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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by eibbed54

  1. Yesterday was my six weeks after sleeve surgery check up. Doctor said I had already lost 22% of my bmi. He said they usually want you to lost at least 29% within three months. I was so excited. My clothes are falling off and l love shopping now. The thrifts stores and consignment shops have become my best friend. I feel better that I have felt in years. I'm thankful for the sleeve.

    1. Teachamy


      That's fabulous! Nice work!

    2. kata13
  2. Has anyone else taste changed since their sleeve surgery? My taste is really off with almost everything I eat.

    1. Carlotta1


      I know what u mean.. Sometimes I'll eat and nothing taste good. I really do not want to eat but I have to for nutrition. It is subsiding somewhat and I am 7 weeks out. Just hang in there. But I have read this several times that taste change after surgery. I used to love sweets, now I crave nutritious food , not sweets. Good riddance.

  3. Down in the dumps today. Feel a cold coming on and can't keep anything down...any suggestions? this is my 4th week of surgery.

    1. lisacaron


      Hope you feel better. Give your doc a call and check in they might be able to help you feel better.

    2. IncredibleShrinkingViolet


      Might want to see the doc, see if you have the flu. If it's caught right away, maybe you can take an antiviral, which will help a little bit. Lots of fluids if best you can and hang in there. Hope you get better soon!

    3. eibbed54


      Thanks guys, I will take your advice.

  4. Before my surgery, I was a water drinker, I had no problem drinking 8 or more glasses of water a day. Now that I've had my gastric sleeve surgery, I can't seem to tolerate water. I get this nasty taste and sometime nauseated. Any suggestions.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. eibbed54


      Crystal Light helps if I freeze it and make it slushy, so that's what I primarily do. I just hope this feeling will eventually go away cause I don't like. That's my only downer from having the surgery.

    3. Carlotta1


      I was like that after my surgery and for several weeks after . I am 7 weeks out and now am just getting to enjoying a good cold glass of water. Hang in there.

    4. eibbed54


      That's encouraging; hope it's the same for me. People say that water has no taste have not had gastric surgery...LOL

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