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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Daydra

  1. Throw the 163.9 out. It doesn't count. It looks like the 162 was this morning. Go with that one. Everyone's weight fluctuates throughout the day and we typically weigh a couple pounds more at night than in the morning. That being said, absolutely 4 pounds can be hormonal Fluid retention. That is my typical number, though I am much heavier than you. Within a couple days of my period starting, it usually comes off. No reason to panic.

    Good luck!

  2. #1 - Take a breath, and don't panic.

    #2 - Don't worry about the loss (or lack thereof). You are right at the stage where many people's bodies hit the pause button, so that part is normal.

    #3 - Investigate the nausea. Call your doctor. There are some super simple and minor explanations for nausea (like, you are still experiencing swelling), but there are also more serious explanations for nausea and the only way to figure that out is to get in to the doc. I started having nausea several weeks out. We needed to do an upper endoscopy to straighten out my staple line, which immediately relieved my nausea. Except a few days later, the nausea came back. After a couple weeks of it preventing me from eating/drinking enough (sub 500 cal/day, sounds like what you describe...), I was so weak and fatigued, I'd nearly passed out in the shower. After a trip the the ER and a CT scan, which confirmed there were no problems, we determined that the nausea was simply due to remaining swelling from the surgery. This can take 8-12 weeks to completely resolve. All I needed to fuel myself properly was better anti-nausea meds.

    Seriously, call your doc. It totally may be nothing serious, and that is actually the likely case. Unfortunately, nausea creates problems with your nutrition that can really cause you a lot of trouble. Fortunately, nausea alone is an easy fix, so don't be afraid to call your doc.

    Good luck! Do everything you can to advocate for yourself, you're worth it and you deserve to feel good, but even more importantly, your well-being is dependent upon your ability to nourish yourself.

  3. It could take up to 12 weeks to be fully healed all the way through according to my surgeon. We will be at some risk of complications for the rest of our lives. There is no endpoint to the potential for the staple line to rupture, though after several weeks, it is very significantly reduced. It really does depend on how you are feeling and if you think you can take care of yourself where you're going. Some obvious potential issues that I can think of off the top of my head are the fatigue (will you have somewhere to rest, or will you be pushed to be more physically active than you can tolerate?), nutrition (can you follow your post-op diet there?), hydration (will you be able to have access to clean Water or bottled sugar free beverages 24 hours a day? I think I read that dehydration is the #1 cause of hospital admission after bariatric surgery and is a real risk.), symptom management (can you take enough anti nausea meds, etc with you for your trip? If you aren't experiencing nausea now, what if you do? Can you take some with you just in case you do experience it and it becomes problematic?). Other than that... I don't know. If I were feeling okay and the doctor left it up to me, I think I might go. While you are at increased risk of needing medical attention, we all are at risk of needing medical attention, even if we are healthy. It's just a risk we take. You're about 3 weeks out, so I expect your incisions are closed and at least you don't really have to worry about infection.

    Not sure. Lots of things to consider. Good luck and I hope that whatever your emergency is, it works out as well as possible and you and your family take care of each other.

    Good luck.

  4. I agree with SouthernSoul. Making the decision is a job for your friend with the guidance of a good mental health professional. Just being supportive and willing to listen are the best things a friend can do when someone is working through a major life decision. Your friend is lucky to have you. It sounds like you really want to do your best to help.

  5. How long until the Nausea and gas bubbles go away?! I dying here with those feelings.

    Unfortunately, no one can really give you an accurate answer to that. Everyone is so very different. As you can see, the previous response says about a week. For me, the gas bubble part was roughly the same, other than whatever air I end up swallowing, but I'm over 10 weeks now, and am still taking nausea meds. From what I've read and been told by my surgeon, it's not to far outside the norm to have nausea for up to 12 weeks, though many people don't have nausea that long.

    Sorry I don't have a better answer for you. It's generally going to be wait and see, but be sure to ask your surgeon about it. There are options for medications to control nausea. There is no reason for you to be miserable.

    Good luck!

  6. How long until the Nausea and gas bubbles go away?! I dying here with those feelings.

    Unfortunately, no one can really give you an accurate answer to that. Everyone is so very different. As you can see, the previous response says about a week. For me, the gas bubble part was roughly the same, other than whatever air I end up swallowing, but I'm over 10 weeks now, and am still taking nausea meds. From what I've read and been told by my surgeon, it's not to far outside the norm to have nausea for up to 12 weeks, though many people don't have nausea that long.

    Sorry I don't have a better answer for you. It's generally going to be wait and see, but be sure to ask your surgeon about it. There are options for medications to control nausea. There is no reason for you to be miserable.

    Good luck!

  7. I am returning so that he can fix whatever is wrong with me now...When you get a Doctor in Canada unless he/she has killed someone with a shotgun you keep them...Okay a bit of an exasperation...lol.... .Doctors are rare here. We can't just drop them willy nilly...Our system is different here then in the States...We don't have tons and tons of Doctors.....I have not seen him since 2006....My GP said I had to see him...He is an ass but he is the best at what he does here....So splitting hairs....Yes it is not my idea of a good time...but I have no choice but to see him......

    Yikes... I'm sorry. That sounds like it sucks. Thanks for explaining that to me. It didn't even occur to me that you might be working within a completely different system than what I'm accustomed to. Some of our systems are less than ideal as well. I've spent more than a decade in our military health system. You pretty much get whoever you are assigned, which appears to be similar to what you are dealing with, but they get reassigned so often that you never have an opportunity to build any kind of relationship. It's good when you get a crappy one, but sucks when you finally get one that treats you with respect. Fortunately, I have the option of getting private insurance through my employer. I had to give up $500 a month in health reimbursement account contributions to do it, but I get to make my own choices now, so I feel like it's worth every penny.

    Best of luck!

  8. I am returning so that he can fix whatever is wrong with me now...When you get a Doctor in Canada unless he/she has killed someone with a shotgun you keep them...Okay a bit of an exasperation...lol.... .Doctors are rare here. We can't just drop them willy nilly...Our system is different here then in the States...We don't have tons and tons of Doctors.....I have not seen him since 2006....My GP said I had to see him...He is an ass but he is the best at what he does here....So splitting hairs....Yes it is not my idea of a good time...but I have no choice but to see him......

    Yikes... I'm sorry. That sounds like it sucks. Thanks for explaining that to me. It didn't even occur to me that you might be working within a completely different system than what I'm accustomed to. Some of our systems are less than ideal as well. I've spent more than a decade in our military health system. You pretty much get whoever you are assigned, which appears to be similar to what you are dealing with, but they get reassigned so often that you never have an opportunity to build any kind of relationship. It's good when you get a crappy one, but sucks when you finally get one that treats you with respect. Fortunately, I have the option of getting private insurance through my employer. I had to give up $500 a month in health reimbursement account contributions to do it, but I get to make my own choices now, so I feel like it's worth every penny.

    Best of luck!

  9. In a week I will see a Doctor that felt that I was not worth his time because I was fat and obviously did not care about myself.....He never said that straight out but the comments that he made showed he had no interest in helping obese people....I kept pointing it out to my hubby but he could not see it..Until the time for surgery came and the Doctor did not want to do the procedure...He wanted me to stay on dangerous medication for the rest of my life....

    I know he won't know me...but I know him....It really will be interesting how it goes this time :angry:

    Ummm, I find myself curious as to why you would return to a doc that you know doesn't really care about the patients..

    At any rate, I hope that your appointment goes well and you get what you need from it.

  10. In a week I will see a Doctor that felt that I was not worth his time because I was fat and obviously did not care about myself.....He never said that straight out but the comments that he made showed he had no interest in helping obese people....I kept pointing it out to my hubby but he could not see it..Until the time for surgery came and the Doctor did not want to do the procedure...He wanted me to stay on dangerous medication for the rest of my life....

    I know he won't know me...but I know him....It really will be interesting how it goes this time :angry:

    Ummm, I find myself curious as to why you would return to a doc that you know doesn't really care about the patients..

    At any rate, I hope that your appointment goes well and you get what you need from it.

  11. @Daydra -- Despite your good natured teasing, I'm sorry I referred to you as a male. I was responding to the thread late at night on my tiny phone screen with an even tinier thumbnail photo of you, and I just rushed through a response. After taking off my glasses and looking very closely at this microscopic image of you, you're clearly a lady. :)

    I'm very sorry to offend. I used to wear my hair short -- prefer it short, in fact -- but stopped after more than one person called me Sir. Won't happen again. :)

    No worries whatsoever! And no offense taken. Even on a full size computer screen, it's kind of hard to distinguish details in the photos. I often find myself trying to click on the photo to get a full size version, even though I know that doesn't work! I actually enjoyed the opportunity to joke about it, especially since I got to tie in joking about disliking wearing pink, and the ridiculousness of sports bras and tech wear. :D

  12. @Daydra -- Despite your good natured teasing, I'm sorry I referred to you as a male. I was responding to the thread late at night on my tiny phone screen with an even tinier thumbnail photo of you, and I just rushed through a response. After taking off my glasses and looking very closely at this microscopic image of you, you're clearly a lady. :)

    I'm very sorry to offend. I used to wear my hair short -- prefer it short, in fact -- but stopped after more than one person called me Sir. Won't happen again. :)

    No worries whatsoever! And no offense taken. Even on a full size computer screen, it's kind of hard to distinguish details in the photos. I often find myself trying to click on the photo to get a full size version, even though I know that doesn't work! I actually enjoyed the opportunity to joke about it, especially since I got to tie in joking about disliking wearing pink, and the ridiculousness of sports bras and tech wear. :D

  13. I think Sleeved in Seattle is correct. Tosca Reno states in her Clean Eating diet book that the body can only absorb and use about 25-30g at a sitting. For me, at about 10 weeks out, a 30g, 11oz Protein shake takes me about an hour to finish. I AssUMe... that since it takes me so long to finish, I can probably get away with servings of Protein that are greater than that, since it might take enough time for me to finish that it's almost like 2 sittings instead of 1. I actually try to get my protein content in any smoothies I make higher than 30 grams for the simple fact that I know I'm going to spend the next 2-3 hours trying to finish it off. I'll also frequently put the last 1/2 or less back in the fridge and bring it back out to finish it sometime in the afternoon as a snack because seriously, I never realized how boring it would be to eat on the same thing for HOURS... One of the first times I realized that fun little fact, I noticed that I had been having a staring contest with my Protein Shake for several minutes. Someone walked by my desk and started laughing at me and told me that was exactly how his dad looked at his Ensure drinks when he was battling cancer. Good times...

    Wish you the best!

  14. Just the thought of rhabdo is scary... Disclaimer: I obviously don't know much about how you train, just that you are really into it and seem to want to push your body to it's limits... Could you be overtraining? Are you allowing yourself enough time to rest and repair tissue? Giving yourself rest days and taper weeks as well as alternating intense work on muscle groups? 4 days in a row of intense arm work and daily pull up sets, trying to reach 100 in just a couple minutes sounds to me (an admitted novice) like you could be pushing the limits of what your body can recover from, and could end up facing something similar to the story in that rhabdo article Seattle posted. I think it would be an appropriate precautionary measure for you to consult your doctor or physical therapist for an assessment.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. Be cautious and take care of yourself.

  15. Just as most have said, it does get a little better each day. It seems (based on my own reading of many posts and my own experience) that day 6 is kind of the magic turnaround day. Hang in there, but don't forget that if you are worried about something, even if you think it might be nothing, your clinic would rather you call and ask about it instead of sitting home and worrying or being more uncomfortable than necessary.

    Some tidbits that I hope will help along the way:

    Never be afraid to call your surgeon if you have a question

    Understand that your hormones and emotions are likely to be all over the place while you lose and adjust. Don't give yourself a hard time about it, but think critically about what you are experiencing so you can get a sense of if you could benefit from counseling or medication.

    Be careful about your nutrition. Now that you have had surgery, what is likely to cause you the most ill effects is when you don't eat or don't eat enough instead of when you eat too much, like before. Going into semi-starvation is scary, dangerous, and can take a long time to recover from.

    Don't let nausea or nausea-like sensations get out of control. It will affect your ability to stay hydrated and nourished. If you need stronger nausea meds, ask for them! Vomiting will also increase the swelling in your stomach, which will exacerbate the nausea.

    Take this time to think about what you need, and take care of yourself. This whole thing is about your health (I assume...). Give yourself the tools you need to become a healthier person in general.

    Don't compare your weight loss to others. You are going to lose at your own pace. You are going to have periods of time that your don't lose the way you think you should. It just is... Accept it. It will be okay.

    Don't set unrealistic expectations for yourself, only to beat yourself up about not satisfying them. My clinic still only wants to see 1-2 pounds/wk, just like if we were on a regular "diet". It is simply not realistic to expect a 20 or 30 pound loss every month. It happens for some people, but that's really not the norm... If you seem to average about 10 pounds/month, be really excited about that, because that is awesome!

    I'm sure there are about a million other things, but above all else, don't be afraid to ask for help.

    Best of luck to you. I am certain that you will be feeling worlds better in just a few days, but should you experience some complication, don't panic and don't feel like all is lost. Complications are manageable. Just ask for help. There are very, very few situations that create lasting problems. Nearly all complications are minor and can be easily addressed.

  16. I use the Jay Robb unflavored, but I usually put it in something that is otherwise pretty strongly flavored. (smoothies and Soups, mostly) It mixes mostly okay. What really screws it up bad, though, is getting it too hot in Soup (like you try to reheat your Soup in the microwave because you can't possibly eat it before it gets cold...) I like to try to get a variety of Proteins so I'm not getting the exact same thing all the time. I haven't found any Protein that I actually "like". They all are in the "tolerate" category. Pretty much, they all suck and I have to think of them like I think of medicine. Good luck! Egg white Protein is definitely a viable option if you aren't tolerating whey very well. There are also a lot of vegan protein powders on the market. You want to look for one that is a mix of a variety of sources, just like a vegetarian would combine food to get a complete amino acid profile. The last thing I hear/read is that where people used to be told that they needed a complete combination in each meal, the reality is more like they should just get the combo within the same day. Also... there really isn't any need to fear soy for the phytoestrogens, but I wouldn't make it a large part of your supplementation. Never hurts to be cautious...

    I would steer clear of single source Pea Protein, though. It's good for you, but tastes like the starchiest, nastiest old pea on the vine and tends to be really gritty. Definitely NOT nummy!

    Good luck!

  17. Ah, Madam -- you beat me to it. I, too, was going to recommend Google Scholar. Excellent resource. The OP may have access to university libraries is he has a library share card. In Texas, we have the TexShare card. Not sure what it would be called in his specific area.

    Good call on the library! I think I still have access, and if I don't, I'm sure I can figure out how to access medical journal articles at work (I work in Public Health, in the Environmental Division). I bet someone over in the clinic with have access to the good stuff.

    That is so funny that you automatically referred to me as a male. People often think I'm a dude in person. Probably doesn't help that I wear men's clothes a lot... (they fit my size and shape better) I've decided to believe that people mistake me for a dude because I have a commanding presence. :D I'm wearing pink in my profile pic! I never wear pink! I hate pink! My team MADE me wear the pink team jersey! The one race I flipped them the bird and wore black, one of the husbands gave me a ration of crap because he couldn't recognize me to cheer for me. And look! There are boobs! (granted, they are mashed down by an industrial strength sports bra and a reinforced tri-suit, with the team jersey on top, so they might be a little hard to recognize as such...) (I hope my teasing comes across as a good natured sense of humor, because that is exactly how I mean it, and doesn't hurt your feelings at all. I'm certainly not offended by being referred to as a male.)

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  18. Easy.. Click this link: http://scholar.googl...dt=1,5&as_sdtp=

    Google Scholar.. An excellent tool.... Refine your search and boom, you're golden. Alternatively and if you have a very specific enquiry after doing initial research on there, I can have a look at the University library I have access to....

    Bah! Of course! I totally forgot about Google Scholar! Thanks for the reminder, I will definitely log some hours perusing this. I appreciate the help!

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