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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DeezJeanz

  1. DeezJeanz

    After pic of the girls...

    Grrr, we ladies can't win for losing sometimes!! Oh well, I guess all I can do is take it as it comes. Ty for lmk ur story. Goodluck:)
  2. DeezJeanz

    After pic of the girls...

    I had a reduction in 2008, I'm about a c'ish...I wonder what will happen when I'm sleeved, yikes! Prolly just be the girls eyes * * oh no! Has any1 had a reduction nd then lost weight w sleeve? What do u have left, if anything:/ Ughhhh
  3. DeezJeanz

    Verticle sleeve stent

    Many prayers of health nd healing to u. Im sorry that I can not impart anything medically helpful about the stent. I am presleeved. But I will pray for u in my daily prayers nd talks w Him. You r obviously a strong nd resilient person bc u r still here, so God has gr8 plans for u! Just take it easy nd don't let the silly naysayers bring u farther down! How dare they say it was your choice to go thru such misery...U CHOSE TO HAVE A HEALTHIER LIFE VIA WLS, U DIDNT ASK FOR THE BAD CIRCUMSTANCES which have occurred, such ASSESS to say such and I apologize for them! God bless you nd keep ur head high:)). {{{Hugs}}} nd prayers, Dee Dee.
  4. DeezJeanz

    Annoyed with Spouse and some Friends

    Hello. I'm so sorry to read of ur unhappiness. I too am a military wife and mother and we are always considering their feelings while ignoring our own. In my opinion this is why there are so many un healthy military spouses, particularly women. They have someone to keep them accountable for their weight issues or they can get kicked out of the military. But as for us we have to do things on our own and we have to get used to that, and in the process we become unhealthy nd un noticed by our spouses. From reading ur situation, it seems like, Finally, u want to do somthn to help urself and hes not willing to give to you what uve given to him, which is his space nd respect bc of his job. Is it fair, crap no! Idk if u have kids but if u do nd he chooses not to help u, then leave the kids w him nd u go to the military facility gym and they have people who'll show u what to do. He will be on a ship soon nd then where does it leave u? So yes, its UR journey, it may be by urself, but if u arm urself now, ull do just fine. Ik u wanna include him, but if he's not willing, don't let him hold u bck. Ask once, give him the opportunity to help but if not, tell him ur headed to the gym, c him ltr! Military spouses are very strong individuals who don't get the accolades deserved. With that said, ur getting ur health bck nd ur life, so u go girl! U can do it bc we can do anything:)). I am pre -sleeved, hubby seems ok w things now, goes bck to ship next June, so far, he's on board w my choice...bc its my choice to finally do for myself! Take care nd pm if I can help support u n any way, we military spouses gotta stick together. Gl. Dee Dee
  5. DeezJeanz

    Graham Elliot

    Ty 4 posting this!! Idk who he was either but had decided to start watching m.c. bc of a Wendy Williams show that i watched today. So whenever I read this post i was so excited, I even went nd read it to my husband and my daughter because it made me excited to see that a real life celebrity, not master chef, have the same struggles as we normal people do, and yes he has to go threw the same things we have to do in order to get approved for the surgery, as well as, to get prepared for the surgery. It was such a huge inspiration to read his story thank you so much for posting. I'm a presleeve hoop jumper:/ gl you all:)
  6. DeezJeanz

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    I'm am so jealous of u all! But so proud . U look absolutey gr8, wow what an amazn accomplishment in 6 months, u look beautiful:)) I can't wait for my turn bc all of u are such beautiful inspirations. Gl nd continued success on ur journey. Dee Dee
  7. DeezJeanz

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Wow, u look awesome!! So tiny:) what are/ were ur stats if udm sharing? Thx keep up the gr8 work, u look amazn and so beautiful but u were pretty b4 as well!! Congrats
  8. Hello all, I'm a pre sleever, still hooping it. But I've been reading nd researching so much as I'm doing the necessities prior to approval. Something that concerns me a lot is this...I realize that to some degree, many of us suffer from an eating disorder but in our case they've coined it obesity. My concerns, as I read many many posts, I read so much about how some are almost obsessing over how much food they can eat now that they've healed, how scared they are of regaining it now that they are at maintenance, how terrified they are when the scale won't budge IF they do regain a few lbs which then leads them to cut cals or do a diet of some sort or go bck to drinking their meals until the weightloss happens. To me it seems like we r exchanging one disorder for another and it seems nerve wrecking. Idk, like I said, its just different posts in different areas that I've read nd it feels like the new us is more burdensome or either equal to the stress of when they were overweight. Will anyone be willing to chime in and help me understand the difference. Hope I have made sense and not offened any1. I just want to succeed but don't want to exchange one worry for a new worry, do u know what I mean? Thx all in advance. I still want the tool just not the added worrying esp if I'm doing what I'm suppose to do and I just wanna understand how u postops feel about this:). Continued success to u all nd gl.
  9. DeezJeanz

    One Year Before and After Pics

    You look absolutely wonderful!! What are/were ur stats if u don't mind? Ur arms look gr8 too! Did u have any issues w saggy skin? Sure doesn't look like it:). Congrats nd happy surgiversaryyyyyy;) absolutely beautiful.
  10. DeezJeanz

    Taking 18+ months to reach goal

    Hey there, I'm pre sleeve but I have learned one thing for sure,if nothing else, is that this surgery is a wl tool, and it is a LIFE TIME, LIFE STYLE CHANGE:) operative word being LIFE! ik that we all have goals that we want to get to at certain times but I feel as long as we have breath in our bodies, we have that long to work at it. U have loss greatly nd now the body wants to njoy itself nd rest nd reset. Give it time. No matter what ur doc or any1 says, we have a lifetime to get to goal. Y do I believe that? Bc this surgery will/has given us all a second chance at life! So what's the hurry;) God bless us all nd gl as u continue on this life long journey of successes, however long it takes us:). Stay positive:))
  11. DeezJeanz

    I'm a leaker

    Prayers going up for you! Just take it easy n follow orders, ull be better soon nd on to the losers bench. God Bless nd rest well:)
  12. DeezJeanz

    Pictures of last 2 dinners

    Yummy! I'm presleeve nd I sooo Ty 4 doing this. I think this is a Grrr8 idea for postops to do, so we know what we too can look forward too. Tysm, ur hubby did gr8!! I can't wait until I'm on the bench w u. I'll b more than happy to post a pic...awesome job again:). Dee Dee
  13. Where do yall get the sublingual, can it be prescribed or is it OTC? Thx
  14. I certainly didnt want to read it either but its gr8 that a question of uncertainty can be asked so that those who are more knowledgeable about it can help answer them. It helps to ease our minds, as well as, steer us towards or lead us to the answer. Thx for ur concern OP and Ty to those who answered. Hope it helped;)
  15. Thus far, I want to thank all of you whose chimmed in! I smiled whenever I saw my notification come up cuz I was hoping it'd be u guys:). Just from the few comments that I've read here, u all agree that its more mindful eating than obsession based, which looking at it from that perspective makes sense to me bc we do HAVE TO EAT, and now w the tool, we just HAVE TO BE MINDFUL of how we choose to fill it, as far as the proteins vs slider foods. I thank u for giving me ur two cents and trust me that I'll spend it wisely, bc I'm sooo tired of being fat w comorbs and unhealthy eating. I'm rdy to be healthy! I'm rdy for my tool to help me want to make the mindful changes that it'll take to stay healthy vs just being skinny:). Ty my sweeties:) huggsss
  16. DeezJeanz


    God bless nd many prayers for u nd ur surgical team, as well as ur flight and successes to come! Luk how ur doing whenev u can:) Dee Dee
  17. DeezJeanz

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    You look fabulous!! We all r proud of u nd Ty 4 sharing:) gl w everything this day forward! Dee Dee
  18. You look amazn!! Sooo handsome, wow. Proud of u nd ur success, gl nd keep up the gr8 work, Dee Dee
  19. Besides all the health benefits: I want to finally wear a pair of Levi jeans, its been 13 yrs since I've worn any jeans. To not HAVE to wear elastic waistbanded clothing. To cross my legs wo holding it in place with my hand. Wear heels. Buy a colorful wardrobe bc now its blk, gray, or full of dark patterns to camo my fat. To run, if possible, bc I have bad knees, I pray this helps. To wear a maxi dress wo looking pregnant. To STOP having to wear exercise or spandex clothing as daily wear but only to exercise in. Start going places w my family nd not be embarrassed, esp at water parks where I usually take the pics instead of beingin them...plain ole ready to start living!! Gla nd God bless our journeys!!

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