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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by pinkowl00

  1. Yep!! I have four sippy cups and I love them. Three are the six ounce size and one is the ten ounce size. I use them at University and don't care if anyone stares :-)!!! They actually help get Protein Shakes down faster because I can't "smell" what's in the cup and I'm the cup it doesn't feel like such a big task. Also I can shake them if stuff separates. Love them.

    I am checking out Pura Kiki Stainless sippy bottles on Amazon (11oz). They look do-able.

  2. I am taking off 12 days (including weekends) for my surgery. Is this enough time? I am so worried because after taking those 12 days off i will have used most of my time up. I have already posted a question on here about how much time to take off but i guess i need reassurance if you don't mind. I don't want to postpone the date if i don't have to. I have a desk job and elevator to use too.

  3. I am on this site several times a day trying to prepare for my upcoming surgery. I am seeing a lot of people talking about buyers remorse and it frankly scares me. There is no going back so if you had/have even a trace of buyers remorse how are you working through it? What was the cause of your buyers remorse? Does this fade away after a month or two post-op or do you still have it after several months?

  4. I haven't had my surgery yet but have scheduled it. When i went to a mandatory informational meeting I went in thinking the band was the right thing for me. I knew someone else who had the band and was also doing OK. Our speaker (my surgeon) was late to the meeting. When he did finally come in he apologized and said that he had just come from a surgery where he had to remove the band from someone because of erosion! He said it was not a pretty sight.

    He went into detail about other WLS that were available and after doing tons of research i have chosen the sleeve.

  5. I am trying to gather all of the must haves before my surgery. Is there anything you would recommend as a must have regarding kitchen gadgets (measuring, preparing etc) or foods/drinks i should stock up on? What about a blender? The one i currently have is broken and also has no lid! lol

    Thanks for helping me prepare! Just wanting to know what you have that is a MUST HAVE and you couldn't go without.

  6. I have set my surgery date and am starting to have second thoughts. I have chosen not to share my decision with anyone but my husband and children. They are very supportive but very worried. I have so many thoughts and feelings right now i don't know what to do with them. When i set my surgery date i think the receptionist (who had the sleeve two months ago) was more excited than i was! :unsure: Are all of these feelings normal? I am excited--don't get me wrong--but this is a big decision right?

    Feeling ashamed (i did this to myself!), anxious, nervous, scared, and getting a bit excited. Putting my faith in so many unknowns! This journey will not only affect me but people around me too.

    Thanks for your input on this!

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