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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by pjanes54

  1. Glad to join the crazy ates. I was banded on Aug 20 2007 and I am doing great. I have lost 27.5 # since the end of May and including the pre op diet. It seems that now the scale has stopped moving for me right now. Kind of bummed bout that one, but I am just taking it day by day. I am unable to get the tickel frog to work anymore I even tried to set up a new one and it would not let me. O well at least I can still post and read all the posts.... I will have my first pre op visit on Tues. no fill just visit. Hope that goes ok. Well glad I am a crazy ate.... Keep up all the good work and keep on typing........


    The scale is rally depressing me right now. I think I am going to stay off it and try to focus on eating healthy and healing. AFTER the first fill (Oct 2) then I am going to weigh every day. I can't take seeing the numbers on the scale right now--up or down--I'm not going to worry about it.

    Good luck all!

  2. Woke up really really early. We were suppose to be at the hospital at 5:30 and the procedure would start at 7:30. We arrived a few minutes after like 5:35 and signed in. We sat there until 6:10 to be called back. I had a wonderful nurse, Laura, who was extremely funny. We cut up with each other and she basically calmed any fears I had at this point. She was great. She even asked my wife if she could give a married man a hug. I could have had any admitting nurse but I got Laura. Lucky me.

    By 7:00 I was moved to holding where there was some confusion as people were looking for Dr Dyer patient for a gastric bypass and kept asking me if I was that person. Luckily he finally showed up. I met with like 7 different people in holding who verified my name, birthdate, doctor, and partial history. Made me feel a lot better. I remember being wheeled into the operating room and lots of people running around talking. The nurse anesthetist says she was going to give me something, and next thing I know I am in recovery.

    Kim, my nurse in recovery says I did great, but I did not joke around with her like I was with my new nurse. She was very kind and supportive and even came by to see me on Thursday before I went home.

    Pat was my nurse for the first day. At first we kinda bumped heads. She was doing things I was not in the mood to hear about. But after my wife (who is an nurse) calmed me down, Pat and I became very close. Pat had gastric bypass 5 years ago and obviously understood what was going on. THis eased my mind knowing that the person taking care of me understood and had compassion.

    Unfortunately I was unable to void as of 6:00pm and they had to do an in/out cath. This may have been the worst part of my whole experience. By 6:00pm I had been up walking the halls multiple times trying to relieve some of the gas.

    dinner was served and it sucked. broth, Tap Water with crystal light, Decaf tea.

    By the time my night nurse came in I was well on my way to being ready to go home. I wanted to give her an easy night because I figured it would be easier on me. I was able to void on my own, thank God. I did not take but one pain dose, and I only called her because my iv emptied and was beeping. Can't sleep like that, you know. I walked a couple times during the middle of the night.

    Breakfast was served and it sucked. broth, Tap Water with crystal light, decaf tea.

    The next morning I waited on Dr Houston to see me which he did around 9:30. He said everything looked good. The surgery was successful. The nausea I was feeling was normal. He made sure I understood liquids until I see him in a week.

    I finally left the hospital around 11:00 and we made a few stops before coming home, I do not remember them, but LaRhonda says we did. Once home, I slept most of the day and night.

    Congratulations on your surgery--now the jouney begins and it should be exciting! You and your wife can look forward to LONG healthy, happy lifetime together. Best of luck to you.

  3. Just wondering if there is anyone from MN? I am going for a pre-op appointment on 8/23/07 at the HealthEast Bariatric Care Clinic at St Joseph's Hospital. I wanted to know if anyone has gone here and which surgeon they had. Thanks for any information.:omg:

    Hi buzimom,

    I was just banded by Dr Lederer at HCMC Bariatric Center in Minneapolis and was very pleased overall with the care, staff, etc. My surgery went smooth and quick with zero complications. I feel very fortunate that I have been relatively free of pain--just some minor discomfort. Is St Joseph's in the Twin Cities? Sorry, I am new to the area, so I can't help much in that regard. Read and research as much as you can--you can't be over prepared-it made me feel better to be informed and at least, feel as if I was prepared for surgery. Much of what I did and gathered together was not needed but, I it was comforting to me prior to surgery to know it was there should I need it.

    Best of luck to you. Feel free to PM or email me, if you like.

  4. Hello all,

    Well I just made it home earlier today from the hospital. I was banded yesterday morning with very little probs and no major complications. Because of my earlier Tummy Tuck from several years ago they had to cut through the muscle wall in places to get at thing properly so I'm extra sore.

    Last night was pretty rough but my hubs was there with me helping me like the wonderful guy he is. I feel utterly bloated and like I've been run over a few times by a big truck but I know you all are familiar with that one. Fairydust was banded later in the day by the same doctor and we got to hang out together talking quite alot. She's doing beautifully and was only two doors down from me in the hospital.

    I'm sure she'll come give you her own update when she makes it home. I can't say that I'm like alot of people on here as I am already absolutely starving. lol

    I do admit that half a cup of broth or other warm liquid will fill me up but it doesn't last long. That first cup of chicken broth today was like manna from heaven!

    ugh, someone help me up please. lol:help:

    First of all, congratulations on your band! I was banded Aug 23! You mentioned tummy tuck--how has the recovery for the band compared to your recovery from the tummy tuck, if you don't mind me asking?

    I have had several SF Popsicles for snack and they seem to help between meals (call that a meal????).

  5. Hello. Good to meet all of you wonderful bandsters! I am so glad I found you as I need all the help and support I can get. I just had surgery 08/23 so am on the liquid phase of the diet. It's going pretty good even though I am still struggling with the psychological addiction to food. I don't watch t.v. due to the commercials on food and have to leave the room when my family eats. There are times when I am really hungry so I try to drink 4 oz of skim milk and drinking so far has done the trick of filling me up. I've scanned this site and see so many wonderful topics of interest and will be posting and sharing for you.


    I was also banded on Aug 23 and am on full liquids for 2 weeks--it is going to be tough! Thankfully my husband will cook for himself (and me!) and so that has made meal time easier.

    Overall, I am feeling pretty good. Some discomfort, for which I am taking tylenol and that seems to take care of it for a bit.

    Take care and good luck on your weight loss journey!

  6. Hi PJanes

    Today was a bummer, went to the pre-op, and some of the blood tests were funky, dr wants more tests and possible postpone the surgery, He will give me his final recomendation on Fri. It's kind of silly but i am not worried about postponing the surgery, I am worried about extra weeks on the liquid diet or having to repeat the last week of all liquids at sometime in the future. I'm strong but this diet is not easy. I'm waiting til Fri to be truely disapppointed, I am holding out hope that an antibiotic that I was taking just through off the tests.

    Ps. Day 3 was the worst one for me on the liquids, make it through that and things get way easier(not great but easier)

    Where are you at mceni? Postponed? Banded? Hope all is well.

  7. I feel like I could have some today but I am only on day 3 not supposed to have it until day 4. I did have some applesauce yesterday so I could possibly go to the bathroom. It was successful. LOL I am glad I had the surgery but had some food regret yesterday. I need to think that food is fuel....I'll get there.:)

    I'm on full liquids for 2 weeks, then 2 weeks mushies, 2 weeks soft foods, then gradual introduce reg food one at a time. My clinic is very conservative that way. It's going to be a rough, bumpy ride and the road is curvy and hilly (can you tell I just LOVE the road/wls association?!)

    Did I mention there's NO SHOULDER on this road.

    Okay, time to say good night. :notagree


  8. I just wanted to send my wishes to all. I had surgery on Thursday, Aug 23, about 3 PM and I am feeling fantastic. I took the pain meds, rested, sipped Water, walked, rested, sipped, took pain meds........etc, etc and by this afternoon I am on Tylenol only and sipping thinned pureed chicken noodle Soup. It was my first surgery and I was terrified! All med staff were so kind and good and my doc was the greatest. If a big chicken like me can get through it---ANYONE CAN DO IT! I would not hesitate to do it all over again in a heartbeat. Sending good vibes your way.

  9. Yes, Yes, I am August 23rd also! I am on the liquid diet now for 6 days and the 23rd can't come soon enough. Yesterday was killer, I had a business meeting and the boss ordered pizza and Pasta salad and chocolate cake! It sucked to sit there while my peers eat and I drank my Soup. I have not told anyone at work, no support there, just a bunch of gossips and sharks. But enough of yesterday, today is a great day, I treated myself to a half day of work and got to hang out with my kids all morning. And I am so excited to share my special day with someone!!!!!! It's gonna be awesome on the other side and all of this will be well worth it![/quote

    How are you 3 days out? I am up and about with minimal discomfort. Am taking tylenol for the shoulder pain but, that's about it. A bit of the gas pain--nothing intolerable. Overall, doing very well.

  10. I entered band land August 23rd. I cam home from the hospital today. Sill really sore from the air but I look forward to the future.


    <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wf4Y3Xz/weight.pn:rolleyes

    Probably be a few potholes, dead skunks, blown out tires, etc..just steer safely around them and do the best you can to keep the rubber on the road. It will be an interesting ride for sure! ;)

  11. the blood thinner I was given is a part of the hepprin family. That's all I know. The name you gave sounds familiar but they all sound the same. The doctor said it was pretty rare but that's weird. It wasn't life threatening I don't think......at least under the morphine I didn't care.

    Hope you do well.

    Thanks for the reply. I am not having any issues with the Lovenox. Hope you are doing well. Yeah, the morphine. I am easing off the Vicodin now(pretty good stuff, too) and taking with the liquid Tylenol. I am able to be up and active with very little difficulty and I guess that is the best.

    Take care!

  12. Surgery on the Thursday August 23--taking the pain meds, resting, walking, sipping Water, crystal light...all is very good. I am amazed how well everything went. My bariatric team ( docs, nurses, etc) were great. It is so exciting to be getting on with my "new lifestyle"!!

  13. pjanes54, I am happy to hear that I have someone getting banded on the same day! I have been very calm, but now......No Way. Its tomorrow!!! I am supposed to check into the hospital at 10:00 am my time and I dont know when I will have the exact procedure. I not good at waiting around. I'm a big baby. I dont have problems with pain, its all mental. I sorry to say that will not happen and I will be driving everyone nuts with minor episodes of freak-out. I wish you luck and will think of you at 11:00 am tomorrow. What time zone are you in? Good luck, deana


    thanks for the good wishes! The clinic called to finalize time for surgery tomorrow and bumped my time out 1.5 hours...so, I am to arrive at 11 am. Central time zone, here. It's all good, it's all very good.

    I need to just go in and have them meet me at the car and put me under until its over! LOL
    OMG, LMAO!


  14. Its Rose again. I am back to work today, day 5 postop. Feeling better. Still sore, have to wear loose pants. No more pain med. The TLBC told me to take my regular meds the way they are - in capsule. They went down fine.

    After I almost puked twice after crushing them, I was ready to throw up on everything. So everything is almost back normal. I took a shower day 4. Soaked my steristrips on my incisions, soaked them off. Wiped them gently, and put new ones on. It felt and looked much better ! I can feel my port!!! Still alot of bruising by the port. Not much of an appetite at all.

    Will have a small coffee in morning, and then sip on a Protein shake all day, then maybe have a popsicle around dinner and then some broth.

    It does get better. But you have to put your mind to it. Its all in the mind. I cant believe how much of my world evolved around food. Oh, ! we have so much work to do. I work at home, so I can take the occassional nap, which is great. First fill is October 1st, cant wait to see how more weight has come off. Anyway, have no idea how to get my ticker counter

    on this message? Anyone know how?????

    Computer dummy from Toronto....Rose


    Go to tickerfactory.com

    create a ticker, copy and paste the picture of the ticker into your signature on your cp. correct me if i am wrong, anyone. that's how i did mine ;)

    Sounds like you are off to a great start!

  15. Congrats!!! You'll do great! Don't get nervous & take it easy. Make sure you have jellos & the other things you need for post-op. Let us know how you did. I am 5 days post-op & felt really very well until today. I am dealing with some gas pains but that should go away soon I hope. Best of Luck!!!:clap2:

    Glad to hear you are doing so well! Good luck on your journey to a healthier YOU!


  16. Dear pjanes54 and ladydi---Thanks for the reply. You guys give me so much confidence. Congrats on all of your weight loss. My surgery is on the 27th of August. I am looking forward to it so that at least I can move on to something else to eat, such as cream of wheat.

    This liquid diet is killing me. I have been on it one week, exactly. I do fine until about 4 pm and I start getting the "hungrys". But it is one day at a time. Thanks for the replies. I am sure I will be leaning on you guys come next week.


    We'll all "get by with a little help from our friends" :grouphug:as the lovely song goes :note2:...and it is very true. We need to be here for each other. Your posts have helped me with many of the same issues I am dealing with and I thank you for sharing your experiences on this board.;-)

  17. try spending two nights in the hospital. I guess I was allergic to the blood thinner they gave me right before surgery. So I had to stay til I was stable to go home. I felt great but had to stay anyway.

    I was possibly prepared for one night but was told it would probably be outpatient. So this was a surprise and a disappointment as I didn't sleep well the first night. The second was better and then home. When I got home I was well on my way to feeling good. Now 10 days post op I feel good. I've lost about 8 pounds post-op so that's great too.

    Sounds like you are doing great. Can you tell me what blood thinner you were given? I will need Loevnox (sp?) and have never had any blood thinner and of course , I am hoping I tolerate this one. My mother has had DVT but, I have not, so the doc wants to be cautious. I am told I will need to have injections for a month.

    You are doing great in spite of that little set back regarding the blood thinner.

    (motel medical is an inside joke. when i was in the hospital having my first son my husband made a little Freudian slip !!!! and referred to the hospital as the "motel". wth?? i had just given birth to a 9 pound baby and he thinks i'm on vacation. what a guy.)

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