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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Brighteyes

  1. Brighteyes

    One Year Surgery Anny 9-4-13

    Congrats! You look great!
  2. Brighteyes

    3 months post-op***down 80lbs***

    Way to go! You look great!
  3. Great job! Such a difference!
  4. Brighteyes

    100 pounds gone forever

    Way to go!
  5. Brighteyes

    Pleasantly surprised

    The few co-workers I have told have been surprisingly supportive as well. It's great when people surprise you!
  6. If you think an appeal is worth doing then do it! Don't be afraid to advocate for yourself. I started to see a therapist before I even knew I wanted weight loss surgery. I haven't been on meds (personal choice). I have been treated for mood disorder (depression and anxiety) and PTSD. My therapist is also making me keep a mood journal because she believes I might be bi-polar II. She is using EMDR and talk therapy to help me out and it's made a significant difference. My 530 question test showed I had low level anxiety and depression (no surprise there). The psychologist was insistent that I should be medicated but I reminded him that he wasn't the best person to make that decision. He also had some other disorder diagnosis to which I replied 'I am sure if there is something I slightly struggle with then there is some disorder diagnosis to go with it.' I intentionally redirected our conversation multiple times to 'how this would effect my ability to be successful in surgery.' In the end he cleared me as long as I had a letter from my therapist supporting the fact that I could be successful for surgery. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
  7. Brighteyes

    I'm embarrassed...

    I am still pre-op but had some fitness goals I wanted reach prior to surgery. I found a personal trainer and work out with her at home. If I could have found someone to work out with then I would head to a gym. So until I do the personal trainer was the best thing for me.
  8. I love crossfit! I started it two weeks ago (still pre op). But today I noticed I wasn't as winded walking around, I've had more energy than normal and my back hasn't been bothering me as much. My whole core feels stronger. Still a month out from surgery, but hoping this change will help me recover a little easier.
  9. Ditto on asking. My surgeon explained each step of the procedure to me with a photo portfolio he kept. Nothing was left to the imagination and it made me feel well informed.
  10. Brighteyes

    New here! Never did i ever......

    Sounds like you are on a roll! Way to go on quitting smoking too! It will only help the healing process and you'll feel a lot better once you have stopped for awhile.
  11. Brighteyes

    Blue Shield Denial - so upset

    I have BCBS federal. It specifically says I have to do 3 months consecutive visits with my PCP for supervised weight loss. The PCP can't be associated with the surgical facility doing my surgery. It's a tough blow. I have had a few set backs myself because of a bad PCP so I understand how disheartening it can be. Talk to your insurance company, have them go over the requirements with you over the phone and send you a copy of your benefits package that explains your coverage. Good thing is you'll still get to have the surgery even if its not when you wanted.
  12. Here is my philosophy of pain meds. Being in pain causes stress to the body and thus hindering the healing process. So take the pain meds the doctor prescribes to take the edge off. You'll be fine. You've survived so much already.
  13. Brighteyes


    I paid my $25 co-pay for my pre-surgical consult. I haven't had anymore fees and I am finished with all my pre-surgical requirements.
  14. Brighteyes

    Insurance Approval

    I have consistently heard from multiple people that it generally takes three days. My doc office tells me 7-10 days. Haven't submitted yet so I don't know for sure.
  15. So I have my final set of doctors appts today before all my paperwork gets submitted for insurance approval. An old habit of mine was to self-sabotage when loosing weight for purely psychological reasons. I have been in therapy for the last year to manage this. But here I am, procrastinating getting ready for these appointments, and finding reasons not to drive to Nashville.
  16. I am struggling a little bit today, so I wanted to take a minute to remind myself of what I have to look forward to. I promised myself that once I hit my weight goal I would take a trip back to Europe. I haven't been there in several years. I want to be able to get around and not be the token 'fat American.' What reward do you have planned once you hit your weight loss goal?
  17. My surgeon, Dr Spaw at St Thomas at Midtown in Nashville, referred me. He told me about this site at my first surgical consult and highly recommended I get plugged in.
  18. Brighteyes

    Greek Yogurt

    I love the idea of pumpkin spice....I am going to have to pick some up today....love most anything pumpkin. Thanks for sharing!
  19. Brighteyes

    Greek Yogurt

    I get plain non-fat Greek yogart. I put local honey, lemon juice or stevia in it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
