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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by luckyyou0521

  1. I started this journey a little over a year ago. I went down to Ft. Wayne, Indiana to sit in a seminar about weight loss surgery. I had been to two or three seminars in the past but my insurance never covered the surgery. I had checked and found that my new insurance would cover it and that the closest hospital was in Ft. Wayne. While I was there I found out about a new operation they were offering called the Sleeve Gastrectomy. Once I had heard about it, I knew it was the one for me. No band that can slip and no rerouting of the intestines, sign me up. I checked into the insurance end a little further. I needed six months of medically managed weight loss with my Doctor before I would be eligible for the surgery and even then I could possibly be turned down. My first thought was, "okay she's going to put me on a diet, that's great, but what happens if I lose too much weight while on this six month diet? If they see I can do it on my own I won't be approved." Taking the weight off wasn't the real problem, keeping it off was. During that six months I only lost 30 pounds. Also, during that six months I had found out that my insurance was now covering my local hospital for the surgery. I immediately for in contact with someone there and set up an appointment with my surgeon, Dr. Knapp. After seeing Dr. Knapp he informed me that the decision I had made with the sleeve was a good choice but that he wanted me to lose another 30 pounds before he would perform the surgery on me. He wanted to make sure I would get to my goal weight and losing before would put me on track. I was directed to a program at my local hospital called New Directions. You eat their Protein bars and drink their shakes and you lose weight. I thought, "Oh this is going to be easy." That was one of the hardest parts of having this surgery. The shakes are not very good but thank GOD for the bars. It took me a little over a month to lose the 30 pounds he needed me to lose and my surgery was scheduled for December 11th 2013. A few days before surgery my father was taken to the hospital and put on life support. We weren't sure he was going to make it so I had to make a decision. Continue on with the surgery or push it back just in case. The day of my surgery my father was taken off life support and was moving around and talking. I went to see him before and asked him if it was okay for me to have it and he said of course, so downstairs I went to sign in. I'm getting ready for surgery (I had my mother and one of my good friends with mw) and they take me away. I remember nothing from the time they started to wheel me down the hall to when I woke up in my room. I knew after surgery I was going to have to get up and walk. Once my nurse found out that my father was in the hospital (on the same floor just on the other side in ICU) she had me walk over there to say hi. I called him a few times the next two day while I was in there and people came to visit. That was the start of my new life. Fortunately, I had zero complications after surgery and I was back to work within a week. I'm almost 5 months out now and if I'm honest with you and myself, I eat whatever I want. However, in saying that, you should know that whatever I want is the same things almost every day. When I wake up I drink a glass of milk with my pills (8 grams of protein). When I get to work I eat a Protein bad (14 grams of protein). Sometimes I will drink another glass of milk in between Breakfast and lunch or I'll eat some shredded chicken (8-12 grams of protein). For lunch I eat four pieces of low sodium lunch meat (11 grams of protein). Afternoon snack is a piece of string cheese (6 grams of protein). After work I go workout at the gym for an hour and when I get home my dinner is a chocolate Protein shake (27 grams of protein, not all at the same time). I get anywhere between 65 and 78 grams of protein a day. Once I get rid of the shakes I know it will be harder but when that time comes I'll be ready. Not that's not to say every once in a while I don't eat things that aren't bad for me. Sometimes you just want a piece of candy, so I eat it. I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. As long as I follow the plan and I'm not over filling my tiny stomach I'm in the clear. I do however struggle with Water. I get a solid 6 cups a day but 8 cups make me not feel well.

    Since the beginning of this journey I've lost 126 pounds. I've got another 116 pounds to go but I'd say I'm right on track. For those who say it's the easy way out, I hope that one day they understand how hard it is to lose weight and keep it off. This was first and foremost one of the hardest decisions I've ever made but it was the best decision I could have made. Even thought I'm on more medication now that I was before (medicines to make sure I don't get ulcers, for heart burn, a Calcium pill, a multi Vitamin and for my high cholesterol) I'm off my high blood pressure medicine and that's a huge win for me. After my 6 month checkup I hope to be off all the other except my multi Vitamin. If that's not an accomplishment then I don't know what is. Most of us have the surgery to be healthy and be around for our loved ones and that was number one to me. It doesn't hurt that we will look good in clothes eventually, that's just another plus. For anyone who is on the fence about having the surgery please, please make the decision to have it, it's life changing.

    *unfortunately my father passed away January 9th but I know he is looking down on me and is very proud of where I am. In the beginning I was doing this just for myself but now I'm doing it for my father and me. Love and miss you Daddy!

  2. not regretting it, but it has been tough for me to eat and drink liquids. When did you have surgery? It gets better each day I promise. The first week I was getting in maybe 20oz of Water and now I'm up to the 64oz. I just have a water in my hand at all times lol

    I had surgery on the 11th. I feel like I'm getting no liquids at all. I know it'll get better with time. Time just needs to come faster lol.

  3. Hello sleeve sister. I was sleeved the same day and yes. the nausea meds make you sleepy so I asked for non drowsy. I'm still a little weak and plan on getting up and out today if I can. The big incision hurts the most. Make sure you are getting in your fluids.

    Yes the big incision hurts the most. The good thing is that I haven't had any gas pain in my shoulder. This whole sleeping on my back thing sucks tho. Gonna try a shake today. They told me not to really worry about Protein this week just to make sure I'm staying hydrated. Good luck to you!

  4. Omgsh, u R MY HERO!! I'm presleeve and go my liq Dec 16 cd 2 wks! I don't blame for "cheating" here n there, that's a long time to just drink BUT I think u R strong and simply my hero bc I can think about how long uve had to endure. Ty for posting this nd gl n God Bless the rest of ur time on it and afterwards! U will Do amazn and are doing amazn. I can only imagine how difficult it is for everyone no matter the length of time bc we all struggle w our weight but I felt it necessary to give u an extra kudos for doing almost two months liquid, just wow! Gl all, continued success:))

    Thank you! Its been hard but I've done my best. I'm sure you will do great on your 2 weeks just keep reminding yourself that it's only for a few weeks and then real food comes back into play. Good luck on your surgery!

  5. I wonder if being on the preop prepares a person fir postop? Originally, I wasn't supposed to be on one and I thought it would be super hard. I thought it be easy postop because of recovery. Preop has been much easier than I could have imagined. I DO want food but I'm such a rule follower, I know it's not an option so I'm just trying to roll along. Surgery is Friday and then just one week of liquids after!

    I think you are right. My surgeon wanted me to lose 30 more pounds before doing the surgery so he sent me to the hospital where they put you on liquids only. I've been on liquids for about a month and a half. Sure I've cheated but not horrible. Just a bite here or there but I think being on the liquid diet before will help tremendously. Thank god after Wednesday I'll only have 2 weeks of liquid left and then pureed food yay!

  6. Been drinking them since I started pre-op meal plan. My favorite is pineapple-banana, but I usually dilute in about 40 0z of Water when I do drink them...not crazy about the taste of most of them though..but I will endure through it. I prefer the premier shakes but today I made my own, strawberry banana Protein mix and 8 oz of non fat milk ...it was delish.

    I had the red punch today, not too bad. I bought grape today, I hope I like it.

    Ok so add Water, thank you! And I got two of the punch ones (they were the ones on sale) and then one green one and and blue one. Sorry I don't know their names. Hope they are good. I also got some PB2 today. Hoping to add it to my vanilla Protein powder and it be tasty.

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