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Posts posted by KittyLouSou

  1. I am six months out, and just visited the gyno last week to get on hormonal birth control to control the deluge...I took two sick days for the last one! It's hard to explain what kind of "sick" you are to your male boss, and female coworkers who might think you're being wimpy, heh. My cycles are getting closer together and much heavier and painful each month since the surgery. I was wondering if losing weight has made me fertile Myrtle or something. But it's definitely problematic...hopeful the BC helps more than the bummer side effects (like weight gain). Good luck to everyone having the same issues!

  2. Sleeveless - Does your insurance pay to see naturopaths? We are lucky to be in a state that lets naturopaths do a lot of dr. like work (not the case everywhere, I just found out when looking into moving to Colorado). I have a great one in Lynnwood who can do labs, spot nutritional deficiencies, and even prescribe actual medications (she prescribed thyroid meds for me starting a few years ago, which changed my life). While she doesn't understand obesity real well as a naturally thin person who loves healthy food, hehe, and sometimes says things that don't seem terribly sensitive, she was on board right away with me having the surgery and now she does my blood tests every three months. So far, with my constant stream of Vitamins, supplements, whey Protein shakes, my bloodwork shows I'm doing better than before surgery! Other than the persistent Iron and Vitamin D deficiency (that we all have here). Shoot me a pm if you want her info. She doesn't do hands-on things, but my incisions healed fine without needing to be looked at by the doctors. Even though they are gross! I was an infection-phobe and used hibistat to bathe with before an after surgery, used the antibiotic spray, and also some medihoney to be safe. Probably overkill. ;) I don't know what your surgeon's protocol is.

  3. I had Dr. Garcia on 7/5/2013, and am happily down 50 lbs. I felt extremely well taken care of with Dr. Garcia and team. My main heads-up would be if you end up last on the list to get surgery that day (I don't believe I made it into the operating room until after 8 pm) make sure you get another dose of anti-anxiety meds AND anti-nausea medicine. Mine had certainly worn off by then, so I was in absolute misery with nausea and vomiting that night. I also got the short straw with the IV stand I was toting around - for some reason the one I had had the bottom of an office chair screwed onto it instead of four steel wheels everyone else had, which made walking down the hall in a straight line impossible and annoying. It's the little things. ;) But other than that and a blown IV vein on the hand (seems to be pretty common), it was a much better experience than I had getting sinus surgery at a hospital in the states.The nurses and other staff at florence were very sweet, and it was great to have so many different doctors checking up on you. I had no complications surgery-wise. I would recommend him for sure.

  4. If you're like me, you like to keep your Protein Shakes interesting...my kitchen looks like a coffee shop with all the Toranis! Right now I'm drinking a chocolate powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury shake with espresso powder and brown sugar cinnamon SF Torani Syrup. Delish! Who needs Starbucks. Just wanted to give y'all a heads up that it's on sale today (I signed up for their alert emails as soon as I realized I could get the syrups there) 2 for $10, regularly 7.99. http://www.worldmarket.com/category/code/torani-sale.do?ab=home:wk39:c:1:toranisale

    My fave is the salted caramel in a chocolate Protein shake!


  5. Whew - these are all a relief to read...I started the hip pain in both hips a few days ago, making me limpy (and the reason I hopped back on VST for the first time in a while to see if this was normal). I was baffled, as I always thought losing weight would take pressure off my joints, not cause pain! But that makes sense about different postures, walking differently, etc. But ouch! Hoping it goes away soon for everyone!

  6. I usually don't post on topics like this because I always end up looking like a crazy person for saying what I do. Well here it goes: I've dealt with Constipation since I was a very young child. My butt has been through a lot of painful stools and I wouldn't be surprised if my butt hole has actually shrunk because of all the ripping and tearing that I've experienced over the years (scar tissue). I now squat to poop. I know it sounds weird but it helps get all the poop out and not just little pellets. I use a squatting platform. I'm not saying that squatting to poop makes the issue of constipation go away but when your poop is impacted and very hard to push out, squatting makes it easier. I honestly believe that the way that current toilets are designed is the reason why we have so many problems going. Toilets are often to high for us short people and it's not natural to poop in a sitting position. If you're in the woods and need to poop you will more than likely squat and find that your poop is longer and you wont feel like there is more poop left in your bowel, you will have complete elimination. My husband thinks it's weird what I do but he's tall so he doesn't understand how hard it is to poop when your knees are below your hips and I used to spend hours on the toilet just trying to push out poop and would be so frustrated. Not being regular really effects your mental state.

    I don't want to go too deep into the theory and most times when I post in these threads I feel as if I'm wasting my energy because most think it's stupid advice but if you happen to be one of those people open to trying something new then definitely google "squatting to poop" and you will find tons of articles on why it's beneficial and that you wont have to deal with constipation as much. I don't use stool softeners or laxatives because they cause problems days later and you will more than likely end up back in the same situation. Drinking lots of Water has helped me and so has squatting. Good Luck

    I have heard that too, and at 5' 0", I should probably heed that! I'm too short to squat, so I will try out having a stool in the bathroom. My stool stool? Lol. (Love that we can talk about this stuff here. This is not something I feel comfortable talking about with my friends.)

  7. Oh yes, I posted about this issue too...so not fun! I may forever have issues with hemorrhoids thanks to those episodes. One thing that cleared me right out was sipping on a Dannon DanActiv probiotic shot. Holy crap! Literally. But not something to try right before work! I find that Good Belly probiotic drink alternated with Miralax every few days keeps it all moving smoothly now.

  8. Dudes. Yes, TMI, but seriously peeps - I'm two weeks out, and I made the mistake of not taking stool softeners after surgery before things got all bolloxed up in there (plus I wasn't regularly taking my thyroid meds, which didn't help), plus, I should've taken some Probiotics (lack of good bacteria also resulted in oral thrush from the antibiotics, which required another medication), so now I have bleeding hemorrhoids! Eek! Not fun. I need to go out and buy some old lady butt supplies now, heh. Just a cautionary tale - don't leave stool softeners/probiotics out of your post-op care kit!! :)

  9. I agree with not taking them if you don't have to...however, I'm just a week out, but without Prilosec (when it wears off in 12 hours) I am a choking, violently-coughing mess. So I am of course interested to find out all I can to counteract the potential long term effects in the event I need these to function forever! :)

    The thread below has good details...it really sounds like the connection with magnesium deficiency with PPI use is one of the main themes, at least something we can supplement to counteract what we can.


  10. Feeling much better, just trying to take it easy. One of my incisions is still very sore but the rest are healing nicely. Everything I eat or drink brings stomach gurgles .. It's so embarrassing because they are loud. I can usually get in one or two spoonfuls of Soup before the fireworks begin :)

    Sophia - I read a few people calling their sleeves their "grouch pouch." Ha! I think that title fits right now. Glad you're doing well. I feel so much better today!

  11. Sorry to hear about the challenging flights - you guys so did not need that!! My only minor thing was that the plane felt like I might end up with hypothermia... I'm usually the one turning on the air nozzle and fanning myself with the safety instructions, but not this time! I wanted to cry! Hehe. But easy-peasy compared to heading to the east coast. I also had to be strategic about avoiding someone I spotted in the gate in San Diego on the same dang flight who I happen to cross paths with often at work...I wasn't sure how to explain why I was wearing oh-so-attractive anti-DVT stockings (I'd brought an extra pair for the plane ride, taking no chances), carrying an x-ray, and my right hand is one big bruise from a blown vein...what would I say? "I was on vacation in Tijuana and things got cray-cray..."? Hehe. I succeeded in avoiding him despite him making eye contact, thankfully.

    Sending your fam healing thoughts. I am about to tackle my Netflix queue. :) And of course try to remember to hydrate.

  12. I am a chronic overpacker (and possibly a germaphobe),

    My pile o' things I'm bringing so far:

    Includes from left:

    1. Florastor (doesn't prevent C. Diff, but good to take if you have possibly been exposed).

    2. Antimocrobial bandages.

    3. Triple antibiotic spray

    4. Generic Hibistat to wash with before surgery, and real Hibistat hand wipes.

    5. Mini lysol.

    6. Gas X strips.

    7. A few packets of crystal light.

    8. Two packets of Unjury chicken Soup.< /p>

    9. Safeguard soap (because why not have two types of soap?)

    10. Prilosec

    11. Generic immodium.

    12. Aveeno lip balm.

    13. Pill crusher.

    14. Heating pad.

    15. Thermometer.

    16. Eye shade and ear plugs.

    17. A few sugar free ricola for sore throat (not sure those are allowed, but someone recommended them).

    What am I missing? ;)

    18. Anti-embolism knee-highs that should be arriving from Amazon today, and Johnson's all over body wash instead of safeguard bars (thanks to light_lady for the tips)

    19. Cortisone cream in case I have an allergic reaction to surgical tape, which seems to be common (shout out to sunshyneqtie for this heads-up)

    20. Lightweight robe to hide my booty in the gown, and my ortho-heel flip flops for walking.

    21. Neck pillow.

    22. Travel fan (I don't do well with heat...this heat wave should be interesting).

    23. Oh yeah, the pads and extra undies in case of the trots. Sigh.

    My bag is getting full and heavy. Trying to prepare for any potential issue...my way of dealing with anxiety, as I can't eat it away, hehe. :)

  13. I am being sleeved on 7/1 with Dr. Garcia. Really nervous right now. Will also be staying at the Marriott.

    The Marriott is very nice. Def recommend trying the pool/Jacuzzi before surgery.

    The surgery went well yesterday around 6: or so. I was up n walking as the next patient was coming out of surgery. I turned down the pain meds this morning as I'm only slightly achy. The hospital is very clean and the staff is excellent. Major bonus, this is the first hospital I've ever been in that has real blankets! The slippers are real not the no skid socks you get in the states. Everything has exceeded my expectations so far.

    Awesome to hear, no-longer-bigeater620! Now you are tinyeater620. :)

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