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Posts posted by mollydeez

  1. I am truly battling a food addiction. I am 4 months post op. Down 70 pounds. But still have the urge to just eat all the time. And I'm talking eat badly.

    I follow my diet and guidelines all week. Once the weekend hits idk what gets me but I eat basically whatever I want. I don't know how to stop myself and how to get past the mental part of this.

    I've gone through depression post op and gotten past that. But now I feel my old habits creeping in and it's bad. I need suggestions and advice. I need to know how others have fought their addiction to food. Please share any wisdom.

    Today I had Girl Scout Cookies and chicken nuggets. Then I go through this awful, unbearable shame after. It's exhausting. I need help. Thank you :(

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. I have struggled with depression for about 6 years. When people told me it was common to get depressed after surgery, I wasn't worried because I've been on meds for 5 years and have it under control.

    I was sleeved on October 17th. I'm down 50 pounds. Clothes fit better and I get a good amount of positive recognition from those around me. On the surface, everything seems to be going well.

    But I have been so miserable. I can't shake it. Since the beginning of December I am just a mess. Every day is clouded with like my misery. It's so hard. I know eating used to be an outlet and I know that it's not anymore. That's not really an issue for me. Everyone says to work out, or channel it into something. But I have no gym motivation and I don't have many hobbies.

    Drinking and going out with friends usually helped me feel better but every time I have drank recently I have spent the following day so depressed and also get very down while I'm drunk. I also know drinking doesn't help much with losing weight so that's another reason I don't want to do it.

    I guess I just feel very lonely because I don't have a boyfriend or anything and I'm just not feeling myself. Wondering if anyone has suggestions or went through something similar? I need to make a change and I don't want to feel like this any longer. Thank you for anyone who takes time to respond!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. So I got sleeved on 10/17. At first I was having these insane hunger pains and always wanted to be consuming (I think it was boredom) but now I can barely finish anything and I only eat because I haven't all day and feel like I need to. I'm just like not hungry it's so weird. And when I do eat, I over do it because I'm worried about my lack of calories and Protein (I drink 2 premier Protein shakes a day). I guess I'm wondering if anyone experienced the same thing? How do I consume more calories? Without feeling sick? And will this pass?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. Also had mine on Monday! Trust me. This whole thing is a huuuuge transition and adjustment. It's no walk in the park. It's making me realize how often I ate when I was bored. How much I base my life around food and wanting it. I read a bunch of times that this is so common for the first stage.

    I keep asking myself too...am I gonna regret this? But here's the thing: we are alone and home and bored and thinking too much. We just had major surgery. It's tough. What's been helping me is thinking about how much agony I go through when I'm shopping. How much I hate the way I look before I go out. How bad my self esteem is. It's easy to forget these things when we are trying to adjust to something totally new. Once you're out and about, eating normalish foods again and seeing results you will thank yourself. I know what it's like to be depressed and regretful but think about what's ahead and focus on goals ! Look at clothes online you might want to buy when you're smaller and think about how much better you'll feel. I keep going back and forth too in my own head but the more you come on here, read, reply, and meet people, you can also learn a lot and find great support. Good luck and please don't give up !

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. So I was where you are now... I was sleeved on 10/6. I ditched all the Protein that everyone suggest prior to. I went and got the pre-made premiere shakes which were a lot more palatable and easier to get down. And one 11oz shake has 30g of protein! But you can now make low fat yogurt smoothies... you can do cream Soups strained ... it's going to get better I promise. Cottage cheese... I swear I can say I was you. It will get better. Hang in there!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    What do you put in the low fat smoothies? !? Thank you so much!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. Hi all...my surgery date (October 17) is quickly approaching, and I sort of feel alone??? I feel like the only people that support me is my family. It's not that my friends don't support me, but they don't ask me about surgery or even really seem to care. Whenever I tell someone new, they just try to talk me out of it. It's so unbelievably frustrating. Idk this is supposed to be an exciting time for me but it's hard when I feel like no one even gives a shit. And even when I try to tell people about it, they lack any understanding. I'm just sort of at a loss here. Idk if I'm asking for help or just ranting. Thanks for letting me vent

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. Girl I had a meltdown tonight. My date is for October 17th. I usually go out and drink on the weekend. I feel so lonely. I ate chicken wings....they weren't breaded but definitely not the best choice I could have made. I'm so on edge and just need to power through it. Hang in there girl we got this. You're not alone in the misery !

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. My primary care doctor tried to talk me out of it too. She also told me she would write a letter for my insurance to get me approved. She never did and ignored me. It was SO frustrating. She completely lied because of her own opinion. If this is something you are set on and want please do it. I get discouraged too when people try to talk me out of it or say I'm lazy, don't need it etc. then I think back to my depression. My anxiety. The absolute misery I endure every time I go shopping. How I haven't been to the beach because I hate the way I look. How I have no confidence and self esteem. I saw a quote that was something along the lines of "don't take advice from people who don't have to deal with the outcome" and it's so true. Please do not let her talk you out of it. Think about how much your weight affects you

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. Alright not actually violent (dramatic definitely but not completely violent) and I'm not even sure if I should be giving it up right now. I'm on my 2 week pre op diet that consists of high Protein low carb. I stopped drinking soda and coffee on Sunday because I thought I had to. But I'm not even completely positive.

    Is it important to give up caffeine 2 weeks pre op?? I'm drinking a coffee right now because I've had the WORST headache for over a day and idk what to do with myself. I realize it could also be lack of carbs too causing it but I needed some type of relief. Please help :'(

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. I appreciate all of your advice and guidance. It truly helps me so much and gives me so much perspective.

    Due to kim kardashian being robbed at gunpoint in Paris, Kanye West cancelled his concert tonight and it's post poned til December 13th! Although I'm dissapointed, I'm glad that I got this advice and maybe I can have a drink before that one!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. Alright so my surgery date is the 17th. I started my high Protein low carb diet today. I have 14 days until surgery. My first (probably of many) dilemma has surfaced:

    I want to get drunk. I'm not an alcoholic or anything...i drink once a week at most. But tomorrow I have a concert and I wanted to drink with my friends before hand. Not a lot and nothing crazy. Just a few drinks before going in.

    Idk if this is a completely terrible idea or if having a few drinks can slide. I need guidance. Help. Advice. Wisdom.

    Please somebody guide me. Thank you all in advanced

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. So for my 2 week pre op diet I have to do the high Protein low carb diet. I went to wal mart with my mom and got chicken breast, shrimp, talapia, ground turkey etc. I'm just worried about snacking. Does anyone have any tips on making it easier? snack suggestions? Things to completely avoid??

    Thank you all for always helping me. I've learned a ton on here and it's definitely nice to find others that understand. I have basically no one in real life that can relate

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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