    Keep in touch and stay well.

  10. Hi Mark,

    We have that system here in New York state anyway. Every emergency room, fire house or police station is designated a Safe Haven. A no questions asked, we would try and find you again place for a baby. In addition there are clinics and other outpatient facilities that display the safe haven sign for a girl in distress that needs to walk away at that moment.

    It's sad but very safe alternative for the baby as compared to some of the horror stories you hear about babies being found dead.

    I would hope this is duplicated in other areas of the country?????

  11. Christina,

    Hi it's good to see you here. I have to say I missed a lot of the drama last year. I was already falling off my wagon. Had a huge fight with my surgeons office over money and basically it affected my whole views of the band and the process. There are sooooo many people here now.

    I started gaining again so I went back after a few months of denial and he has a new office manager and apoligized for the last two. I got a fill and I'm back in the right direction again. I've been logging on for about two weeks now trying to stay out of the kitchen.

    It's good to hear you are doing well , are you at goal???? Let's keep in touch.


  12. Ohhh about the man thing>

    I absoltuley believe they have the right to an opinion and say on what's going on. So you go guys that weighted in on this and stay connected.

  13. OK I'm again going to mention I am pro choice up to a certain gestational age with that being said::

    Maybe some people don't realize when a pregnancy goes to the 20 plus week mark up to 26 which is what's leagal.

    They have to do a partial birth abortion. They pull the baby out "partly", break the neck and take out the spinal fludid with a needle.

    I'm not a clinician so I may have flubbed the terms.

    So, don't think I want to take away a women's right to choose but c'mom give me a break. It's a baby. If the mom was induced at that time without any medical help to abort, it would be a live birth with a future.

    I'm glad to see there are all different opinions and were not slinging mud yet...

  14. Let me start by saying . I am Pro choice up to a certain number of weeks.

    Right now a baby can be aborted at 26 weeks along and a child at 23 weeks can be saved in the NICU.

    So if the baby can survive outside of the mother WHY can the mother make a decision. If a women wants to make decisions .. great .... I'm totally with that.......but not when the baby is completed formed....

    I am not talking about those babies that are deformed or have a horrible defeat that would lead to death within a short period of time after birth.

    Just my opinion...

  15. I think in this case an omission is not a lie and if you run into her in the MD office then address it then.

    I also think if this will create anxeity for you, mention to the secretary when making an appoint that she check the schedule for her name and you are not on the same day.

    With a new relationship and ten pounds to go - who needs to know.

    Good Luck


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