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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from thesuse2000 in "You're so tiny"   
    Are the weirdest and best words to hear from a complete stranger! Today while shopping, I asked a sales woman for help finding one size, but she was convinced I would where a smaller size. "You're so tiny!" She said as she got out her measuring tape. This was also not an average sized woman either! She was a twig in her 20's. I was shocked and she was right. I needed a size smaller...
    I've had a lot of fabulous NSVs lately :-) which is nice bc I seem to be stalled...
  2. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from thesuse2000 in "You're so tiny"   
    Are the weirdest and best words to hear from a complete stranger! Today while shopping, I asked a sales woman for help finding one size, but she was convinced I would where a smaller size. "You're so tiny!" She said as she got out her measuring tape. This was also not an average sized woman either! She was a twig in her 20's. I was shocked and she was right. I needed a size smaller...
    I've had a lot of fabulous NSVs lately :-) which is nice bc I seem to be stalled...
  3. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from thesuse2000 in "You're so tiny"   
    Are the weirdest and best words to hear from a complete stranger! Today while shopping, I asked a sales woman for help finding one size, but she was convinced I would where a smaller size. "You're so tiny!" She said as she got out her measuring tape. This was also not an average sized woman either! She was a twig in her 20's. I was shocked and she was right. I needed a size smaller...
    I've had a lot of fabulous NSVs lately :-) which is nice bc I seem to be stalled...
  4. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from thesuse2000 in "You're so tiny"   
    Are the weirdest and best words to hear from a complete stranger! Today while shopping, I asked a sales woman for help finding one size, but she was convinced I would where a smaller size. "You're so tiny!" She said as she got out her measuring tape. This was also not an average sized woman either! She was a twig in her 20's. I was shocked and she was right. I needed a size smaller...
    I've had a lot of fabulous NSVs lately :-) which is nice bc I seem to be stalled...
  5. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from thesuse2000 in "You're so tiny"   
    Are the weirdest and best words to hear from a complete stranger! Today while shopping, I asked a sales woman for help finding one size, but she was convinced I would where a smaller size. "You're so tiny!" She said as she got out her measuring tape. This was also not an average sized woman either! She was a twig in her 20's. I was shocked and she was right. I needed a size smaller...
    I've had a lot of fabulous NSVs lately :-) which is nice bc I seem to be stalled...
  6. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from thesuse2000 in "You're so tiny"   
    Are the weirdest and best words to hear from a complete stranger! Today while shopping, I asked a sales woman for help finding one size, but she was convinced I would where a smaller size. "You're so tiny!" She said as she got out her measuring tape. This was also not an average sized woman either! She was a twig in her 20's. I was shocked and she was right. I needed a size smaller...
    I've had a lot of fabulous NSVs lately :-) which is nice bc I seem to be stalled...
  7. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from thesuse2000 in "You're so tiny"   
    Are the weirdest and best words to hear from a complete stranger! Today while shopping, I asked a sales woman for help finding one size, but she was convinced I would where a smaller size. "You're so tiny!" She said as she got out her measuring tape. This was also not an average sized woman either! She was a twig in her 20's. I was shocked and she was right. I needed a size smaller...
    I've had a lot of fabulous NSVs lately :-) which is nice bc I seem to be stalled...
  8. Like
    snochick2005 reacted to missyjoy2078 in July sleevers please check in..   
    Best year ever. 241 - 158. 5'2

  9. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from BeagleLover in Were u always overweight or become as an adult?   
    I was normal until 7 years old, then started weight watchers for the first time by 9... I've been "obese" most of the 20 years since, with a few reprieves into the lower end of "overweight" due to short lived successful dieting. This is the closest I've ever been to being in the normal range for BMI in 20 years!
  10. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from Bea Amaya in 4th of July Challenge   
    I weighed yesterday, but totally forgot to post.
    I'm up a smidge from Monday.
    Starting weight 171.9
    Goal weight: 164
    I think it might be a stretch because I'm so close to goal, but I have to shoot for a normal BMI. That'll be the first time I'll be in the normal BMI range since I was 6 years old!
  11. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from BeagleLover in Were u always overweight or become as an adult?   
    I was normal until 7 years old, then started weight watchers for the first time by 9... I've been "obese" most of the 20 years since, with a few reprieves into the lower end of "overweight" due to short lived successful dieting. This is the closest I've ever been to being in the normal range for BMI in 20 years!
  12. Like
    snochick2005 reacted to betty_s in You're so vain...   
    I'll admit it. I did this for me to look better. I'm still young, 26 yrs old, and had zero health problems. Perfect BP, cholesterol, everything.. I was just fat. I've always gotten, you've got a pretty face, but I wanted to just be PRETTY, without having to name the part of me thats pretty.
    I wasnt happy with who i was, and didnt want to spend my life putting off pictures and parties because i didnt like the way i looked. I'm okay with that.
  13. Like
    snochick2005 reacted to Alex Brecher in Bariatric Bullies--You know who you are!   
    I don't see any bullying going on in this topic.
    A gentle reminder to all members, PLEASE read this article.
    We have zero tolerance for bullying. Use the REPORT button if you come across any post or topic that remotely even resembles bullying.
    This topic has been closed.
  14. Like
    snochick2005 reacted to I will what I want in Bariatric Bullies--You know who you are!   
    Maybe a picture of my sweet kitten Moo will clam everyone down. 'Cause Isn't the interwebs supposed to love a cute cat picture?!?

  15. Like
    snochick2005 reacted to Fluffnomore in Bariatric Bullies--You know who you are!   
    You posted an attention-getting title, for this thread. It happens to be close to another topic that was started recently. I don't think that means people are stalking you, necessarily…but we do have a tendency to read and comment on topics we are interested in.

    That's the thing about an open forum. People will do that. There's a lot of good information and advice here. If you don't like an individual poster, or even a group of them, you can ignore them or report them if they have done something wrong. Your initial post…okay, in fact I am very sorry that anyone feels that way, and I think you had a right to say it. Your post above calling someone specific out when the posts in question are pretty innocuous? I think that's uncalled for.
    In some ways this is just like showing up to a party or a new work situation where you don't know anyone. There are hundreds of people in this community (or more, really) and you'll really click with some, but probably won't like the tone of and/or get along with everyone. Ignore the ones you don't like. I'm guessing most people you meet here aren't posting "at" you.
  16. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from Newfiemom in You're so vain...   
    I will also raise my hand :-/ I had no health issues yet, other then knee and back pain. Being over 300 lbs that's to be expected. Otherwise BP was good, sugars good, etc... I knew it wouldn't be long before I started having issues tho. Plus my very obese uncle's death was an eye opener...
    Overall tho, I really wanted to be happy with my appearance. I wanted to be comfortable going shopping. I really wanted to stop feeling like I was being judged everywhere I went. I wanted to get married and start a family with my bf, but I could imagine having everyone staring at me for a whole day...
    My health reasons were eventual, but certainly going to be an issue. My vanity was the main one for doing it now... Plus I just got tried of all the failed diet attempts. There's a point where 15 years of failed dieting is enough!
  17. Like
    snochick2005 reacted to CowgirlJane in Bariatric Bullies--You know who you are!   
    I appreciate that people feel this way and I am sorry that feelings are hurt. I never intend to "bully" anyone. I was accused of it once because i took issue with a sweeping generalization somebody made that shall we say, touched close to home. My politely disagreeing was called bullying - so it goes.
    It is hard to know how people take things sometimes though and lets be honest here - weight loss surgery, obesity, losing massive weight and all that causes emotional turmoil and people can be very sensitive too. In other words, some of the things may be "taken" alot harsher than they were ever intended.
    Flip side, there are many of us veterans who take alot of time to share out stories, give encouragement, answer questions, answer private messages of info that is freely available elsewhere, I have even talked on the phone with people seeking support. I do it because I remember what it felt like and I remember that people feel the need to have THEIR questions answered even if it is the same as others have asked. This is scary, life changing business here. I am not seeking acknowledgement from any of you on this point - I am merely mentioning this because I have observed a few people who I think provide very valuable info, insight and support being attacked for being a bully when what I see is a fairly factual accounting of how they have experienced success post surgery. Maybe the delivery could be sweeter, but, not everyone is gifted with the silver tongue of a diplomat.
  18. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from ziggypbang in Bariatric Bullies--You know who you are!   
    People say things bluntly at times. They also sometimes react to a post rather then passing it by or letting them go, particularly the "I cheated posts." If someone is actually concerned about damage to their sleeve, they know to contact a doctor. I feel like most people post those because they either want validation that it's ok or they need a swift kick in the *ss. In case people haven't figured it out yet, you will get both reactions if you post that on here...
    As for the other topics that get heated at times, read the responses that are helpful and ignore all the other stuff. That's all you can do. Don't worry about the stuff you can't control.
  19. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from ziggypbang in Bariatric Bullies--You know who you are!   
    People say things bluntly at times. They also sometimes react to a post rather then passing it by or letting them go, particularly the "I cheated posts." If someone is actually concerned about damage to their sleeve, they know to contact a doctor. I feel like most people post those because they either want validation that it's ok or they need a swift kick in the *ss. In case people haven't figured it out yet, you will get both reactions if you post that on here...
    As for the other topics that get heated at times, read the responses that are helpful and ignore all the other stuff. That's all you can do. Don't worry about the stuff you can't control.
  20. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from Pretty_In_Purple in Support for stomach   
    I use kymaro body shapers. You can get them at Walmart or drug stores that sell "as seen on tv" stuff. I like the camis because of the clear thin straps, but I think those you gotta find online (amazon/eBay). I know a lot use Spanx which you can get almost anywhere.
    There are tons of options for things to suck your tummy in. It's all a matter of personal preference.
  21. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from Bea Amaya in 4th of July Challenge   
    I weighed yesterday, but totally forgot to post.
    I'm up a smidge from Monday.
    Starting weight 171.9
    Goal weight: 164
    I think it might be a stretch because I'm so close to goal, but I have to shoot for a normal BMI. That'll be the first time I'll be in the normal BMI range since I was 6 years old!
  22. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from ziggypbang in Bariatric Bullies--You know who you are!   
    People say things bluntly at times. They also sometimes react to a post rather then passing it by or letting them go, particularly the "I cheated posts." If someone is actually concerned about damage to their sleeve, they know to contact a doctor. I feel like most people post those because they either want validation that it's ok or they need a swift kick in the *ss. In case people haven't figured it out yet, you will get both reactions if you post that on here...
    As for the other topics that get heated at times, read the responses that are helpful and ignore all the other stuff. That's all you can do. Don't worry about the stuff you can't control.
  23. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from rome in Picking a Surgeon or Clinic in Minnesota   
    I also highly recommend park Nicollet and Dr Jones!! They are fantastic! The program is set up very well and they make everything simple to complete. Everyone I have worked with there from schedulers to nurses to hospital staff and doctors have all been amazing! Dr Jones is a great surgeon! Rated a top doctor for general surgery for a few years now. I actually requested him when I needed my gallbladder out and he fit me into his booked schedule when I needed it moved up a few weeks. He's a very caring and competent surgeon! His WLS stats are great which he's happy to share with you. I am extremely happy with my decision to go through them!
  24. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from ziggypbang in Bariatric Bullies--You know who you are!   
    People say things bluntly at times. They also sometimes react to a post rather then passing it by or letting them go, particularly the "I cheated posts." If someone is actually concerned about damage to their sleeve, they know to contact a doctor. I feel like most people post those because they either want validation that it's ok or they need a swift kick in the *ss. In case people haven't figured it out yet, you will get both reactions if you post that on here...
    As for the other topics that get heated at times, read the responses that are helpful and ignore all the other stuff. That's all you can do. Don't worry about the stuff you can't control.
  25. Like
    snochick2005 got a reaction from ziggypbang in Bariatric Bullies--You know who you are!   
    People say things bluntly at times. They also sometimes react to a post rather then passing it by or letting them go, particularly the "I cheated posts." If someone is actually concerned about damage to their sleeve, they know to contact a doctor. I feel like most people post those because they either want validation that it's ok or they need a swift kick in the *ss. In case people haven't figured it out yet, you will get both reactions if you post that on here...
    As for the other topics that get heated at times, read the responses that are helpful and ignore all the other stuff. That's all you can do. Don't worry about the stuff you can't control.

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