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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by snochick2005

  1. My surgeon used a 34 French. When I asked why he uses that, he told me it's just a guide. Surgeons use all different sizes, usually 40-32 French. Another difference he said is how tight they pull your stomach before stapling it. My surgeon uses a smaller one, but he said he doesn't pull the stomach tight around it, so it's a little bigger then a 34... Some use a 40, but pull it really tight around it. In reality mine could be the same diameter as that. Length of your stomach also plays a factor because they don't shorten your stomach from valve to valve.

  2. I'd love to join! I've been absent from the site for a while, but I need to get back on track with eating right and exercising. I'm at my official goal and well past my doctors goal. I'd love to lose another 5 lbs by my wedding in December. Being in the 150s has always been my secret weight loss goal so I'm going for it.

    Current weight: 164.4

    Goal weight: 159

    Doesn't seem like much but I've been bouncing between 166 and 162 for 3 months...

  3. Well I made it through and am finally on the other side of surgery. It's been a week and a day and I'm feeling pretty good , just sore, as if I had done 3000 sit ups. Did any one else feel this way? Just want to make sure this is something normal. I cannot say enough good things about having it done in Tijuana. Amazing doctor, nurses, and other staff. Utmost in quality of care and level of medical facilities. Nothing fancy like you'd find at a hospital like Woowinds, but a nice and well run place nonetheless. I would recommend it to anyone who cannot get insurance coverage or who wants to get it done without the six months process of pre op appointments. With airfare, the entire cost was under $5000. Since pre op diet began through today, I've lost 16 pounds, which is very encouraging. Looking forward to seeing everyone later this month. Did we choose a Saturday? I can't remember.

    Yay! I'm glad everything is going well! Yes my abs felt like I overdid sit-ups for a while. Once I started doing sit-ups it realized how much cutting through the stomach muscles weakens them! It was hard work trying to get those muscles back...

  4. Well I made it through and am finally on the other side of surgery. It's been a week and a day and I'm feeling pretty good , just sore, as if I had done 3000 sit ups. Did any one else feel this way? Just want to make sure this is something normal. I cannot say enough good things about having it done in Tijuana. Amazing doctor, nurses, and other staff. Utmost in quality of care and level of medical facilities. Nothing fancy like you'd find at a hospital like Woowinds, but a nice and well run place nonetheless. I would recommend it to anyone who cannot get insurance coverage or who wants to get it done without the six months process of pre op appointments. With airfare, the entire cost was under $5000. Since pre op diet began through today, I've lost 16 pounds, which is very encouraging. Looking forward to seeing everyone later this month. Did we choose a Saturday? I can't remember.

    Yay! I'm glad everything is going well! Yes my abs felt like I overdid sit-ups for a while. Once I started doing sit-ups it realized how much cutting through the stomach muscles weakens them! It was hard work trying to get those muscles back...

  5. I needed my gallbladder out at 7 months post op. I ask my dr why he didn't have his patients use a gallstone preventative after surgery. He said because the chances are really very low that they would be needed (he gave me the actual statistic, but I can't remember) and when they did prescribe them in the past most people don't take them anyways... I was just super unlucky!

    Personally after experiencing gallstones, I wish I had done some sort of preventative. It was the WORST pain in my life! Waking up from surgery was a cake walk compared to the gallstones... (I've never given birth, so I'm not comparing to that!)

    I do take Biotin. I've still lost a lot of hair, but it is growing back quickly. Also my hair is a lot stronger and faster then it used to. I'm blond, so my hair is naturally very thin. Bonus: your nails are stronger too :-)

  6. Are you talking professional clothes or casual? Casual is easier. I actually just wore some things a bit baggy and skipped some sizes, because I went through them so quickly. For professional cloths, I only had a few in each size, but it's hard to know how things are going to fit. I lost from my thighs last, so pants fit strange...I had to buy as I went.

    I don't have much time to show either. I always had awesome luck at good will finding cheap and good quality stuff fast. I didn't like spending money since I didn't wear them long... Hint: stop by the good wills in the more uppity towns. They have designer stuff with tags on it for CHEAP :-)

  7. You can do it! Everyone makes mistakes... The best thing you can do is admit it and figure out what to do to fix it, which you've done. :-) Don't best yourself up about it. Make sure if you have pain that continues, you see your dr.

    Congrats on your success so far :-)

  8. Like RJ said, almost everyone is focused on themselves and their workout. The cardio machines at the Y have TVs in them, so people are watching those as they do their cardio... If they aren't watching the TV, they are listening to music... Lifting weights, people are focused on their form...

    Personally, I felt the exact same way as you. I thought everyone would stare at the fat girl and wonder why i was even bothering... I couldn't join a gym until I had lost over 100lbs. Boy do I regret that! Once I started going I realized no one cares about anyone else (unless your on a weight machine they want). When I look around, no one else is looking around. Everyone focuses on themselves... When I see a bigger person, I'm actually jealous that they have the confidence and I didn't. Just think of how much further (or less loose skin!!) I might have if I'd started earlier...

    All that said, you go and work out! You deserve to be there as much as anyone else. Have that confidence I didn't. Rock the gym!!!

  9. I'm really glad you've come up with a plan to slow down your phases and to see your therapist. No this process is not easy. I would venture to guess that most of us are food addicts. I know I certainly am... I've lost 156 lbs and I still consider myself a food addict.

    You are among friends who will tell it to you straight, so you don't hurt yourself and you can reach you goals. It is not always what you want to hear on this site, but what you need to hear... You CAN do this :-) we are here routing for you!!!

  10. My surgeon said that the main people who get leaks (not all of course) are the ones that don't follow the post op nutrition instructions. You are an adult and only you can control what you put in you mouth.

    Just remember... Currently your stomach is swollen and healing. Your body tells you things. You said you have pain when you swallow. Here's your body giving you a sign...

  11. One thing to be aware of... The app "get-to-goal" was designed for RNY, not the sleeve. The goal lined are not accurate for the sleeve...

    hair loss is a normal consequence of having the surgery. Almost everyone has issues with it, some worse then others. Make sure you are getting enough Protein. You can also try Biotin (supplement) and Nioxin (shampoo/conditioner).

    Skin... Yes the slower you lose, the better you chances of it bouncing back... It's also gonna be affect by all those other factors someone else mentioned (age, length of obesity, Water intake, etc).

    If you wanna slow down, up your calories. Just be careful you aren't upping them using candy, ice cream, and other junk food. ;-)

    Talking to your nutritionist is a great thing to do.

  12. I never had any regrets. I was totally ready for the results. I was a closet food addict. Mainly because I felt judged for eating the junk things I craved. Now if I have a craving, I'm confident and don't hide my eating anymore. Also I have A LOT more self control! I'm almost a year out and past my original goal. I'm letting my body decide when I'm done losing weight and when I'm comfortable. If I have a chocolate craving, I can get 1 small one, take a few bites until I'm satisfied and throw the rest away. Before surgery, I could not even imagine being able to do that. It's taken me a lot of retraining my thinking about food to get there!

    In the beginning, I was very strict with the diet, which greatly helped me with retaining my brain and kept me on track for weight loss. My fiancé had some junk around the house, but I didn't have any cravings until like 7 months out. I still went out and enjoyed socializing at restaurants, but it was nice that it was about being with people and not about food.

    I'm not like everyone. I know many people have some regrets after surgery. Most grow out of them when they start to really see results, some do not. Only you know if you are truly prepared for the food restriction AND the results from having such an amazing weight loss tool!

    Read lots of books about different experiences. Look for them on Amazon :-)

  13. What about the garmin vivofit....the interesting thing i find about it is that you dont need to charge it for a whole year! and its the only one truely waterproof(with which you can swim)

    I have the vivofit and love it!! Yes it is Water proof up to like 50 meters (it doesn't track laps very well though). It comes with a heart rate monitor which is awesome for workouts! There's a cue (red bar) to tell you if you've been sitting for too long and the longer you sit, the longer you have you walk to get rid of it. Never has to charge. I actually never take it off.

    Absolutely love it!!

  14. Lol! You guys crack me up!

    I'm 11 1/2 months out of surgery and mine were steadily affected throughout. That's not the case for everyone. I went from a 44 DDD to a 34 DDD long. Good bras are required! While I'm the same cup size technically, it's deceiving... Cup sizes are bigger with bigger bands. I have definitely lost mass and when my fiancé measures with his hand... He makes a frowny face! Lol!

  15. You need to do what is best for you. As big or formerly bigger people, we like to think we are not judgmental about other peoples size whether it's bigger or smaller. Unfortunately, some people are and comes out in ways that are not supportive and sometimes hurtful. I'm sorry you've felt this way. Everyone has their own story and reasons for wanting/needing WLS. Remember that and focus on it. Keep posting, then just read the posts that are supportive or helpful to you. Ignore all the rest!

    You can do it :-)

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