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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by the-Russ

  1. Aetna called me and I am approved.
  2. the-Russ


    Aetna called me and I am approved. Now I'm waiting for the Dr office to call.
  3. the-Russ


    Thanks!!! That is exactly what just happened. I am APPROVED!!! It's kinda scary.
  4. the-Russ


    When aetna approved you, did they give a date range of when you were approved for surgery? Was the first available date like 3 weeks from the day they approved it? If so does anyone know why and can it be moved to sooner?
  5. Over the past few months I have built a relationship with the case worker from my insurance company. Yesterday I called and left a message that my paper work had been submitted. This morning she called me and told me she had not got it yet, it can take a couple days to process, but that she would turn it around as soon as she gets it. She said I should hear something by Friday or Monday at the latest. I know I am being selfish, but I was hoping for today but it didn't happen. I know it will happen soon though.
  6. the-Russ


    Close of Business today, no word on the status
  7. the-Russ


    Over the past few months I have built a relationship with the case worker from my insurance company. Yesterday I called and left a message that my paper work had been submitted. This morning she called me and told me she had not got it yet, it can take a couple days to process, but that she would turn it around as soon as she gets it. She said I should hear something by Friday or Monday at the latest. I know I am being selfish, but I am hoping for today
  8. the-Russ


    My Paperwork was submitted to Aetna today. Did anyone do anything special to get the approval so fast? I mean come on, they have had it for 2 hours.
  9. the-Russ

    1st Dr Apt Tomorrow

    Paperwork submitted to Aetna today.
  10. Paperwork sent to insurance today. Dr office said everything looked great.
  11. the-Russ

    Some People are Rude..

    My friend lost a lot of weight and I said the same thing. Now he looks normal and great. Nothing changed, except I am used to seeing him at a normal weight. I'm next.
  12. the-Russ

    Finally in the 100s

    Awesome man!!! That is a high bar to try and follow.
  13. I have my Lab work done on Thursday and my final NUT apt on Friday. Sometime after that my paperwork will be sent into my insurance company. My 90days is up a week from today. I go back & forth and always question if I want to do this.
  14. the-Russ

    Almost done!

    Did you get your final approval? I am doing all my preop lab work on Thursday. I didn't know I had to have that done as part of my insurance pkg so I will have to wait to get the results before it is submitted. My 90 days is up Oct 1. I hope to get it submitted soon after that. I still question if I am doing the right thing. Cutting out your stomach seems really scary.
  15. the-Russ

    Almost done!

    Did you get approved?
  16. the-Russ

    Almost done!

    Good luck. I have 1 more month
  17. Had my 2nd NUT apt 8/5. I month down 2 to go. I have been in contact with my Aetna case worker to ensure I am doing everything I need to. My 90 days is the first week of Oct. I would love to have the WLS in Oct, but it Prob won't happen till Nov is what I'm thinking.
  18. You should NOT have any issues. However, you may get stopped for a closer screening. It is not a big deal, but it is one of the things you deal with when you carry something in your bag that is outside the norm. I travel all the time and have Protein powder. I have had it in ziplocks, plastic containers, the original 1 Lbs container... If I only travel with Protein Powder I get stopped 1 in 6x, if I have multiple powders I get stopped a little more. Being stopped in a security line is pretty normal, but it is not a big deal, unless you don't get tot he airport early enough. I found that ZIP Lock bags are great, but for some reason the smell of the powder goes through it and stinks up your bag/clothes.
  19. That is terrible!!! How is your health now? Are you experiencing anymore complications?
  20. Thank you everyone. I feel EXACTLY how all of you have described and share all your experiences. I Hate stairs, can't fit on rides, hate planes, hate shopping... My kids want to do so many things that I make excuses for because I don't want to tell them the truth, I'm too fat. I'm ready to take them to Water parks. Everything you are telling me is exactly what I want. I am the kind of guy that listens to people who have been where i am and are where I want to be so I am going to continue to move forward. It bothers me that my friends do not support me, but my wife does 100%. I guess that is all that matters. I have my 2nd NUT appointment next week. 1 month down 2 to go.
  21. My quality of life is exactly like all of yours was Pre-Op. Thankfully I have not started meds, but I feel like CRAP and I am at that place where meds are inevitable. It seems like it is getting more difficult to breathe and I don't want to do anything. Do you guys think the "Ideal Weight" charts dr. use to track weight are accurate? At 5'9" I should be 176# max. That seems VERY small for a 44 year old male. 1/2 a taco is not a lot of food. WOW... Did any of you have people that constantly tried to talk you out if this? It make the decision VERY difficult and depressing. What do they think now?
  22. DeezJeanz, I don't want to hijack this thread and turn SHOOTA's celebration into a counseling session so I tried to answer your questions here. Congrats Shoota. It looks like you are well on your way to your 2nd chance.

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