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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Debbydo

  1. Debbydo

    Starting the Process

    Please someone tell me there is spell check on this thing - I sound like an uneducated ooofff.
  2. Debbydo

    Starting the Process

    I think I will one of the early May bandsters. I have my final consultation with the surgeon on 3/17 and then off to insurance review. I have a huge family trip planned April 23- April30 with my family, my parents ans two of my aunts to Disney world. The thought of being 2-3 weeks post op scares me with this crowd. I'm planning on advoiding the family eating thing for awhile after my band. I've decided to ce a closet bandster. So big ole family trip it not the place to start the healing process. I'm hoping for the first week in May. It would be a beautiful wedding anniversary present for me and DH. A promise of a healthier me! Thanks so much for thinking of me. Debby Bandster in training
  3. Debbydo

    Confession Time - Very long

    Correction the other people. Sorry didn't mean to leave off the men in the crowd in my last post.
  4. Debbydo

    My sister had a Down Syndrome baby

    what a handsome little guy!! (((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I'm stealing a line from someone else on this board Nolan is truly evidenence that there are angels among us. Debby
  5. Debbydo

    Confession Time - Very long

    Denise, I applaud you for taking the first steps of taking back control of your life. We've all been ther with different circumstances but low never the less. My suggestion is to find a consulor. If you have health insurance, call them and ask for an in network referral to keep the costs down. Each area seems to be a monumental life stress in intself. By talking and creating a to do list a daily action plan to help each area you will find after a few weeks you are gaining more and more control. I too hit very rough times with stress coming in all directions a few years back and I found a professional to help me crisis manage. Just for 6 weeks or so I recall. My to do lists incuded: 10 minute self pity time 10 take a walk xxxxx time working on info gathering for my sons disability xxxxx time for house work xxxxxx time thinking and stratergizing about family issues etc etc. But every night I took off the master llist things I could do to accomplish my ultimate goal in bit size pieces. I really feel like I accomplished something if I can cross it off a list. I was told not to think of it all al the same time - crushing and not productive. I wish you well on your journey. The other girls are sooooooooooooooooooooo much more experienced at the weight loss band thing - I'm just starting that journey. ((((((( HUGS)))))))))) Debby Bandster in training
  6. Debbydo

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    HI. LGA and JFK are so close too each other. Delta and united are hubbed in LGA. Jet blue in JFK. What is the consences on what we want to do. No sense staying in a high tourist hotel area if were not going to do the tourist thing. Thoughts. I'm an hour outside the city on Long Island and I'm in the city 2-3 times a week for work so if you want me to swing by anthing to check out rates and how many are there of us. Group rates are always better.
  7. Debbydo

    My sister had a Down Syndrome baby

    I have a special needs son whose also 7. Nicky has taught me the meaning of pure love. We have a connection that iis woth out words. The journey so far has been filled with so many emotions. My steadfast goal is to make sure he's happy and being the best he can be. Love to your sister and her family and to you for seeking out strength and support for her and you. There are local support groups filled with good infamation. Don't get freaked out by what you read. My son is autistic and I learned to read with a discerning eye for what pertained to us and left the other info alone. Debby Bandster in training
  8. Debbydo

    need encouragement

    Princess, Quiting is the hardest (OK maybe 2nd hardest, next to Weight loss) and most precious gift you can give yourself and others who love you. Good luck on your journey to the new you. Debby Bandster in Training
  9. I was a total dog lover, cat disliker growing up. We had a dog and she was wonderful. My best friend had a house full of cats - I mean a house FULL of cats. Looking back on it , it must of been pretty gross. so ther begins my dislike for those mysterious creatures. After DH and I married we figured we try out the " are we responsible enough for kids yet test run with two kittens we adopted" We figured if the cats did ok, how much more would it take to raise kids LOL. Well einstein and tiffy joined our little family and they were terrific. Einstien passed 2 years ago but Tiffy now eight is still the best campanion any human could ask for. When I was on bed rest with my pregnancies (Nick now 7, Danny 5). Tiffy's maternal instincts kicked in, she never left the top of the couch and followed me around everywhere as if to say - I understand and I'm taking care of you. Donut the alley cat joined our family a few months after we llost einny to cancer and she is totally the kids cat. Donut will snuggle and lay at the edge of their beds at night. She's cool with me. I think Tiffy laid down the law to her - you can have anyone in the family but the mommy is mine. They are so intelligent and such beautiful creatures. thanks to DH, I am a cat convert. Debby Bandster in Training
  10. Debbydo

    No Fill for Me!

    28lbs in 6weeks!!!!!!! YOu go girl! wishing you the next 6 as successful as the first. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Debby BAndster in training
  11. Debbydo

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    I am so in. This is a great idea. I will hopefully be a bandster4+ months by then and would love to to get an extra boost toward our common goal by then. I'm in New York , Long Island to be exact. Lots to do. Theater, beach, central park(major walking if you're up to it, just went with the family to see the Gates exhibit and was insane to think we could walk the exhibit in it's entirity- 23 miles - yeah right! Had no clue there were 23 miles of pathes in the park) The weather is still in the 70ish range which makes for some good outdoor activities???? So how do you use the spell check on this board - I'm horrible! Debby Bandster in Training
  12. Debbydo

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    congratulations on your date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will have completed my consults on 3/17 and info send off to insurance review. Hopefully, I'm not much behind you jammim. Debby
  13. Debbydo

    Does everyone have a great story?

    My doc, Holovor had told me a story about one of his clients who was banded lost the weight and then when to Mexico for a TT. I'm not sure of the details but anyhoot the plastic surgeon cut the tube to the port and the band system had to be removed. Bummer. Debby Not yet banded.
  14. Debbydo

    Outside LBT

    Great thread! Well I work Ft in medical sales been doing it for a long time so I have my fair share of friendly faces in the course of the day. I have 2 boys and a DH, we have little weekend adventures and just have plain goofy fun doing everyday things. My time, I spend painting and reading. I got hooked about a year ago to the one stroke painting. If it doesn't move in my house it gets painted. My DH is thrilled with all the flowers on things. LOL Anyway very relaxing. I just re read the DaVinici code, the illustrated version - wow what a difffernce when you have a visual for the art references and such. Anyway that me in a nut shell. Definitely a nut. Debby Bandster intraining
  15. Debbydo

    OK not for the faint of heart! LOL!!

    Ok sitting here in the dark in New York by myself and that just scard the cr#@* out of me. I am wearing one of those 24 hour holter monitor heart monitory test. I definitely blipted pretty high. Good one. Debby Bandster in training
  16. Debbydo

    Anyone else snowbound?

    Yup! I'm on Long Island and the schools usually close at the drop of a hat around here. I'm so afraid of an early dismissal the kids are hanging with my mom today. I took off yesterday - last thurs and fri - I have to get my butt movin. I would like to forget I'm a workin girl ( Sales that is). Enjoy the day! Debby 242 bandster in training pre opt
  17. Debbydo

    No personal attacks

    Wow, I am totally missing something. I am a junkie for this web site since my first consultation last month and I did get the idea this were so heated. I agree with you Alexandra, if we wanted person attacks there are plenty to be found from so call well meaning friends and family. I've been truly inspired from this site and have gone ahead and scheduled all the consults I needed for presurgery testing and such. I was anticipating this from the this forum for it to be a few month process. But I guess in NY moves a little quicker. ANyway, Love the boards and the positive,honest and real threads. Thanks, Debby bandster in training 242 preopt
  18. Debbydo


    Navymom, It's been over a week since your orginal posting - HOW ARE YOU?????? Hope things are better for you. Debby Bandster in training 242 pre-opt
  19. Debbydo

    Please step away from the pizza..

    I'm stealing a line, I think from Jack?? Nothing tastes as good as you feel health and lighter!! Hang in there- you can do it. MAybe you could do a quick surf for clothes. I love playing at LL Bean web site withthe vertual model and dreaming of next yeat. LOL. Look at a cold slice later - it grosses me out when the oils solidify- YUCK!!!!!
  20. Mom's House is always comfort food. Growing up, mom use to fix any problem with her cooking. Sorry to here Paula the gumbo moved over to the do not eat list. It sounded good. Debby
  21. Debbydo

    Starting the Process

    Hi everyone, I did the endoscopy last Thursday. Not really a big deal except I lost a full day to sleep from the anes. I have the cardio this week and have a slew of appointments to make. My goal is to be completed with the consults and begin the insurance waiting game by april 1. I'm getting more at ease with this process and reading everyone posts. The support flowing around is tremondous. I had a long talk with DH. I shared with him that I decided not to tell anyone, including my mother. We both agree although the people in our lives are wonderful. however, are not the people I want to bare my skeltons to or weight loss demons. Thank you for all those who posted their feelings on the various threads on that one. A closet bandster I will be. I this the operation scars are so close to a gall bladder surgery. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. When I'm a siz 8 insteady of a 20. I don't give a hoot who knows. Thanks again, Debby
  22. Thanks Delarla, I was having a hard time following the thread and others without knowing PB. OK I get it PB very bad, dh for when he's good and di*khead when he's driving you crazy. Debby
  23. OK new here, I need help withthe abbreviations. What is PB and I'm assuming DH is darling husband. Debby Not yet banded
  24. Way to much information for me. I am so glad there are people in the world who can stomach HA this stuff. Thanks for the post, however, the nice drawing of the surgery were enough for me. I never did watch a live birth experience in Lamaze, I was afraid I'd change my mind. YUCK. I am still in the process of seeing allthe consults - the cardiologist this week Debby

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