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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MumtazG38

  1. ^ Slow and Steady wins the race. ;)

    Well, 2 days to 10 weeks now and I've not lost much more honestly. But...the inches! Goodness the inches. I'm down from a super tight uncomfortable size 18 jean (at the waist) to a 12 perfect fit. Haven't been this size since highschool! I'm actually smaller than highschool to be honest. I barely have anymore stomach left. It's just my lower pouch...but I've had two kids...and my youngest just turned a year on the 25th...so yeah. That might never be gone for all I know...but come on now...size 18 to size 12...if that's not hope...what is?

    I'm also wearing medium size shirts now. I was a L/XL. Usually XL. I could sort of get away with a large if I wore my steel lined corset underneath. I've tossed that for 2 months now lol. My face is super slim, and contoured now. I'm loving this. Hoping this keeps up! :D

  2. Sleeved July 25th (2 days to 10 week mark, this Wed) and 23.8lbs down w/ 52.6 to go. Stalled from week 3 to week 7. Started losing weight week 8. Down 5lbs in the last two weeks. So I'd say, weight loss is super super slow! I'm barely even making a crawl.

    However, I'm down inches like no ones business. Down from a super tight/uncomfortable size 18 skinny jeans in waist to a super loose size 14, and a perfect fit size 12! Not bad my friends...not bad at all! My thighs didn't really need much, but those are tiny too. My legs are super muscular calves of sexyness (they sort of always were...but now...DAMN). My arms are down, my bra size is down 2 cups, however my band remain's the same (bra rolls anyone lol). My face! OH MY FACE I TELL YA! So slim. No double chin in sight. And sooooooo slim with all that natural contouring in my cheek/hollows etc. Nice!

    So I'd trade inches over lbs any day! :)

    I just hope to keep dropping the inches like this forever! HAHA!

  3. I'm nervous since my bmi is lower than most who've got the sleeve. My bmi is 33. I'm 5"2 and 190 but ideally want to be what I was when I got married 125. I hope I lose weight but I hear the less u have to lose the slower you lose. Anyone else start out at my size?

    I'm 5' 1" and was 33 bmi day of surgery. I agree that the smaller we are the slower we lose, however, It balances out since we have so much less to lose in any case. So we get to goal at the same regardless. At least this is what I'm telling myself.

    My ticker's got my progress so far. Weightloss slowed to a pathetic excuse for a crawl at weeks 3, 4 and 5 post op. I gained 3 lbs in that last week, lost them overnight through drinking tons of Water to keep me full and avoid eating and drank 2 Protein shakes (30g each) to avoid food. Ate only 500 calories that day. Lost 3 of those gained lbs plus an ounce or two that had been stuck for 5-6 days. Then...I hit a full on (no ups, no downs) stall for another week and a half. This was week 6 and most of week 7. Now I'm 3 days into week 8 and am on my period. I finally broke the stall though! PHEW! Lost 2lbs and 14 oz overnight for no reason at all on day 2 of week 8. Lost 2oz today (day 3 of week 8). Again, no changes.

    So yeah, hope I don't stall again and manage to keep at this rate for the remainder of my journey. Not counting on it though. But hey...a girl can dream.


    Good luck!

  4. So easy!

    You just take about 4-5 cups of milk and scald it. Stop the heat before it begins to boil over. Let it cool down. Check with your hand after an hour or so, if it doesn't burn then your good. lol. Once the milk is cool just add 2-3 tbsp of yogurt (I use what I've already made previously...but you can buy the single serving tubs...I think they even have single serving greek now). Then you just mix the milk and yogurt super lightly a couple of times, so it's evenly distributed and pour it into a container of your choice. Turn the oven up to warm for a bit and turn it off after 3 minutes. You just want it to be slightly warm in there. Or, if your kitchen is normally warm and you don't mind waiting up to 12 hours you can just keep it on the stove. That's what my mom and I do. Otherwise, just stick the almost-greek-yogurt in the warmed up/turned off oven and if you've a light let that stay on too, it'll keep it from cooling down. Come back after 5-6 hours and check on the greek yogurt. If it looks like yogurt you're almost done! Basically it should be thicker and should stay together when moved around like thinned out yogurt.

    Once it's done you just get a cheesecloth and a rubberband and place the cheesecloth over the bowl and rubberband it down, not too tight, not too loose cause you're going to strain the whey out to make the yogurt "Greek"! So, pour all of the yogurt into the cloth covered bowl and stick it in the fridge for up to 4 hours. Whatever is left at the top, all nice and thick and greek yogurty is what you're gonna wanna seal up airtight and store in the fridge. Whatever is in the bowl is the "whey"! That stuff is great too!


  5. Wouldn't the ketosis test strips turn negative if I've eaten? I thought ketosis was only during a fast?

    I've been at a stall for the last 3 weeks, and the stall is worse than any I've been on. I'm actually running around crazy trying to NOT GAIN right now, it's that bad. I'm at 500-530 calories, and under 20g carbs, and over always 85+g Protein and every single time I've gotten in anything NEAR 600 calories I've gained 3+ lbs this whole stall! I'm losing my damn mind here. How in hell can I be restricting calories and carbs and fat so much and still be losing my mind trying not to gain! I thought the weight was supposed to be falling off!!! What I wouldn't do to have even a fraction of a pound a day come off, or even every 2-3 days.....I thought the ridiculous gain cycle was over with now that I've had this surgery! I'm not even eating how much I can easily eat. I've portioned everything I put into my mouth because I know I can't starve, and I know I can't exceed my calories for some reason or I end up gaining. Exercise is only making me feel stupid right now. I workout like insane for 3-5 days, check my weight...and oop....we're stuck, or up. I realize muscle gains etc....but I promise you its not that. I measure, among many other things.

    So frustrated with this damn sleeve right now. It's not even that I can't eat. THE WORST PART is the fact that I can eat probably however much I want, just haven't let myself test the limit cause I'm terrified of having too many calories and gaining again. But I know this, my stomach could easily take 1-2 cups of whatever I'm eating since day 1...literally the first day out.(beef, turkey, salad, chicken...any form...any consistancy....everything goes!). Almost as much as before, just a teeny bit less really. I just avoid eating high calorie/fat stuff so I don't gain.

    Why after the surgery am I having to work just as, or twice as hard to lose weight....or better yet....keep myself from gaining for the past 3 weeks?

    Yeah....I'm pissed.

    Sorry for the rant. I suck.

  6. I feel like that too! Turns out it was heartburn. I honestly thought they were serious hunger pains from HELL! Funny though, they sure don't feel like heartburn. They're pretty low for them too....its so strange. But yep, that is what they are. They've definitely lessened now. I just had one super long episode that just now ended only 10-15 minutes ago after I had some turkey chili. It's my fourth time having it since I made it and my portion is super tiny too......no reason I guess. But I swear I thought I was super starving to death. Then I realized that when I get truly hungry, I'm dizzy and lightheaded within 3-5 minutes of the feeling. I didn't get that with this feeling. Strange enough though, it does tend to calm down for a bit right after I have a sip or two of my Protein Shake or Water or something. Just like hunger does. But it usually comes back in a bit....

  7. Hi,

    I'm having trouble eating as much as I should. My weight loss slowed down a bit but once I added Protein shakes back in, it picked back up. My husband told me that if you don't eat enough, the body goes into starvation mode and you won't lose. Good luck!



    Basically...if you stall despite avoiding all sugar and white carbs try one of these a day until you see what works for you.

    1.Eat more.

    2.Eat less.

    3.Workout / Workout more

    4.Stop working out / give that body a rest to heal and replace muscle!

    5.Change up what you're eating. (If you're low carb, high Protein, low fat. Change it up, make it high fat, low carb, high protein or whatever else works for you!)

    6.Change up you're workout. If you're lifting weights, try cardio. Vice versa.

    7. Drink more Water. This should be number 1 from my experience!

  8. All I have to say (further) about this stupid stall is.....guys....just drink down that Water please! I swear...I don't know how I would have lost those evil 3lbs I gained the other day if I hadn't drank up my 2 litres like a mad women. Not to mention it kept me away from grazing and made it so I had less meals. I just had 2 Protein shakes a day and my 2 litres of water...and a turkey slice lettuce wrap (66 cals, 33 if you use just one slice). 3 times in the whole day. Kept my calories low at 520 approx, kept my fat super low at 13g, my carbs lower than ever at 13.9g, and my Protein HIGHER THAN EVER at 91.2g!!!

    I lost those 3lbs over night. Plus 2 ounces that I was stalled at for so many weeks! I know 2 ounces doesn't seem like much, but for us stalled for several weeks....it's enough to have a mini-fiesta over LOL.

    BTW...Just thought I'd add again...July 25th here. :)

  9. Is anyone at 5 weeks out not really loosing weight? I slowed to a stop at three weeks which I assumed was the "dreaded 3 week" stall. But I am still not loosing. I have lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks. I am eating around 700-750 calories, I burn at least 200 of those daily with excercise Anyone have any advice. I am seeing the nut tomorrow to go over my fitness pal. I track everything. I don't want 26 pounds to be it.

    I too stalled badly at 2 weeks and am still stalled pretty much on the last day of my 5th week. It's really upsetting. I even gained 3lbs overnight because I had 700 calories the night before the last! UGH! I knocked myself back down to 520 cals and lost those 3 plus 2 ounces yesterday...and have tried to do the same today and will see what the scale says tomorrow. This stall is the absolute WORST.LOL

  10. Try Wellesse Multi Vitamin+. They're liquid. I just got mine in the mail today...Natural Citrus Flavor. Tastes like slightly diluted orange juice. I don't mind taking the ounce (2 measuring tablespoons) directly honestly, and that's saying a lot as I absolutely despise liquid/chewable Vitamins and medicine tasting stuff. But this wasn't bad at all. Well at least not as bad as all the others I've tried. Yuck! However, I did add it to my orange flavored Energy crystal lite to make a tasty SuperMommy Infusion! So that it would last me all day rather than just take a shot of the stuff and hope it does. But that's just moi. I think you can get it at most RiteAids too....I ordered via vitacost.com. But you can always call your local Riteaid and check.

    Good luck. :D

    oooh....and you can always just add them to your favorite drinks and shakes and it's like orange juice....so the possibilities are limitless. Here's a link to some examples of homemade Vitamin Water that tastes waaaaay better than the useless brand stuff. (I love this women, everyone needs to check her recipes out!!OMG!!)


    or.....there's always gummies. :)

  11. I was having the exact same doubts as you for the passed 3 weeks or so out of this whole month after my surgery. Thinking I've got practically no restriction...the surgeon should have taken out more...I'm failing this thing yada yada. Honestly, it took me the whole 3 weeks to realize that for some odd reason, my stomach can handle whatever I throw at it, as long as I stop when I'm full (actually before than, otherwise I feel tightness now, which I never did the first 3 weeks). I just eat teeny tiny spoons and wait a sec or two....I put that spoon down too. And once I even remotely "sigh" while I'm eating. I'm done! No matter what!

    Fact is, some people will get super uncomfortably or painfully full after eating a tablespoon. Others will blow chunks all over the place. And some of us....will be jealous of those people like nothing else!!!! This is just what it is. The thing is, you need to realize (like I did, finally....garsh I'm stubborn!) that you DID have the surgery and your stomach IS SUPER NUMB right now, so you won't even realize that the last tablespoon or two you just swallowed down...may have ripped a serious whole right through your newly incised stomach. There is simply no chance that you are failing the surgery biologically, but if you keep eating without counting spoons, and putting down the spoon....you will be failing the surgery as a tool to lose that weight!

    I feel the same way you do sometimes...and just want to shout. But hey, I'm down 16lbs plus some in this month alone...have only 23lbs till mid goal...and 60 till super thin lifetime goal!!!! That means someones doing something right! I've been making food in portions. Teeny tiny portions. I don't even wait for the full (sigh) signal anymore, I just eat that small portion of 5-6 small spoons and leave it at that. If I get hungry again...I'll just have another portion. So what...the way I'm cooking my food keeps my calories and carbs super low, and Protein super high. So that's all that matters, I can have a portion or two more if I really want to.

    Fact is, you're doing fine. And the sleeve is totally working for you hun! Now, the difference is it'll take some time to adjust into that tightness...and even if you never get there (sorta like me...lol) then you can rely on practicing "I'm full" signals. Whichever they may be for you. The sigh test worked for me for the first 3 days only, after that I learned exactly how much I needed to be full PLUS I learned the difference between satisfied and full/going to pop and can stop well before the sigh...and be super duper happy after a meal...as opposed to super duper depressed, guilty and worried that I am eating to much to succeed.

    My suggestion is...don't rely on any restrictions. Just trust that you have a much smaller stomach now, and no matter what you can put in it and get away with it. The point of the entire surgery is that you USE IT LIKE A TOOL! ;). Just eat enough to get rid of the ravenous hunger feeling (if you have that like me, otherwise just count those spoons lucky you! ;) ). And put that spoon down and call it a day. Oh and if you've a stomach of steel like me (and if you're a guy...you probably do lol)...and can pretty much digest anything from the first day out (including those ruddy m&ms....LOL) just remember, sticking to you post-op diet is going to make you super charge that weight loss. And even one stinking bit of sugar can screw it all up, and WILL add even more cravings for sugar and useless carbs!

    Don't worry too much hun...I did, and it didn't get me anything haha! Just stick to that post-op diet, stick to those phases, and move at the pace the doc wants you to. This way, YOU CANT BE THE GUILTY ONE lol. Plus, you'll lose a boat load of weight eating so restrictively. It's only to you're benefit hun!

    Good luck! :D


    No one says you need to stay hungry ok. Just make better food choices. Plus, I realized something HUGE this week...which is stupid since everyone and they're mother was repeating this to me for ages but I'm too stubborn to listen.........DRINK YOU'RE WATER!!!! I swear...I thought it was all bull! LOL. But no, honestly between my 2 litres of Water a day, and my 2 Protein shakes a day...I barely want to touch anything food related...it can be pizza for all I care...It ain't going anywhere NEAR my mouth after I've had a shake lol.

  12. Thanks guys for all the support!

    Yep, I got it checked out at 2.5 weeks post op when bleeding was the worst. (So I thought at the time, lol...it got worse haha). Plus my moms' a nurse and midwife so she keeps checking on me every time I complain a little (yerse...I live with my mommy....sue meh...she's old and my kids need extended family, plus hubby loves having her quirky self around so it all works out doesn't it haha!!! ;) ). Both the doctor and my mom think it's just the Mirena and how it is, add the surgery and the weightloss (more so the inches lost, which is more significant by far) and it sort of makes sense. Ultrasound for placement was fine, it's where it's supposed to be.

    Now I think about it, I've noticed this pattern with me before, where I get 2-3 months of 3-6 day light-medium light period and am good, but than 1 month comes where I'm on my period for practically the whole month. But it just has never been this heavy. I guess this was that month after the 2-3 months of normality. Darn this ridiculous IUD from the darkest reaches of hell!!!! I'm so close to just getting it taken out...but with the future weight loss I'm really not interested in getting knocked up yet at all lol.

    Anyways....on to some good news. So I did the Protein shakes and 2 litre Water thing yesterday (not gonna lie, I had 3 solid meals though, only they were 66 cals each and kept my calories at 528 w/ fat at almost 13g for the whole day, and carbs under 14g and Protein as high as 91g!!!) But I made sure to have my full 2 Protein Shakes and drink all my Water no matter what and I LOST THE 3lbs I'd gained....plus 2 ounces that I was stuck on for almost a week lol!!!


    Better believe I'm doing it again today! HAHA!

  13. Well, I've been on the longest period of my life since a week after I got my surgery. So pretty much I had the week of my surgery (6 days) with no period. Had my period before those 6 days off, and still have my period since those 6 days off. Super heavy. Way different for me. I'm thinking this surgery totally threw my hormones off because I've never had a period this long and this ridiculously heavy either!!! Sure I've originally had wonky periods ever since this hellish Mirena (IUD) but, none this long. And the fact that it all wraps around the surgery...well....yeah.

    Ugh...sometimes I just want to tell myself that IT IS the period....but goodness, that's depressing seeing as it doesn't seem it's ever going to stop at this rate. LOL

  14. Wow...I can't believe my 3 week stall right now!!! I lost the majority of my 16lbs down in the first 2 weeks. Of which I lost like 11lbs in the first week (including pre-op diet loss), then I stalled again, starved myself (even more) to lose about 5 more and it took forever to come off. Then stalled again for the next 2 weeks, and now I've GAINED 3 lbs throwing me back at a loss of 13 lbs......what the hell!!!

    My calories are consistently 500-590, with 50-70g Protein, and always well under 50g carbs (average of 13-18g, not once above 25g). My fat is also very super clean saturated, and less than it needs to be...but I'm still stuck. And even gained 3 lbs. I mean, I'm 1 month out....what the hell is going on!!! I've half a mind to talk to my doctor directly about this! I am taking prilosec every single day at the recommended dose, and also take liquid antacids before each meal despite the fact that I don't have heartburn, just so that I can shut out all the comments about the whole...oh you're not hungry, its just heartburn thing! lol. I'm still hungry, and the way I can tell is that I get dizzy and lightheaded within 5-8 minutes of the hunger feeling. Yes, I'm eating a lot less often now, and much less food too (I mean flippin' 500-590 cals!!)

    Today, I'm doing something different and hoping it'll break this gaining/stall cycle...I'm just having Protein shakes (30g) when I get hungry and drinking more than my full 2 litres to see where that takes me. Only 1 solid meal all day, and even that is 77 calories at 11g Protein, 2 carbs and 2g sat fat. And if I see anything change (going down that is) on the scale tomorrow morning (even a half decimal point lol) I'm going nuts and knocking out even that 1 solid meal and replacing it with more Water and a protein shake!

    If this doesn't work, I'm calling my lawyer! ;)

  15. I'm getting nervous because I'm almost 4 weeks out and feeling crappy as well. Back to almost all liqids because everything else upsets my stomach. Also feel nauseous and stomach pain and also super tired and easily fatigued...

    Well, the easily tired and fatigued would be due to the tiny tiny bit of calories/protein you're able to ingest I'd think. Other than that, sometimes the sleeve does revert back a bit after letting you do well on a level/phase of eating. Mine did that a few times, but for only a few days at a time. But if you are feeling like something might be wrong your best bet is to get to a doctor and have everything checked out.

    Same goes for rphp. If you feel like something is wrong, you should definitely get looked at! I mean this is surgery on your stomach we're talking about...it's a big deal!

    Good luck and be well and healthy everyone!

  16. I've been pretty much doing the same thing. "Testing" little bites of this and that to see if I could handle it. Truth be told, I completely skipped the "puréed" part and went straight to soft foods because I'd chew my food for so long it'd pretty much be puréed when I swallowed it anyway. I used to be a big salad Water but haven't had the nerve to try lettuce though. Has anyone tried it at almost 5 weeks out?

    Just tried lettuce 3 days ago, and haven't had a single issue having about 1-2 leaves a day since (1 leaf per wrap/sandwich). Makes for GREAT super low calorie, high Protein wraps! Ridiculously quick and convenient!!

    I also cut my pureed stage in half, from 2 weeks to 1 week and moved onto soft foods as soon as I noticed no problems getting things down. It fills me up quicker, and I noticed my calories drop significantly on fitday the moment I started soft foods. What a great feeling! Even if I'm not losing weight, at least I'm keeping my calories super low! Eventually, I'll HAVE TO lose weight at this rate!

  17. Not drinking with the meal is ok for me...it's right before and right after, I guess I need to actually time my meals! I always forget the 30 minutes before and after...You get thirsty when you eat!!! So that has been a little hard to get used to!

    Same problem here! If I accidentally even drink a sip of Water before a meal...I ruin the whole meal and have problems eating the whole time. I'm pretty much just sitting there getting more and more uncomfortable with each spoon of food until I just give up, still hungry. I'm also barely getting in 60g of Protein a day, and doing my best here to get it in nonetheless. I don't see anything more I can do to get in more, my sources of Protein are the absolute best right now...I mean you simply don't get any better than super lean, grass fed ground beef! LOL.

  18. Please tell me this 3 week stall will not stay. Is there anything different one can do to help with this stall. My surgery was July 29, and I'm lucky to get on 500-600 calories/ day. I can get 60-65g of Protein and 50-60 oz Fluid. Not sure what else I can do different.

    I'm going to try the 5 day pouch test starting tomorrow! Even though I've been eating super strictly and have no problems overeating or anything, or eating junk or anything. I'm eating super clean. But I think maybe 2 days of straight broth might throw this stall off some. I'm willing to try anything right about now...$7000.00+ is far too much money to have wasted on another failed weight loss solution!!!!

    Here's the link to all the info on it if you want to give it a try:


  19. Yes, I've had those weird fiber stitches poking out too, mainly in about 3 of my smallest incisions. The weirdest is in the incision smack dab between my breasts, its like a golden colored plastic stitch just poking out all long like lol. Super annoying to say the least. I don't mess with them, or pull on them though. Not interested in ripping myself open and visiting anything behind them ya know.

    Recovery was a cinch. I think day one post-op pretty much sucked. I was off meds by day 3 and haven't popped a single pill since. Fully pain free and flexible as normal. Honestly can't tell I had surgery at all. Was back to normal activities by day 4-5 and was running around after the boys (3 and 10 months) as usual by day 6. All incisions healed right up by day 8. Now they're just scars. Except for the drain incision, which stayed wide open up till day 14-16 (creeepy). Than sort of sealed up overnight and has since healed over exceptionally well. Not a scar yet though. I also fear loose skin...:(. I honestly didn't pre-op, but now that I can see that I've lost a ridiculous amount of inches (haven't measured yet but clothes are real loose around the waist and overall abdomen) I'm getting really scared looking at the skin, it's not tight around where my stretch marks from my pregnancies are, strange though....I never looked pregnant (no stomach whatsoever) and wasn't that big either...but it is what it is.

    I've been on my period pretty much ever since 4 days post op. And was on my period the day before I left for the hospital on the 24th. So I got real lucky and didn't have my period for the 5 days I was in the hospital and the hotel. Came home, and started immediately. Went on for 6 days, had spotting for 5, then started once more with an evil vengeance and we're at day 12 today. It's so heavy that I'm changing every 40-45 minutes, on the clock. Super strange! I lost about 10 lbs the first week, including the 3-day pre-op diet. Than have only lost 5lbs in these past 3. Which is sad at 500 calories a day, and watching everything from sodium, to sugar, to carbs(net or otherwise)and Proteins and fats. UGH!

    I'm having heartburn for the first time too...it doesn't make me hurt or anything but it always makes me feel like I'm super starving 5-30 minutes after eating. I deduced this fact only recently, about 2-3 days ago lol. I thought I was going nuts at first...how could I be so hungry after having 80% of my stomach removed?!? I have felt nauseas rarely due to it too.

    I'm going to start the 5 day pouch test tomorrow. Honestly, I didn't think I'd be needing it this soon. Anyone else stall for the last 3 weeks in the first month after surgery? Gosh!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
