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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sherisleeve

  1. HI. I am now 6 weeks 4 days out from my sleeve. NOW, I feel like this is a strange question so soon after surgery. but I am just now able to eat ALMOST normal. And I feel like I am eating too much and am kind of scared. I get a little owey if I get a bite or two too much, but never feel sick or anything. My surgeon told me yesterday that I can have as much as 900 calories, and I think I am a bit under that. But still feel worried. Is any June sleevers experiencing that?

  2. Thanks guys I'm feeling so much better than I expected. My chest and stomach feels sore but thats really where my pain is and getting up and down. i do have this small tube coming out of one incision that is like a pain ball I don't have to press it because its constant. But that is annoying. Doesn't really hurt and I know it's there to help but I don't really like having something hanging out of my tummy lol I just got home so I'm just trying to relax

    That darn thing was my worst part too after surgery, and I had to keep it for 10 days, went home with it! Felt soooooo much better when doc took it out, I am 5 weeks out now, and doing pretty well. Just trying to get my head in line with my new little pouch. :rolleyes:

  3. My nut had said that when we are ready for bread, that we should toast it first to see how we tolerate it. As I am learning, this is such an individual journey. But did I listen? NO..I had some graham crackers dipped in skim mild and that went down wonderfully, so I bought those little whole wheat "slider" Buns, and had 3 oz of ground beef on it...It tasted so good the first few bites and then when I was about 3/4 of the way through this "mini burger" it hit me...OUCH! my little pouch was screamin! that is the first experience I have had like that. I guess I am kind of glad that I see how this little thing in me works, I could be a bit of a slow learner, and sometimes do not listen as I should, but that experience taught me life is never going to be the same again, and it is time to realize why I had this done and get with the program. Not trying to say this will be true for everyone, but for me, I guess bread and Pasta, are out. Some have said that "flat bread" is different. Why would that be? And what does "toasting" do?

  4. We are just about in the same boat. Our stats are very similar and I am having same issue. I'm almost two weeks out and have been loosing at least 2 lbs a day since surgery. Then today I get on scale and have gained 2.5 lbs. Woah! I guess that's why they said not to weigh everyday.

    I have a good friend that had the surgery last July. I remember her having several plateau's. one that lasted a whole month. However, just 6 months out she was 10 lbs from her goal weight which is awesome!

    DEFINATELY DON'T WEIGH EVERY DAY. My surgeons office said ONCE a week. We fluctuate so much, you will frustrate yourself if you do more than that.

  5. I named this brain pain and got a chuckle, but it is so true. I am nearly 5 weeks post op. It seems that now I do "FEEL" the effects of the sleeve more than I did when I was on full fluids. This is the thing though, I sit down to my little half cup of "whatever", just happy to have something that feels like food. As many of us do, I LOVE FOOD, and try to make it enjoyable. BUT, I am eating away and BAM...my stomach stops me. I KNOW, lol, that's why I had surgery, right? But my brain, it is still going "ohhh yum..I am enjoying this, noooooooooooo I don't WANT to stop". But I do, of course. Just that past few days, the power of what my head wants kind of scares me. Like crap, am I ever going to get my head caught up with my stomach, and just be content? I don't want to be a year out and fail. It is working now because of my tiny new stomach, but later? Any good advice on how to get my brain right? :blink:

  6. FULL FLUIDS was probably the toughest time for me so far, but I just got off of it and onto puree and some soft foods...just wanted to give you all that are still on fluids HOPE! This is so much easier and since being on soft stuff for a few days, I just feel a lot better and satisfied. I even started losing again. HANG IN THERE! You will love this !!! pureed Carrots NEVER could have tasted so good. I feel blessed also because I seem to be tolerating everything so well.

  7. hair loss just happens. Mine resolved around six months or so. I was diligent about Protein, I took Biotin until I decided it made me too sick to bother and I got my Vitamins in (mostly). I just happens.

    It also gets better.

    I was on ferrous sulfate and it makes me ridiculously ill, but it's the most common OTC Iron supplement. I take a prescription - I've taken Ferralet and Bifera - I prefer the Bifera because it gives me no side effects but both are far superior to the plain old ferrous sulfate. Some people report that they prefer the liquid Iron supplements, so you can also try that. Anything "ferrous" is iron, so it's a matter of determining which supplement she was steering you to.

    I did use Nioxin while my hair was falling out rapidly and I think it might have helped. I was shedding so much that my seat in the car would need to be lint-rolled each day because hair would just coat it...and my pillow...and anywhere I went. It was ridiculous for a while there but I do feel the Nioxin helped. I also suffered no additional loss when I stopped using it, so there's that.

    While my hair has not completely recovered (I keep a much thinner head of hair nowadays) the loss is not what it was. Do those small things you can do to minimize loss: don't wear ponytails, or at least not in the same place every time; don't use elastics that pull your hair out; don't brush your hair when it's wet, instead use a detangling comb to gently brush through your hair before using a thicker brush, etc.

    It should normalize in the next few months. Mine was worst between 4-6 months and tapered off after that. I also think good quality fats are just as important as Protein when it comes to the condition of our hair.


    good information. So I guess I am to assume it will happen to us all? I am only three weeks out and have not had it start yet.

  8. I have been doing a little research today and came upon this YOUTUBE video, it answers the question about why some people seem to experience hunger and some can eat barely anything. It seems that we all have different sizes of stomachs to start off with..EVEN if we were the same weight. so the smaller stomach people will have the same amount removed and it leaves them smaller pouches, us with larger stomachs..can hold a little more...or may feel hunger quicker. here is the video

  9. Has anyone else had trouble once going back to work? I get through the day and I just want to go to bed. I am so exhausted!

    YES YES YES...I will be 3 weeks post op Monday and just came back this week, and I am just so tired by 3 pm. Fortunately this is our business, and Hubby kicks me out at about three and I go take a nap, But my problem is exercise...STILL HAVE NOT really started. I need to but my legs are like Jello when I do. I forget my Vitamin sometimes, I am thinkin that could be it.

  10. I heard last Tuesday from my doctor that my surgery was approved by insurance. But they submitted the wrong code.. Hey submitted the one for the Lap-Band.. So they had to call in the new code to insurance to assure approval. As of Friday evening they still haven't done this.. And they won't set up anymore of my appointments until this is done. So once again I am at a stand still.. I am a planner and would love to know when my life is gonna change.. Ugh.. Just bummed I guess.. :(

    It will happen. Have Faith.

  11. That is exactly how I feel sometimes..... not disappointed but a little discouraged, I just thought it would be a little different..... and It is hard to talk to my surgeon because he felt that the RNY is superior to the sleeve and I just don't want him to say well, I told you so...... over all I am happy with my surgery, I just thought weight loss would be a little quicker and I still feel hunger, so I guess that is an issue that I will always have to deal with.

    Thanks for listening and sharing everyone.. sometimes you just need to speak your mind and clear your heart with people who I hope will understand.

    I LOVE THIS SITE!!! I would have struggled alone thinking I am the only one who feels this way, but it seems there are a lot of different reactions to the sleeve and none of us are alone. I lost a lot at first and will be 3 weeks Monday, I am forcing myself to only weigh once a week now, and just try very hard to stick to the guidelines, if I mess up or fall short in the Water or Proteins, I forgive myself and keep on going. for you who are struggling, we are not alone, and it will pay off. just be healthy and happy and know it will work out.

  12. It is amazing how different all our experiences are, now for me, I had a drain tube, and had to keep it after I went home. Had it for 10 days after surgery. For what we are going to gain I guess it was tolerable...but honestly, it did get sore for me, and boy was I glad to get that baby out last week. lol.

  13. I'm right there with you all on the energy levels. Personally, I love to exercise (was an aerobic instructor/weight trainer during my college years), but my energy zaps so quickly now I can barely walk a mile without feeling faint. It's a full time job getting food and liquid in, and despite the all day constant effort, I can barely get 500 calories in (which, by the way, is a recent victory...I was barely getting 200 cals the first week). Getting better, but I must say I AM loving my sleeve...11 days post op and 15 pounds down :D

    ohhh congrats curvy!!! We will get there. :rolleyes:

  14. Last night I pureed carrots, I had to contain myself to keep from shoveling it in...lol, it was great to have something more like food. I had a boiled eggs blended well with a touch of lite mayo and mustard...for Breakfast, IT WAS AWESOME. Going to start looking for some good lowfat nutritious cook books for when I am off of puree, I am NOT going to blow this just because I love food, I am going to enjoy it, be creative with it. I CAN DO THIS. :D

  15. I've been walking about 30 mins a day and doing other exercises about 30 minutes a day. I just started off small... Ok, I'll walk to that mailbox and back. Then the next day I'd walk two houses past that and so on. Once I got started with the walking I had much more energy. I plan on increasing each day until I'm walking enough.

    WOW! your surgery was just the day after mine and you are doing that much...shame on me! lol.

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