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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by cindymg

  1. Anyone getting cramps? I'm left arm and hand have been cramping to the point of looking distorted.

    Today was my first day at the gym and I also didn't many carbs today, so I think that may be it.

    Have you had your Vitamin levels tested? Cramps can be caused by low potassium and magnesium. I think you should call your doctor.

  2. Sounds like your food is causing gas. Are you on a PPI for stomach acid? I can't take the prescription stuff, but Pepcid makes a chewable tablet that's good (avail at Walgreens). Also get some GasX strips if you don't already have them. They really help.

    When you can take pills again, you might want to add a Probiotic. Look for "Pearls" brand as they are really small and go down easily. I also recently started taking Digestive Enzymes which help with the gas. Those pills are larger so you might need to wait awhile until you can swallow them.

    Finally, Constipation is common until you can get to the normal food stage. Add in a couple of stool softeners a day, and add powdered Fiber to your Soups and yogurt. It is tasteless, and helps keeps things moving. If it has been more than a few days since a BM, take some Miralax.

  3. Our local PBS station showed this BBC Documentary last night. Sounds like an infomercial title, I know, but it was really quite scientific and I learned quite a bit (and this from a woman who has read every diet/nutrition book around)! There is a really interesting part about why Protein helps keep us feeling fuller longer, and how exercise burns fat even long after the exercise session.

    Here's a free site that shows the documentary. Check it out, about 58 minutes:


  4. I'm scheduled to be sleeved on Jan 14 and I'm having second thoughts. Has anyone else gone through this, and what did you do?


    Surgery is scary and this is a permanent change. Go back over the reasons you decided to go this route. If you can't find more positives about the surgery than negatives, then you can always put this off. Overeaters Anonymous has a saying that when the fear of where you are going is less than the pain of where you are, that's when you'll change.

    Good luck on your journey. It's going to be amazing!

  5. 40 years of morbid obesity for me -- save the few months every year when I would lose 40-80 pounds, then gain it all (and more) right back. I had most of the diseases that go along with obesity, and frankly I got sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    I'm kinda old and pretty bitchy, so when I learned about sleeve surgery, I knew immediately it was for me. And frankly, I didn't care what anyone else thought. If anyone tried to make a negative comment, I was always ready with the details of my medical problems. That usually shut people up pretty fast.

    And for family, when I told them I was having surgery, I started out by telling them I was having a sex change operation. Then once they got over the shock of that statement, I told them what I was really doing.

    Success is the best revenge for those naysayers (I know there is a better cliche' there, but it's late and I can't remember it). 7.5 months post-op, I am a completely different person (still bitchy though), medical problems resolved, tons of energy, an entirely new wardrobe, and now an exciting new job! So there you negative nellies!

    Don't let anyone make you feel bad for a decision that affects YOUR LIFE. Keep moving forward. Soon you'll be so successful that they will all eat their words!

  6. Yeah, my aunt and my mother kept commenting on how skinny my butt was getting when I visited for Christmas. I didn't think I could be embarrassed, but that did it! What else could expect though from my mother who gave me a sexy negligee for my 30th birthday because she was worried about my continuing single status.

    Thing is, I don't see my skinny butt. I only see my baggy-butt pants, because I have to buy my pants a size or two bigger to fit my stubborn waistline. All I see is the 30 lbs hanging on in my midsection. So I guess it's a good thing that someone notices my progress. Reminds me to not be so hard on myself. No one else is.

  7. That's exactly my issue. I forget to resume drinking again and before I know it the day is gone and I've only had 12 oz total.

    Need a way to get all my fluids in..

    Set your alarm on your phone to 30 mins after eating. I just have to remember that it's two glasses in the morning, 3 in the afternoon, then 2 in the evening. If I forget, I look at my hands. My fingers get all pruny when dehydration sets in. You can do this!

  8. I gave up sugar years ago when I went on Atkins. As a Type 2 diabetic, it was my way of staying off insulin. I HATED insulin, so it was a small sacrifice. How does someone who doesn't eat sugar end up needing WLS, you ask? By substituting other foods -- in massive quantities -- for sugar-laden items.

    Since my sleeve, I have been flirting with the thought of eating "just a little" sugar. So, in typical addict style, I baked 5 different kinds of Cookies, brownies, 7 layer bars for friends and family. I tasted just a corner of a couple of the items, to make sure they were okay. I told myself that "a taste, does not a binge make." And a taste was all I needed. So far so good.

    I also gave up wheat after my sleeve. bread was a big problem for me before my surgery, and now I no longer have a taste for it. But feeling deprived with all of the surrounding goodies, I thought I might make myself some sugar-free pumpkin bread for my holiday treat. Made with Splenda and organic whole wheat flour and it came out dreadfully dry. Baked the bread, I had about 2 slices and went to bed. The next day the feeling was "did anyone get the license plate of that truck that ran me over?" Had another couple of slices (just to prove the theory), then spent the next day in the bathroom. Blood sugar went sky high! That's why i felt like warmed-over death. sugar-free pumpkin Bread went in the trash, and I am back to eating things that make me feel good. So totally not worth it, except to prove to me that I really cannot eat sugar and flour AT ALL, even post sleeve. Lesson learned.

  9. Take Fish Oil. The post op diet doesn't contain enough fat which is one thing that can cause hair loss. I take Krill Oil 2x a day because the pills are small. You can also take Coromega, which is an orange-flavored gel in indiv packets. Avail at GNC. Also take Biotin, zinc and a good multi. But getting your 60-80 grams of Protein will help as much as anything.

    I also use Revita Shampoo and conditioner. It helps prevent shedding and helps with regrowth. And, I try not to wash my hair everyday to keep it from drying out even more.

  10. Alright people, what the heck do you do about joint pain now? Before I'd pop some ibuprofen but that's no longer an option. My joints hurt more now than they did pre-op and I feel like I'm starting to hobble around! Throw that together with being crazy tired I may as well be three times my age!

    I was thinking about your joint pain and have a theory. What prescription drugs are you taking? If you are taking a PPI like Protonix or Nexium, those drugs can cause joint pain. Also if you are taking a Statin (like Crestor or Lipitor) those can cause joint pain. Even if you have been taking these drugs for awhile, as you lose weight you might become more sensitive to these and other drugs. Hope this helps.

  11. Hi Cindy! Cindy here. Had my gallbladder out 12 days ago. 2 surgeries in 6 months -- my body is not happy. Surgery is a lot easier than sleeve. In and out the same day. Some foods are nauseating me (the fatty ones of course), and I am REALLY tired, but otherwise okay.

    I have had intermittent pain in my right side for about 7 years, and I kept telling doctors that came from "that family". All women in my family have gall bladder problems. But ultrasounds didn't show any gall stones so gallbladder issues ruled out. My Bariatric surgeon sent me for a HIDA scan when I casually mentioned nausea 4 months after my sleeve. HIDA scan showed a gallbladder full if sludge and basically non-functional. So it had to come out. Don't let them dismiss you with an negative ultrasound -- insist on a HIDA scan!

    Good luck to you. And feel better!

  12. Get the "Climate Smart" Cuddle duds. They are made from the high-tech materials that are used in running clothes. They have the wicking ability. You can wear them indoors under your clothes without getting hot. I live in Chicago -- we layer. I have Cuddle duds in every color and give them for gifts!

  13. I had a problem with insomnia early on. I found that if I had a high-protein dairy snack before I went to bed, then I could sleep. Try cottage cheese or Greek yogurt. Something easy to digest.

    Also, don't exercise before bedtime. And take Calcium and magnesium before bed. They help make you sleepy. Take multi- Vitamin early in the day.

    If none of that works, call your primary care physician.

  14. Can you find a PCP that is WLS-friendly? Some are and know everything about Bariatric surgery and the required tests. Some are not WLS-friendly and I would think that would be a nightmare. My PCP is WLS friendly. She referred me to my surgeon and they work well together. I think my PCP is more excited about my surgery than I am!

  15. I'm three weeks post op, and the only nagging pain that comes and goes is about six inches from the stomach removal incision. It's similar to the kind of pain you get in your side when you've been running and is called stitch in your side? I feel it at random times near my right rib cage during the day, and when I'm sleeping in bed if I turn to my right side. Is this common to still get this pain, and does it eventually go away? Bending over or twisting to the side can aggravate the area too. Thanks!

    I had that pain for awhile after my sleeve surgery. It goes away. But now I am 1 week out from gallbladder surgery. And that "stitch" is back. I think it is gas, so I am taking GasX. You can use GasX strips if you are newly sleeved.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
