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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by BarNone

  1. My experience in great falls was good. I used the same dr who did my lapband. I had to have it removed so he told me about the sleeve and I converted. I didn't have success with the band, but I sure had a lot of problems with it.

    Cost is more than Mexico but at my size flying there wasn't an option and my family helped out with the cost. Now remember this cost includes a doctor fee for lapband removal and extra OR time for the same reason. So my cost was 7000 to the doctor and just over 10,000 to the hospital. He did it at the clinic hospital and so instead of being 25 grand, it was around 18. A lot of money- yes! But at over 400lbs life is just not very liveable. I am nervous to see my new family doctor tomorrow, but hopefully she will get on board without being judgemental. I need to get my Vitamins checked.

    I will update you about that experience when I get a moment.

    If you have any other question let me know, I am open to sharing about my experience.

    Many blessings

  2. Hi there,

    I to am one of the larger people on the site. I don't even know what my top weight was because no scale worked for me. But after losing some my first weigh in with a scale that did was 490. I lost some more weight since then, but when I had surgery on July 10 I was 437. I can't tell you how much I have lost yet because still no scale in my home. I will find out my initial loss at my post op check up in the next few weeks. I can't answer if you will loss it all. From what I see on this site, it seems to me that mostly the larger guys get all the way there. While I would like to loss it all, I need to say that even if I only lost 200 lbs life would be so much more liveable. Everything in my life seems to revolve around the weight. I am scared to go new places- after all I don't know what the seating or bathrooms are like. I am so tired of this. So, getting a lot of loss is going to be acceptable. Getting to goal would be fantastic. If I can use this surgery and remake my food relationships I believe that over time I can continue the downward trend.

    If you have any questions or would like to talk with me just pm me.

    Many blessings

  3. Side sleeper here, 3.5 weeks out of surgery. I can lay on my left side for awhile, but not more than 20 minutes. The right is a whole other story. 2 minutes on that side and I am a mess. Hurts like a bugger, and I am all out of good pain drugs, so I don't mess with it. Been mostly on my back, which I am still not used to, but it is better than laying on my side and hurting.

  4. I gained 20 between the morning of surgery and the next day! They pump you full of Fluid, your body swells, and on and on they tell me. But dang 20 lbs in 24 hrs, how come I can't loss that much that fast. Well, I don't have a scale and haven't weighed since. I will find out my loss at my post op later this month. Don't despair, while I have a lot to loss I can tell from my face that I am losing, so you will too:)

    Many blessings

  5. Evening beautiful people:)

    No walk today. Between intermittent pouring rain, grocery shopping for my parents, taking mom to emergency, and the babysitting my niece and nephew it just never happened. Rain is supposed to be the way for the next few days. So solutions: go walk inside the barn, go to the walking track in town, or watch the weather, find my rain slicker and go during one of the breaks. I also still have my niece and nephew, and my mom may need to go back to the hospital so I need to stay flexible.

    There was a time today when I could have gone, but my body is still experiencing bouts of sudden needs to use the bathroom shall we say. I will aim to get back at it. If the weather is okay, perhaps I could leave off the C25K walking and just take my niece and nephew for a walk around the farm. Need to learn to fit things like this into life so I may as well start now!

    Night all

  6. Well I made it out. Groaning moaning complaining, but I did.

    So that's 40, oops I mean 4 days in a row. Aiming for 40!

    I did 30 min.

    Anyone else reading this thread feel free to post what your fitness activities are. I would like to hear what other people are up to


    And good night:)

  7. I have always been heavy. That a what I think, but I believe I was a normal size till grade 4. I won't go into details, but I spent the next 5 years enduring abuse and the food was all I had. I stuck to it and destroyed my life. Now nearing 40, been over 400lbs for 20 years. Not sure how to emotionally deal with being smaller. I guess I have some time till I get there, but it will be weird and wonderful I am sure:)

    Many blessings,

    And good luck with your journeys

  8. Hey you,

    No beating yourself up, tommorow is a new day.

    Besides returning to work is huge.

    I like that you have a plan that you will try.

    I remember you said your job was at a desk.

    So can you fit more movement into it. Even walking to the furthest washroom would add some.

    My mom is sick and doesn't get out much. I mention this because I bought her this small peddler that can sit under a desk. It has a short range of motion and she can sit in a comfy chair and do it. You could stick one of those under your desk maybe?

    Just a thought.

    Get some rest.

    Many blessings,


  9. Hi all,

    Just checking in.

    I did C25K wk 1 day 2 today

    The extra 5 minutes was tough, but I upped my pace during that section. I think I then walked slower on other section because I was dragging.

    Three days in a row, good on me.

    Ejsfanatic how was your day today? I hope you had a good one:)

    Many blessings,


  10. Wow, sitting here and reading this thread has my crying as I want for all the things I wish to do. My life has been so limited by size. I have weighed over 400 lbs for 30 years.

    Here are some fitness goals in no order of desire and not taking into account whether my hips and knees will even be able to support me in them:

    Martial arts- I have always wanted to learn

    Hiking, biking, rowing, kayaking

    My biggest one really, the one that has haunted my mind since I watched some documentary, when i was 19, on people who did it is to hike the entire international Appalachian trail. I'm from Canada so I feel the need to add the part that enters my home land.

    My family were never outdoors people. I have never camped, never hiked, never walked more than 3 miles(and that hurt my body so bad I couldn't walk for days afterwards)

    Well you asked my goals, but i gave you my dream.

    For now a small goal: just bloody go outside and walk everyday while the weather is still good. Might not seem like much, but for someone who has been sedentary her entire life and spent 10 solid years as a shut-in, and the last 10 digging out from that life it is a big thing to make and keep that commitment.

    Thankyou all for sharing your goals, I appreciate that others will talk about what the want for a life besides losing weight.

    Many blessings,


  11. Great job on your weight loss so far!

    I to am coming from over 400 lbs, so it is nice to see another person of our size.

    I sometimes struggle to relate to others who have had the surgery because my starting weight is so much higher. But I appreciate the feedback and support that is provided on this site.

    I wish you continued success. Keep up the good work!



  12. Michelle,

    How did you do today?? I took 3 separate 15 min walks with my son!!! But boy am I wiped out!! Such a little thing and it wears me out. How embarrassing. But it is what it is.

    I hope you had a good walk today!

    I was dog gone tired today. My sister took my mom to her CT scan, my dad was doing okay...so I slept....and slept. I am three weeks out of surgery and still positively exhausted. I spent the entire day sleeping. Woke up at 4, and considered going back to sleep, but decided I better get up and drink some Protein instead. Then I visited with the family got dinner ready and retired to my private area. There I found your post, and while I had considered walking before dinner, I didn't do it.

    So here I was all relaxed and I get to reading your post. You did fantastic! I commend you on splitting it up and making it doable. And thank you for the kick in the pants.

    First I was gonna go for a walk, then I wasn't because Mosquitos are bad here right now. Then I just figured that I started this thread for support and accountability and that meant I had a responsibility to follow through! So...off I went. Did C25K same as yesterday. Harder this time only because I have this unending nausea at times, and I spent 5 minutes heaving at the end. But I live on a farm so no one witnessed my display and screw'em if they had! I did my walk, I don't get far in distance but I did the full 25 minutes and stretched. Amen for all that.

    Thanks for being out there, for working on your own fitness changes and for checking in! I appreciate the support.

    Good luck with your walk tommorow.

    Many blessings,


  13. Lovin' this thread. Great debate and discussion but no one is getting nasty.

    I am too newly sleeved to be trying this, but would like to incorporate more green food.< /p>

    I have a vitamix, so blending spinach and kale into my Protein Drink is possible. I will have to discuss that with my NUT when I see her next.

    My sister has expressed an interest in raw, but has no Internet, so if anyone would like to message me some juice or smoothie recipes, or tips to doing this that would be great.

    Question: wouldn't it be better to be making smoothies versus juicing? That way you keep the pulp and fibres.

    I look forward to seeing how you continue along

    Many blessings


  14. Awesome too see Canucks on here!

    I live just outside Calgary, Alberta and I would love to connect with some of you!

    I had my surgery July 10 in Great Falls, MT, with Dr. Rohrer.

    Recovery has been slow, today for the later half of the I almost felt human:)

    Please drop me a line if you are interested in connecting by phone or in person.

    Many blessings,


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