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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by hourglass

  1. i was just in the hospital for wound dehiscence and it was my big incision by my navel. i had a puss pocket and a tiny little hole and it was just nasty. the ironic thing is that it didn't hurt AT ALL...until it started hurting. then it was hurting BAD.

    the wound i had an issue with was the one at the top of my abdomen. i think my bra/breasts were pressing on it.

    my big incision is really disgusting looking and bruised. when i first saw it i thought nooooo. it looks so disgusting. but i have been googling pictures and most peoples seem to fade to being nearly invisible. i hope this is the case for myself, and i hope this is the case for you as well.

  2. Hi, my name is Sandy and I got fat because I ate a whole bunch of truly delicious food over an obscene number of years. I ate whole pizzas and multiple tacos and butter, cheese and cream. I ate loaves of bread and Pasta with cream sauce and steaks with butter. I ate pies and cakes and Cookies. I ate everything I wanted anytime I wanted to. And all my friends said, "we don't know why you are fat, you hardly eat anything". What a load of crap. I can see now that I was eating huge amounts of food. And I was eating all the wrong food. I had a good run, but it had to end and I had the sleeve so I could not be tempted to go back. I really think that people who say they are not fat by their own hand are in denial. Denial will never make a problem go away.

    same here!!! it takes a lot for someone to truly admit to themselves the ugly truth. sometimes denial can cross over into an uncontrollable state of delusion. i commend you on your honesty and i wish you the best of success on your weight loss journey.

    i have seen people who are 30-50lbs overweight due to medication, metabolic disorders, etc but to be honest i have never seen anybody who was 100lbs+ overweight from medication and/or metabolic disorders and I've spent over 15 years studying both psychology and metabolism (on a cellular level/biology). you know, you can lead a horse to Water but you can not make them drink even if they are dying. and when it comes to issues of morbid obesity, it really is a life or death matter.

    some people are unable to cope with what they have done to themselves. i've taken prednisone, and was unable to walk for 2 years after some injuries that i had. i would ride in my medical transport van and we would go to a fast food place and get 3 meat shwaramas, poutine (fries with all types of delicious stuff layered on it and topped in cheese and gravy), 4 pieces of baklava, then have a few pieces of cheese pizza at physical therapy.

    i would still go home and have what my household considered a healthy balanced meal. Grilled chicken, green Beans, tomatoes, cabbage, rice, and a banana. i would often have seconds. my eating was so secret. even people who LIVED with me thought that i was just overweight based on having seconds at most meals and not being active. because i gained most of my weight after my injuries (i went from about 175 to 375 in just over a year and a half then another 150 crept on over 4 years) my mother in law was from Somalia and she was quite large and i added rice and banana to almost every meal (which is a very Somalian tradition).

    people would actually defend me and say 'she doesnt eat that much - i have seconds too and i havent gained as much as she has, it has to be her metabolism'. because people try to make the illogical logical so they can cope with it. but it's just PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to gain massive weight unless you are consuming and storing those calories. if you are in a coma and no one gives you nourishment you are going to waste away. no matter what type of crazy medications you are on, no matter what type of crazy edema you have. it's physically impossible.

    it is a whole lot to mentally deal with and maybe the OP is just not there yet. as frustrating as it is to witness a person in that dangerous of a state, no one can FORCE her to see the light, you know?

    it just really hurts my heart because people out here are trying so hard to get this surgery to save their lives. people are mortgaging their homes or taking out loans to even go out of the country to get this surgery. and then when you see someone so defiant and abrasive and unappreciative of it...that just breaks my heart. and then when they become HOSTILE to the point of wanting to pipe off at a community dedicated towards getting healthy it's just so painful. obviously the OP is just unaware. and you know, hey. it is what it is.

    imagine going to an AA meeting or an NA meeting and you have that one person there who wants to rant at everybody like "Oh, yeah...I have 100 DUIs, I ran into a few houses, I drove my car into a lake, but I do not have an alcohol problem, I do not have a drug problem. Every DUI I got was because I had just used Listerine right before I drove. I always drink in moderation. My body just doesn't process alcohol well so that is not my fault but yet I am going to keep drinking. I don't know why I am here I am sick of hearing about being clean and sober." You'd want to pull your hair out!

    Well, maybe not after the sleeve LOL. I want to keep each and every strand I currently have.

  3. Oh yeah because it was oh so important to respond to posts about vitamuffins...how about you mind your own business what I choose to respond to and stop shaking your damn head at people you dont know. But if you need to know this post seemed to be the only one worth responding to because I wanted to state my own side.

    Okay. Well, no one can help you with your attitude.

    God bless and protect you and may God bless and protect anyone who has to deal with you.

  4. I remember researching this long before surgery. I'm a little over five weeks out now and I smoked again for the first time last week.

    Since then, I've smoked twice more. Honestly, it is something I will probably always do. I am not a big drinker and my body responds good to weed. I get relaxed and it's something that can really make a night out with friends more enjoyable.

    As for the munchies, I haven't had any issues. I went to dinner with my friend and had my small plate of food. I ate slow and really relished the taste of it. I actually think I ate slower than I would sober because I was so aware of everything.

    Honestly, it's not for everyone. I get that some people will always frown upon it. But I personally think alcohol is far worse for you AND for your sleeve. To each their own!

    yes i think alcohol is a billion times worse. it's the only ingestible thing that is poisonous to every single cell in your body. that's crazy, eh?

    i dont drink. i never have even sipped alcohol honestly but i will probably always smoke. even my family overseas smoke and they live in a muslim country. i think it's just natural and okay. i also have a prescription for it so it's fine for me :)

  5. Where did i say i wanted feedback in this post? I wrote this post to rant (not every post is a question)...if u read my 2nd post it asks if anyone else feels the same way what were they lectured on? I hate when people say they are confused...you are not confused. No one soft shoed anything. .they asked me questions as to why I am overweight if I didn't eat a lot, I answered their questions and answerer some more. No one offended me in this post, its questions I get a lot because frankly I had the same questions.

    This is not an attack or a lecture but just some of my own personal thoughts that I wanted to share.

    Everyone's perception is different - because I personally see two handfulls of posts where people are soft shoeing and tiptoeing and walking on eggshells. Even the preface 'this is not a lecture' is a form of walking on eggshells in an attempt to lessen any potential 'blowback'.

    However, if one is used to throwing tantrums and having their way handed to them - they typically are unaware of other peoples efforts to avoid upsetting them and having to deal with their rants or tantrums.

    To the OP: perhaps a website like Blogger or Blogdrive or LiveJournal where you can control/restrict other peoples abilities to read and/or reply to your posts. Or an old fashioned diary would be better for you than the traditional forum format.

    You can not control the actions of another living being.

    Even the meat of a dead cow will still resist the butchers knife. (Arab Proverb)

  6. hang in there, dear!

    i had some hiccups that scared me so bad thinking i was gonna vomit and suffocate at the same time but just try to mentally just calm yourself down and breathe. just close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. maybe watch a Tai Chi or Yogic Breathing video on Youtube to help you learn how to centre yourself and breathe.

    also use a tablespoon and a cup of Water and just every few moments just sip a tablespoon of Water. like take 10 breaths and drink the tablespoon of water. my first day home i barely drank but the next day i got a good 40oz down with the tablespoon method. just keep a cup in your lap and watch a TV show and just keep taking the tablespoons of cold water down.

    i hope this helps!

    feel better soon, ok?

  7. This thread is such a good example of so many things.

    Mainly that the sender has no control over how the receiver interprets the message and that everybody's perception of reality is seen through their own eyes and everyone has a different degree of visual acuity.

    OP - I wish you positivity, health, and happiness. And if you already have it - I hope it continues.

  8. I have only been drinking Water and crystal light, then Popsicles. That with Protein shakes.

    congrats on your surgery! i am 5 days post op as of today :)

    i am on the same diet with the addition of broth.

    it's all liquid. pretty much any time i have to go #1 #2 shows up as a plus1 to my bathroom party.

    using cottonelle freshwipes helps instead of toilet paper. just pat dry with the toilet paper and if all else fails, clean everything up really well and then use a little bacitracin back there. just a dab.

  9. I was wondering about the binder as well.

    I got one in the hospital. I also just ordered some on eBay.

    I was so shocked that the hospital gave me an XL binder especially since i wore size 3x and 4x stretch pants. it fits, though. my waist has always been disproportionately small when compared to the rest of my body though, but I didn't think an XL would work lol.

    for those who took it off...do you find yourself doing other things to kind of support your tummy? layering tank tops or wearing yoga pants with the thingie folded up?

  10. I bought it at Safeway. I live in Canada but I'm assuming most grocery stores would probably have similar? It was called Genisoy. Also, the key for me is definitely to make it in a smoothie, not a "shake".

    Just mixing it with milk was always inedible for me but when I mix it with the fruit, yogurt, and juice, I can't taste it at all!

    I also use it in baking. I made Breakfast "cookies" with pumpkin and oats, Splenda, and some other stuff and used 1/2 cup of the soy Protein in place of flour. Turned out quite well. I think I'll try it with oatmeal raisin next time.

    i so know what you mean about needing some stuff in a smoothie and not a shake. the thickness and other ingredients just make it easier to handle. that is a good idea - making the Protein Cookies. i started making psyllium Cookies back when i was low carb dieting. im gonna go look for some home made protein cookie recipes. thanks for the idea!!

    I really like the Premier Protein ready made shakes. I buy them at costco. There are 30g of protein in just 11 oz, so was able to handle them early on. They have been my saving grace! I also sucked on SF popcocles and crushed ice in the early days after surgery to stay hydrated.

    now you have me wondering if there is a way to make home made protein popsicles. heehee.

    such good ideas in here!!

  11. I am a single sleever as well and I've always gotten attention. I think I am kind of used to it, and I am so thankful that I am getting sleeved a little older. I was quite slim until age 20, then gradually gained massive weight over 10 years. I was also married. The decision to lose weight was a catalyst for my divorce, unfortunately. I think moving my 6'/400lb mother in law in was a mistake for my health and my marriage.

    I am kind of scared of the attention that I will get when I am a regular size again (regular being 18 and under). I've always gotten attention but that constant unrelenting attention that I got as a younger person or that I see my small friends have to go through scares the heck out of me.

    I do not date for religious reasons but it's very uncomfortable when even the nurses in the hospital or the hospital valet people are like "Don't get pregnant." and "You're going to have to beat men off with a stick." Like, I don't even want to think about that! LOL. Even my doctor was pressuring me about birth control. I kept telling them "I won't be doing any of that until I get remarried". Such awkward conversations OMG.

    I just got sleeved Thursday and the few people I let know are already saying that I am going to be mean or going to be a 'B' word when I get skinny. I lost about 120lbs before my surgery and people are saying I have changed, that I am different, etc. Most of these people were not in my life though when I weighed 135lbs LOL so they don't know I have always just been the same 'me'.

    I would LOVE to hear what other people have experienced about this. Also, how do you deal with the paranoia of "Would they have liked me fat? What happens when they find out I had WLS? Would they leave me if they found out I used to be almost 500lbs?"

    I plan to get married again ONE DAY, God willing but I'm so scared because I know attractiveness and physical fitness are huge factors that are considered when men look for wives.

  12. LipstickLady I have been doing the deep breathing exercises and my doctor monitors me with the spirometer or whatever it's called. I was mostly concerned about how soon after I can smoke and how people have dealt with the coughing.

    My doctor gave me some edibles (suckers) for after I am released from the hospital because of the cotton mouth situation and suggested that I try a vaporizer because it's better on your lungs. Which I am going to actually go look on eBay for right now :)

  13. i am SO GLAD that someone posted this topic. i had to quit smoking weed for almost 3 months and i still had very trace amounts in my last drop, which was about two weeks ago. i should be good now.

    i have a medical marijuana card and quitting was SO HARD for me and without the weed i have had a pain situation so bad i wound up in the hospital once and i had to go back to physical therapy and they gave me percocet 10 and ambien.

    i can not function on percocet 10 and ambien :( also i had to quit those 2 weeks ago (my surgery is on thursday). i can function on weed.

    OMG this is the question i have been SEARCHING for answers to/opinions on.

  14. Hi everybody. I am so glad that I found this message board. I have been primarily watching YouTube videos until now. I just googled the topic, and it said this is the number one board so I joined.

    I have been trying to get the gastric sleeve for just under two years. I was waiting for Medicaid/Medicare to approve it.

    I also started making small lifestyle changes and I managed to lose nearly 120lbs on my own since last year. Just by cutting down and walking/swimming. I was over 500lbs. I weigh 405.8 as of this morning.

    Here is the issue. The liquid pre-op diet was going just fine until yesterday afternoon. I had chinese food. Sesame chicken to be exact. My surgery is in four days :( so I am kind of scared. Also I just feel really bad because literally the liquid diet went out of my mind and I was in, "this is okay, I worked out for 2 hours today and I'm going swimming tomorrow" mode. I wasn't even thinking gastricsleeve-ically. That's not a word but, you know.

    So I'm scared because I'm concerned about my bowel prep. I am also scared because my brain has been stuck in this mindset I had spent so much energy into developing the last couple of years that I just reverted back to it. Since starting my diet/exercise plan I pretty much eat clean 80% of the time and I cheat if I want to but I always work out A LOT around my cheat and to not cheat more than one day every other week. I was trying to develop the same habits regular sized people I see have.

    But I know that after the sleeve, I can't do that. I need to have a sleeved mentality.

    I feel really bad and I feel like I sabotaged myself. Is this going to have a bad effect on my surgery? I didn't binge. I stopped eating when I felt full. I actually have a huge plate of the food in my fridge still because they put so much food in the combination plates. (My brother is taking it to work with him later so I'm not eating any more of it).

    I started back up with my liquids today. I just got right back on track. But I'm still very worried. I really wanted my weight to be under 400lbs when I had the surgery. That was just a goal I had set for myself but now I don't know if I'm gonna make it :(

    Sorry this is so long. Thanks for any advice/support/help.

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