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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mitz

  1. mitz

    Where are the 50s ???

    I had one of my worst days since my surgery and i got frustrated of things not going right around the house, things being broken or not properly functioning right, right away I notice that I wanted to eat but fought off the urge with a cup of green tea, the sleeve helped but the rest is up to me on staying on track and keeping focused . I hope everyone has a better day than I did and i know there will be good days and bad days, Lord I pray that you give me the strength to keep on track and that others that read this will have the power to over come there urges... Peace
  2. mitz

    Indiana Sleevers

    Hope everyone is doing good and keeping on track, if you fall off get right back on and go for a walk !!
  3. mitz

    Where are the 50s ???

    Gee my pre-op diet was only 48 hrs and only liquids and protein shakes, my pre-op weight was 411lbs 6/19/13 and today i weighed in on 319lbs seen the surgeon today on my 4 month post-op and he said to me to keep up what ever I'm doing. I eat about a half cup at each meal 2oz of proteins and veggies or beans 1oz ea or just 2 oz beans, I have had up to 3/4 of a cup at meals only when I went on a 14+ mile bicycle ride and thats mostly protein, with a shake right after the ride. I feel so much better, life at 54 is better than I was at 17... Life is good!
  4. mitz

    Where are the 50s ???

    You will do fine, just take it day by day.. Good luck
  5. mitz

    Indiana Sleevers

    Well my Dr. Cooper told me a half cup at each meal, 2oz of protein and 2 oz of veggies and I'm 6'5 there has been times that i have gone over but my stomach filled up quick, so all in all, i try to stick with the plan, for me its only been since 6/19/13 that i been sleeved and so far i lost 90.6lbs, until they tell me different i will try to keep to the plan, my calorie intake is anywhere from 600 to 1100 ( 1100 was when i cheated) but avg. is 800 calorie. I remember so clearly how I felt at 411lbs and how I felt weak all the time and how people judged me on how disgusting I looked, i still have a ways to go but Im keeping with the plan and now Im getting compliments on how i look, I can buy clothes off the rack now at Walmart, to bad they don't have size 15 shoe at Walmart too...But life is good.. My point is why would anyone want to go back eating more food at a setting, yes it's your choice but why go back to bad habits.. And no one will arrest you on your choice, a real friend will tell you different but most will just smile at you and move on... Good luck to everyone who reads this in your journey in weight loss
  6. I don't use no supplements as in proteins, i get them naturally but eating chicken, black eye peas, snack soy beans, I average about 90 grams of protein a day, if it dont have protein in it i don't eat eat, i was sleeved 6/19/13 i weighed 411lbs and so far i lost 90.6lbs . Of coarse i take my multiple vitamin and B12 but everything else i get it naturally, and each meal i have is a 1/2 cup, three times a day but i do have these soy beans that are coated i eat a 1/4 cup as a snack later in the evening, they are loaded with protein
  7. mitz

    Where are the 50s ???

    I'm 54 had my sleeved 6/19/13 lost so far 91lbs, I had surgery for a other issue and it kept my activity down for awhile.. but back up walking and riding a bicycle now and the weight now is coming off quick, its amazing how much less food i eat.. Life is good! And I hope everyone is doing gods in there life adventure! ✌
  8. mitz

    Indiana Sleevers

    Well I lost 91lbs since 6/19/13, I think I would of lost more but I had surgery on a other issue that kept my activity down, but now it coming off pretty good. I been riding a bicycle from my house to Scottsburg Walmart the boatman road route is helping , once in awhile i do walk around lake iola in Scottsburg but its just boing walking by yourself. So I hope everyone is doing great.
  9. mitz


    If you want to know just ask, I was sleeved 6/19/13 the first 3 wks when healing was going on was hard to eat at first, specially the next day after surgery and being on mushy foods was hard but it beats the liquids diet, you will go through some emotional changes but it gets much much better; don't doubt yourself one bit and stick to what your goals are. Don't listen to other ones that says diet soda is fine, run from those people... Good luck to you and Jan/ Feb will be here soon enough. Hang in there
  10. mitz


    Hello Im a young 54, i had the sleeve done 6/19/13, last time i weighed myself I lost 78 lbs feeling pretty good. So far i had two dumpings once when I ate a little too much watermelon and another time i had some food that had sugar in it unknowing, hopefully it won't happen no more, I eat about a 1/2 cup at each meal time. Best thing i feel full when I eat slow, but thats hard to do at times, but Im trying. Been out walking at a park with nice paved trails just wish someone out there lived close by and needed a walking partner, I live near Scottsburg Indiana. Good luck to everyone on there venture in weight loss.
  11. mitz

    Food spoiling

    Yes I do that too, the cans I open up gets old after awhile just taking out 2 oz at a time but I'm getting better, I was at Cracker Barrel ordered the spicy trout ( grilled) and I ended up taking most of it home where I measured out and put it in food saver bags and put it up in the freezer
  12. Never in my life have I had food spoil since getting sleeved (6/19/13). Since I'm just eating a 1/2 cup at each meal there are plenty of left overs, food savers have plum full both the freezers , I use to be the one that ate the left overs but now I've learn to buy less and my food bill has gone down. So far I lost 65lbs and feeling pretty good about myself.
  13. mitz

    Food spoiling

    The other day i had half of a large water melon in the fridge, it was in there for awhile but was still good wrapped up in plastic wrap so my sister kids come over and I thought what a good way of getting rid of this to the kids. Well I got the bowls out and started to fill 3 of them, but being a good uncle as i'am, I had a taste to see if is was ok.... OMG is was so good with that teaspoon circle I made, it was so sweet , so I filled their bowls up, there was plenty more left so i went and got 5 more spoon full cuts, after all its just watermelon right??... Worst mistake I did, I think I had 1 too many, I experienced my first (and last) dumping, I was in pain, short of breath, chest pains, watermelon felt like it was all the way up my throat, went on for intense 15 min. I wanted to throw up but I was afraid i rip something so silly me just laid out on the chair all slung out (what I site i must of looked to the kids...lol) then I recovered. So I got up walked in the kitchen and ask if the kids wanted to take home the rest of the watermelon they said no they had one at home. I did not hesitate or blinked my eye i tossed all that sweet tasting melon right in the garbage lesson learned. I had my sleeve surgeon appointment two days later and told him and he just smiled.. I ask "you think I might have hurt something" but assured me i was ok and that fiber fills up quick . I never have thrown away so much food in my life, so I'm better on buying foods now and I love eating healthy...
  14. Well I been getting in most of my protein through food, besides chicken, Greek yogurt , fish, turkey burgers , I have been eating different types of beans and keeping my total meal at 4oz.. There are times that I fall short so I do drink a protein shake Ensure which I don't like but will drink it, then I have whey protein drink mix that's not to bad.. But I try to make my meals count with protein, I do mix things up so I don't get burnt out on it, but so far so good.
  15. It been so long with NUT on how to get in 78 gm if protein a day and I was wonder how do you do your meals on getting the protein. My sleeve date is the 19 of June . I remember Dr. Cooper ( my surgeon ) saying 3 meals a day. On here I been hearing protein drinks count as a meal, then it would be hard staying at 4oz a meal (2oz protein ) I can't find my paper where we went over it on the protein part. Any help please for this lame brain....
  16. I wake up feeling good, so I pushed mowed my yard and got winded and tired, not sure if it too soon to do but if I have to walk, I might as well mow, so I will try to do the other half this evening, but sticking to a half cup at each meal time and taking vitamins, I have no problem getting down the fluids, just I have a problem eating slow, I've been trying, I should it with chop sticks.....,
  17. Well just got done walking , took lortab elixir before. Day of Surgery I crashed, heart beat got low so the put a heart shunt in, I'm normal now I'm on the clear liquids till Sunday then go to mushy foods . First time I'm not hungry and I don't regret having surgery, I have a lot of water gain but its coming off.

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