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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by snochick2005

  1. snochick2005

    Memorial Day Challenge

    I'm 171.3 lbs this morning!! Made my goal -3.7!! My weight loss had slowed, but now it seems to have picked up again :-) I'm so close to a normal BMI!
  2. snochick2005

    Anyone from Minnesota

    How are you doing??
  3. snochick2005

    4th of July Challenge

    Count me in too! I love these short term goals :-)
  4. snochick2005

    Will I be devastated by skin?!

    You sound exactly like me, weight evenly proportioned everywhere... I'm 27 and no kids. I'll be honest, the skin bothers me more then I thought it would presurgery. I have a little more then I hoped, but still not that much. HOWEVER, I can stand up without my knees killing me... I can walk up the 3 flight of stairs at my work without getting winded. I can shop anywhere I want and buy cute clothes. My clothes hide all of it (as well as my kymaro body shapers). I won't get into how much better sex is... It was good before, but let's just say lots more things are possible once 145 lbs are gone! If I'm feeling self conscience about the little sagging skin, I wear lingerie. I'm excited to ride amusement park rides again this summer, because I haven't been in 5+ years. I'm playing softball again. I tried on wedding dresses and actually enjoyed the experience. I could go on and on about all the positive things that having this surgery to help me lose weight has done for my life... In short, yes the skin bothers me at times, but I have NEVER regretted the decision to have the surgery because of it.
  5. snochick2005

    My very first bikini!

    You look fantastic! I wish my stomach looked as good as yours!!! Wear that bikini with pride :-) you've earned it and definitely rock it!
  6. snochick2005

    Memorial Day Challenge

    175 this morning! I made my goal :-)
  7. snochick2005

    Discouraged and Heartbroken.

    I'm so sorry for everything that you and Bear are going through! Life is not fair! It's not easy to do the things we need to for ourselves when we see our loved ones struggling. Keep coming on here for support, talking with friends, and anything else you can do to let out your feelings. You are going through so much and need to be able to share it rather then bottle it up and resort back to old habits to deal with it. I know I would need a lot of support if I was in your shoes as I am an emotional eater. I agree that seeing a therapist might also be helpful. Take care of yourself for his sake because I'm sure he wants you to be happy and healthy despite everything that's going on. You are a beautiful couple! You and Bear are in my thoughts!
  8. snochick2005

    Memorial Day Challenge

    I'm at 176.1 today. Only 1.1 till goal :-) This is the lowest I have weighed since I was a junior in high school!
  9. snochick2005

    Memorial Day Challenge

    I'm 178.9. Yay for finally making it to the 170's consistently!
  10. snochick2005

    Girl time/aunt flow and stalls!

    Women retain Water during their monthly cycle. You could try adding a natural diuretic during that week to reduce the water retention. I put a 1/4 of a lemon in my water bottle, skin and all. It's a natural diuretic and helps water taste a lil better :-)
  11. I thinks it depends on how far you are from your goal. Some people are naturally slower losers, which is not a bad thing! It gives your skin the opportunity to stay caught up. For me, the farther I was from goal the faster I lost. So like the first month, starting at 296, I lost about 25 lbs. the next months were between 15-20, then down to about 10 a month. Now that I'm within 20 lbs of my final goal, it's going really slow!
  12. snochick2005

    Got my date!

    Yes he was very impressive! On the day of surgery, he spent like 20 extra minutes talking with me answering my last minute panic questions. He also did my gallbladder surgery about 2 months ago. Very knowledgeable! Very good bedside manner! I was very happy with him :-)
  13. snochick2005

    Sleeve Doctors in Minnesota

    I did mine through Park Nicollet in St Louis Park with Dr. Jones. I had a great experience. I wouldn't change a thing :-)
  14. snochick2005

    Got my date!

    Love it!!! I'm a big Wizard of Oz fan :-D Congrats on your date!! It'll be here before you know it :-D
  15. snochick2005

    Memorial Day Challenge

    Today I'm down to 180.1 lbs, so down 2.1 lbs. It sucks though because I bounced around all weekend in 179. Next week I am going to officially crossed into the 170s! :-) My starting weight was 182.2 lbs My memorial goal is 175 lbs
  16. snochick2005

    July sleevers please check in..

    I'm almost 9 months out and down 141 lbs total (116 lbs since surgery). It's weird to think about the fact that I've lost more then my fiancé's sister weighs! Yesterday, I finally got up the courage to try on wedding dresses. That was nerve racking! I was amazed that I almost fit into a size 10 dress (darn boobs) and I liked the more fitted dresses... 1 year ago, that would never have happened. Finally deciding to do the sleeve was the best decision I've even made. After years of struggling with my weight, I'm finally getting close to my goal. Overall, I just want to be happy in my own skin and able to do everything I want. This summer, I'm joining a softball team. I've wanted to play again for years and now I can :-) also amusement parks here I come! This has been a great year and it keeps getting better :-) I hope that everyone is making there way towards their goals!
  17. snochick2005

    Anyone from Minnesota

    Friday after 4:30 would be good. Any news on cost from the trainer?
  18. snochick2005

    Anyone from Minnesota

    I would assume so for the trainer. The Y is not too pricy if your thinking about joining a gym, plus most insurances will give a discount for going a certain number of times. We did talk about meet for support too. No gym membership required for that one :-)
  19. snochick2005

    Best Scar treatment?

    Mederma works really well! My sleeve surgery scars are hard to see. Now I'm working on my month old gallbladder surgery scars. It has a guarantee so if you not satisfied with the results, you can return it and get your money back within a few months.
  20. snochick2005

    Memorial Day Challenge

    Count me in too! I am ashamed to say I went up 2.1 lbs since yesterday... Way too much grazing behavior! Stupid multiple holiday celebrations (my fiance's family and then mine)... My starting weight is 182.2 lbs My memorial goal is 175 lbs Thanks Bea!!!
  21. snochick2005

    Anyone from Minnesota

    I think the best bet for most people would be a weekend. Usually I would say Saturday morning, but I have some unusual Saturday morning trainings a few times in May. If we want to do during the week, I vote for Monday or Tuesday evening.
  22. snochick2005

    Easter Challenge

    Happy Easter!! Today I weighed in at 180.4 lbs. I met my original goal of 182, but I changed it 2 weeks ago to 178 :-( Silly me!! 9.7 is pretty good for 4 weeks and I am satisfied :-) Congrats on all your successes!! Have a great night and I will see you at next challenge tomorrow!
  23. snochick2005

    New to this forum

    Hello and welcome! Great to hear how well everything is going for you :-) keep up the excellent work!!
  24. snochick2005


    Hello and welcome! The tiredness will get better, but it takes time. :-( once you're eating solid foods and getting in more calories your energy will start to come back.
  25. snochick2005


    I've also been on a good combo for depression and anxiety. It took years to get the dosages and prescription right! I chose the sleeve because it was not supposed to effect medications (no malabsorption like gastric bypass). My surgery was July 2013 and my meds are still working great. Actually losing weight has greatly helped my anxiety!

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