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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by snochick2005

  1. snochick2005

    Anyone from Minnesota

    Congrats :-) I hope you are doing well. I'm in the Burnsville, so fairly close to Bloomington.
  2. I just used panty liners and was fine. The "sharts" are primarily the result of the liquid diet phase. Think about it... Liquid in, liquid out! Once you start eating foods of substance (even puréed) all those things went away. I alway had control over mine and never had an accident. That's not to say it doesn't happen to some. You will learn the early signs of your body, just pay attention :-)
  3. snochick2005

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    I was 190.6 this morning. I'm having a little surgery this afternoon. I'm curious to see what that does to make weigh in for next week. Good luck during the final week everyone!
  4. Awesome work in 9 months!!! Congrats! You are doing fantastic :-D
  5. snochick2005

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    That's fantastic!! Congrats :-)
  6. snochick2005

    Anyone from Minnesota

    Dr. Jones did mine in July. I loved him! He made me feel really comfortable the day of surgery. He spent some time with me in pre-op answering a lot of my last minute anxious questions. He is a really great and knowledgeable doctor. My soon to be sister in law worked with him in the OR as well, when she was training to be a surgical technician. She really liked working with him. Said he was a great doctor. I'm actually having him take out my gallbladder on Monday. I trust him a lot! I did not ever meet with Dr. Svendson. I heard he is really good too.
  7. snochick2005

    July sleevers please check in..

    I'm a July sleever too. July 30 was my date. My day of surgery weight was 296. Now I'm down to 191. I'm down 105 lbs in 7 months!! From a size 24 to a 12. I've still got 20, maybe 30, lbs to go, but I'm really happy with my progress :-) I'm just going to base my goal on how I feel after I get to 170. Best decision I ever made!!! On a side note, I'm having trouble with gallstones right now. Those suck! Please know the symptoms, because it's scary as heck if you have a first attack and don't know what's going on. The same surgeon is taking out my gallbladder on Monday...
  8. snochick2005

    todays the day

    Good luck!! I wish you fast recovery :-) remember to walk, walk, walk!
  9. snochick2005

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Last week 198.5 This week 192.9 Looks like a good victory, but its due to gallbladder issues... :-( I've technically met my goal, but I might be having surgery to get it out. I'm gonna wait to see if I should adjust it.
  10. snochick2005

    Period and weight gain

    Some women retain water when they have their period. Try adding lemon (real not just juice) to your water. It's a natural way to shed that extra water. Also really watch your sodium intake during your cycle. Hope this helps :-)
  11. snochick2005

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    You can do it Bea!! I vote for whatever option is easiest for you! If we pick a day, I like Mondays because it keeps me accountable over the weekends. No matter which option, I think its kinda fun for the final weigh in to be the actual holiday.
  12. snochick2005


    Congrats!!! Keep up the good work :-D
  13. snochick2005

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    To my shock and awe this morning I stepped on the scale into ONEDERLAND!!! This has been a very odd week to say the least! I have had serious issues with all week with what we will call regularity. Yesterday I had my first gallbladder attack. Let just say not fun and I wouldn't wish on anyone! 2/17- 205 Today- 198.5 Not only am I in Onderland, but I am also no longer obese... I am simply overweight. Its funny to say, but I have wanted to be simply overweight for a really long time!! Good luck to everyone! We can do this :-)
  14. Get-to-Goal is also specifically for Bypass not just any WSL. With Bypass, people typically lose weight much faster in the beginning then with the sleeve because of the additional malabsorption. Now that I'm further out, I feel its much more accurate to where I should be... Please don't let it discourage you!!!
  15. snochick2005

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    Today, I'm at 205. 2.2 lbs down since Friday :-) Goal for St. Patty's Day- 195 Bring on the challenge! This time I'm gonna make it :-)
  16. snochick2005

    Valentine's Challenge

    I'm at 207.2 this morning. Finally a loss greater than 2 lbs! Going to the gym is finally helping the scale :-) I didn't make my goal but that's ok... Next time!
  17. snochick2005

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    I'm in too! I need to finish up my slightly overly ambitious VDay challenge goal and get under 200 :-) Thanks Bea!!
  18. snochick2005

    Valentine's Challenge

    I'm 210.8 this morning, so I am not going to make my goal of 199.9 next week... I guess that is what the next challenge is for :-)
  19. snochick2005

    Valentine's Challenge

    212.7 today, right direction. Even with the gym, I don't think I'm going to make my goal though. I'm still trying!!!
  20. snochick2005

    Valentine's Challenge

    212.7 today, right direction. Even with the gym, I don't think I'm going to make my goal though. I'm still trying!!!
  21. snochick2005

    Gurgling stomach normal?

    Mine reminded me of dinosaurs fighting in my tummy! Like there's have said, it would also wake me while I was sleeping. I was so worried it wouldn't go away before I had to start teaching, so my high school students would focus on the noises rather then what I said. However, as I progressed through the food stages, the noises quieted down. I think once I was eating soft foods, it was very infrequent and barely audible.
  22. snochick2005

    What's are you doing about clothes?

    Up until now, I was able to primarily shop my own closet from previous weight losses. I hoarded my old clothes hoping they would fit again. Now they are too big :-) I took a suitcase to Clothes Mentor yesterday. Sold a bunch and bought a bunch, only had to pay $4 after selling my stuff. I have about 3 more suitcases to bring in. They don't take everything, but it really helps my budget! Goodwill also has great selection. Whatever I can't sell will go there. I have found awesome dress pants for $5 and nice jeans for $7.
  23. snochick2005

    Valentine's Challenge

    I forgot to post yesterday :-/ I am currently at 212.8, so down 1.9 from last week
  24. Uhmmm heck yes! Being 100lbs lighter, there are a lot of moves we can do now that were no where near possible before :-) he can even pick me up now!
  25. snochick2005

    Well, it's started!

    I can totally relate. I was not open about wls at work. I'm currently wearing a tight 14. One woman at work is very concerned about me losing more weight. She thinks that couldn't possibly lose anymore. I take it as being sweet. She's an older, grandmother type woman and she's just concerned I'm losing too much too fast... Every time it get sick (I work in a Petri dish, aka school) she asks if I'm eating enough and getting all the vitamins I need.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
