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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DeezJeanz

  1. DeezJeanz

    very helpful book.

    Wls cookbook for dummies...ebook
  2. DeezJeanz

    very helpful book.

    Hey Nurse, I got that too as well as the big book on gastric sleeve. I've had my wl4db for at least a month, still digging threw it, lots of gr8 stuff too:). I'm preop:/ but trying to get A handle on things for when, Lord willing, I get to the postop side. Chat ltr nd thx, ull njoy that book, I do:) Dee Dee. Oh nd gl
  3. DeezJeanz

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Hey there nd wwlllcoommmee!! Thx for sharing ur pics w us, uve done a super job already in only 8 wks, very impressive:). Can't wait to join u guys, still preoping it:/ neways, glad ur healthy enuff to start ur weights, I can't wait to c those pics as well. Happy continued successful journey, health nd healing:)) Dee Dee
  4. I agree to the MAX!! tho I wud say, tell who it was, bc if she is that bold to be so abrupt to u about it, then she needs a face full of crow to eat bc of it! She needs to be held accountable for her incentivity and made an ex of. Leave it up to the proper channel to decide if they want to call her out on it :'( nutbag!! And you, proudgrammy, keep the faith, nd from ur pix, the proof is in the pudding, so there!!! You're doing fabulous:) Dee Dee
  5. DeezJeanz

    Before and After Pics

    Wow nd most of all, congrats!! Im preop nd sooo can't wait to donate old clothes and get A PAIR OF JEANZZZ. haven't worn any in 13+ yrs:( I'm sure I'll buy more things but I just want a pair of Levi's which I prob will sleep in nd nvr take them off, lol. U look gr8, xcllnt job!!
  6. DeezJeanz

    what do you think

    I think you made a gr8 choice cuz u look amazingly nd respectfully hot n that outfit! . Work that new u honey!! Dee Dee
  7. DeezJeanz

    Surgery tomorrow.....

    Tysm for the update Barb!! And praise God that she came threw the surgery A+. Plz tell her that she as well as her family remains in our prayers for speedy recovery and strength:). May He continue to bless her new journey:). Dee Dee
  8. Hi, I've yet to be sleeved, still jumping through hoops:/ congrats to all who have been nd gl to those still waiting. My question...has any1 had problems with hair loss? Ive read many forums and people are freaking out about major hair loss. A lady asked in one of the forums and they told her to go to the African American forum and ask. So I went there to get an answer as well for myself. But only one person answered, I guess bc it was asked in a general title of over a thousand posts. So I started this one. Any post ops willing to answer? I'd greatly appreciate it:)) Dee Dee
  9. Hey there nd congrats!! I agree as long as I'm losn, idc how slo:). And Ty 4 ur sharing ur experience about it:)
  10. Tyssssmmm, its worth a try, can't hurt:)
  11. DeezJeanz

    Before and After Pics

    Lolol, I'm sooo smiling BIG right now, yall r so sweet lookn, just perfect together!. My daughter asked me y was I smiling at my phone, lolol. For real, im still cheezing:D I pray that it is one of the best days for yall to come nd I pray for your wonderful futures. He looks like a handsome, protective, funny/fun man, nd you both look so happy. And you seem to be a sweet young lady, so I'm not surprised he loved you before, during, and always!! God bless you both nd ur wedding day:)). Cyber {{{hugs}}}
  12. DeezJeanz

    Before and After Pics

    Omgsh, well my friend, a BIG OLE CONGRATS TO U ND YR FUTURE HUUUBBBYYY;). And I can't imagine the thot of "tryn" to not loose, that's a crazy concept for us, ik but u will do it, nd plz, when u can, send wedding dress shots, I'm sure ull look terrific!! Married, soooo excitingggg:)))) gratz again hun.
  13. DeezJeanz

    Before and After Pics

    You shud be happy w it. Ur lookin awweeesomme!!! Gr8j. Keep it up bc if ur lookn this gr8 now, I can't imagine u 28 lbs less. Wow chicka, strut!! )
  14. TY. My surgeon told me that hairloss is inevitable, which is y I started the AA thread bc on the other forums, a lot of Caucasians are sayn hairloss happened to them all. The few Latinos I read had no hl, which is y I asked any of us had we had any problems postop. And it doesnt seem to b as big of an issue for us, at least I've not read much. He said biotin wudn work. Idk if its bc of his experience w more Caucasian people telling him that or what. Idk, just speculating. But as I've read their post, some use biotin nd day that it helps w regrowth, not stoppage but to make sure ms take ur vitamins nd mostly get allll of ur daily allowed protein. So gl to us all;))
  15. DeezJeanz

    Before and After Pics

    U look fabulous!! Such a gr8 success, wow. What were/ are ur stats if udm answering? Thx and keep up the good work, 110?? Wowzwers girly. Dee Dee
  16. I'm not sure what's its called but I wear my hair in braids now. Well, I braid them myself so they look more like plats maybe. Yes, there are uncomfy when I first do them but aftr a few days I'm good. But like I said, I've not been sleeved yet and I wanted to know if any1 had those issues bc I didn't want my braids falling out. Nor did I want the braids to be stress for my hair if people r havn problems w hair loss. Thx:)
  17. Ps...idk if uve told ur surgeons about ur wls, if u haven't, then u shud...give them enuff time to do their part in learning about it nd tell them about ur concerns nd y. All surgeries are major, mostly due to anesthesia, so don't feel judged. U shud feel comfortable w ur choices. Tell them sooner than at the last minute, plz. Ok God bless you:))
  18. DeezJeanz


    HEYYY girlie, wb!! Sry for the complications but woohoo, ur here nd u went to work!! It's only gonna get better, besides, I pray to b in ur shoes one day nd u may have to give me a pep talk,lol. Take care nd follow the drs ORDERS!!

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