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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Karnie

  1. 3 1/2 months out from surgery is when I grabbed my 1st bag. The blessing of the sleeve is that although I purchased a monster size bag of white cheddar cheese popcorn - it took over a week to finish the bag! Crazy! Prior to surgery - that bag would have been consumed within an hour or two. Now it takes an entire flipping week eating it Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner!

    Omg!! I am working on a bag now! I bought it like 3 days ago...big black bag of white cheddar cheese popcorn...my favorite before surgery...and yes...by now, it would have been gone!!!LOL.... So far I've had a total of three handfuls...that's one handful a day, mind you...and that's all I can tolerate!! It's so funny but it just gives me ANOTHER reason to be thankful for this sleeve!!! When I get closer to goal next year, I might add the moscato!! ;-)

  2. Im only 10 weeks out, but my doc said only 4 oz per meal (5 at the VERY most), so I measure everything into my plate before eating, and MOST of time I feel like I could eat more - which scares me!! Anyway what's done is done, but in the future measure, measure, measure. :)

    Exactly...I'm putting that on my frig...measure, measure measure!! :-)

  3. I ate chili for the first time since surgery two nights ago (I'm 7 months out as of today). I felt the same way. I was able to eat more than I figured I would be able to. Even though it was chunky chili, I think I was able to eat more of it because of the liquid with it. My dietitian told me before surgery that after I came off of full liquids that she didn't want me eating Soups any more at all because it would mean I was eating and drinking at the same time. I know lots of people do it but I haven't tried it until the chili this week. I think I'll limit my chili intake from now own. Like I said, I still haven't been brave enough to try Soup and before surgery I was a soup lover.

    Yeah, I am definitely going to limit my intake of chili! That was scary!

  4. Well, I guess I would say that (and I'm not trying to be snarky) -- just because you can doesn't mean you should. If you only mean to eat 5-6 bites, then that is how much you should put in your bowl, not the whole can. You're 4 months out -- I'm only a month or so further along than you, and wow yes! the restriction is loosening! But as it's drilled into us all the time -- the sleeve is a tool not a magic wand. You still have to take responsibility for what you eat. You did miss a meal, so maybe that's step 1 -- don't allow yourself to get over hungry. And step 2 would be that maybe chili doesn't give the same restriction as maybe a chicken breast would. I know for me I can eat more and more of certain things as time goes by. I think the vets will agree with this....don't rely solely on restriction to help you achieve your goals. Use this opportunity to come up with strategies to maximize the use of your sleeve. You can do this! :)

    Not snarky at all...I appreciate the advice!! I think I have been relying mostly on the restriction...which has been great...but like you said ...it's up to me to come up with strategies now! Thank you!

  5. Well chili is not very dense. I'm also 4 months post op and I imagine if I sat there long enough I'd be able to eat a can of chili. I'm working again on only taking 20 minutes to eat a meal. What I don't finish in 20 minutes doesn't get eaten! You're lucky you haven't felt hungry. My hunger subsided for about 4 weeks after surgery and then it reared its ugly head again. When I eat enough Protein and eat frequently it's more manageable. Even at its worst, it is better than it used to be pre-op.

    Anyway every once in a while slip ups happen, don't beat yourself up about it. The next day is always a new day.

    You are right! It is still so much better than before the surgery. Tomorrow is another day...thanks!

  6. Hi All, Ok, so I am 4 months out. I was sleeved on June 27th. Since the start of my process, I've lost almost 80lbs. (29lbs on the pre op diet) So, I'm rolling along. I am very happy with my progress even though my surgeon said that my weight loss is in the low end. So anyway, I didn't get to eat my usual lunch today so when I got home I was hungry. Now mind you, I haven't been hungry since pre op. ok so I fixed a can of chili with every intent to have my usual 5-6 bites and before I knew it, I was at the bottom of the bowl!!! What gives?? Where has my restriction gone??? I'm following my plan. It can't be over already could it?? Anyone have this experience? Even when I miss a meal, I STILL have that restriction...but not today. :-(

  7. At 3 weeks out, I was still puréed foods. Now at around 15 weeks, I can have about 3-4 small meatballs with a lil sauce ...no pasta...and I'm stuffed!!!! Funny thing is...I still think about food I can't have. I even buy it sometimes, take 1-2 bites and end up giving it away. Not sure why I do that...but my boyfriend ....who is thin as a rail...doesn't mind cuz he's the beneficiary of my leftovers!!!! Lol

  8. Definitely a tough one...I had to change my thinking ...so instead of saying I have to wait 30 minutes after I eat...I tell myself that I drink first...so even when I go to restaurant I am downing 1-2 glasses of ice Water with a twist of lemon while we wait for the meal...it usually takes abt 20 minutes anyway so it works to curb my thirst...easy? Absolutely not! But does it keep me from dying of thirst when I eat? YES!

  9. A friend said this to me when I mentioned the desire to go back to my old habits...and I quote..."are you crazy?? You just had major surgery to cut out your stomach! Really??? You had your stomach CUT OUT cuz you eat too much...and you might do what?? Seriously??? Don't you have like a bunch of titanium staples inside you right now??? That just doesn't make any sense!!!! Sheeeesh!!! Suffice it to say, I chose the sugar free Water ice instead of the large mango gelati and cheese pretzel!! Hope this helps!!! :-/

  10. I agree with everyone's post about getting some weekly support. Just another suggestion...I have two friends who ad the surgery last year and were in the same boat as you. I ran into one of them recently and to my surprise she was coming from a WW meeting! I was like, how are you on WW? You prob can't eat all the points they require. She told me that they have another plan that they don't really advertise where you can basically eat Protein, veggies, dairy and fruit...without counting points. She also said that the weekly support groups helped her. She was losing again and she seemed much happier than the last time I saw her.

    I am not promoting the WW program...just sharing a friend's experience in case it helps! Hang in there! You've come a long way and you've lost a lot of weight. Celebrate your success so far. I wish you well!

  11. Sounds like you are doing fine! This not a cookie cutter surgery and everyone's body is different. You are losing so keep doing what works! The stall will pass! And maybe try the Unjury chicken Soup for your Protein. Also, are you making your Protein Shakes in a blender? For me, in the early stages I could only drink the pre made shakes because the blender added too much air and it was difficult if not impossible to swallow sometimes. So, from now on when you hear the negative talk from your doctor, just smile and nod...and keep doing what you're doing!!!! I wish you continued success. :-)

  12. I saw my surgeon 4 times between my first visit at the information session and my surgery. This was from March 6 ( information session) to June 27 (surgery date). He did the info session so I was able to talk to him at length when it was over. There were two appointments where he allowed me to ask any and all questions I had and he also performed my pre op endoscopy. I was actually surprised (pleasantly) to see him so often. Gotta give a shout out to Dr. G at Abington Hospital in Philly!

  13. Hi Everyone,

    Today I am 9 weeks out from my surgery...sleeved on June 27th. I am happy to report that since my highest weight of 386lbs (May of this year), I am down 61lbs...29lbs in the pre op liquid diet and 32 since the actual surgery. I know I have a long way to go but I am just happy that I am on this journey!! Finally! I have spent the better part of my life being a 350+ pound woman and I can see the light at the end of the 300lb tunnel.....I will be in the 2's very soon!!! I know that most people post their happiness with getting to "onederland" and I will too...one day...but right now I and just happy to be a "loser" who is headed to "Two Town!" (Yes, I know that was corny but I couldn't think of another name). ;-) This is a happy day!

  14. In your reply you said something important - IT'S A JOURNEY. But so is life. The question is, are you going to be a driver or a passenger? You said you live an active life - well, that may be true to some extent. But that is only active as you know it - active in the eyes and mind of a large person. If you choose to move forward - and I will have more to say on that in a minute - you will find that what you used to think was an active life was a fraction of what lies ahead. The sleeping is better, life is better, you feel good about yourself (maybe for the first time in years) and yes, the sex is better -WAY BETTER and way more frequent. Becuase you want it more, because it feels better and becuase no matter how much you are loved, looking better makes a difference. It just does. I know that because now I am officially a Hottie again. LOLx10. I still enjoy a few beers now and then - I did not for quite a while, but now I do and it is working fine for me. BUT,here is my sage advice. Make sure that you really want to do this. If you are on the fence and not comitted to that journey - with all its ups and downs and rocky roads - you are far far less likely to feel good about your decision, you may even regret it, and may unintentionally (?) undermine your success. What concerns me the most is that on day one of the liquid diet you are having second thoughts. That is really troubling. It gets way worse before it gets better. Heck, on day one I was thinking that it was not so bad. Day 10 -- I was a bit gritchy, but not day 1. After surgery, I had problems eating certain foods and had problems keeping food down for a while, but now a year out all is settled and my body and I are friends again and food is not an issue. I think you need to really decide what you want. I say that becuase it isn't an easy path and there is no turning back. It is a life changing decision and a lifestyle changing decision. So think it through. Now as for me, I can only say this - I look frickin' great, I am not self conscious anymore, I have all new clothes - good stuff baby - Versace, Halston coture, you know why?, because I look good, I deserve it, I have earned it and because I am never going to be fat again. And guess what else, I am chasing my wife around the house like a bad looney tunes cartoon. We have gone from one time per two to three weeks to 3 times a week and some times twice on Saturday - just because I can. And now that I am 100 pounds lighter I can catch her every time. She used run between the sofa and the arm chair and I had to go all the way around and she would get away... not any more. Although I am pretty sure she lets me catch her - because she wants to be caught by her svelte husband. Way more fun than her old fat one. And almost 1.5 inches more of a husband and less of a belly (TMI?). I think that is why she slows down on the corners. So a little humor, a little sage advice, and all the best wishes. Read as much as you can on this site. There is every experience, every perspective, and people that are so willing to help and be there for you as much as possible. THHHH That's all Folks......

    Wow! What an amazing story! I know I didn't start this topic but your story is an inspiration to ME! I love the confidence and I am sooooooo looking forward to my designer clothes....becuz I'm worth it! Congrats on your success and thank you for sharing!!

  15. I'm 2 weeks pre-op... September 9th. Nervous. Crabby. Uncertain. The concept of going from my usual diet - which is why I need the surgery - to eating pretty much nothing for 2 weeks prior to surgery in order to have the surgery is just not registering with me mentally. I rescheduled three times due to this mental block - and am now in day 2 of pre-op diet. I also have to get over the idea that this is a copout. Why do I need to have my stomach made smaller to keep me from eating less??? I don't mean to offend anyone out there - but for me it is definitely a personal sense of defeat to need this procedure. Anyone else having similar thoughts or concerns?

    Just know that this is definitely NOT a cop out! What would be easy to do is keep going down the road of unhealthy eating. Trust me when I say that the work STARTS after the surgery. It is not an easy journey.

    You must be focused and ready to dedicate your life to making better choices. Everyday I have to make sure that I drink enough Fluid. Everyday I have to track my Protein. Everyday I have to take my Vitamins. And at least 5 days a week I have to do some form of exercise. For me, these are things that I couldn't (well, wouldn't) do for myself before I was sleeved. It is only a tool. So it only works if you work it!

    This is a major, life changing decision that should not be taken lightly. I toyed around with the idea for years before I made my decision. But once I made it, I knew I was ready. If your are wavering then I would take the advice of others in this forum and speak with a professional. Having part of your stomach cut out is not something you want to do if you are not 100% comfortable with the procedure.

    I wish you success in whatever decision you make!! :-)

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