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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jaxmommy2012

  1. Would you have to get him involved in it? A lot of times you just need his information and as long as insurance through his job will cover it the clinics take care of everything. You just have to make sure to go to all of your necessary appts.

    I think what he just cant understand all the cost around it. And because its his insurance he gets all the paperwork so even if i keep it quiet hell see eventually. Idk. Ugh. Tha ks guya for the input!

  2. Not get your husband involved? Having this surgery is a commitment for life. It's not a quick fix' date=' you lose weight, and then life is perfect.

    My husband was my rock during recovery. I couldn't even be around food for the first month, it was emotionally too hard for me. He took over the cooking. He helped care for the kids while I needed to rest. He helped lift heavy things for me when I couldn't. Still to this day, over two years later, he is involved. He helps work his schedule so he's home with the kids while I work out. Most importantly he's there for me emotionally. I can't imagine my husband not being involved.[/quote']

    i know that it is a life commitment. And that its not a quick fix. I understand that. And im glad you had the support that you needed. But not everyone has that luxury. I was just trying to see if anyone knew about medicaid or any other way around this. But thank you anyway.

  3. Great news for you!!! Good luck on this new journey!

    I was wondering, have u met dr. Paul? hes in the same practice as dr. Baker. And i was just wondering if he has good word going around? i likes him when i met him bc he seemed realistic and not mean!! so many surgeons i looked into were just plain rude. Ick. From what i understand dr. Paul is newer to the practice but has been in wls circles for a while.

  4. thank you guys. I do know that theres a very good chance I'll be a slow loser even with the sleeve. Realisitically I cant say I wont ever get disappointed at a stall, but Ill know that Im on the right track so itll be a bit easier (I think) to stay positive. Im ok with working out and eating well. As long as its actually doing something. Because right now it isn't. And I am coming off the adipex. I see my DR next month so I will be discussing with him whether I wean or I can just come right off. I have a few months of this process left so I should be ok to have them out of my system by the time I see a surgeon. Right now Im still jumping through insurance hoops so itll be a while before I get the sleeve done., I guess I just got sick of waiting. I feel like im in a fatty limbo. I know Im going to do something about it, but I have to wait. So I guess I thought I could drop some decent weight while I was waiting. Oh well. Anyway thanks for all the input guys :) I appreciate it!!

  5. I seriously can't believe there are still drs out there who prescribe diet pills.. WTH?

    Where is the data on long term success rate of diet pills... ? There is none because it's a big f'ing FAIL!

    I agrew here as well. Like i said i did this as a last ditch effort. Even the dr said surgery is a better option for me becuase the pills (even if they do work) do nothing to maintain he loss after you stop taking them

  6. I definitely have to try either way to do whatever i can for the insurnace to cover because i cant afford self pay :( and yea, a lot of drs these days are prescribing adipex. I looked it up and a lot of people had great results but i think because meds go through my system so fast it just isnt working. and i told myself if i didnt see decent results in a month i was coming off it. either way, its just ridiculous, the whole thing. The hoops they make us jump through probably got put into effect just so only a small percentage of people actually get the surgery. Even my dr said its all just a game. Im sticking with it though. I have no other options left. Ive tried everything.

  7. OK. Im just ranting because I'm pretty pissed today. I am pre-op. I went to the seminar for my surgeon over a month ago. (I figured it would take FOREVER to hear from them) and while waiting for my call back to see what I needed for insurance, my husband and I discussed trying one more time with a Dr. supervised Adipex run. I figured what could it hurt, right? So I knocked my calories down to 900 a day. Low low carbs and high Protein. I work out (cardio) at least an hour a day, and I'm taking this Adipex. NOTHING HAS HAPPENED (well I lost 6lbs, but 6lbs in a month on diet pills and cutting my calories so severly, really!?!)!!! Its like my body is fighting against me. And the more I obsess the more depressed I get. I feel like its effecting my relationship with my husband. I never want to leave the house because I feel like a disgusting animal. I just don't understand. Its not like Im not trying. SO then I finally get a call from the surgeons office, and all I need is 3mth supervised weight loss attempts and a psych evaluation. Ok great. BUT half of me is afraid to even do this because what if it doesn't work? What if I go through this serious surgery and Im just still fat and slow and unhealthy forever? What if those 6 damn pounds screw me over and make my BMI below what it needs to be for insurance coverage? What if when the time comes, I cant afford the co pay? Has anyone else had this raging anxiety? I feel shitty all the time and im sorry for the foul language Im just so frustrated I feel like Im going to rip my hair out. I just want to do it. JUst do it and get it overwith and be human again. Ugh!!!!! ok Sorry, like I said just a rant. Its DEFINATELY one of those days. :/

  8. You will drive yourself nuts weighing yourself everyday. Stop now before it becomes a habit.

    Our dysfunctional club has enough members. :P

    lol i know. Its oike my cracj. I see it n im like, ok let me just look. I tell myself i wont care what it says but i always do. Its like the logical part of my brain takes a mini vacation. Ugh. Ok. Throwing the scale outttt!! thanks guys :)

  9. I started my 6mth mandatory diet about a week ago. The dr told me low carb high protein..n i know im not supp to weigh myself every day but its addicting. Anyway for 3 days in a row i was 226. today im 220. is that all Water weight or is it working?? i dont want to get excited for nothing

  10. Great rant...loved the "slice of freaking paleo pie." Fat girls unite indeed!

    lol thank u!! i was just so annoyed. These poor people are getting attitudes for being overweight..on a WEIGHTLOSS site. Really? ugh

  11. Have you contacted the human resources rep at your husband's employer? They usually have a good contact at the insurance company that can provide the requirements. The most important thing is to get the requirements in writing, this will help you tremendously if insurance tries to deny for any reason.

    I actually haven't called hr. I didn't know they could help! where I stand now my issue is, if I have to do the 6 month diet, ill lose "too much" weight to get approved anyway. so im a little stressed about the whole thing. im taking one step at a time. the surgeons nurses were very sweet and said they would get the list faxed of what I need so I have it in writing. but anyone have any advice as to how to avoid losing enough to lose my chance of surgery, but not enough to be normal sized? ughhhhh lol what a mess

  12. yea mine is hovering between 41 and 39.8. and when I called and asked about requirements, the woman told me they don't NEED the diet. which to me is a bit confusing because I thought it was black and white. I didn't know they could just drop things for certain people. ugh. anyway, im waiting for the surgeons office to get a REAL list so I can start on them.

  13. Hey! I am pre-op in Arkansas. When are you attending the seminar? Dr. Baker is my surgeon and I would highly recommend him. I have worked in medical financial services for several years' date=' and I will be happy to help you work through the red tape.[/quote']

    I went to a seminar in little rock with dr. Paul. Ive been a nervous mess about all the paperwork bc diff peope tell me diff things! i even heard 2 diff requirment lists from insurance ughhh

  14. well what I think (because I know everyone is just biting their nails waiting for my opinion lol jk) is that we as a group should take all the insensitive tan skinny people stuff them in a closet and force feed them twinkies. hahhahaha that is the best revenge. people shouldn't talk about things they don't know. walk a sweaty, short breathed, exhausted mile in our shoes and see how u feel!! grrrrr. (ive run into some of that lately as well)

  15. lol exactly. its just a dating venue for fitness nuts. I wanna tell them all to move on to match.com. but yea, ive been using it to track progress with my diet while I wait for approval, but I cant be bothered with the forums. I hated high school...id rather not revisit. lol

  16. OK so I am just wondering if im being super sensitive or if this is real. lol I am at the beginning of my journey blah blah and Ive been looking into different sites and forums and things. I just went on myfitnesspal and another one I cant recall at the moment and some of those people are so rude!! Not even to me really (I haven't posted anything yet lol) But like, just because you are 115 lbs and know how to lose the last 5 of that doesn't really give you the right to tell someone theyre obese because "they need to get off their ass". Does NO ONE understand that sometimes its much more than that? I know I work out. Before I got too big that my damn joints burn all the time I worked out for hours a day. That doesn't mean its not hard. or that my journey will be a slice of freaking paleo pie like a naturally thin, fit, athletic person, and not to say its not difficult for them as well, but lets be real. unless you have seen the otherside how can you really claim to understand?. Ugh im ranting. I know. its just annoying because this site is helpful and people are kind and supportive of each other. WHY is it that surgery can bring us together but non surgical weight loss is more of a contest than anything else? Ugh as far as im concerned fat girls should unite. Anyway. that's my rant. lol. have a nice day girls. :)

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