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Peggy 53

Pre Op
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Posts posted by Peggy 53

  1. I will have to disagree with your target of a good number. Lower is not better necessarily. If one could maintain blood sugars and insulin in perfect balance it would be more like 95-100.

    Good response! , but your range is wrong, close, but wrong..... A diet controlled diabetic, off insulin, is 65-99. Your A1C is about 5.0-5.5. Pre diabetic range is 5.7 to 6.1 Yes endocrinologists will tell people on insulin to keep blood sugars 100-120. (I have an Endocrinologist) but after surgery...new ball game...new rules. Normal blood sugar is 70-80 for non diabetics. Get rid if the starchy carbs - get the carbs from fruits and veges and you'll stay on track...oh and don't for get your Protein. Critical for keeping all blood sugars in balance. I primarily I use stevia...stevia in the raw to be exact, but will use Truvia.. Splenda only if I absolutely have too. HOWEVER, at the latest Obesity Week conference in Atlanta (Nov 2013), There were presentations that discussed the use of artificial sweeteners and there were no critical findings to not use any of the artificial sweeteners. Now I've done a fair amount of research on the matter and from my clinical understanding of how the body, ( liver, tissues and cells) as well as the brain (dopamine, serotonin) use artificial sweeteners, I'm sticking with stevia....

  2. Hi. I'm Lauren. I had surgery on December 20th. I have lost 14 lbs my weight currently is 245. I'm just not sure if I'm doing the right things. I have read several blogs and I havnt lost that much weight compared to others. I'm unable to get Protein Shakes in some some unknown reason I'm lactose intolerant now. My energy level seems okay but still very tired. I would love some tips from anyone. Thank you so much!

    whey Protein isolate is lactose free where as whey protein concentrate is not. Start using soy milk or almond milk instead of milk. It is normal to gave some diarrhea/ loose stools after surgery. When you get to solids it will improve....BUT stop looking things up in blogs. There is. A LOT of bad info out there - call your MD. And talk to your nutritionist. You could also have an intentional infection that needs antibiotics.

  3. This exchange is an excellent illustration of why combining different WLS forums into a single site was not a good idea...IMHO. I have not visited the sleeve forum, because it does not have relevance to me or my journey to restored health and weight loss. And I can understand someone who has just gotten the sleeve done might be passionate about their choice of WLS...however, by all commonly regarded standards you are still in the healing stages post op, and have much to learn as you travel on your journey. You are not yet what this forum would consider a "veteran". On the LapBand forum, we do tend to call someone out who makes assertions regarding statistics, giving others medical information without credentials, documented medical studies, the reasoning behind significant business decisions without first hand knowledge. And some other areas, but you get my drift. If you believe everything you read online without looking for the validated information to back up the claim, then you are just stating hearsay. That can be capricious and dangerous. On the LapBand forum, we do tend want to know the origin of information posted here. Whether it be through your experiences, information given to you by your surgeon, reading documented journal studies, here we tend to want to know that what is posted has a reasonable probability of being accurate. Why? Because we want the information on the LapBand forum to be as accurate as possible. We want the "newbies" to feel that what is posted here can be believed. And we encourage one on one discussions with your own physician to answer medical questions. I am retired from a medical allied career, and it is irresponsible and unethical to advise others about what type of surgery to choose without the proper medical credentials to do so. And most physicians would never make such a long term determination without first examining the patient and discussing with the patient, the patient's goals and expectations. So, this post is not to knock anyone down, only to share important forum protocol. So that we can all do our best to be individually successful with our weight loss journeys and get along reasonably well with the "public" side of our forum participation. Wishing you well as you begin your weight loss journey...

    I completely agree with you on this. This is a very personal journey for everyone. Heck just the decision for bariatric surgery is a personal one. It is NOT for everyone. I don't promote, nor discourage someone from taking a step to better health. It is important to have all the information about benefits and risks for any of the procedures. But I'm always surprised by how many Pre- Bands feel there is less risk. There is not. Band erosion, band slippage, port infections are real problems that will send you back to the OR in a minute. I know too many Banders that are stuck on tolerating " just soup" or they are throwing up. Talk about nutrient deficiencies! Any of the procedures require following the guidelines of your bariatric team. The problems arise, for any of the procedures, when those guidelines are not followed. I am a medical professional and I work in a bariatric practice. Take your health seriously. Make the changes you need to make. Be responsible for yourself. Don't play games. The decision to have bariatric surgery is a serious one.

  4. Skirts...I wear a lot if skirts! Bought 3 pair of pants because I was going to a conference in early November. Three weeks later my staff is telling me I needed to buy new pants cuz the ones I had were so baggy...... Ugh! I recent bought 2 comfortably fitting dresses that, with a belt as I lose more weight, will still work.

  5. I set MFP based on my gram needs not the percentages. Total calories are 1000. My Protein is set for 75 gms, Carbs for 60 gms. I let the program balance out the fat to get to the 100%. Interesting thing is that over a weeks time my percentages actually come out to 40-40-20. My calories are usually about 800 in actual intake- protein is usually 70-80 and carbs are about 60. It works for my body

    Clarification. That is Protein/ carbs/ fat......40/40/20

  6. You just put some food on a plate and keep pushing it around taking a small bite here and there. You are more conscious of it than the people you're with, especially at a larger party. It's not a big deal unless you make it one. And if questioned you can tell the truth or just respond that your belly is just not happy with food that night.

  7. I set MFP based on my gram needs not the percentages. Total calories are 1000. My Protein is set for 75 gms, Carbs for 60 gms. I let the program balance out the fat to get to the 100%. Interesting thing is that over a weeks time my percentages actually come out to 40-40-20. My calories are usually about 800 in actual intake- protein is usually 70-80 and carbs are about 60. It works for my body

  8. I hadn't checked in for some time.

    Surgery 8/28/13. Pre-op 229...DOS 221... Today 184. I'm 5'0. My goal is 140's. I'll need radical surgery to get lower than that or change my breed to a Shar Pei

    I'm out of a size 24 and into a 16-18. I've stopped buying pants and now just wear skirts to work as they're easier to alter and I can get more than 4 weeks wear out of them before they look like clown clothes. I've been thru the closet once and once winter is over all of those clothes will be going.

    Zumba and yoga are on my to do list for 2014 and I'm looking at getting a hybrid bicycle....time to kick up the walking routine too... I don't know of my knees could mange a C25K...but it's work a try.

  9. Often here people use the term "slip" as some sort of rationale for making a decision to eat something. It is an old term that in the 12-step world is used....but is inappropriate.

    By definition a "slip" is. 1.an act of sliding unintentionally for a short distance. synonyms: false step, misstep, slide, skid, fall, tumble ! a fall to a lower level or standard. OR. 2. a minor or careless mistake. synonyms: mistake, error, blunder, gaffe;

    If I were to eat a meatball that was filled with bread and didn't know it, that would be a slip; if I were drink a beverage I thought was sugar free, but wasn't, that's a slip. But to make an intentional decision to eat a food or drink a product that I have a craving for, that I " miss" , that I just can't resist....that is not a slip that in an intentional decision. Now for some people, one bite may be fine...but for someone else it will be the beginning of ongoing poor choices that will unravel any hard work.

    Yes....addiction is real! You have to know yourself and even if you do know yourself you have to be able to trust yourself that one bite will be okay. If not, then it is important to be honest with yourself to know that one bite will never be enough. EVER! If you go back to doing what you used to do, your going to get the same result. No, the surgery did not fail....you did! What may be okay for me, may not be okay for you. It's important to be honest with yourself if you plan to be successful.

    Here's a good question, if using a food log is too hard...is it because you are afraid of being honest about what you are really eating?

  10. My thought...... Carbs are not your ( or my) friend. So let's get honest.... I didn't get morbidly obese from eating too many carrots, cucumbers or celery. That wobbly stuff hanging off my belly, butt and thighs are those stored carbs.... My carbs are all healthy carbs from fruit and veges...that is if I have enough room left over after eating my Protein. So let's see..hmmm....skinny jeans or Pizza....nuff said.

  11. Your just healing..... This is normal. It can take a week or two to go away...although I still had remnants of it a month out IF, and here is the key, IF you are going to fast, trying to drink too much. Some people are more sensitive to very cold Water, some to hot water. Many are better with room temp or warm fluids. It will pass, just be patient.. You are healing.... You are only 4 days out.

  12. Hello. I have this theory about all the emotional ups and downs we go through as we lose weight. I work in the field of energy work (acupuncture, energy psychology) and I see it from that perspective. What if a lot of our craziness that we go through when we release the excess weight is emotions stored in the fat cells? In Eastern Medicine we feel that the body holds memories such as traumas and emotions. It makes a lot of sense to me that as we shed the fat, that all the emotions we stored in the fat while we ate under stressful, emotional and traumatic times are released. When I acknowledge that this is happening, it helps me to understand the emotional pain that is coming up to be released. It is so much easier for me when I don't feel like "There must be something wrong with me." or " Am I crazy?" Sure, there are other reasons for the emotions that arise during weight loss; blood sugar issues, hormones, etc., but the energy of whatever we were stuffing being released as the fat is released makes a lot of sense to me too. It helps to know we aren't crazy when things feel so intense, and that it will pass. (no pun intended) Can anyone relate to this too?

    Totally and you are right food is " energy" ... That energy is expressed in how it's treated, grown, handled. We bring in that energy. No longer eating that food we detox, both physiologically and energetically. I think that is one if the reasons why after surgery, or possibly before, we feel so much better because we are no longer taking in negative energy

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