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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Gojogo

  1. I have the sleeve and love it! It's 6 months and I have lost over 5 stone, the weight has slowed down but still coming off. I have been walking every day, up until recently and now have joined a Zumba class. I have only just got the confidence to be in a class and the walking was great. You can do as much as you can manage with out feeling anyone is judging you. Those people in the class you attended are small minded and insensitive. The Zumba class I attend is very friendly with all shapes and sizes. I still walk as I have grown to love it! Good luck and don't worried about those bitches you will have the last laugh:-)

  2. I have become addicted to this post lol. Thank you to all of you vets that take the time to share your wisdom! I fight every day with my addiction and I have to confess that I avoid posts where cheating and abuse of someone's sleeve is happening. I hate to have to admit this, but I feel I am only just able to keep myself on track. I feel I am being rather selfish not helping, but a couple of times when I have made comments, on another forum I was taken as being judgmental. I am rather a people pleaser so was horrified, when what I had said was taken as an attack. I realised that trying to help was putting me in a vulnerable position with my addiction. I was able to not revert back to old habits of binging but I had to really fight the urge. I think you vets that offer advice and give your time, whatever your style, be it straight to the point, or a softly approach, should be received as thoughtful and caring. I for one love learning from you all! As I have mentioned before therapy has made such a difference to me but reading what you vets post make me feel this is worth fighting for. PLEASE don't ever feel what you post is not valuable, beneficial, or adhered to, a novice like me would be lost without you.

  3. I am a food addict that fights every day with my addiction! I don't think I would be able to cope without the years therapy I had for my addiction. My sleeve keeps me from being able to binge like I used to. Wilpower and the acceptance that I can never eat certain foods keeps me sane lol. I know my triggers and as of so far have managed to deal with stressful situations ect without using old habits. Unfortunately enaberlers are not always easy to avoid and they come in all maners of sneaky forms. How I deal with enaberlers is to detach my self emotionally so I can then use certain technics I have for certain situations. So far this has worked very well.

  4. Quinoa, bulgur wheat, whole wheat couscous, brown rice and whole meal Pasta are all great for us but in moderation. My dietitian recommends 1tbls at the most but to be eaten only after Protein and veg if I have room. On my programme which I understand we all seem to have different ones, is that now at week seven I can try them. To be honest though I have just not had room after trying to meet my protein requirements lol.

  5. I have just read the post above mine. I didn't graze I just used to eat loads of food all of the time lol so the sleeve is good for me. The sleeve is a Tool and yes it can be abused, though I think you would have to be eating all of the wrong things continuously. We are never going to be able to eat loads in one sitting again. From what I have read some people gain some of the weight back, due to going back to old trigger foods and bad habits. Even little amounts of hight fat foods and foods high in sugar and bad carbs can have enormous amounts of calories in. I don't know that much about the bypass apart from you will always have to take supplements. Which is not the end of the world. I believe it is also a more complicated op.

  6. Hi, I'm living in Dubai but am a Britt! I had my op back in The UK and I'm six weeks out. I have lost 2st 6lbs and I'm sooooo pleased! I was lucky I only had to do a low carb diet one week before my op and one day of liquids. I am on puréed foods and I am eating very healthily. I have been given eating plans by stages. I love my sleeve the best thing I have done. Good luck to you :-)

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