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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mitz

  1. mitz

    Last Day

    Thank you very much!
  2. Well it's Monday and I started the clear liquid diet and I think I drank the worse chicken broth ever, I was hungry but after drinking a cup of that crap kinda turned my stomach but made up for it with a sugar free banana flavored pop cycle ... Wednesday seems so far away.. Well support group meeting @7pm , my luck everyone will be eating a bean dish or something from a new recipe and I'll just drown my hunger with water, but I can do this... Come on Wednesday so I can get to the next step .... Lord help me
  3. That's what my NUT said too; I was wondering how others did it; like eggs in the morning, chicken for lunch , fish for dinner plus protein drink in between those meals, if you don't hit your number do you drink another protein shake?
  4. mitz


    My surgeon told me no carbonated beverage of any kind and that means beer.
  5. Gee.. I was reading all four of your post and y'all are ll beautiful women that just wants to better themselves, I think we all tend to think that way about ourselves when we are depressed. My sleeve date is the 19th of June , I was as high up @ 478lbs at one time went to a weight loss clinic lost to 255lbs then gained it back to 430lbs; now I'm at 400lbs. But you hear so much negativity around you after awhile it tends to chip away at your armor. I have a tendency to be by myself at times due to things that happened in the military and I feel all ugly at times. But from experience its from not getting out into public and when you do you feel out of place. Or someone might say something about your weight. I seen skinny people that was the same way who was nothing but bones. I say Ladies it how you feel about yourself not what others think.. Beside I love a women with curves.
  6. mitz


    Well I'm not going to tell anyone how much my balls weigh.... Jeepers ... lol
  7. Sure thing I'm not hard to find, 6'5 and fat and ugly... But I'm a little shy
  8. Yes I think that cause its a big life change and I can't do it without the tool to help and I want to do things and look good along with better health, that's what I tell myself, and my sleeve date it the 19 of June and I'm committed to it, but still in the back of my mind I just hope I loose the weight
  9. mitz


    I love bowling, I should get back into it, my sleeve date is the 19 of June, I didn't know there would be lift restrictions, I better read over my papers
  10. mitz

    Indiana Sleevers

    Glad your doing good, hopefully your incision pain will go away fast. Thanks for posting, I hope mine goes good like you.
  11. Finely my surgery date is booked the 19th of June, since January I been going through all the steps and now the date is set and I'm committed for a life change and I'm sure having a sleeve will be a great tool to have... Look out ladies you won't be fast enough to out run me now!... Lol
  12. Have my sleeve surgery June 19th, be glad once it's over, I don't have jitters yet not sure if I will get them, I'm so committed to this life change, portion control is what I need. Be glad to do the things I use to do as simply as putting on socks or tying shoes with out passing out and looking like a pretzel trying to do this feat. I don't know how others feel but fifty to me is just a number and I want to live better and feel better, and my 54 birthday is June 13. Good luck to everyone on your journey in life , may the lbs shed and the laughter loud..... Peace
  13. I lost over 250 lbs on this one diet I went to at a weight loss clinic, I was starved all the time, went there for about 2 yrs, but it was a battle of my hunger, even tho I cheated a lot I lost weight but as soon as I quit using their product the weight went on just as fast if not more, I'm committed to this sleeve to help me on my portion control. My liver is ok as far as size, I just have a two day clear liquid diet before surgery, I know when the Doctor examine me his said my liver was ok as far in size, I eat lean meats, love fish but I eat lots and my weakness is ice cream , mash potatoes , and mustard potato salad and love any kind of cheese, just portion control I have a problem with. But congratulations on the 36 lbs of weight loss, are you ok with the diet your on now? Not hungry , satisfy when you eat? If it was me and I answered yes I would just stick to the diet your on and forget surgery but if not go with the surgery, I know I can't and it not being lazy ether. Good luck on what ever you decide.
  14. I just can't imagine what you went through. Do you feel it was still worth getting the sleeve? And are you losing weight? And how far are you from your goal weight?
  15. Well I hope everyone is doing good on waiting on the 19th.. Has anyone gained weight waiting for surgery? I think I have since January on my initial weigh in, but I been on a strict diet of mostly protein, the past 9 days , the 17th I start my clear liquid diet, this is bothering me on the gain , this Wednesday I go for pace and i will just have to find out. But good luck to all of you
  16. mitz

    Gain weight

    Let me rephrase the question, since going to see the surgeon and being weighed has anyone actually gained weight before surgery?
  17. So does it take much to fill you up now?
  18. mitz

    Indiana Sleevers

    Stacy go ahead and get the Sleeve and get it over with and congratulations on your wedding, I just have to the 19th of this month to get sleeved, Wednesday I have a pace appointment ; nerves has not set in yet; I just want it to be over, I'm trying to stick by my diet but its tough and I don't start my clear liquid diet till the 17th, if I can get by that I'm sure I will do good. But any way Bride to be good luck!!!!
  19. It will give your body a chance to absorb the proteins and nutrients so it don't get washed away.... That's basically what I was told
  20. mitz

    Indiana Sleevers

    After all these month (since Jan) my date to get Sleeved is the 19th as strange as it may sound it seems so far away, Wednesday is my pace appointment , so when I start that then the ball will start to roll.. Any pointers on the liquid diet, I might have to ask the sherif to lock me up in the Scott Co. Jail just so I can stick to the diet for two days.....

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