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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BANDIT.1

  1. I HATE THE NUMBERS GAME. I also don't weigh, and cant remember the number by the time I've left the Dr. I lost a ton of wt years ago and weighed myself all the time. I discovered there was always a 5 pound variance. it changed at my time of the month, If I ate salty food, and I swear I can lose 5 pounds when I go to the toilet. So, for me the numbers on the scale dont nessasarily mean that I'm eating good or bad. this time around I just keep taking my cloths in and I'll be happy when that no longer works for me. I also find the tape measure never lies, so I use that now and then. This may all change when i dont have so much to lose. who knows? I havn't weighed under 150 in 38 years.

    I wish you all well


  2. It looks like almost everyone on this thread had St. Francis. Does anyone have any stories about lose skin from the Olympia area? I'd love to know who around here does skin removal and spacificly deals with lots of extra skin. My stomach gets lower every day. I know I have to wait until my wt is stable but I will need to save some cash. I hear the ps is more painfull than the band surgery and longer recovery. Id like to know how much time to be off work too.

  3. I got my first one on my 40th birthday a cresant moon and sun on one ankle. I then got another one in San Francisco on my 42nd BD. My son who does grafitti, did a doodle incorperating a C,G,&J these are mine and two kids initials. It turned out really cool and so we went down and had it inked on my other ankle. If I ever do get another one I will have him draw it. Im proud of his talent and he likes that wear it. Ya know, 20 years ago this thread wouldnt be so popular. We have indeed come a long way baby!

  4. I was 320 when i started going to the clinic to see my Dr. I have now spoken to him three times, once three months before, once 10 minutes before the surgery and once at my one week check up. I believe you need to happy with the clinic because that is who you will be relating to most of the time... My tests consisted of him poking around for about 5 minutes and one blood test, that was it!! You could probably have pre op tests done anywhere and have it faxed to the place you have surgery and the new Dr. Thats what I did because my insurance paid for any tests but not the procedure. I did have to supply the fax numbers. This may cut down on travel time. If its possible i recomend you take supplies and get a room for the surgery day. I would have hated to have to travel right after. but im a baby.

    I'm sorry for your news. I did the waiting game and when I got postponed I was bummed out too. but i can see you are on the right track because you are not waiting for the band to take off some pounds. I wish you well.

  5. Steph...it took me about a year to get down to 150...and I plateaued there for about 4 mos...then I stepped up the exercise and took another 20 off. I have been between 130 - 140 for about 8 mos now. That last 20 IS definitely the hardest to get rid of...I gained some back when I had to have an unfill, but once I had a good fill level again, it came off pretty good. I had a slight prolapse so that is why I had to be unfilled for 4 weeks til it went back into position. I could never be without my band again...very hard to control portions and I was hungry again all the time. Now I can take a step back before I stuff my face at least.

    What is a prolapse and how do you know it has happened? Is it the same as slippage? So many new medical things and bodily functions to think and learn about these days.


  6. Bandit.1, Yes, you do need to go back to liquids for a couple of days and if you keep throwing up you may need to be on liquids longer. The experience I have had is the more fills I got the longer I would need to be on liquids after each fill. Unfortunately, I do not lose weight unless my band is very tight so I am much more prone to puke than I used to be. I stick to smushier food or Soup at work so I do not have to worry about it. I have also found that I have these random "bad days" when nothing seems to go down right. On the plus side I have lost weight and have had to but new pants and that makes up for any hardships!

    thanks. I only did it the one time.that was enough, all is well now. I had a tender tummy for a couple days, now I put my chicken inside my salad so it goes down better and doesnt get stuck. so far so good. I would die if it happend at work so I think i will also stick to safe food at work. Im still not extreamly tight, but still losing wt so I'm not going to get a fill until I feel hungry more.

    best wishes

  7. Hi everyone, my name is Cherie, I am 43 and new to this....I was just approved for surgery pending 10 more lbs. I have to lose first. I am having such a hard time losing that, and it is very frustrating....any suggestions anyone to take that last 10 lbs off, in less than a month, my surgery is pending on Feb. 25th. Looking forward to conversing with you all more. thanks

    I did really well on metifast. It helped get my mind ready for the after surgery party. and now when I need to go on liquids, I pull out the Soup and add Water, real easy to do at work. Some people think it tastes bad but I didnt mind. I figured THIS IS IT! and sucked it up

    hang in there you'll get there!

    best wishes.

  8. HEY ALL! Im getting to the end of forties. My brain doesnt tell me that, its just the facts. I live in the Northwest. Rain rain rain, cold cold cold! I have two boys 21 & 22 and a sig other of 10.5 years. no wedding plans, been there, done that, no desire to go there again. Excuse my ignorance but what is a DH? I've seen it here and dont get it.

    here's a great conversation starter lol

    I threw up for the first time tonight. :doh: don't want to go there again. I didnt eat anything new. I eat chicken everyday and have never had a problem....until today. I understand I need to be on liquids for two days. Do you hear that too? right now that sounds fine with me, but tomorrow I may feel differently. wow! i was shocked. I dont know why, I hear everyone does it from time to time. I have only tossed it a very few times in my life and tequilla had somthing to do with it once.and wine once, brought back no good memories of the 80's...

    Glad to meet all of you. I'm always amazed at new threads. I just stumble on them and put them in my fav's.

    Good evening


  9. mmh498

    I starred being consious of what went into my mouth a few months before surgery too. It made the metifast diet much eaiser, for the two weeks prior to the band that I was told to. It gave me some time to get used to the idea that... This is it! It got my mind ready for when it would be manditory. and for me, this worked well. After surgey it wasn't such a shock to change EVERYTHING about the way I ate. I found Metifast easy to do at work. My Dr. gave me the two week supply. I paid 17,000. so "gave it" is sort of an under statement With the right mind set you WILL sucseed.

    I wish you well.

  10. Telling or not tell that is the question most of us face. Whatever reason we choose, it is the right one. However just like telling one person your secret, it is no longer a secret, the same holds true to lying. Eventually you will be caught. Then your boss may think you are untrustworthy as if you would like for this reason what about what you do in his business place. I was a cashier at one time and came in short at the end of the day. I was mortified and said I would make it up. My boss said if you would put money in for being short, what would you do if you were over? So he accepted the loss and I always balanced after that. So if my advice means anything, tell the truth or keep silent. Doddie

    I worked retail for years, I understand what you mean and I totaly agree that any decision we make it the right one for us. But,Lying and being privite are different in my opinion. First, part of my passion is my job of FMLA bookkeeper. I'd get sued if I talked about medical things. For me, medical history is not a secret. it's personal business....if you want sick pay someone will need to know your having a medical procedure BUT! NOTE TO EVERYONE, our medical history for any reason is private. there are laws in the U.S. that protect this. my boss HAS A BIG MOUTH, Some of us have work friends who dont, I try never to ask medical questions with ANYONE. If someone I am not close to; I dont care who they are; is rude enough to ask, I'm rude enough to lie. If I had cancer I still would probably tell no one at work and if they asked why my hair is gone I'd probably smile and say I like it this way.or I'd rather not dicuss my health at work. Heck, I approve sick leave and I still dont ask why, I just get the Dr. note, If they give me a document with health info on it, I give it back and say, "this is not my business and I dont want medical records in your file" and none of us should have medical things in our work files. Employers have no right to ask. medical documents can be very generic.

    I know there are compationate people out there but REALLY some things are no ones business. I rank it up there with religion, and politics. some things, if you choose, should not be talked about in the work place, if thats your choice, it should be respected by everyone. I know in a perfect world this would work huh? Sorry, Ill get off my soap box now :):)

    Happy New Year!

  11. WOW what a great thread! I had to get my BMI under 60 before my Dr would do my surgery. So it did give me the motivation that I needed. As you can see I had lost 43 pounds and got to have my surgery!

    I do have a question did anyone experience horrible pain with there fill? OMG on Dec 19th I got my first fill and they took 3 tries and finally a VERY long needle to find it! I will NOT be doing that again real soon! The Dr said it is because I have a lot of belly fat and the port is very deep. Since my fill I am not able to eat much of anything, worse then when the band was first done, but no way am I going back for some of the fill to be removed! I can eat and drink my protien shakes so I know I am not going to get sick from it.

    Anyway just wanted to join this wonderful threat! Good luck to all!

    I am the queen of belly fat. I have chicken legs and wear a size 6/12 ring so you can imagine what my tummy looks like. Ive only had two fills the last one wasnt plesant but neither one was what I'd call painfull. If its possible, go to a place that uses the floro machine. it takes the guess work out of finding the port. if you cant go there make them use the extra long needle the first time. your restriction will probably get better, meaning not so tight because it seems like more often then not, the first fill doesnt offer too much. Sorry you went through that, dont let it stop you from the band 'WORKING" for you. im glad my first fill was more pleasant then the second or I would think real hard about going back. Im still worried about the thing coming out in the middle of the procedure(previous post) but the second fill is much better as far as restriction goes. Good Luck. this is a great thread huh?

  12. Hi All,

    I'm a pre Op newbie, so bear with me here...This Protein drink stuff, is this forever then? While we are on the subject, what exactly constitutes a Protein Drink? I HATE milk, but if it's a very good tasting Protein Drink, I might be able to tolerate it. What are you all using, (and how) for your protein drinks??


    SorrowsChild (I have a signature, but have not figured out how to use it) :party:

    I use Water for protien drinks and frozen bluberrys. I got a hudge bag of protien powder ( purple and silver bag) at costco called EAS. my nutritionalist told me about it and also to look for soy and/or whey protien because they absorb in the body properly. and others WILL NOT. she said slim fast and boost have too many calories with not enough grams of protien for the 1 cup your consuming. I had already bought a bunch so I now use it and add 27 more grams of the powder to it. It doesnt smell that great. I bought a blender called a magic bullet and I put a hand full of frozen blue berrys and or a ripe bannana. (hard ones make it bitter). there are many choices out there. bottom line you will only need to continue protien drinks when you are unable to eat about 50 grams of protien depending on you age. I think this is important because it makes you feel better and one time 10 years ago I lost 100 lbs and 1/2 my hair. this was because i wasnt getting enough protien.(both things came back), I have not had that problem this time thank god! there is a thread on this site that gives you tons of recepies for protien drinks.

    Are you having trouble doing the ticker or the signature on this web site? Theres a thread here also on setting up that, just go to the bottom if any page and use the drop down on threads. I was really confused about the protien suggestions. It's good to figure out what you like before the surgery and buy it.


  13. My theory on this is that you can never "untell" someone a secret. I didn't ever want to regret telling someone, so only two people in the whole world know about my surgery (two of my children).


    My job is employee benefits to 150 employees. My decision not to tell any co workers is I dont have time to talk about it and tell the same story 150 times and I didnt want to be the poster child for the band. I know alot of questions about the procedure would come up the main one I've ALWAYS HATED," GEE, how much have you lost? I told my boss I was having a cist removed and that was it... I am a very privite person and I asked her not to mention even that. Everyone else that asked, was told I was on vacation. I oversee vacations & FMLA so our medical privicy is recognized, no one dares to ask me about ANYONES leave. I started to lose wt a few months before the "vacation", and when anyone askes what I'm doing to lose weight I simply say, "I eat less and avoid anything white". No one has anything but congrats. I tell them, "congratulate me when I've kept it off for five years", for me that is the true accomplishment. Ive lost and gained the same 75 lbs more then once in my life. I hope the band helps me to not gain the wt back. So far all is well in that department. My Mom, kids and sig other of 10 years, are very supportive and see no reason to talk about how I'm losing, they're just happy I am.

  14. I drank diet pepsi for many years, one a day at 7:30am. I always drank Water and nothing else for the rest of the day. I have never been a coffee drinker and It was what woke my mouth up. I do miss it. I dont want to take any chances on anything going wrong with the band, as I hear can happen, so i quit cold turkey a week before surgery. Now, with the no drinking for an hour after meals I find it hard to drink the 8 glasses of water.

  15. I mix benefiber into foods I make, but I also take the Benefiber tablets (mixed fruit ones are YUMMY). I still have no BM's for 7-10 days. I've gotten use to it, which is different. Pre-band I went 1-2x's a day hah hah. I started making sure to get the benefiber in because a few weeks ago (well, always but this one was the worst) a BM felt like I was having a baby. So painful and hard, I was turning red and panting. It was miserable. So I was hoping to stop all that. Haven't had an episode like that since..

    My mom says I don't poo anymore because I throw everything up hah :eek:

    what is a port revision? what causes it and did it require a second surgery?

  16. I think Dr. Oz is great. listening to him partly motivated me to get the band. hes not an advacate of wls, but he makes it clear we are all capable of trying to live longer and how to do it. I've bought some of his books and now do clumzy chi-gung, It is relaxing. I can't handle some of the gross food items but he makes sure makes us more aware of how the body works. He has spent alot of time talking about poo and the importance of doing it, even what is should look like. He has a web site and books If you want some interesting entertainment, check him out.

  17. LilMiss- I am feeling great. I was lucky not to have any gas pains and almost no other pain. The eatting is weird for me. I forgot I was not suposed to eat solids in the grocery store, I grabbed a slice of apple they were handing out and just poped it in my mouth and didnt think about it till I swallowed half of it. I freaked out and called my dr. he laughed at me and told me that I have to think now before putting things in my mouth. lol. We are going to do an x-ray when I see him for my follow up. he didnt seem too concerned but he did tell me not to do it again. at least till I can have that type of food.< /div>

    I have done the same thing. i find if I am chatting while it eat I totaly forget I have the band. When you do something the same way forEVER it's hard to re think your every mouth full. Old habits die hard. I havent had anything come back up...yet. Now I ususlly eat alone. The family is now totaly on their own.. Its good for them, builds character lol.

  18. My post op was Friday and besides having to wait in the waiting area for an hour and 20 minutes started out fairly uneventful. My incisions are completely healed and I am doing great. The doctor was very pleased with my progress and gave me some advice about continuing on... The Prilosec they gave me was to take every day for the next few months. I had no idea. I thought it was an as needed type thing. There really should have some better communication about that! But oh well, I am on the right track now. Also, the hospital preop nutrition/surgery preparation class said to hold off on exercise (besides walking) for 4-6 wks and the doctor was surprised that I wasn't in the gym 4-6 times a wk already! I was confused because I am only 2 1/2 wks out but I will be going back next week (that is my choice. Just too much going on this week!)

    The part that freaked me out was that the pathology report came back abnormal on my liver. During the surgery, the doctor had found some usual tissue on my liver and sent it in for biopsy. IT'S BENIGN - but I do have a condition called Scarcoidosis. Basically it means that my liver is covered in little fibromas and I could possibly have it on another organ too. It can go away on its own, but some people require steroidal treatment (prednisone). I was so taken aback... I kept it together in the doctor's office but when I got to my car I burst into tears. I felt ridiculous because it could be something horrible (which it isn't) but still... who wants to hear that they have crap on their liver??? Anyway, I have to go see a specialist after the holidays to see if they want to do further testing or if we are just going to wait and see if it clears itself up.

    I am so grateful that I did the band. For the weight loss, for the fact that I am reclaiming my life, even for the unwanted discovery. The more I know about my body, the more I can take control of it and be healthy.

    I have a 20 minute rule on waiting on a Dr. I politely ask if my waiting time will be deduted from the bill? If they say no (and they ususlly do) they get me in in the few minutes they promised or reschedule. I know Dr's have emergencys but my time is worth something and I know most of the time is an over booking problem. Anyway the reason i responded is I know how you feel about hearing news on your health. I would have balled all the way home. Whenever you hear anything wierd is going on inside its SCARY! and a liver is a vital part. I had something like that happen to me when I was pregnant with my first. I freaked out when i got in the car. then relized maybe the reason i got pregnant (un planned) was to discover a tumor and not the time to have a child. it all turned out well and I have a healthy 22 year old. You just reminded me of my ride home. My prayers are with you that the discovery will turn out to be a blessing

  19. I just had my second fill and im ticked off and not sure i should be. they use the floro. when i was being sat up in the chair after the needle was inserted I felt a pop. the girl got a discussed look on her face and said it popped out...the assisstant looked surprised. i said "hey that feels wierd what happend? I got completly ignored after that and she put me half way back down to adjust i guess, she held onto the needle, I was then sat back up and she did the fill. I felt it. not pain but. exactly like when i was pregnant 22 years ago and the baby kicked. I commented that this was totaly differant then the first time. she did not reply. All the way home I thought to myself, does this happen alot. could i get punctured inside? I have only had one fill and it was really great, just no restriction for more than a week. This lady did not ask how the past three weeks had been and if I hadn't asked she wouldnt even of told me what she had put in. Im disscussed and will request she not do my fill again. has this happen to others? wondering????


  20. I just had my second fill and im ticked off and not sure i should be. they use the flora. when i was being sat up in the chair after the needle was inserted I felt a pop. the girl got a discussed look on her face and said it popped out...the assisstant looked surprised. i said "hey that feels wierd what happend? I got completly ignored after that and she put me half way back down to adjust i guess, she held onto the needle, I was then sat back up and she did the fill. I felt it. not pain but. exactly like when i was pregnat 22 years ago and the baby kicked. I commented that this was totaly differant then the first time. she did not reply. All the way home I thought to myself, does this happen alot. could i get punctured inside? I have only had one fill and it was really great, just no restriction for more than a week. This lady did not ask how the past three weeks had been and if I hadn't asked she wouldnt even of told me what she had put in. Im disscussed and will request she not do my fill again. has this happen to others? wondering????


    8/1/07 BMI 55

    bananapowerslide.gifBANDED 10/25/07 BMI 52

    Banane21.gif 12/20/07 BMI 47



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