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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by xgrl

  1. One I really need to work on and it seems like I'm not alone is that not drinking while eating...I also sip small sips but sip none the less I really think of it as more or less clensing my mouth I kinda take a little baby sip swish it around and swallow it but really is it that much different that little amount of Water to the liquid that is in the food I'm eating. I guess I don't think it's my major vice. I've done worse and played bariatric russian roulette and tried to eat something that I knew in my head would not go down by my taste buds were like "oh yeah you'll be fine!" and I end up in the bathroom introducing myself to the toilet of whatever resturant I happen to be at. I did just find out that I've been to tight for about 3 weeks and thats when the majority of these bathroom episodes happened so hopefully this fixes it but I have a think about eating stuff that I have thrown up before so at least that'll keep my away from bad foods that prob shouldn't be going in in the first place. I agree with most here it dieting and following rules was so easy for us we'd all be heathly and skinny from the first diet we ever tried. Clearly we are all different and as long as we are losing AND are healthy I think that we are all freaking AWESOME and one step closer to meeting our PERSONAL goals not necessarly someone elses. right now I'm pretty happy with my body I quit checking the scale and know I"m still losing because of my clothes which makes me feel 10x better than what a scale tells me! Okay I'm rambling Good Luck All!!!:blushing:

  2. Hi Everyone!

    I was banded on March 24th this year. I've noticed lately that my hair is falling out any suggestions on how I can get more Protein in what I'm eating is basically all Protein but it doesn't seem like enough??? Any suggestions....

    Also does anyone elses port stick out after they eat I notice it's farther out and more sensitive after I eat is that weird?

    Also is sliming the same as pb-ing? I'm not throwing up all the way just well slime... can that cause band slippage?

    obviously i've been off here for awhile since i have way more questions but feel bad bombading you all at one time! :thumbdown:


  3. I love the diet police basically because they are usually eating stuff that is way worse for them than it would ever be for me because I have the band! and I'm eating under a cup of it and they are eating the whold main course, salad, side dishes and sometimes dessert or even having beer or other drinks so when people say "are you suppose to eat that?" to me I just turn it around and say "Are you really suppose to be eating that?" it usually shuts them up!

  4. I'm in the same position Banded 3/24, I don't know what do to either I eat till I'm full which is around the same amount that you are eating but I find myself hungry within 3-4 hours sometimes earlier I try drinking really cold Water also if it's okay with your diet from your surgeon add some string cheese (chewed really well) or some parm cheese on mashed potatoes for some extra Protein I'm getting around 40-50 grams a day and around 700-800 calories, I sometimes think this is WAY to much which is worrying me alot but I'm hungry so I eat I know the point of the surgery isn't to starve and I do work all day on my feet so I have a pretty active job considering...I feel like I"m rationalizing. all I can say is stick in there! once we're on real food I don't think it'll slide though the band as easy and we'll be fuller longer but I could be over thinking this!

  5. I got banded the 24th of March I got moved onto mushie but I feel like I'm eating alot...how much should I be eating I stop when I feel that I'm full but they said my stomach would only be 2oz's I know that sometimes I eat more than that in a sitting but it's all like semi-liquid food (cottage cheese) so I don't know if it's slipping through the band or what? Am I worrying to much? I keep thinking it'll be different after my fill and that I'll be on normal food so the band won't hold as much because it's not just sliding through it being normal food that's not mushie. is this logical....maybe I'm rationalizing and overthinking I don't know please help!:smile:

  6. The liquid diet is so limiting it's hard not to get tired of anything you find thats good my only suggestion is that you just try lots of different flavors of stuff (even stuff you really didn't like before) as a treat and when I'm not planning on putting much else in i drink the chocolate banana Naked juice Protein Drinks they are about 480 calories but have the 30g of Protein i need but once again I can't eat much else that day....

  7. I go from being excited to totally scared sh*t-less (if only) but pretty much on the excited side I keep saying to people when they ask me if I'm excited that I'm just hungry at this point which is true I can't wait to eat food again but they look at me like I'm already kinda failing I just wanna say "Yeah I'll eat food but I can't fit more than 30ml in to the pouch!!!" so it's not like i'll be back to my overeating self again! oh well alot of people have questions I've told everyone at work (I work in a small pharmacy) and they are all really nice and have tried not to eat around me for the past two weeks which i love them for!!! beyond that, I got told that I was gona have a pregnancy test the morning of the surgery and I'm totally freaked there is absolutly NO chance I'm pregnant but the fact that this could totally stop my surgery in it's tracks freaks me out almost to the point of buying a pregnancy test just to ease my nerves lol which to me is just hilarious because there is NO chance it's just nerves I keep telling myself

  8. If you have trouble walking after surgery your doctor will most likely put you on lovenox or warfarin to counteract the chance of developing a blood clot it you are having trouble walking and your doctor doesn't do anything suggest this to him or ask for a second opinion just be pro-active in your healthcare if they aren't giving you something you believe you should have or not treating you properly then ask why if you are not satisfied ask for another doctor for a second opinion.

    as for the nightmares those are normal it's anxiety I have them before pretty much anything i do that is taking a risk no matter how low....geez i had ones that i overslept for my pre-op testing, it happens you'll be okay

    You could always spend the time you use to spend eating researching online more about the lapband...I feel like I have hours to do nothing now since I've been on my pre-op all liquid diet! (this might now work so well with you since you have 3 small children)

    Take a few deep breaths and just imagine the healthy skinny you...:smile:

  9. Thats awesome our surgerys are going to be 24 hours apart nearly exactly exciting!!! I splurged today and drank a Naked Protein juice smoothie there is alike 480 calories in the whole bottle but I don't really eat all my regular Jello or the juices I can have so i figured i would be okay I'll prob have some broth for dinner then head to bed. I can't wait till tuesday or even monday night just because I know the hunger i'm feeling now will never happen again as long as I use the "tool" i've been given which I'm more than willing to do just to not feel hungry! your gonna be banded in less then 48 hours!!!! how exciting!!!!!!!

  10. Welcome Skywalk64!!!!

    this is a awesome place to gather information, there is also some stuff on youtube if your interested in seeing what you get to go thru in terms of the actual surgery there is a blogger on there called thebandinme and it's pretty awesome she got to take the camera with her all the way up to the surgery and afterwards (not in the surgery) but it's really a first person perspective on what happens if you have any questions feel free to ask everyone here is really nice

  11. your puppy is cute! I know the hunger is the worse but I hear it gets better I'm just counting the days till I can not feel hungry anymore, are you staying on track I've started having small little things of salt just salt it's kinda gross but really sad lol oh well could be worse I could be eating actually food. Anyways super excited for you, how long do you have stay at the hospital I have to stay over one night. Hope your having a good day and not to hungry I had some cavitys fixed today so I spent half the day with my face numb and when all you can do is drink your food it's pretty hilarious and really messy. ha ha

  12. I'm on the max Protein one that's vanilla, chocolate and Cookies and cream it's pretty good as far as the others i've tried I didn't like the advantedge strawberry one it was just to thin but i like mixing them with other juices

    as for the liquid coming out I called the nurse at my surgeons office she told me to buy knox gelaton and mix it with 1/4 cup warm Water (mix really well) and then drink it and that should help I just did it a few minutes ago it was horrid to drink so it better help the other part other than that I'm taking immodium too because at work it's impossible to get away long enough besides I have so much gas and it is amplified in the bathroom it's just embarassing so I don't wanna go there! I know it's a natural thing but what's happening to me is not natural (I'll leave it at that)

    I ordered some free samples from Proteinex online from the actual manuf. they are pre-digested Protein haven't tried them yet but they are only 2 table spoons and have 18 grams so i figure i'll save them till after the surgery when I really don't wanna drink alot I can at least get those down and not the whole think Protein shakes that i'm drinking now at least for awhile. but we'll see good luck to you all I'm on day 7 of 14 for my diet and this is really hard i'm hoping to just make it through the next day living day to day and trying not to think about how hungry you are or your stomach rumbling (not from hunger) is just getting old.....:)

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