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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by mizehpanther

  1. For me it was at 267, but it wasn't the mere number that did it. There were several things that I couldn't stand:

    I carry the weight oddly. I have thin/muscular legs and arms, and carry it all in my tummy and my inner thighs. My inner thighs would rub together and create terrible blisters that would make it impossible to walk without crying.

    Also, I'm a high school teacher, and one day I tried sitting in a student desk to get next to a kid to help him, and I got stuck in the desk... So embarrassing.

    Lastly, I love to line dance. There was a time where I could last through 5 songs in a row, and despite being sweaty, I'd feel good. At 267, I could barely finish 2 songs, and it made me miserable to have to stop something that was one of the only healthy things I was doing for myself, ironically because I was unhealthy.

    Lastly, I am also a Cyster and I don't get periods at all. Ever. A few years ago, I lost 40 lbs by myself, and my period spontaneously started. My endocrinologist said that the only way I'd be able to have kids is if I lost the weight. My husband said to me one day "I don't think you really want to have kids. If you did, you would take care of yourself." That hurt like hell, but he has a point.

    All these factors made me finally say "ENOUGH!"

  2. So, I am terribly confused about my supplements. I am 12 days post op, so I can't have any of the chewy stuff yet.

    The documentation my doc have me said to get the Bariatric Advantage stuff, but when I was being discharged, he said just take flintstones and tums because they are safe to swallow once you chew it up. Do you think he meant this as a temporary thing? When do I start taking a more serious multi Vitamin and calcium citrate instead? When does the B12 come in? Also, is it true that you can't take the multi and Calcium together because the calcium blocks the Iron absorption?

    Would someone who has this all straight please share what they take and their schedule? Thanks!

  3. Hi guys,

    I had my surgery on June 18th with Dr. Nick Nicholson. Everything was great except that I had a really hard time waking up from the anaesthesia. I didn't have any of the symptoms they warned me about. No pain, no nausea, no acid reflux. I didn't use my pain meds at all except whatever they put in my IV while I wasn't paying attention.

    I got discharged 2 days later. Still no pain, but feeling a bit strange and uncomfortable. Since then, I've been feeling very dizzy when I'm still. I've felt like this before twice when I came off a cruise and got "sea legs", which can be best described as if you are at the beach, waist deep in the Water, and the waves are pushing you around gently. Oddly, I don't feel dizzy at all while driving or dancing. Anyway, it is quite annoying and draining.

    I am 12 days post op. Could this still be attributed to the anaesthesia? I'm not perfect when it comes to the fluids, Vitamins, and Protein intake, but I get them in for the most part. Any ideas why I might be feeling this way?

  4. Hi, my name is Sabrina, and I'm having my sleeve done this Tuesday, June 18th.

    Yes, I'm nervous and I can relate to the loneliness you described. I've been talking about it a lot lately, and overall, people are supporting me, although they can't really relate. My pre-op diet is 5 Protein shakes or bars a day, and then one meal a day with 5oz of lean Protein and 2 cups of veggies.

    My problem has always been that I hate vegetables, and I always replaced them with carbs. So, that part of the diet has been very hard for me. However, since by the end of the day I cherish that I'm able to eat at all, the broccoli and lettuce don't seem so bad.

    I've come to a shocking and horrible realization that I've *never* felt good before. I guess I got used to living with a stomach ache and diarrhea, and now that I don't have either, I'm amazed at the difference. Despite missing the taste of unhealthy foods, I'm that much less inclined to go back to that, now that I know how sick it really makes me.

    So far, I've lost 15 lbs on the pre op diet, and people are saying "see? You can do it alone! Why do you need surgery?" I think I'm going alright because I can see the finish line, but I don't think I can keep this up on my own without some hunger control help. I also need my brain to know that I *can't* eat like that, not just that I shouldn't.

    The bright side is that I've noticed a significant decrease in carb craving in the past 2 weeks. Someone was eating a brownie next to me the other day, and I felt sorry for myself for not being able to have one too. But, as soon as I really checked myself, I realized that it wasn't my stomach desiring it, but my brain was. I decided to use reason, and the upcoming stomach ache and the potential sabotage of my surgery helped me decide that I really didn't want the brownie.

    One more day before I get on that plane!

    Here goes nothin'...


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